FIG Commission 4

Work Plan 2003-2006
This work plan in .pdf-format.
Mr. Adam Greenland, Chairperson of Commission 4.
Terms of reference
- Hydrographic surveying
- Hydrographic education, training and CPD
- Marine environment & CZM
- Data processing and management
- Nautical charting and bathymetric maps - analogue and digital, includes
ENCs (Electronic Navigational Charts).
Mission Statement
- Promote the aims and objectives of FIG to hydrographers through the
active involvement of national delegates from member associations and other
interested parties in the activities of the commission.
- Foster closer links with all sister organisations currently active
within the global hydrographic community.
- Develop guidelines and standards that will assist hydrographers in the
provision of their services.
- Disseminate information relevant to the profession through participation
in international meetings, conferences and committees.
Commission 4 is committed to achieving both the long term and immediate
aims and objectives of the FIG organisation. The commission strategy over the
next four years is aligned with that of the incoming Council and will include
- Closer links and co-operation with other FIG Commissions, including
joint working groups
- The development of best practice guides in Hydrography
- Actively support and participate in FIG regional events
Policy issues
- Actively pursue closer links with sister organisations, especially IHO
and THS
- Increase co-operation between international surveying bodies
(IHO/FIG/ICA Advisory Board)
- Mr. Adam Kerr (United Kingdom), e-mail:
Specific project(s)
This is a time of major change within the institutions and organisations of
the global hydrographic community. Thus providing a unique opportunity to
redefine both the informal and formal links with the specific aim of creating
a lasting co-operation and a sharing of knowledge and resources.
Presentations at FIG working weeks and other hydrographic conferences.
Internal and external progress reports will be prepared, working towards
the development of more formal agreements.
Commission delegates, commission officers and hydrographic surveyors world
Policy issues
- Develop and promote the understanding and realisation of a vertical
reference frame for use in hydrography.
- Examine the demand for a seamless vertical reference frame for use in
hydrography and marine navigation.
- Develop an inventory of vertical reference surfaces used in hydrography
in various countries of the international community.
- Dr. Ahmed El-Rabbany, Canada (e-mail:
- Ms. Ruth Adams, United Kingdom (e-mail:
Specific project(s)
- Produce a white paper on current understanding of what is meant by a
Vertical Reference Frame and how this relates to Hydrography and Navigation.
- Work with Commission 5 and sister organisations to increase awareness
and knowledge of the use of a vertical reference frame.
- Collect information from the international communities on the activities
related to the vertical reference surfaces in hydrography. Previous efforts
by FIG, IHO and IAG shall be considered.
- To participate in the FIG working weeks shown below.
- To participate in THS activities.
- To organize a workshop in one or more of the developing countries; from
example the Arab Institute of Navigation in Egypt.
- Technical papers presented by the members of the working group at the
various workshops outlined above
- Final report to be presented at the FIG Congress in 2006.
2002 - 2006.
Commission delegates / officers and hydrographic surveyors.
Policy Issues
- To develop and promote Coastal Zone Management in hydrography to include
Ocean Governance and Marine Cadastre.
- Michael Sutherland (Canada), e-mail:
(appointed by Commission 4)
Appointed by Commission 4:
- David Neale (Trinidad)
- Philip Collier (Australia)
Appointed by Commission 7:
- Prof. Mike Barry (South Africa / University of Calgary, Canada)
- Dr. Paul Munro-Faure (United Kingdom)
- Ir. Ina Elema (Netherlands)
- Prof. Ian Williamson (Australia) as liaison to UN
Specific project(s)
- To encourage and co-ordinate future developments in CZM, including
boundary delimitation, maritime jurisdiction and marine spatial data
Working Group 4.4 - Education and CPD (A Joint Working Group
with Commission 2)
Policy issues
- Hydrographic education & CPD.
- Adam Greenland (United Kingdom), e-mail:
Specific project(s)
- Education & CPD seminars at FIG Regional Strategic Meetings and Working
As required.
Hydrographic surveyors.
Co-operation with Sister Associations
FIG/IHO Committees
Commission 4 currently represents FIG in two FIG/IHO standing committees:
the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Co-ordination Committee (TACC) and
the International Advisory Board (IAB) on Standards of Competence for
Hydrographic Surveyors (jointly with IHO and ICA).
- FIG and IHO are in the process of developing a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) which is due to be completed by mid 2002.
- The IHB has just been re-elected - April 2002 - and Commission 4 is
planning to meet with the newly elected Bureau to discuss how we co-operate
more closely in the future.
In light of the proposed MOU between FIG and IHO and the lack of FIG
activity on TACC, Commission 4 intends to withdraw from this standing
The role of the International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for
Hydrographic Surveyors is
- to develop and up-date international standards of competence for
hydrographic surveyors
- to review the academic programme of educational institutions that are
seeking IHO accreditation of their hydrographic programmes.
Commission 4 delegates to the Advisory Board will participate actively in
its work during the next four years. As and when required, Commission 4 will
actively seek new members to represent FIG on the IAB.
Co-operation with the United Nations Agencies
Commission 4 will participate in the co-operation with the United Nations
agencies on topics that are related to commission expertise (e.g. marine
cadastre) and on guidance by the Council.
Cultures and Languages
Commissions endorse the underlying concept that respect for Cultural and
Linguistic issues is of paramount importance and that Commissions will be
sensitive to these issues in the way they work. This will be implemented by
encouraging multilingual abstracts and presentations in general meetings and
through the use of an appropriate regional language during regional meetings.
Other Activities
Maintain and develop the commission web page, linkages to other relevant
home pages and new pages or other networks for special projects, to keep
commission delegates, other FIG members, users of surveying services and the
public involved in and informed about the work of the commission.
Calendar of Events
- CHC2002, May - Toronto, Canada
- Hydro 2002, October - Kiel, Germany
- FIG Working Week
- FIG Regional Meeting
- 7th SE Asian Survey Congress, November - Hong Kong
- FIG Working Week, Athens, Greece
- FIG Regional Meeting
- FIG Working Week 7-12 May, Cairo, Egypt
- FIG Regional Meeting
- FIG XXIII Congress, Munich, Germany
21 June 2002