FIG Congress 2022


ISBN 978-87-93914-02-5
ISSN 2308-3441

Note: In technical sessions the author(s) presenting the paper have been marked in italic style.
Sunday, 4 September
4 September

FIG General Assembly - part 1 - Regular agenda items and reports
Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director, Denmark

This first General Assembly session included the Presidents report, the Financial Report, FIG Foundation, membership matters and other General Agenda items.

Video recording:

Friday, 9 September
9 September
Oak, DoubleTree by Hilton

FIG Council Meeting
Commission: Council
Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany

  • By Invitation only

Saturday, 10 September
10 September
Sequoia, DoubleTree by Hilton

Reference Frames in Practice
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, Chair FIG Commission 5, United States

The main focus is on reference frames in general with a specific focus on UN initiatives, global and regional frames as well selected national case studies. A half-day International GNSS Service (IGS) Training will also be completed. Attendees can familiarize themselves with the training by reviewing videos here.


  • Dr. Daniel Roman (FIG)
  • Prof. Janusz Walo (Association of Polish Surveyors (SGP))
  • Ms. Allison Craddock (IGS)


Ms. Sharafat Gadimova, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

UN-GGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy and the FIG
Dr. Daniel R. Roman, Chair for WG on Education, Training and Capacity Building and Chair Commission 5, Positioning and Measurement

IAG and the International GNSS Service
Ms. Allison Craddock, IGS Bureau Director, U.S.A


Introduction to Geodetic Reference Frame Theory
Dr. Chris Pearson, University of Otago, New Zealand

Introduction to Vertical Reference Frames
Ms. Katarzyna Kalinczuk-Stanałowska, Head Office of Geodesy & Cartography, Poland

Reference Frames, Datum Transformations and GIS
Dr. Kevin Ahlgren,, NOAA National Geodetic Survey, USA


Spotlight on Bernese GNSS Software
Prof. Dr. Rolf Dach, University of Bern, Switzerland

Spotlight on GipsyX GNSS Software (virtual)
Dr. Paul Ries, Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology, USA

Pre-event sponsor:

Pre-event supports:

10 September
Oak, DoubleTree by Hilton

ACCO Meeting
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, FIG Vice President, Sweden
Rapporteur: Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director, Denmark

  • By Invitation only

10 September
Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

Surveying and BIM Classroom
Commission: 10
Chair: Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany, Prof. Tomasz Owerko and Mr. Szymon Glinka, Poland

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the way surveyors work, think, collaborate and earn money. Using and sharing multidimensional digital representations of buildings are the driving forces for the digitalization of our work. This affects many tasks surveyors and GIS professionals perform, e.g. cost estimation, GIS analysis, engineering surveying, construction work, land management and facilities management.
Scope of the Workshop:

  • Teaching theoretical background of the BIM method (concepts, workflows and standards)
  • Best practice presentations from large projects and SME (from surveyor’s point of view)
  • Presentation of the latest software (surveying, integration and collaboration with BIM, CAD, GIS)

LECTURE “Basics on BIM for Surveyors” [handouts]

  • BIM definition
  • BIM use cases (just a few)
  • What is BIM software?
  • Geometry and Topology in BIM
  • Georeferencing of BIM Models
  • Semantics in BIM
  • BIM and Engineering Surveying
  • BIM vs .GIS
  • Short overview on international standards


Managing the Cost and Carbon Footprint with BIM and GIS
Maciej Kindler
, former Head of BIM at Skanska, now CEO of InfraByte

Coordination of Geotechnical and BIM Standardization
Patryk Żak, Head of BIM at CPK, Solidarity Transport Hub Poland

Extracting Geospatial Information from IFC Files
Prof. Tomasz Owerko and Dr. Szymon Glinka (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow)

Real scale VR of turbines as a tool of work
Piotr Sadowski,
F.E.W. Baltic II Project, RWE Power

Active work in groups (choose one)

  • Use cases for “surveying and BIM”
  • Use cases for “geodata and BIM”
  • Georeferencing 3D-BIM models
  • OpenBIM collaboration with IFC and BCF
  • Establish BIM in a small and medium sized enterprise (SME)

Followed by 5 minute presentations


  • Presentation of groupwork
  • Open discussion


Pre-event sponsors:

10 September
Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

ArcGIS Parcel Fabric - ESRI
Commission: ESRI

The Parcel Fabric is designed for any organization in any country that manages cadastral records. It was designed in line with the LADM (Land Administration Domain Model) and is currently used to manage over 25 million parcels in many countries. Extensive global engagement researching best practices, requirements, and workflows resulted in a time-tested, purpose-built solution. The Parcel Fabric was designed for the next 15-20 years and can be easily extended and configured to meet your organization specific business requirements.

