FIG Commission 4

Work Plan 2011-2014
Original work plan in .pdf-format
Mr. Michael Sutherland, Chairperson of Commission
4 |
Terms of reference
- Hydrographic surveying
- Offshore surveying in support of energy, environment, submarine
telecommunications, ports and harbours
- Hydrographic education, training and Continual Professional Development
- Marine Environment & Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
- Data processing and management of hydrographic data
- Nautical charting and bathymetric maps - analogue and digital, includes
ENCs (Electronic Navigational Charts)
Mission Statement
The mission of Commission 4 is to:
- Promote the aims and objectives of FIG to hydrographers through the
active involvement of national delegates from member associations and other
interested parties in the activities of the commission.
- Foster closer links with all sister organisations currently active
within the global hydrographic community.
- Develop guidelines and standards that will assist hydrographers in the
provision of their services.
- Disseminate information relevant to the profession through participation
in international meetings, conferences and committees.
Commission 4 strategy is focussed on (for example):
- The development of best practice guides in Hydrography.
- Active support and participation in FIG regional events.
Policy issues
- Study and report on the technical aspects of using GNSS to vertically
reference hydrographic surveys to the ellipsoid
- Catalog the methods used to conduct a vertical datum transformation from
the ellipsoid to vertical datums used for hydrographic and offshore
- Develop uncertainty models for both of the above
Jerry Mills
E-mail: Jerry.Mills[at] |
Technical Expert
David Dodd
usmhydro.david.dodd[at] |
Specific project(s)
- Conduct study to determine methods/procedures for conducting ERS by
various entities
- Identify methods used to conduct vertical datum transformation from the
ellipsoid to the chart datum
- Develop a publication that summarizes the findings from the above
- Participation in FIG Working Weeks, regional conferences and other major
Commission events (see Calendar of Events) with dedicated technical sessions
and/or workshops as appropriate.
- FIG Working Weeks will include technical papers on specific issues and
presented by Working Group members and other invited experts.
- Handbook on “best practices” for the use of GNSS in vertical positioning
relative to the ellipsoid for hydrographic surveying.
- Proposals for IHO Manual (in collaboration with WG 4.2).
- Ongoing work will be reported at FIG Working Weeks during the term of
this plan
- FIG member associations, hydrographic surveyors in government, industry,
academia and the IHO.
Policy issues
- Assist in the development and recognition of standards of competency;
- Assist in the development of technical standards and guidelines;
- Cooperation with sister organizations and other appropriate bodies;
Mr. Andrew Leyzack
leyzacka[at] |
Specific project(s)
- Present and promote the use of standards and guidelines to the surveying
- Review Standards coming from ISO TC211 (and other reputable sources) for
relevance to Hydrography.
- Assess the impact of international standards on current industry
- Represent Commission 4 on the FIG Standards Network
- Promote recognition of professional pathways.
- Review IHO and other Manuals of Hydrography
- Participation in FIG Standards Network meetings and other major Commission
events (see events section below).
- FIG Working Weeks will include technical papers and/or reports to the FIG
Standards Network on emerging standards, guidelines and specific issues.
- Ongoing contribution to the maintenance of the FIG Guide on
- Ongoing work will be reported at FIG Working Weeks during the term of
this plan and according to a timetable to be developed by the Working Group
- Working group to present a final report at FIG Congress, 2014.
- FIG Standards Network
- Sister organizations and other (national) agencies.
- FIG member associations, surveyors in industry and government, academia
- Instrumentation and software producers.
- Assist in the development of technical guidelines for sensor integration
(best practises).
- Cooperation with sister organizations and other appropriate bodies
(e.g., IHO, IMO).
- Cooperation with other FIG Commissions (e.g., Commission 5).
Prof. Dr. Volker Böder
Specific project(s)
- Liaise with working group 4.2 to upholding the standards of hydrography.
- Report on the development, possibilities and limitations of new
- Organization of a Symposium with the working title "Integrating Sensors
in Hydrography"
- Assist in the development of technical guidelines for sensor integration
(e.g. - hydrographic sensors and their characteristic descriptions (e.g.,
function, accuracies, etc.):
- sensor coordinate systems;
- algorithms;
- calibration procedures;
- interoperability of sensors for surveying
- quality management.
Work Shop(s)
- Participation in FIG Meetings and other major Commission events.
- Organization of a Symposium with the working title "Integrating Sensors
in Hydrography".
- FIG guidelines/statement for/on Multi-Sensor Systems.
