SETTING GUIDELINES FOR LIFTING THE BAN ON THE GREENBELT ZONESProf. Chulmin JUN, KoreaKey words: Greenbelt, RDZ, GIS, AHP, overlay. AbstractGovernment sanctioned areas known as Restricted Development Zones (RDZ) or greenbelt, which is designed to curb sprawling expansion of cities, was first established in 1971 in Korea around the 14 major urban areas across the country and, ever since, developments have been strictly banned in these areas. Along with positive evaluation that the greenbelt policy has contributed to environmental protection, there has also been criticism that it has caused damages to the lives and the property rights of the residents in the areas. The Ministry of Construction and Transportation has been announcing serial drastic policies since 1999 to abolish or alleviate restrictions on the zones while facing resistance from both environmentalists who concern about wide environmental destruction and greenbelt-residents who worry about the lack of equality in choosing the partially freed areas. The government set up plans to free seven small- and medium sized urban areas which are under less development pressure from all restrictions on development and to partially adjust the zone boundaries in seven large cities including Seoul. Apart from the zones to be totally freed from restrictions, the problem, however, is how to partially demarcate the areas to be abolished or alleviated among RDZ in larger cities. This study was purposed to suggest a methodology which can be considered as guidelines for the issues of freeing the greenbelt zones and was primarily focused on following two objectives: (i) to suggest a strategy to select partial areas in the greenbelt
which are considered to have developmental priority; This study presented that Concentration Index can be adopted as a tool to evaluate or choose residential clusters. Along with this, using the AHP technique was introduced in prioritizing multiple decision factors comprehensively. CONTACTProf. Chulmin Jun 24 March 2001 This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 15-03-16. |