FIG Foundation - Building a Sustainable Future

FIG General Assembly, Seoul, 6-11 May 2001
The FIG Education Foundation had its Annual Meeting and
meeting of the Board of Directors during the FIG Working Week 2000 in
Prague. At this meeting it was decided to propose to the General Assembly
that it decides to establish an FIG Foundation under FIG administration by
transferring the FIG Education Foundation from Australia to Denmark and
making the necessary legal actions and commitments and by keeping the
goals and principles of the FIG Education Foundation as long as possible.
This decision was then confirmed by the General Assembly.
The preparations to transfer the administration of the
Foundation from Australia to Denmark started immediately after the General
Assembly although the adoption of the new statutes and rules for the FIG
Foundation was postponed to the next Annual Meeting and the meeting of the
Board of Directors and the FIG General Assembly. These meetings took place
in Seoul, Korea in May, 2001. The Statutes of the FIG Foundation were
adopted at the Annual Meeting in Seoul and then confirmed by the FIG
General Assembly 11 May 2001. At the same time the FIG Education
Foundation was formally closed.
No legal actions were needed in Denmark to transfer the
Foundation to Copenhagen when it was established under the FIG
umbrella. The Foundation activities have already been started and the
funds from Australia have been transferred to the new bank account in
Denmark. The administration is now fully operated from the FIG office. The
Foundation has its own bank account and accounting system but its result
is included in the overall accounts of the Federation. The process to
close the FIG Education Foundation in Australia is still under way.
As the Foundation is part of FIG there will be no
special membership to the Foundation and therefore no membership fees will
be charged for 2001.
Goals, activities and new statutes
The Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting of the
Education Foundation were held in Seoul and this meeting made its
recommendation on the General Assembly for the statutes of the FIG
The statutes were prepared in a working group whose
members were Iain Greenway and Stig Enemark, both Directors
of the Education Foundation and the Director of FIG office. The
preliminary ideas were also discussed at the FIG Bureau meeting in
Providence in December 2000 and finalised at the Annual Meeting of the
Foundation in Seoul..
The basic ideas include:
- To maintain the goals of the Education Foundation as much as
possible however there shall be a clear split between the
responsibilities of the Foundation and the Federation
- Grants from the Foundation could be given e.g. as scholarships
or/and grants to projects developing curricula for surveying education,
capacity building in developing countries etc.
- Grants should not be used in sponsoring FIG representatives to
participate congresses of member associations (these shall be financed
from the FIG budget), visits of representatives from member associations
to participate FIG meetings, congresses etc (this funding should be
arranged either through aid-programmes or be included in the congress
- To start collect money from FIG events by including a certain sum in
the registration fee (it is already agreed that in Washington this will
be US$ 5 per delegate and later US$ 10)
- Voluntary contributions to the Foundation directly and in
conjunction with registering to the events shall be continued.
- To start giving grants as soon as possible e.g. so that in 2001-2002
funds can be used so that the total assets do not fall below Swiss
francs 40,000 and thereafter use 50 per cent of annual income.
- The administration of the Foundation should consist of a Board of
Directors which is nominated by the Council. The chair of the Board of
Directors shall be one of the Vice Presidents (the one responsible for
fund raising and finances) and the majority of the
Directors shall have expertise in education in surveying disciplines and
be familiar with FIG.
Accounts 2000
The income of the FIG Foundation in 2000 include:
Swiss francs |
Transfer from Australia AU$ 35,000 |
32,295 |
Contribution, Working Week 1999 US$2,200 |
3,601 |
Contribution, FIG/UN Conference Melbourne 1999 US$5,000 |
8,955 |
Contribution, Working Week 2000 US$ 1,200 |
2,088 |
Bank interest |
14 |
Total income |
46,953 |
The total assets of the Foundation 31st
December 2000 were Swiss frs 43,339. Contribution from the working week
1999 from Sun City arrived in February 2001.
34 people registering for the Working Week in Prague
each contributed US$ 25 and 6 persons US$50 to the Foundation through
check-off on their registrations for a total of US$1,150.
28 people contributed US$ 25 each and 5 people US$ 50
each to the FIG Foundation in conjunction to the working week in Seoul in
2001. The total amount of voluntary contributions through registrations
was thus US$ 950.
For the future Congresses and Working Weeks registrants
will be invited to contribute to the Foundation by voluntary mark-off on
their registration forms. At the Washington Congress there will be both
option for the voluntary contribution but in addition in the budget US$ 5
is budgeted for the Foundation in the directly in the Congress budget.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors that was elected in Prague
include: Holger Magel, Chair, Stig Enemark (Denmark) and Iain
Greenway (UK) appointed by FIG and John Curdie and John Medbury
appointed by the Institute of Surveyors of Australia (ISA).
In Seoul a new Board of Directors was appointed by the
FIG Council. The Directors for period May 2001 - December 2002 are:
Prof. Holger Magel, Germany, President
Prof. Stig Enemark, Denmark, Director
Iain Greenway, United Kingdom, Director
John Hohol, U.S.A., Director
Prof. Ian Williamson, Australia, Director.
Holger Magel
President of the FIG Foundation
19 May 2001 |