FIG Commission 8

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Diane A.
Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8 - 2004-2006
Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth: 9 May 1963
Nationality: British/Ghanaian
Current Position: Chartered Surveyor |
Qualifications and professional affiliations
- 2003 Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors (FRICS)
- 2002 Associate of AMP (Association of Project
- 2001 PhD University of Wales: Thesis: Strategic
Coastal Management: Landowners, Local authorities and Coastal Zone
- 1984 B.Sc. Estate & Property Management- University
of Central England.
Diane is a skilled communicator with proven experience
in land use development, project management, team building, diplomacy,
building consensus, advocacy, negotiation as well as technical experience in
the identification, research and promotion of urban and rural land
regeneration and the provision of subsequent advice on implementation. Diane
has specialist knowledge in Marine Resource management/ CZM.
With 19 years professional work experience in industry
and consultancy she has gained experience working with all aspects of the
land and property process. This is associated with land and real estate
administration, land parcel acquisition, environmental resources, and
development and regeneration processes working within land use policy on a
local, regional and national scale. At senior corporate levels Diane has
managed development, monitoring and evaluation of large-scale land
development projects including, financial appraisals and fiscal evaluations,
preparation of instructions for, and negotiations of complex legal
documentation. This combines with influencing public as well as corporate
and SME?s business development, due to involvement in decision making allied
to board level.
In addition Diane?s ability to make presentations of
detailed and technical information at both public and corporate meetings is
also translated into collaborating and disseminating knowledge. She is
active in organising, participating (delivering papers as well as Rapport)
at International conferences.
As a proven communicator Diane has abilities in the
transfer of knowledge and skills in a multi cultural environment having
travelled extensively world-wide but specifically short term work experience
in Ghana, Mozambique, East Africa, Hawaii, USA Eastern seaboard, Poland and
Specialist capability
Diane has over ten year?s specialist experience in
integrating land economics and business strategies with environmental and
sustainable issues. She has monitored and evaluated central, regional and
local government environmental policy. Experience in an Environmental
Consultancy adds to her research capability in Marine Resource Management
and interest in community development issues relating to industrialised and
rural coastlines, which combined with professional property experience
enables her to add significant value in land, real estate and community
Summary of FIG involvement
Diane?s professional background places her in a
position to communicate and network in international fora presenting at
numerous conferences. Diane's activity in FIG has grown over the past six
years. During the period 1995/98 Diane was approached by Comm. 7 (Paul
Munro-Faure) to join a working group to contribute her specialist knowledge
in CZM. This culminated in presenting a paper in Brighton in 1998.
In 2000, at the request of the RICS delegation she
presented in Comm. 9, case studies in land and property regeneration.
Following which she was asked to chair for the final year, a Comm. 8 working
group: Megacities. The output was presented in 2001.
With the appointment of a new Commission 8 chair,
Diane was invited to become RICS Comm. 8 delegate as well as vice chair of
8.3. Drawing on Diane?s expertise in regeneration development and coastal
issues, her working group concentrates on informal housing in marginal
boundary areas of large cities and along coasts.
Since 2004 Diane has been the Chair of FIG Commission
Publications and conferences
- 2002- International Federation of Surveyors,
Washington Congress Commission 8: Decision support Systems combining land
use planning and CZM.
- 2002 ? Property Rights, Economics and
Environment-Coastal Zone: Rapport & Paper, Strategic Management at the
- 2001- International Federation of Surveyors, Seoul
Working Week Commission 8: Mega cities
- 2000- International Federation of Surveyors, Prague
Working Week Commission 9: Coastal Industrialised Land Development in the
- 1998 International Federation of Surveyors, Land
Commission 7: Coastal Land Management: Sustainable practices in the public
and private sectors achieving a balance in management and planning.
- 1998 Littoral (Barcelona) ?Sustainable waterfront
and coastal development in Europe, socio- economic technical and
environmental aspects.
- 1995 International Conference Coastal Zone
((Florida), Building CZM partnerships.
- 1994 World Wide Fund for Nature (UK), A Review of
UK Coastal Plans.
- 1993 Author of A Coastal Directory of Local
Planning Authorities: A review of local planning authority plans and
partnerships in Coastal Zone Management on behalf of the Royal Yachting
- 1993 International Federation of Surveyors (FIG),
Marine Policy in the State of Hawaii.
- Technical presentations to various Commercial
multi- national property Board?s and Main Board
- Publications in National journals and International
year books (EEZ).
- 2003/04 Committee Member RICS Southwest Regional
- 2002/06 FIG Commission 8 UK delegate; Spatial
planning and development and chair of Working group focussing on
Urbanisation/ Cities, coasts & natural hazards and Informal settlements.
- 2001/04 Committee member of the RICS Local Faculty
Group, Wessex region.
- 2000/04 Chair of FIG Comm. 8.3 Working Group
Planning & Development of Mega- Global Cities.
- 1999/02 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Working Party: Coastal Defence & Flood Protection.
- 1995/00 RICS Committee member: Marine Resource
Management Skills Panel.
- 1996/00 RICS Committee member: Planning and
Development Market Panel.
- 1995/8 International Federation of Surveyors
Commission 7.
- 1988 Chair of Victoria Wine Working party -
Strategic Flat Letting Policy.
Key specialist fields
- Land use development, regeneration and
implementation, Strategic Corporate advice, Project Management, Public
Communications, Feasibility studies, and acquisition, Marine Resource
Management (CZM).
Professional history
- 1999- Present Principal, Dumashie Associates.
- 1997-1999 Real Estate development consultant, GVA
- 1996- 1997 Real Estate and CZM Consultant Dumashie
/ Metoc PLC.
An environmental practice established to assist the public and private
sectors activities and development s in coastal and marine areas.
Responsible for strategic business development of the international
lending agency markets combining coastal land and CZM expertise.
- 1990- 1995 Senior Surveyor, Scotts Hotels Ltd (trading
as Marriot Resorts and Hotels).
- Acting Property director and board member of a
newly acquired national fast food chain. Established property management
department. Participated in the management of a successful company take
over, offered permanent position of property director.
- Company property surveyor a corporate hotel group
responsible for group development acquisitions and property ownership
strategies including management & evaluation.
- 1988 - 1990 Property developments project manager,
Marks and Spencer Plc.
Development and acquisitions surveyor land assembly and developments and
development of new business trading concepts
- 1986 - 1988 Estates Manager, Victoria Wines, Allied
Brewery Group.
Regional estate manager asset management. For eight months acting senior
estate manager covering UK
- 1984 - 1986 Property Asset Management, Hillier
Parker May and Rowden. - Asset surveyor.
Dr. Diane Dumashie
Dumashie Associates
Keta House
1 Worgret Hill
Dorset BH20 6AD
Tel. + 44 1929 555 392
Fax + 44 1929 555 392
E-mail: atfchair_p[at]
15 July 2005 |