FIG Working Week and XXXI General Assembly in Stockholm, Sweden
14-19 June 2008

Integrating Generations

Picture Gallery 3 - General Assembly II

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General Assembly II - Thursday 19 June 2008
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General Assembly two with delegations from Israel and Morocco.
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President Stig Enemark gives the membership certificate to Mr. Wisam Abdul Kadhom Hussein, Director Engineer from the General Directorate for Surveying, Ministry of Water Resources from Republic of Iraq.
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President Stig Enemark gives the membership certificate to Dr. Kongkham Sourigna, Deputy Director General of the National Geographic Department, Lao PDR.
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Jan de Graeve, Permanent Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement and Yaacoub Saade, Chair of Commission 1 and Bela Markus, Chair of Commission 2.
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Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of Commission 3, David Neale, Commission 4 and Rudolf Staiger, Chair of Commission 5.
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Jan de Graeve, Permanent Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement making his report on the 30th Meridian and Struve Arc.
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Vice Presidents Matt Higgins and Ken Allred.

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Elections of Vice Presidents and Commission chairs elect.
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Newly elected Vice President Iain Greenway, UK.
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Newly elected Vice President Teo CheeHai, Malaysia.
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Newly elected Commission chair elect: Yerach Doytsher, Israel (Commission 3)...
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... and Daniel Roberge, Canada (Commission 7).
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New chairs elect in a group picture with President Stig Enemark, from left to right: Leonie Newnham (Commission 1), Daniel Roberge (Commission 7),  Yerach Doytsher (Commission 3), President Enemark, Mikael Lilje (Commission 5), Gethin W. Roberts (Commission 6) and Steven Frank (Commission 2).
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Haim Srebro, Congress Director FIG Working Week 2009 welcoming delegates to Eilat, Israel in May 2009.
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Haim Srebro, Congress Director FIG Working Week 2009 welcoming delegates to Eilat, Israel, 3-8 May 2009.
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Dr. Hang Dung Vo, President of VGCR welcoming FIG to the 7th Regional Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, 19-22 October 2009.
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Dr. Hang Dung Vo, President of VGCR welcoming FIG to the 7th Regional Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, 19-22 October 2009.
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Paul Harcombe, Congress Director of FIG 2010 welcoming all participants to Sydney in April 2010.
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Paul Harcombe, Congress Director of FIG 2010 welcoming all participants to Sydney in April 2010.

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