- Proposals for IHO Manual (in collaboration with WG 4.2).
- Draft publications will be presented at FIG Working Weeks during the
term of this plan and according to a timetable to be developed by the
Working Group Chair.
- Symposium "Integrating Sensors in Hydrography" (working title) 2012.
- Working group final report: dedicated session, FIG congress, 2014.
- FIG member associations, manufacturers and users of survey equipment,
governments, standardisation organisations, decision makers, surveying
businesses, individual surveyors.
Policy issues
- Assist in the development and promotion of marine and coastal spatial
information management issues supported by hydrography and hydrographic data
and information.
- Cooperation with sister organizations and other appropriate bodies.
- Cooperation with other FIG Commissions.
Professor Jonathan Li, PhD
E-mail: junli[at] |
Specific project(s)
- Cooperate with, and represent the interests of FIG Commission 4 to, IMO
in the development of an e-Navigation data framework (e.g., harmonization of
data models among stakeholders).
- Cooperate with IHO on the continuing development and expansion of S-100
to support hydrographic- and hydrographic-related spatial information
- Cooperate with appropriate stakeholders (e.g., IHO-MSDIWG) on the
development of concepts and principles that impact and are impacted upon by
hydrography (e.g., MSDI, marine spatial planning and management, marine data
models and applications, marine cadastre etc.).
- Present and promote the above concepts, principles and outcomes to the
international surveying community.
Participation in / contribution to:
- FIG Working Weeks, regional conference with dedicated technical
sessions and/or Workshops as appropriate;
- International hydrography-related workshops and events.
- Possible publication(s) on MDSI, and marine spatial information
- Working Group Chair will make reports at FIG Working Weeks
- Working group to present a final report at FIG Congress, 2014.
- International maritime community;
- Sister organizations and other (national) agencies;
- FIG member associations, surveyors in industry and government, academe;
- Marine spatial information management community.
Policy issues
- To raise the awareness of hydrography in all African countries.
- To make available its potentials to various countries (Africa).
- To enunciate its potentials as a vital component and catalyst to nation
- To promote free exchange of information among all those engaged in
Angela Etuonovbe
E-mail: aetuonovbe[at] |
Specific project(s)
- Organize seminars and workshops on the potentials of hydrography in
several countries.
- Promote recognition of hydrography by organizing charity walks.
- Communicate the activities of Commission 4 and other FIG events to
African member countries.
- Liaise with working group 4.2 to uphold the standards of hydrography.
- Represent working group 4.5 and introspect FIG in world hydrographic
- Work with FIG Task Force on Africa, as agreed with its leadership, and
represent the interest of Commission 4.
- Report all events / activities carried out by the working group.
- FIG working weeks will include technical papers on specific issues and
presented by working group members and other invited experts.
- Ongoing work will be reported FIG Working Weeks during the term of this
plan and according to a timetable to be developed by the Working Group
- Working group to present a final report at FIG Congress, 2014.
- FIG member- and Sister Associations involved in hydrography.
- Policy makers and Hydrographers
- Surveyors in industry and Government
- Universities and educational Organizations
Co-operation with Sister Associations
FIG and IHO1
Commission 4 currently represents FIG on the FIG/IHO/ICA International
Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical
Cartographers (IBSC)2 jointly
with IHO and ICA. The commission will also support the IHO in its Capacity
Building Initiatives with representation on the IHO Capacity Building
Committee (CBC). Commission 4 will also support the IHO on any appropriate
technical initiatives.
FIG and the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS)3
Commission 4 has begun to cooperate with the IFHS whereby the Federation has
provided input into the 2006-2010 work plan and the commission will continue to
lend its support towards sponsoring IFHS conferences and other initiatives. For
example, the commission has provided financial support and resources for
updating the IFHS special publication (SP-3) entitled Hydrographic Surveying as
a Career. It is important for Commission 4 to maintain contact with all national
Hydrographic Associations (whether members of the IFHS or not) to foster
communications and cooperation for the betterment of the profession.
- FIG and IHO cooperate under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which
was signed in Athens, May 2004. Our liaison is IHB Director, Hugo Gorziglia.
The role of the FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on
Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical
Cartographers (IBSC) is to develop and up-date international standards of
competence for Hydrographic surveyors and to review the academic programme
of educational institutions that are seeking IHO accreditation of their
Hydrographic training courses. The IBSC is composed of 4 representatives
from FIG, 4 from IHO and 2 from the ICA. Our liaison officer with the IBSC
is Gordon Johnston.
