News in 2020

FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19

It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the
cancellation of this year’s FIG Working Week in Amsterdam due 10-14 May.
The local Dutch organisers, together with FIG have worked dedicated on
the preparations for this Working Week for several years to give all the participants a
special experience in Amsterdam. Several pre-events were prepared,
special technical tours and dinners that should bring participants
together. FIG Commisisons, Networks, Permanent Institution and Task
Force Chairs have also put a great effort in the technical programme
which was published not so long time ago.
The Dutch organisers had looked very much forward to welcoming all to
Amsterdam. The large and efficient local organising committee with Paula
Dijkstra competently in the lead as co-conference director have put
uncountable hours, creative thoughts, many actions in the preparations
for this Working Week and which until a few weeks ago were summing
excitedly with the final preparations. The COVID-19 virus stopped this.
We know this cancellation comes as a disappointment
also for those who had planned to attend. Each was
looking forward to present, to network and to demonstrate research,
projects and products to our FIG community. As well as to explore the
vibrant city of Amsterdam and the unique countryside in the Netherlands.
Now we must stay together - apart.
This is not a decision we have taken lightly and there are two
overriding concerns that have caused us to make this decision at this
First, the Dutch Government announced new measurements to control the
COVID-19 outbreak. In the Netherlands all gatherings are prohibited
until 1 June.
Second, our primary concern is always the wellbeing of
all our participants, and we would
not take on the responsibility, during these times, to bring so many
surveyors from all over the world together.
We wish good health to all during this strange crisis.
Louise Friis-Hansen
Co-conference Director, FIG
25 March 2020