XXII ISPRS Congress with the theme “Imaging a Sustainable
24 August – 3 September, 2012, Melbourne, Australia
The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
hosted the 2012 edition of the meeting of the Joint Board of Geospatial
Information Societies (JBGIS) at its XXII Congress in Melbourne, Australia
on 26th August 2012. Prior to the meeting, an ISPRS/JBGIS special session
was convened within the Congress programme with the theme “spatially
enabling society”.
After the welcome by Secretary General of ISPRS, Prof. Chen Jun,
participants present heard presentations from:
- Prof. William Cartwright “JBGIS and Spatial Enablement”
- Prof. Abbas Rajabifard “Spatial Enablement and Beyond”
- FIG President CheeHai Teo “Spatially
Enabled Society” (pdf, 24 MB)
- Prof. Chris Rizos “Geodesy, Positioning, Spatial Enablement”
- Prof. Georg Gartner “ICA and Spatial Enablement”
- Mr. Mark Cygan “IMIA and Spatial Enablement”
- Prof. Tony Milne “IEEE-GRSS and Spatial Enablement”
The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, Australia (SSSI) who is
also a Member Association of FIG was the host XXII ISPRS Congress. This
quadrennial event includes ISPRS’s General Assembly that elects its Council
and eight other members to host the Society’s eight commissions. The head
office of the Society is at the office of the Secretary General. ISPRS
General Assembly elected Prof. Chen Jun from the National Geomatics
Centre of China as its President for 2012 – 2016 with Prof. Christian
Heipke from Leibniz University Hannover as its Secretary General.
JBGIS also held it's annual meeting during the congress.
CheeHai Teo FIG President September 2012
President of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute,
Australia, Mr. Gary Macguire, addressing the audience at the
Congress Opening Ceremony, 25th August 2012 |
26 September 2012