FIG and the International Federation of
Hydrographic Societies (IFHS) cooperate under a MoU which was signed in
Cairo, April 2005. The task has been mandated to Commission 4. FIG liaison
with the IFHS is Simon Ironside.
FIG and the International Federation of
Hydrographic Societies (IFHS) cooperate under a MoU which was signed in
Cairo, April 2005. Our liaison with the IFHS is their President, Paul
Co-operation with the United Nations agencies
Commission 4 will participate in co-operation with the United Nations
agencies on topics that are related to commission expertise (e.g. marine
cadastre, data framework for e-Navigation etc.) and on guidance by FIG
Cooperation with other FIG Commissions
Commission 4 will, for example, collaborate with Commission 5 to review
and revise (where required) FIG Publication 37, Vertical Reference Surface
for Hydrography. Commission 4 will also collaborate with other FIG
Commissions as appropriate.
Representation to FIG Networks and Task Forces
Commission 4 will appoint representatives to the following FIG
- Africa Task force
- Standards Network
- Climate Change Task Force
- National and International Boundaries
Other Activities
Commission 4 will maintain and develop the commission’s web page, with
linkages to other relevant home pages and new pages or other networks for
special projects, to keep commission delegates, the Hydrographic community
and the public involved in and informed about the work of the commission.
Commission 4 will also contribute editorials, reports and articles to
Hydrographic publications including but not restricted to the Hydrographic
Journal, Hydro International, The Hydrographic Review, Sea Technology and
Lighthouse. Commission 4 will publish a newsletter at least once a year.
Calendar of Events
- 11th International LiDAR Mapping Forum 2011, 07-09 February, New
Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Ocean Business 2011, 5-7 April, Southampton, UK
- U.S. Hydrographic Conference 2011, 25-28 April, Tampa, Florida U.S.A
- FIG Working Week, 18-22 May, Marrakech, Morocco
- 11th South East Asian Survey Congress, 22-24 June, Kuala Lumpur,
- Second International FIG Workshop on 3D-Cadastres, 16-18 November
2011, Delft, the Netherlands
- Hydro 2011, 7–10 November, Fremantle, Western Australia.
- Shallow Survey Conference 2012, 20-24 February Wellington, New
- Oceanology International 2012, March 13 -15, Excel Centre, London,
- IHO, April 2012, Rainier Centre, Monaco
- FIG Working Week, 6-11 May, Rome, Italy
- Canadian Hydrographic Conference, 14-17 May, Niagara Falls, Canada
- FIG Working Week, April/May, Abuja,
- FIG XXIV Congress, May/June, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Commission Officers
Commission Chair
Dr. Michael
Dr. Michael Sutherland, MRICS
Department of Geomatics Engineering and Land Management
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
C-FOAM Associate
Canadian Fisheries, Oceans, and Aquaculture Management
Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
55 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario
michael.d.sutherland[at] |
Vice Chair of Administration &
Mr. Gordon Johnston, MRICS
67 Devon Road
Surrey SM2 7PE
Tel. + 44 208 661 1650
Fax + 44 208 643 1890
Mob:+44 7966 937369
gordon.johnston1[at] |
Chair Working Group 4.1 –
Ellipsoidally Referenced Hydrographic Surveys
Mr. Jerry Mills
NOAA/NOS - Office of Coast Survey
SSMC 3, Room 6842 - N/CS3x2
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282
Tel. + 1 301-713-2780 x116
Fax: + 1 301-713-4533
Email: Jerry.Mills[at] |
Chair Working Group 4.2 –
Standards and Guidelines
Mr. Andrew Leyzack C.L.S.
Central and Arctic Region
Canadian Hydrographic Service
867 Lakeshore Road
P.O. Box 5050
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6
Tel. + 1 905 336 4538
Fax + 1 905 336 8916
E-mail: leyzacka[at] |
Chair Working Group 4.3 –
Optimizing Multi-Sensor Systems for Hydrographic Applications
Prof. Dr. Volker Böder
Chair Working Group 4.4 –
Maritime and Marine Spatial Information Management
Jonathan Li, PhD
Professor of Geomatics
Department of Geography & Environmental Management
Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change
Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Tel: +1-519-888-4567 ext. 34504
junli[at] |
Chair Working Group 4.5 - Hydrography in Africa
Angela Etuonovbe
AnGene Surveys & Consultants
37 NNPC Housing Complex Rd
Ekpan Effurun
332101 Delta State
Email: aetuonovbe[at] |
1 December 2011 |