10 September
Pine, DoubleTree by Hilton

Young Surveyors Conference "Volunteering for the Future: Smart Surveyors for Social Good"
Chair: Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Chair FIG Young Surveyors Network, Germany

The conference will will focus on “Volunteering for the Future: Smart Surveyors for Social Good” to recognise the role of young surveyors in pushing the frontiers of the surveying profession through volunteering, playing a vital role in society. The push of smarter technologies continually expands the surveyor’s toolbox allowing for the leveraging of these technologies to meet the challenges of our times.


  • Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President
  • Krzysztof Bakula, XVII FIG Congress Co-Director/Vice President, SKO
  • John Hohol, FIG Foundation
  • Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Ferah Köksal and Wioleta Krupowicz, FIG Young Surveyors Network.

Chair: Shirley Chapunza, Zimbabwe

Smart Surveyors for Social Good 
Mr. Bryn Fosburgh (Senior Vice President, Trimble Inc.)

Geospatial data driven asset management and monitoring. Should surveyors be afraid of artificial intelligence? 
Prof. Tomasz Owerko (AGH University of Science and Technology) 

The Continuing Challenges facing the Surveying Profession 
Dr. Craig Hill (Vice President, Marketing and Services, Leica Geosystems)


Kumbirai Matingo (Zimbabwe):
A COVID-19 Hub for Zimbabwe (11386)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Adamu Bala (Nigeria), Ryan Keenan (Australia), Otobong Nse and David Elegbede (Nigeria):
Nigeria`s FIG Young Surveyors Network: Successes, Challenges, and Prospects (11643)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jacob Heck (USA):
The Young Surveyors North American Network 

Shirley Chapunza (Zimbabwe):
The Young Surveyors African Network 

Chair: Charles Atakora, Germany  

Katarzyna Rędzińska (Warsaw University of Technology):
System thinking for sustainability development 

Jakub Markiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology):
The SfM-TLS feature-based point cloud registration

Panel Discussion: Building Relationships and Securing the Future of Young Surveyors; The VCSP Perspective


Craig Hill (Vice President Marketing and Services, Leica Geosystems):
The Leica AP20 AutoPole Competition 

Łukasz Czerwiński  (CEO, Skysnap):
The Skysnap Corner 

The Volunteer Community Surveyor Programme - VCSP

Pre-event sponsors:

Further Reading:

Sylion Regis Muramira and Jean Pierre Habiyaremye (Rwanda):
3D Cadastral Surveying in Rwanda (11629)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

10 September
Poplar, DoubleTree by Hilton

Mining Surveying Workshop
Commission: 6
Chair: Eng. Maria Joao Henriques, Chair FIG Commission 6, Portugal

Mining surveying is an important part of engineering surveying, which covers making measurements in underground workings, open pits, but also under the water surface. However, these are also control measurements that allow you to check the geometry of mining facilities, structures, devices and machines in relation to the design assumptions and legal regulations.
The topics proposed during the workshop are related to the following three basic activities of a mining surveyor: the staking out and control of the geometry of objects will be shown by presenting laser scanning techniques, environmental impact - by assessing the transformation of the state of the surface water environment in artificially drained mining and post-mining areas for the purpose of acquiring metadata for spatial development plans, and InSAR radar analysis of surface deformations. Specialized measuring devices will also be presented, allowing to perform tests in mining shafts and excavations in a way that is unique in the world.

Prof. Ryszard Hejmanowski (AGH UST)

 A. Adamek (Skala 3D Ltd.):
Mobile mining platform - Application in the precise acquisition of 3D data in mining works
[abstract] [handouts]

M. Sorkowski (LW Bogdanka S.A.):
The use of 3D laser scanning techniques in an underground coal mine. The example of LW "Bogdanka" S.A.
[abstract] [handouts]

J. Kukuła, W. Kumosiński (KGHM PM S.A. O/ZG Lubin):
Laser scanning technology as the modern way of data acquisition based on selected jobs completed in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
[abstract] [handouts]

D. Ignacy (GIG Research Institute):
Comprehensive Method of Assessing the Flood Threat of Artificially Drained Mine Subsidence Areas for Identification and Sustainable Repair of Mining Damage to The Aquatic Environment
[abstract] [handouts]

U. Wegmüller, C. Magnard, C. Werner, S. Leinss (Gamma Remote Sensing AG):
New trends in InSAR technologies and analyses for mining areas
[abstract] [handouts]

W. Stolarski (Geotronics Ltd.):
Underground measurements of hard-to-reach spaces with a special inspection system (drons)
[abstract] [handouts]

Pre-event sponsors:

10 September
Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

Scientific Workshop on Uncertainty and Quality of Multi-Sensor Systems - Session 1 & 2
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Theoretical and numerical developments as well as state-of-the-art best-practise examples (monitoring surveys: GNSS and total stations, terrestrial laser scanning, point-wise and area-wise monitoring, kinematic positioning, sensor fusion, mobile mapping) will be presented at the workshop.

