News in 2020

Vice President Diane Dumashie attends two webinars on diversity and the
October 2020
During October 2020, FIG Vice President Diane Dumashie has been
involved in two webinar platforms that complement the ongoing work first
in FIG SDG’s Task force led by Paula Dijkstra, and second Diversity in
our profession a topic led by Commission 1.
Webinar on the UN Habitat global Agenda “Leave no one behind”

FIG Vice President Diane Dumashie was asked and delivered a webinar
under the umbrella of RICS Value the Planet Campaign; The future
we want to shape: Surveyors and the UN SDGs
This 1 hour webinar presentation creates a deep understanding of the
global context of the UN declaration, and explains the tangible linkage
between how high level International policy flows down to our land and
built environment professional practices. Diane invited FIG Vice
Chair of the Young Surveyors network, Kwabena Asiama to present on two
key SDG’s on poverty and gender equality.
By unpacking the policy detail, enables surveyors to fully understand
how their practices truly contribute to the SDGs and the ambitious
global agenda that ‘leaves no one behind’
Webinar on Diversity in the profession
Vice President Diane Dumashie was invited to be a panel member on a
CPD Webinar Talk as part of “Giving Back” by industry Speakers. Drawn from across the globe the panel included: Dr Louise Brooke-Smith
OBE FRICS MRTPI, Diane A Dumashie FRICS CEDR PhD, FIG Vice President,
Lionheart Trustee and Director - Dumashie Ltd, Jess Cleland, Group
Managing Director East Africa and Indian Ocean Broll Property Group and
Arti Ram, MRICS Centre Manager Ascencia Ltd
Organized by Anil Singh Rana FRICS (Mauritius) The panel presented
and discussed the recent achievements seen in diversity, inclusion and
equality across the built environment sector and above all how we can
continue to increase the speed of change. Diane
Dumashie highlighted some of the most successful organisations that
ensure changes in attitudes and culture, including referencing a
path-breaking text, Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Real Estate
Sector by Amanda Clack and Judith Gabler

Get the book: Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Real Estate Sector
Diane Dumashie
November 2020