News in 2020

UNESCO Recommendation on Open Sciences - consultation
December 2020
FIG is a member of the International Science Council (ISC). Through
them we have received a request from UNESCO asking for input into the
first draft of their Recommendation on Open Science.

Universal access to scientific knowledge, regardless
of geography, gender, political boundaries, ethnicity or
economic or technological barriers is an essential
prerequisite for human development and progress towards
planetary sustainability. Open Science aims to make science
information more available based on transparency, sharing and
collaboration, providing access to all outputs of research,
adopting new ways of conducting and evaluating research,
and including social actors beyond the scientific
community in the creation of knowledge and its use for decision
and policy-making.
Survey to gather comments on the first draft of the UNESCO
Recommendation on Open Science
UNESCO has been developing an international standard-setting instrument
on Open Science in the form of a UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
since November 2019. The first draft of the UNESCO Recommendation on
Open Science has been submitted to UNESCO Member States and is now
available for comments:
Together with the InterAcademy Partnerhsip (IAP), the World
Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) and the European
Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA), the ISC is
assisting UNESCO in gathering comments from the scientific community on
the first draft text of the Recommendation.
We invite you and your organisation to share their views on the draft
Recommendation by 15 December 2020 via this online survey:
Please submit your contribution online.
Louise Friis-Hansen
4 December 2020