Chair: Prof. Heiner Kuhlmann, Germany

Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Quality in Engineering Geodesy - an Introduction to the Topic and to the Workshop (11779)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Qingquan Li, Jiasong Zhu, Dejin Zhang, Wei Tu, Chisheng Wang, Zhipeng Chen and Siting Xiong (China, PR):
Dynamic and Precise Surveying for Water Resource Engineering —Dams, Bridges and Pipelines (11772)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Chair: Mr. Xiong Si-Ting, China

Gereon Tombrink, Ansgar Dreier, Lasse Klingbeil and Heiner Kuhlmann (Germany):
Trajectory Evaluation Using Repeated Rail-Bound Measurements (11333)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Gilles Teodori and Hans Neuner (Austria):
Investigation of the Inherent Trade-Off Between Bias Model Complexity and State Estimation Accuracy in INS-GNSS-Integration (11608)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Nader Abdelaziz and Ahmed El-Rabbany (Canada):
An Integrated IMU/LIDAR Navigation System for GNSS-Denied Environments (11431)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Pre-event sponsors:

Sunday, 11 September
11 September
Sequoia, DoubleTree by Hilton

Reference Frames in Practice
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, Chair FIG Commission 5, United States

Day two of the Reference Frames in Practice Workshop.


Case study of Poland
Ms. Katarzyna Kalinczuk-Stanałowska, Head Office of Geodesy & Cartography, Poland

Case study for Papua New Guinea (virtual)
Dr. Richard Stanaway, UNSW Sydney


Asia-Pacific Region
Dr. Ryan Keenan, Asia/Pacific Regional Capacity Development Network

Americas Region
Dr. Daniel Roman, Americas Regional Capacity Development Network


Closing Remarks
Dr. Daniel Roman, FIG Commission 5; and Ms. Allison Craddock, IGS Bureau

11 September
Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

Scientific Workshop on Uncertainty and Quality of Multi-Sensor Systems - Session 3 & 4
Chair: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Day two of the Multi-Sensor Systems Workshop.

Chair: Eng. Maria Joao Henriques, Chair FIG Commission 6, Portugal

Jan Hartmann and Ingo Neumann (Germany):
Automatic and Efficient Quality Assessment of Terrestrial Laser Scans (11443)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Derek D Lichti (Canada):
Closed-Form Modelling of Vertical Cylinder Quality in Support of Laser Scanner Network Design (11650)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Gabriel Kerekes and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Object Surface Properties in TLS Measurements: an Approach Based on the Elementary Error Theory (11380)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Chair: Mr. Ireneusz Wyczalek, Poland

Andreas Ullrich and Nikolaus Studnicka (Austria):
Survey-Grade Lidar Systems Utilizing Sensor Fusion for Static and Kinematic Lidar Data Acquisition (11749)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Werner Lienhart (Austria):
Uncertainty Assessment of High Frequent Laser Distance and Strain Measurements (11778)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Krzysztof Karsznia (Poland) and Leonardo Lia (Italy):
Functional and Accuracy Assessment of a Multisensorial Deformation Monitoring System Implemented for the Development Purposes of Warsaw Metro Line Ii (11478)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

11 September
Pine, DoubleTree by Hilton

Young Surveyors Conference "Volunteering for the Future: Smart Surveyors for Social Good"
Chair: Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Chair FIG Young Surveyors Network, Germany

Day two of the Young Surveyors Conference. Day one focused on the theme of the conference, Volunteering for the Future: Smart Surveyors for Social Good. In this session, the focus will be turned to the future of our network. Is our network fit for the future? How do we have to evolve as a network for the next term? How can we be responsive to the changing nature of our profession and keep relevant?
Join us in planning #ToInfinityAndBeyond!

11 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton


Put on your dancing shoes and lets learn the basic steps of polonaise and krakowiak.

The charity dance will be led the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Warsaw University of technology. The Artistic Director of the ensemble, Mr. Jaroslaw Wojciechowski, along with one of the couples will lead the learning of polonaise and krakowiak, with live accompaniment performed by their pianist Krzysztof Kozlowski.

