Vice President CheeHai Teo attends seminar on Land Surveying
Basis for Development in Brunei Darussalam
Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 2 August 2010
 The Honourable Minister of Development, Negara Brunei Darussalam
making his officiating address at the Seminar |
The Survey Department, Ministry of Development, Negara Brunei Darussalam,
an affiliate member of FIG and the Brunei Institute of Geomatics, a member
association of FIG, invited FIG to the Seminar “Land Surveying Basis for
Development” and to make a keynote presentation during the official opening
session. Vice President CheeHai Teo represented FIG.
The “Land Surveying Basis for Development – Geomatics Innovation for
National Development” seminar is the ninth in the series of seminar
organised by the Survey Department of Negara Brunei Darussalam, the first
was held back in 1984. It is a one day seminar highlighting not just the
latest developments in land surveying practices and technologies but also
the significant role and contribution of surveyors towards development.
The Official Opening Session was held in the afternoon of the seminar and
was presided by the Minister of Development himself, the Honourable Pehin
Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Suyoi bin Hj Osman.
The Honourable Deputy Minister of Development, the Ministry’s Permanent
Secretary and Deputy Permanent Secretary as well as Heads of Departments
within the Ministry and senior officers accompanied him. Also present was
the Surveyor General of Brunei Darussalam, Tuan Hj Jamil Mohd Ali,
who was the host. It was a well-attended seminar, the audience primarily
comprises surveyors and allied professionals from the public service,
corporate sectors, Brunei Shell Petroleum being the most noticeable and the
private practitioners. Also in the audience were presenters in the morning
sessions from Canada, Germany and Malaysia as well as Council Members and
observers from the ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics (ASEAN
FLAG) from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam.
In the keynote presentation entitled “Geomatics Innovation for
National Development: Making the Difference” the FIG Vice President took
the opportunity to address and inform the Honourable Minister and the
audience of FIG, how FIG is organised and what is the current priorities.
The Honourable Minister during his officiating address spoke of “these
challenging times” and FIG Vice President continued by commenting that we
now live in exciting times, some says troubled times and proceeded to
outline some of the global challenges as seen from within FIG. From there,
FIG Vice President touched on Geotechnology and GeoSpatial Sciences and
provided a couple of illustration how innovative applications of
Geotechnology and GeoSpatial Sciences are making a difference in these
challenging times. Then it was about the importance of innovation, in this
case, innovation in sciences, knowledge, technologies and practices within
Geotechnology and GeoSpatial Sciences especially when innovation is at the
heart of productivity growth, which is that which can make the difference
between ordinary existence and rising economic prosperity. FIG Vice
President echoed that for a nation, innovation means improving delivery
systems, performance and efficiency and it may be essential to a nation’s
continual and sustained growth and development. The presentation was
concluded with the statement that Geomatics innovation not only contributes
to national development, it allows all in the audience, the professionals in
particular, to serve the people, to make a difference. Hence, Land Surveyors
in Negara Brunei Darussalam must strive to advance to keep pace with the
times, towards national development, the betterment of humanity and the
TEO CheeHai
More to read:
- Presentation of Vice President Teo CheeHai: Geomatics Innovation for
National Development: Making the Difference
 FIG Vice President making his keynote presentation during the
Official Opening Session. |
31 August 2010