FIG Commission 8

Work Plan 2007-2010
work plan in .pdf-format.
Spatial Planning and Development
Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chairperson of Commission 8 |
Terms of reference
- Regional and local structure planning
- Urban and rural land use planning
- Planning policies and environmental improvement
- Land use planning and implementation
- Public-private partnerships
- Informal settlement issues in spatial development, planning and
- Re-engineering mega cities
- Strategy for Environmental Sustainable Development
- Inter-relationship with commission 9.
Mission statement
- The activities of Commission 8 in the years 2007-2010 will involve all
levels of physical planning, which enable environmentally sustainable
development to occur.
- Physical planning establishes the ‘ground rules’ for environmentally
sustainable development at all planning levels and including all actors (government,
private sector and public/private partnership). Traditionally the surveyors’
role is most visible in implementation of plans and therefore Commission 8
will have more focus on issues that are closely related to the core
disciplines of the profession.
- The Commission 8 will assist in building the capacity of knowledge via
case studies, workshops, collaboration and consultation thus contributing in
a positive way to environmentally sustainable development and living
conditions of humans in a changing globalised world.
Surveyors have a key professional role in the application and implementation
of planning and development for community living. The strategy today
incorporates the importance of the environment and the requirement for
environmentally sustainable developments (ESD) to be a foundation of the habitat
for the future generations. This planning strategy for urban development and
regeneration provides opportunities for surveyors.
The re-engineering of mega cities as a place for people and the provision and
location of infrastructure services involves all levels of government and
private sector to provide and deliver outcomes.
The rising sea levels via climate change are particularly challenging for
urban planning in coastal regions. Surveyors can contribute to better
understanding the potential impact on coastal settlements development and to the
adoption of policies to meet these new challenges.
Informal settlements can benefit from contribution by surveyors in the area
of planning and governance.
In the period of 2007-2010 the focus of Commission 8 will be:
- Establish a focus for all parties involved in environmentally
sustainable planning and implementation;
- Develop guidelines, methods, governances and best practice at the global
- This Commission will reflect the holistic skills found within planning
and development of built environment;
- Commission emphasises that we, as surveyors and built environment
experts have a leadership role in the collective responsibility for
well-functioning mega cities;
- The Commission recognises the three pillars of ESD. i.e. balancing the
competing development demands associated with economic, social and
environmental aspirations. Further, the integrating activities of FIG allow
for adoption of a holistic approach to problem solving in the built
- Focussing on surveyors’ role in implementation of plans and the
interaction between planning and real estate economics.
In addition to the specific activities above, the Commission will support and
contribute to FIG Task Forces and the Standards Network. The Commission will
also respond to the FIG Council to address new issues as they emerge.
Working Group 8.1 - Planning Strategy for Urban Development and
Policy Issues
- Planning urban development and regeneration and economic impacts
- The role of Partnerships and Urbanization process is a role for
surveyors in moving towards sustainability in urban development/community
living for people and places.
Dr. Lillian S.C. PUN, Associate Professor
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
E-mail: lspun[at] |
Specific Projects
- Identify a planning framework, which enables public-private partnership (PPP)
to deliver tools for urbanization
- Investigate key roles for surveyors within urban regeneration
- Review the Hong Kong policy frameworks for recommendations of best
practice and education requirements for implementation.
This will be a joint Working Group with Commission 7.
- Develop a series of special papers for the FIG Working Weeks
- To organise a round table discussion at Working Week 2008.
- Report on results at the FIG Congress 2010.
- 2008: Round table discussion at the Working Week 2008 in Stockholm
- 2010: Final report and recommendations
- FIG member organisations, UN, professional bodies, planners and
Working Group 8.2 - Informal Settlements Issues in Spatial
Development, Planning and Governance
Policy Issues
- Commission’s contribution to the Millennium Development Goals
- to investigate initiatives that deliver land for housing and associated
financial mechanisms that enable upgrading through participatory approaches
to planning and development.
Provisional Terms of Reference
- Build negotiation mechanisms with Traditional Leaders to enable the
expansion of urban areas onto customary owned land by identify ways in which
Customary ownership could be modernized to release land for formalised
housing, (In collaboration with Commission 7).
- Explore rapid, new approaches to forward plan and upgrading initiatives
that provide places for the poor by partnering with Sister organisations.