The proceeds from the Charity event will go to the FIG YSN’s Volunteer Community Surveyor Programme (VCSP), and the FIG Foundation.

Cost: 10 Euros per person, and you’ll get a souvenir!

11 September
Ballroom, DoubleTree by Hilton

FIG General Assembly - part 2 - Get to know your candidates
Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director, Denmark

Get to know your candidates... This second General Assembly session will focus on the elections that are going to take place. To be elected are the President and two Vice Presidents.
During the session you will get to know all candidates better. Member Associations will hereafter be able to vote for their candidates.

The sessions will take place in Warsaw, Poland, at Doubletree by Hilton Conference Centre. If you will not be able to attend in person it will be possible to follow the sessions online: here

11 September
Ballroom, DoubleTree by Hilton

Opening Ceremony
Chair: Dr. Krzysztof Bakuła and Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, Co-congress Directors

The Opening Ceremony provided a spectacular introduction to the FIG Congress, its theme and its unique location - a festive start of the week.

The Opening included key addresses by representatives of the ministry responsible for geodesy and cartography, Surveyor General, representation of municipality and voivodeship. FIG President Rudolf Staiger who will end his 4 years term in 2022 was main keynote speaker.

At the end of the Opening Cer emony the exhibition was opened and the Welcome Reception took place in the exhibition.

Keynote speaker:

  • Dr. Prof. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President

There were welcome addresses by:

  • Mr. Piotr Uściński, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
  • Ms. Alicja Kulka, Surveyor General, Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
  • Dr. Rafał Trzaskowski, President of Warsaw
  • Prof. Janusz Walo, President of Polish Association of Surveyors, SGP
  • Dr. Krzysztof Bakuła, Co-Congress Director, SGP

11 September
Ballroom, DoubleTree by Hilton

Welcome Reception/Cultural Evening

All delegates, registered accompanying persons and exhibitors are invited to attend the official Welcome Reception/Cultural Evening. This is an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and make new acquaintances as you are welcomed to Warsaw.

The Welcome Reception & Cultural Evening will start just after the Opening Ceremony and Exhibition opening. In ballroom Universe you will get the opportunity to talk to other congress participants who have not been met directly at remote conferences for a long time. During this time, the organizers will also want to present Polish culture to the participants of the congress. The menu in the style of Delicacies of Polish cuisine will be served by the DoubleTree Hotel.

During the Welcome Reception/Cultural Evening there will also be a show of Polish culture related to folk dance and singing performed by The Song and Dance Ensemble of Warsaw University of Technology, which is one of the oldest student song and dance ensembles in Poland. It was founded in 1951 by a group of future engineers fascinated by Polish folklore.

Monday, 12 September
12 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

Newcomers Session
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vive President, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Ms.Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director, Denmark

New to the FIG Working Week?

Join us at the session for newcomers to meet members of the council, the FIG Office and other participants who will experience the FIG Congress for the first time. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about FIG, on how to maximize your conference experience and making most of your attendance. First time attendees will be introduced to the programme, the keynote speakers, the sessions tracks, the roundtable discussions, the sponsors and social events.


12 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

Chair: Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, Australia


The keynote will set the scene of the Congress. Even though at the onset of the pandemic, many surveying, geodetic and land administration organizations were already quite far in the digitalisation of data and processes, the last two years was speeding up this transformation.

In this keynote session the speakers will take the audience through their undertakings and experiences during these past years, how the transformation has been handled, and what learnings can be drawn from this.

The Activities of GUGIK During the Pandemic
Ms. Ewa Surma, Director in Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGIK), Poland
[abstract] [handouts]

Digital Transformation and the role of Land Administrations - FAO, FIG and UNECE/WPLA joint publications
Ms. Rumyana Tonchovska, Senior Land Administration Officer, FAO of the UN
[abstract] [handouts]

Better living after Covid – the surveyor point of view
Prof. Paweł Hanus AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
[abstract] [handouts]

  • Read more about the keynote session and speakers here
12 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, Türkiye


Urban Rural Partnership is more urgent than ever in the light of an ongoing or even increasing urban rural divide in developed as well as in developing countries. Central elements are the need for comprehensive land policies, reflecting a priority on spatial and economic integration, and the importance of considering governance, infrastructure and local capacity. Join our two distinguished keynote speakers through the urban rural land linkages.

