News in 2020

New FIG Members
Welcome to Carlson Software - FIG Corporate member

At its meeting on 17 January 2020, FIG Council
approved Carlson Software as FIG Corporate Member in category C
- Silver Level.
Founded in 1983, Carlson Software specializes in CAD design software,
field data collection, and machine control products for the land
surveying, civil engineering, construction, and mining industries
worldwide, providing one-source technology solutions from data
collection to design to construction. Carlson Software’s renowned
dedication to customer service is unique in the industry.
The mission of Carlson Software:
- To be the premiere independent developer of land surveying,
civil engineering, construction and mining technology products.
- To maintain our reputation for technological innovation.
- To provide industry-leading customer service and support.
- To provide one-source technology solutions from data collection
to design on through to construction
Welcome to Real Estate Administration of Montenegro - affiliate

The Real Estate Administration performs administrative tasks related
- initiating the regulation of normative-legal and other
real-legal relations on real estate;
- development of standards of surveying in the field of survey,
production of real estate cadastre and underground installations;
conducting administrative procedure in the field of property-legal
relations and cadastre and ensuring the application and enforcement
of real-property and property regulations in Montenegro;
- real estate valuation;
- planning, designing, analyzing and evaluating the accuracy of
surveys, real estate cadastre and cartographic works;
- photogrammetric aerial surveys, research and publishing, and
other geodetic surveys and the making of originals and reproduction
of plans and maps;
- development and maintenance of geodetic networks of all ranks;
- drafting, renewal, amendment and control of the state survey,
real estate cadastre and registration of real estate rights;
- execution and supervision of the execution and maintenance of
the cadastre of water and underground facilities;
- cadastral classification and land crediting;
- proposing the establishment of a basis for taxation on
agricultural activity;
- land surveying and agronomic work on land consolidation;
- development, maintenance and development of GIS in cooperation
with the state administration body for the information society;
- national geospatial data infrastructure (NIGP);
- maintenance and development of software for the creation of
digital geodetic plans and alpha-numerical data of the cadastral
operator and supervision of these operations;
- monitoring and identification of changes occurring in the area,
ie implementation of identified changes on the plans and in the
cadastral operation;
- registration of changes in real estate rights;
- keeping archives of technical documentation of the state survey,
plans, maps and other technical documentation;
- setting up and keeping records of state property consisting of
real estate, as well as other tasks assigned to it in the
Louise Friis-Hansen
January 2020