- Deliver environmental sustainable house plots by working with
partnership forums to find ways to upgrade infrastructure achieving this by
addressing both physical and financial mechanisms.
Dr. Diane Dumashie
United Kingdom
E-mail: atfchair_p[at]
Specific Projects
- To investigate sustainable places within informal settlement in Africa;
- To contribute to building the knowledge which the surveyors can provide
expert advice for Built Environment;
- To develop FIG-UN recommendation for best practices in Governance issues
for Informal Settlements.
- To participate in special workshop in Africa
- To provide leadership at the FIG Working Week 2008 in this key issue.
- To produce a working discussion paper ‘White Paper’ on a key element
effective governance issue.
- 2008: To organise a round table session at FIG Working Week 2008
- 2010: Final report and recommendation for Significant Better Practice.
- United Nations, the World Bank, governments, humanity and FIG member
Policy Issues
- To provide opportunities for surveyors to play a key role in solving
problems and implementing infrastructure in environmentally sustainable
projects/ developments in mega cities (large sprawling habitats with two
distinct types being economically wealthy and dramatically poor).
Dr. Ioana Manaolache
E-mail: ioanam[at] |
Specific Projects
- To study the World City Report for identifying opportunities for surveyors
to be contributors towards improving infrastructure and degradation of the
- To create methods of identifying causes of infrastructure damage within
mega cities;
- Identify the planning framework and recommend changes which will enable
implementation of E.S.D.;
- Develop a policy framework to enable sustainable cities.
- To contribute to the proposed Commission 8 workshop on mega cities at the
FIG Working Week 2008.
- Report on results of working group investigations and report at the FIG
Congress 2010.
- FIG member organisations, United Nations and the World Bank.
Working Group 8.4 - Urban Planning in Coastal Regions
- Urban planning in coastal regions has emerged as a major issue connected
to rising sea levels as a result of climate change due to global warming.
Urban habitat issues within coastal regions are a matter for Commission 8
and its contribution to environmentally sustainable development.
- On matters relating to marine space, Commission 8 will work in close
co-operation with the Commission 4 Working Group 4.3 (Administering Marine
Spaces). The ‘shifting sands’ will provide opportunities for Working Group
8.4 to find key roles for surveyors.
Mr. Isaac Boateng
University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
e-mail: boatengis[at] |
Specific Projects
- To identify the impact on Urban habitat in Coast Regions caused by rising
sea levels
- To develop planning policy and implementation guidelines to assist or
allow communities to live in harmony with rising sea levels
- To organise a round table discussion together with Commission 4 at the
Regional Conference in 2007 and at the Working Week 2008/2009.
- Produce a discussion ‘white paper’ in 2009 on the directions and
implications of rising sea levels on coastal communities.
- 2007/2008: Round table discussions at the FIG events together with
Commission 4
- 2009: White paper on direction and implication of rising water.
Commission Officers
Commission Chair
Dr. Diane Dumashie
Dumashie Associates
Keta Lodge
Grange Road, Creech
Dorset BH20 5DG
Tel. + 44 1929 555 392
Fax + 44 1929 555 392
Chair Elect, 2009-2010
Wafula Nabutola
P. O. Box 8824
00100 Nairobi
Wafula_nabutola_090382[at] |
Vice Chair and Chair of WG 8.1 - Planning Strategy for Urban Development and
Dr. Lillian S.C. PUN, Associate Professor
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
E-mail: lspun[at] |
Vice Chair and Chair of WG 8.2 -
Informal Settlements Issues in Spatial Development, Planning and Governance
Dr. Diane Dumashie
Dumashie Associates
Keta Lodge
Grange Road, Creech
Dorset BH20 5DG
Tel. + 44 1929 555 392
Fax + 44 1929 555 392
E-mail: atfchair_p[at] |
Vice Chair and Chair of WG 8.3 - Re-Engineering Mega Cities
Ms. Ioana Manaolache
Legal Consultant
Theotop consulting
Tel. + 40 21.323 4896
Fax + 40 21 321 6282
E-mail: ioanam[at] |
Vice Chair and Chair of WG 8.4 - Urban Planning in Coastal Regions
Mr. Isaac Boateng
University of Portsmouth
e-mail: boatengis[at] |
17 July 2008 |