Urban Rural Partnership - Its a matter of territorial justice and status of mind!
Prof. Holger Magel, FIG Honorary President and TUM Emeritus of Excellence
[abstract] [handouts]

The GLTN Approach to Urban Rural Partnership
Mr. Robert Lewis-Lettington, UN-Habitat/Global Land Tool Network
[abstract] [handouts]

  • Read more about the keynote session and speakers here
12 September
Exhibition Area, DoubleTree by Hilton

Morning Break

Meet the candidates at the FIG Booth

The FIG General Assembly will elect a new President for the term 2023-2026. Come to the FIG booth to meet and chat with the candidates. During the Coffee Break you can meet Abbas Rajabifard, Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute SSSI, Australia.

Professor Abbas Rajabifard is Director of Centre for SDIs and Land Administration, at the University of Melbourne. He is an active global leader in land administration modernisation and geospatial information, digital twin and 3D cadastre, with passion in the field of research and innovation to serve global community.

12 September
Rowan, DoubleTree by Hilton

CLGE ex-board meeting 1

  • By Invitation only

12 September
Pine/Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: LEICA GEOSYSTEMS

Nieustające wyzwania stawiane przed zawodem geodety

Zawód geodety jest pod coraz większą presją, aby robić "więcej za mniej". Podczas tej prezentacji zostaną przedstawione najnowsze innowacje Leica Geosystems, które pomogą Ci rozwinąć działalność, zdobyć przewagę w pozyskiwaniu i utrzymaniu najlepszych talentów, wygrać więcej kontraktów i wygenerować nowe przychody. Zainspiruj się, aby Twoje organizacje działały szybciej, sprawniej i skuteczniej niż kiedykolwiek wydawało Ci się to możliwe.

Presenter: Maciej Bornowski, Leica Geosystems Sp. z o.o., Warszawa, Polska

12 September
Sequoia, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: TERRASOLID LTD.


Producing high quality deliverables with point clouds at top speed just became an effortless job! Terrasolid software offers unique capabilities for processing point clouds and images of any sensor, system and data size. Calibrate, match and classify raw data to create 3D vector models, terrain representations, advanced visualizations or extract features seamlessly. Gain greater insights using images to texture models, colorize point clouds and generate rectified images.

This technical session will go through the automatic data processing wizard for UAV LiDAR data available in Terrasolid’s TerraScan. Attendees will, in their own laptops, run the software, input demo data, and produce quality deliverables such as DTMs or classified point clouds with the assistance of the instructor. The software will be installed and licensed on site. Note! Laptops are expected to have a Windows OS and a Minimum RAM memory of 16Gb. No prior experience with Terrasolid software is required.

12 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS01A: Mines and Geohazards - Geospatial Techniques for Monitoring and Assessment
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski, Canada
Rapporteur: Prof. Tomasz Lipecki, Poland

This technical session brings together several papers on the application of geospatial techniques to monitor possible changing conditions and to support management and decision making related to mines and geohazards.

Daniel Schröder (Germany):
The Permanent Three-Dimensional Data Acquisition of Geotechnical Structures Using Web-Based Application of Terrestrial LIDAR - Chances and Risks from an Engineering Geodetic Point of View (11520)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ashim Babu Shrestha, Punya Oli and Sumitra Shrestha (Nepal):
Application of UAV Drone Technology in Mining Industries of Nepal (11514)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski (Canada), Robert Rożek, Ewa Warchala and Stefanek Paweł (Poland):
Optimization of Existing Mining Activities Expansion in case of Increased Mining and Geological Complexity using Integrated Analysis at KGHM Polska Miedz (11613)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Edyta Puniach, Wojciech Matwij, Wojciech Gruszczyński, Paweł Ćwiąkała and Katarzyna Strząbała (Poland):
Automation of Land Displacement Determination Using UAV Photogrammetric Data (11435)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anastasia Triantafyllou, George Vergos and George Tsakoumis (Greece):
Contribution of InSAR Deformation Analysis to Monitoring Coastal Erosion in the Region of Central Macedonia (11347)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Angelica Leon (Colombia):
Multitemporal Analysis of Environmental Restoration of Quarries and Intervened Areas (11299)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Ryszard Mielimąka and Paweł Sikora (Poland):
The Use of TLS Technology in the Inventory of Damage to Building Objects Resulting from the Impact of Underground Mining Exploitation (11463)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Agnieszka Malinowska, Ulmaniec Paweł (Poland), Ebrahim Fathi Salmi (Australia) and Ryszard Hejmanowski (Poland):
Sinkhole Occurrence Risk Assessment and Management in Areas of Abandoned Underground Mines (11625)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Roman Shults (Czech Republic), Andrii Khailak and Valentyna Strilec (Ukraine):
Complex Approach to Analysis of Retaining Walls Monitoring Results (11632)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Damian Kurdek, Agnieszka Malinowska and Ryszard Hejmanowski (Poland):
Measurements of the Observation of Rock Mass Movements in Field No.1 in the “klodawa” Salt Mine S.A. (11634)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jereimiah Uriah and Chima Ogba (Nigeria):
Impacts of In-stream Sand Mining on the River Geometry in Aleto Eleme, Rivers State (11350)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Magdalena Łukosz (Poland):
Offset-Tracking as an Effective Tool for Rapid Movements Monitoring (11622)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS01B: Urban-Rural Land Linkages
Commission: 8
Chair: Prof. Holger Magel, FIG Honorary President, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Chair FIG Commission 8, Netherlands

