Conference and Seminar Proceedings

3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres
25-26 October 2011 in Shenzhen, China
Diego Alfonso Erba
Application of 3D Cadastres
as a Land Policy Tool
In: Land Lines, the quarterly journal of the Lincoln Institute of Land
Policy, April 2012, pp. 8-14
Jaroslaw Bydlosz
The multi-dimensional
cadastre around the world and its implementation conditions in Poland
In: Annals of Geomatics, Polish Association for Spatial Information,
Volume X, 3, 2012, 11 p.
(in Polish, English abstract)
Chengxi Bernad Siew and Alias Abdul Rahman
Compression Techniques for
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 18 p.
Tan Liat Choon and Khadijah Binti Hussin
Establishing 3D Property
Rights in Malaysia
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 24 p.
Oren Gal and Yerach Doytsher
Spatial 3D Analysis of
Built-up Areas
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 18 p.
Vince Mangioni, Kauko Viitanen, Heidi Falkenbach and Tuomo Sipilä
Three dimensional property
rights and reassembly: Cases of Sydney and Helsinki
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p.
Jaroslaw Bydlosz
The Cadastre in Poland - The
Current Status and Possibilities of Transformation into 3D One
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 9 p.
Arvo Vitikainen and Juhana Hiironen
Development Scenarios of the
3D Cadastral System in Finland
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, presentation
Maurizio Foderà
The subsoil cadastre of
Mazara del Vallo
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 7 p.
Guilherme Souza and Amilton Amorim
LiDAR data integration for
3D Cadastre: some experiences from Brazil
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 16 p.
Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari and Ian Williamson
Land and Property
Information in 3D
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p.
Alessandro Dalmasso
Individual and shared
properties in the Condominium: description, 3D representation and
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 4 p.
Diego Alfonso Erba and Mario Andrés Piumetto
3D Cadastre in the Federal
Countries of Latin America
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p.
S. Hendriatiningsih, Rizqi Abdulharis and Andri Hernandi
Revisiting the Concept of
Boundary on 3D Cadastre in Indonesia
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 9 p.
Gyula Iván
3D Cadastre Developments in
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p.
Martin Breunig, André Borrmann, Ernst Rank, Matthäus Schilcher,
Stefan Hinz, Andreas Donaubauer and
Ralf-Peter Mundani
Towards 3D Geoinformatics
and Computational Civil Engineering Support for Cooperative Tracks
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 15 p.
Edward Eric Duncan and Alias Abdul Rahman
An Amalgamation of 3D
Spatial Data Model for Surface and Subsurface Spatial Objects
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 21 p.
Natalia Vandysheva, Sergey Sapelnikov, Peter van Oosterom, Marian De
Vries, Boudewijn Spiering, Rik Wouters,
Andreas Hoogeveen and Veliko Penkov
The 3D Cadastre Prototype
and Pilot in the Russian Federation
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 16 p.
Mattia De Agostino, Andrea Lingua and Marco Piras
SOLDEO: A New Solution for
3D GIS Data Recording
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 12 p.
Guilherme H.B. Souza and Amilton Amorim
LiDAR data integration for
3D Cadastre: some experiences from Brazil
FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 16 p.
Peter van Oosterom
Summary of the Third
International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres - Developments and practices
25-26 October 2012, Shenzhen, China, 6 p.
Changbin Yu, Lin Li, Shen Ying, Biao He, Zhigang Zhao and Yuan Wan
Designing a Title
Certificate for the Chinese 3D Cadastre
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 1-21
Jenny Paulsson
Swedish 3D Property in an
International Comparison
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 23-39
Efi Dimopoulou and Elikkos Elia
Legal Aspects of 3D Property
Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities in Greece and Cyprus
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 41-60
Gerhard Navratil
Combining 3D Cadastre and
Public Law - An Austrian Perspective
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 61-71
Hrvoje Tomic, Miodrag Roic and Sinisa Mastelic Ivic
Use of 3D Cadastral Data for
Real Estate Mass Valuation in the Urban Areas
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 73-86
Galina Elizarova, Sergey Sapelnikov, Natalia Vandysheva, Sergey
Pakhomov, Peter van Oosterom, Marian de Vries,
antien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Boudewijn Spiering, Rik Wouters, Andreas
Hoogeveen and Veliko Penkov
Russian-Dutch Project "3D
Cadastre Modelling in Russia"
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 87-102
Renzhong Guo,Ping Luo, Renrong Jiang and Weixi Wang
3D Cadastre Oriented
Reconstruction of Administrative Procedure in Chinese Urban Land
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 103-112
Renzhong Guo, Changbin Yu, Biao He, Zhigang Zhao, Lin Li and Shen
Logical Design and
Implementation of the Data Model for 3D Cadastre in China
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 113-136
Hun-Chin Chiang
Data Modelling and
Application of 3D Cadastre in Taiwan
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 137-157
Dong-Hoon Jeong, Bong-Bae Jang, Ji-Yeong Lee, So-Il Hong, Peter van
Oosterom, Kees de Zeeuw, Jantien Stoter, Christiaan Lemmen and Jaap
Initial Design of an
LADM-based 3D Cadastre - Case study from Korea
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 159-184
Alias Abdul Rahman, Peter van Oosterom, Teng Chee Hua, Khairul Hafiz
Sharkawi, Edward Eric Duncan, Norsuhaibah Azri and Muhammad Imzan Hassan
3D Modelling for
Multipurpose Cadastre
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 185-201
Jantien Stoter, Peter van Oosterom and Hendrik Ploeger
The Phased 3D Cadastre
Implementation in the Netherlands
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 201-218
Serene Ho and Abbas Rajabifard
Delivering 3D Land and
Property Management: A Consideration of Institutional Challenges in an
Australian Context
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 219-242
Victor H.S. Khoo
Towards "Smart Cadastre"
that Supports 3D Parcels
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 243-251
Shen Ying, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li and Biao He
Application of 3D GIS to 3D
Cadastre in Urban Environment
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 253-272
Davood Shojaei, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari, Ian D. Bishop and
Ali Aien
Development of a 3D
ePlan/LandXML Visualisation System in Australia
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 273-288
Diego Alfonso Erba and Mario Andrés Piumetto
Modern Representation
Technologies for the Implementation of 3D Cadastres in Latin America
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 289-308
Chen Wang, Jacynthe Pouliot and Frédéric Hubert
Visualization Principles in
3D Cadastre: A First Assessment of Visual Variables
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 309-324
Rodney James Thompson and Peter van Oosterom
Validity of Mixed 2D and 3D
Cadastral Parcels in the Land Administration Domain Model
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 325-344
Zhigang Zhao, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li and Shen Ying
Topological Relationship
Identification in 3D Cadastre
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 345-360
Kean Huat Soon
A Conceptual Framework of
Representing Semantics for 3D Cadastre in Singapore
3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 361-379
Jaroslaw Bydlosz
The 3D Cadastre Aspects in
International Standards and Solutions
FIG Commission 3 Workshop 2012, Athens, Greece, 10-14 December 2012, 9