News in 2020

“Winning the fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable
Pathway for Africa’s Transformation”
25 - 29 November 2019, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Vice President Diane Dumashie attends the United Nations Conference
on Land Policy in Africa, CLPA-2019
FIG Vice President Diane Dumashie attended the 3rd African Union Land
Commission conference held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast 25th to 29th November
2019. In parallel to the conference, GLTN launched the GLTN Gender
Strategy at which Vice President Diane Dumashie delivered a welcome

Middle left VP Diane Dumashie, Middle right Oumar Sylla (Head of

The 3rd Conference on Land Policy in Africa is a joint initiative of
the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the African
Development Bank and the African Union. Organised by the African Land
Policy Centre (ALPC, based in the African Union Commission) the
conference supports the Declaration of 2018 by the African Union as the
Anti-Corruption Year under the theme “Winning the Fight against
Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation”.
Joan Kagwanja, Coordinator of the ALPC, explained that this theme is
particularly relevant now because 2019 marks the 10-year benchmark of
the decade of the AU declaration on land. The Declaration commits
member states to review their land sectors and to develop comprehensive
policies that take into account their peculiar needs; as well as build
adequate human financial, technical capacities to support land policy
development and implementation.

AU 2019 Emminet persons
The official conference opening ceremony provided pertinent reminders
and highlighted the importance of land governance. The opening
statement from Stephen Karingi (Director of the Regional Integration,
Infrastructure and Trade Division at the Economic Commission for
Africa), “Success in achieving the sustainable development goals is
underpinned by good land governance, as it contributes to a range of
development objectives.” Echoed by Her Excellency Ambassador
Josefa L.C. Sacko (Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture,
African Union Commission) highlighted the relevance of land governance
to respond to the global environmental challenges as well as sustainably
managing what appears to be a continuous demand for land for different
land uses.
The key note address given by the African Development Bank’s Senior
Vice President, Charles Boamah, noted how critical
“sound land policies are to economic growth, food security, and poverty
alleviation across the continent combined with tenure security and
protection of land rights, which can in turn enhance investment
opportunities in land,” pertinently adding that land administration
systems in many countries on the continent were characterised by poor
infrastructure and management practices largely because of corruption.
Dr. Benjamin Laag (Head of Cooperation of the German Embassy In Côte
d’Ivoire) in his opening statement
"Talking about land and corruption is no longer a taboo. Addressing land
corruption is an important but sensitive topic and this conference will
be a valuable contribution to this conversation." |
The Opening, 4 minute Youtube video here:
AU 2019 Conference Plenary session
The conference is becoming established as a policy and learning event
whose goal is to deepen capacity for land policy in Africa through
improved access to knowledge and information on land policy development
and implementation. The format of the Conference included
masterclasses, plenary and parallel sessions, side events, exhibitions,
and the use of social media to reach a broader audience. The opening
addresses set the scene for open dialogue and frank discussions around
the conference theme. In particular each day, the plenaries set the tone
for subsequent deliberations during the day, including:
- Strengthening
Institutions and Financing Land Governance in Africa
- Women Tenure Security
for inclusive Growth and Sustainable Agricultural Transformation
- Investment, Corruption
and Land Governance
- Land, Ethnicity and
Recognising that not only one actor has all the answers, a range of
stakeholders were well represented in the deliberations, including a
platform of traditional leaders from across the African Continent,
bringing unique perspectives to the discussions with policymakers,
professionals, academics and civil society actors.
Customary leader’s involvement during day three, discussion on
‘Investment, Corruption and Land Governance’.
It was welcoming to share the deliberations with new as well as existing
FIG members and FIG partners. In our immediate FIG family people
included Angela and Eugene Etuonovbe (respectively past Commission 4
Chair and Lawyer), Mansur Muhamad (SURCON, Chief registrar of Nigeria),
three Nigerian Surveyor State Generals, Yacouba Hamead (Ivory Coast, FGF
member and former ARN LOC- 2016) and Josaam Potel (INNES Rwanda, former
ARN LOC-2017)- noting INNES upcoming Earth Observation conference-
October 2020) .
Kabir Mansur Muhammad (centre/ fifth from right), Angela Etuonovbe (far right) |
In addition meeting with FIG partners to dialogue and network,
including, Janet Edeme (AU), Victoria Stanley (World Bank), to name but
a few and finally carrying the flag for our sister organisations
including Commonwealth Association of Surveyors and Land Economist
(CASLE) and the UN, Habitat Professionals Forum (HPF).
And, at the AU web site, daily report highlights may be found here:
The conference provides opportunities for partners and stakeholders to gather for complimentary side events, such as
that organised by GLTN (UN Habitat).
Here GLTN Gender strategy Launch |

FIG Vice President Diane Dumashie was pleased to attend and support the
launch of the
GLTN Gender Strategy (2019- 2030); Towards Securing Women’s and Girl’s
Land and Property Rights. FIG VP D Dumashie’s key note may be found
here [Link] The reception brought together GLTN members, partners/donors
and other actors to meet and interact and endorse the content and
aspirations of the newly developed GLTN Gender Strategy, that
importantly forms a central thread in the overall GLTN Strategy for
2018- 2030.
The Gender strategy focuses on securing women’s and girls’ land tenure,
land-related resources and property rights, including housing in rural,
peri-urban and urban contexts. It has four core gender responsive
objectives including: delivering outcome on based commitments, increase
the use and institutionalise land tools; increase secured land tenure
and property rights; strengthen knowledge and capacities

Moderated by Everlyne Nairesiae (GLTN Gender Lead), a panel provided
brief reflections/observations:
- Oumar Sylla, GLTN
Secretariat, – welcome remarks and introduction to GLTN
- Diane Dumashie,
International Federation of Surveyors – exploring challenges and
opportunities for mainstreaming gender in land administration
- Naome Kabanda-
Commissioner Land Administration, Uganda – reflection on the Gender
Strategy for National Land Policy implementation in Uganda
- Mino Ramaroson,
Huairou Commission – Presentation of the GLTN Gender Strategy
- Husna Mbarak, FAO –
observation on the GLTN Gender Strategy and link to VGGT
- Peter Sidler, EDA SEZ
Representative of the Global Donor Working Group on Land – reflection on
donors attention to gender issues in the land sector ; partnership and
You can access/download the new GLTN Gender Strategy here:
Dr Diane Dumashie FRICS, Vice President FIG
February 2020