Michael Klaus (China, PR) and Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Namibia):
Rural Revitalization -A Key to Urban Rural Land Linkages (11761)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Namibia):
Urban-Rural Land Linkages: Concept Explained Using ‘continuum’ Theory and Metaphor (11762)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Urszula Litwin and Szczepan Budkowski (Poland):
Application of the 3D Cadastre in Modern Rural and Urban Development (11764)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Przemysław Baster (Poland):
Historical Survey Materials as an Important Basis in Rural Revitalization to Improve the Quality of Life (11765)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Martin Fritsch and Peter Mani (Switzerland):
The Need of Resilience for Rural Societies and Economies in Alpine Regions to Profit from Emerging Opportunities in the Course of Climate Change Adaptation (11730)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jan Jadczyszyn and Jacek Pijanowski (Poland):
Land Consolidation and Anti-Erosion Meliorations, as Tool to Counteract Climate Change in the Water Sphere in Agricultural Areas (11628)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS01C: Providing a Reference Frame for Geospatial Products
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Kevin Ahlgren, United States
Rapporteur: Prof. Rafał Sieradzki, Poland

In a world where geospatial data are tied to everything, the surveying professional provides the context for these coordinates in national, regional and global reference frames.

Godfrey Toko, Richard Oput, Grace Kagoro, William Kambugu and Ibrahim Magemeso (Uganda):
The Uganda Geodetic Reference Frame Network (ugrn) as a Back Born of the National Geospatial Infrastructure in Uganda (11323)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Tashi Tashi, Tenzin Namgay, Dorji Pelzang, Kinzang Thinley, Bijay Pradhan (Bhutan) and Rui Fernandes (Portugal):
DrukRef21 – Defining the Reference Frame of Bhutan in a Deforming Region (11455)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ahmed Nuaim, Firdous Hussain (Maldives) and Rui Fernandes (Portugal):
MVCORS – the First Permanent GNSS Network of Maldives (11525)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Chris Pearson (New Zealand) and Sebastien Vielliard (France):
Support for Dynamic Datums in Trimble Software (11341)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ozge Gunes, Deniz Oz Demir and Cuneyt Aydin (Türkiye):
Reference Frame of GPS-PPP Solutions in Marmara Region-Turkey (11561)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Gábor Molnár and Sándor Tóth (Hungary):
Accurate PROJ Parametrization of the Uniform National Projection System of Hungary (EOV) (11649)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Nuddin Tengku, Simon Fuller, Alex Woods and Guorong Hu (Australia):
Update on the Asia-Pacific Reference Frame (APREF) Processing Enhancements and Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Monitoring in Australia (11499)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Sammy Mwangi Matara, David Nyang'au Siriba, John Bosco Kyalo Kiema and Sammy Mulei Musyoka (Kenya):
A Review of the History and Development of The Kenyan Geodetic Reference Frame (11503)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Olusola Omogunloye, Osagie Egogo-Stanley, Olufemi Olunlade, Oludayo Abiodun and Babatunde Ojegbile (Nigeria):
A Study into the Distinction Between Ellipsoid and Planar Computations in a Geodetic Traverse Network (11530)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Richard Stanaway (Papua New Guinea):
PNG2020 a New Geodetic Datum for Papua New Guinea (11537)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Richard Oput, Godfrey Toko, Grace Kagoro, Ibrahim Magemeso and William Kambugu (Uganda):
The Uganda Geodetic Reference Framework (UGRF) as a Backbone for the National Geospatial Infrastructure in Uganda (11580)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS01D: Multidisciplinary Applications of Hydrography
Commission: 4
Chair: Dr. Malavige Don Eranda Kanchana Gunathilaka, Sri Lanka
Rapporteur: Mr. Simon Ironside, New Zealand

This session comprised of various topics related to hydrography including several case studies.

Adam Łyszkowicz, Anna Bernartowicz and Dominika Zawierowska (Poland):
Use of altimetry data to determine the height of inland water surface – the case study (11402)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ronald Eyeson (Ghana):
The Wenchi Water Project (11680)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Ahuchaogu Udo Emmanuel, Oliver ojinnaka. c, A.C chukwuocha and C . N Baywood (Nigeria)
Morphometric Analysis of Delta State River Niger Basin in Nigeria Using Remote Sensing and GIS (11310)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ceciliar Nkechi Baywood, Kayode David Oluwamotemi and Esomchukwu Igbokwe (Nigeria):
Assessment and Analysis of Flood Vulnerability In Abia State Using Tuflow and HEC-RAS (11313)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Isah Abdulkadir, Nuhu Yerima NGurnoma and Abba Gana Bukar (Nigeria):
An Exposition of the Estimation of the Lake Chad Shoreline Dynamics (11454)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Adin Li (China, PR):
USV Hydrographic Slolution showed its advantages in Project of Ponds Sludge Removing (11636)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS01E:The Third Dimension of Geospatial Information
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Ana-Cornelia Badea, Romania
Rapporteur: Mr. Mircea Nap, Romania

A broad range of 3D sensing technologies are widely available and have been in use for several years now. The session will address the implications for GIS data management, analysis, and presentation of results.

Kazimierz Becek (Poland):
The Time-Lapse Digital Elevation Models Difference for Change Detection of Earth’s Topography (11397)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jakub Gryzio, Paweł Czernic and Łukasz Wilk (Poland):
Web-based presentation of multisensoral 3D data on the example of the Church of St. Augustine in Warsaw (11699)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mustafa Aslan, Ibrahim Cankurt, Cengiz Yildirim, Ismail Dursun and Ekrem Ayyildiz (Türkiye):
3D City Models as a 3D Cadastral Layer: The Case of the TKGM Model (11367)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Charalabos Ioannidis, Sofia Soile, Argyro-Maria Boutsi, Styliani Verykokou, Ilias Pastos, Ioannis Tallis, Panagiotis Tokmakidis, Konstantinos Tokmakidis and Chryssy Potsiou (Greece):
5dMeteora: Information System for Multi-Level Documentation of Religious Sites and Historic Complexes (11447)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Alex CHU and Ko-kwan, Ben Fan (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Opening up 3D Digital Map in Hong Kong: Pilot in Kowloon East (11495)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ali El Husseini (USA):
Drone aerial imagery and digital terrain models as tools in resolving contested borders: The case of Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (11685)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Hailun Yan and Ruisheng Wang (Canada):
Automated Building Extraction from Aerial Images with An Improved End-To-End Deep-Learning-Based Approach (11721)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Sycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS01F: Professional Standards, Practice Development and Lifelong Learning
Commission: 1, 2 & 7
Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Chair FIG Commission 2, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Olga Matuk, Poland

This joint Commission 1, 2 and 7 session focuses on key professional development issues for each Commission - Professional Standards, CPD and Lifelong Learning.

John Hohol (USA):
The FIG Foundation - Celebrating 20 years in helping to Build a Sustainable Future (11292)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dante Salvini, Carmen Vega Orozco and Lorenz Jenni (Switzerland):
Supporting modernization of land administration in Colombia with joint further education programs (11404)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Eeke Welling and Rindert Vos (Netherlands):
Lifelong learning works both ways (11415)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Tim Brouwer, Magdalena Grus, Carline Amsing and Iris Theunisse (Netherlands):
Education, a Corner Stone for Digital Twin (11470)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Claire Buxton (Canada), Roshni Sharma (Australia), Michelle Nagawa (Uganda), Jordan Palk (Canada) and Angela Omamuyovwi Etunovbe (Nigeria):
Mobilising Young Surveyors toward Globally Impactful Causes - The VCSP Core Team (11479)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Israel Taiwo, David Elegbede (Nigeria), Kamsin Raju, Chethna Ben (Fiji), Jordan Palk (Canada), Roshni Sharma (Australia) and Claire Buxton (Canada):
Building Capacity for Tenure Security with the VCSP Wisdom Workshop (11617)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Matjaz Grilc (Slovenia), Vladimir Krupa (Croatia), Jean-Yves Pirlot (Belgium) and Robert Rachwal (Poland):
The CLGE Code of Professional Qualification for Property Surveyors a Harmonisation of Best Practices in Europe (11531)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Lars Jämtnäs, Kent Ohlsson, Fredrik Dahlström and Christina Kempe (Sweden):
Best Practice Guidelines - Enhancing the Value of the Surveyor (11569)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jennifer Chigbu, Njike Chigbu and Nancy Chidinma ihesiaba (Nigeria):
Encouraging Female Gender Effective Professional Participation for Sustainable Development through Geomatics Education-A Win-Win initiative. (11596)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mohammed Mamman Kabir, Godwill Tamunobiekiri Pepple, Ukaeme Emmanuel Ajie and Emilia Biobele West (Nigeria):
Surveying: Academic and Professional Discipline (11705)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS01G: Innovations in Cadastral Data Capture and Analysis
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Rohan Bennett, Chair Elect, FIG Commission 7, Australia
Rapporteur: Msc. Claudia Stöcker, Netherlands

Accelerated by Covid19 pandemic disruptions, novel methods for collecting and analysing land geospatial data in land administration were emerged. These included remote data collection techniques and the use of artificial intelligence. This session will explore lessons learnt from these approaches in different parts of the world.

Piotr Falkowski (Poland):
The Importance of Archive Aerial Photos for Legal and Administrative Proceedings in Warsaw (11382)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Wonho Song (Republic of Korea):
Generating Cadastral Maps from Aerial Photos of Rural Areas (11403)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Sheilla Ayu Ramadhani, R. Agus Wahyudi Kushendratno and Wahyu Heriyadi (Indonesia):
Institutionalization of UAVs for Land Affairs and Spatial Planning in Indonesia (11449)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ümit Yildiz, İsmail Kurukama, Mustafa Aslan, M. Zeki Adli and Ismail Dursun (Türkiye):
The Developments Enabled by Determining the Quality of Cadastral Data In Turkey (11508)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Solomon Njogu and Danilo Antonio (Kenya):
Improving Land governance Through Innovative Rapid Mobile Data Generation Tool (11592)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dogus Guler (Türkiye), Abdullah Alattas, Marjan Broekhuizen, Eftychia Kalogianni, Abdullah Kara and Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands):
3D Registration of Apartment Rights Using BIM/IFC: Comparing the Cases of the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey (11714)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Stephen Djaba, Otoo Ebenezer and Owusu-Ansah Daniel (Ghana):
Digital Surveying - The GNS Solution to Boundary Surveying and Land Registration Issues in Ghana (11735)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Fawzi Zarzoura (Egypt), Mosbeh Kaloop, Jong-Wan HU (Republic of Korea) and Tamer Elgharbawi (Egypt):
Waste Assessment and Management Utilizing Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Case Study Governorate Eldakahlia (11302)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Kristie Hu (Canada), Yiping Chen (China, PR) and Sarah Fatholahi (Canada):
Detection of Permafrost Degradation in Eastern Alaska Using Modis and Landsat Data (11672)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Restaurants, DoubleTree by Hilton

Lunch Break

Meet the candidates at the FIG Booth

The FIG General Assembly will elect two new Vice Presidents for the term 2023-2026. Come to the FIG booth to meet and chat with the candidates.

  • Brian Davies, Canadian Institute of Geomatics CIG, Canada
  • Daniel Steudler, GEOSUISSE, Switzerland
  • Qin Yan, Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography CSGPC, China
  • Winnie Shiu, National Society of Professional Surveyors NSPS, USA

FIG Commissions Annual Meetings from 13:25-14:15:

The FIG Commissions are responsible for pursuing FIG's professional and technical objectives and are the backbone of the professional work in FIG.
The Commission meetings are open for everyone who are interested in the work.
  • Commission 3: Spatial Information Management in Willow
  • Commission 6: Engineering Surveys in Lime/Maple
  • Commission 9: Valuation and the Management of Real Estate in Poplar/Alder

12 September
Rowan, DoubleTree by Hilton

CLGE ex-board meeting 2

  • By Invitation only

12 September
Pine/Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: RIEGL

RIEGL Waveform LiDAR: Highly accurate, informative point clouds as the basis for the digital twin

With the advent of digitalization in almost all areas of life, the need for highly accurate, informative basic data on the reliable basis of which the most diverse applications can be built is increasing. Ongoing R&D efforts and the continuous further development of RIEGL Waveform LiDAR technology ensure that RIEGL laser scanners and laser scanning systems can be used to acquire precisely this basic data - precise, informative and comprehensive point clouds - extremely quickly, efficiently and effectively.

The presentation will present the current developments in airborne, UAV-based, mobile and terrestrial laser scanning, discuss the special features of the sensors and systems and show their advantages for the different application areas by means of application examples.

For mobile laser scanning applications, RIEGL now offers a wide range of different mobile mapping systems. This allows the user to use a system optimized for the application, depending on the planned area of use. Special attention will be given to airborne data acquisition by discussing the capabilities of the large RIEGL portfolio of extremely compact and lightweight UAV LiDAR Sensors as well as the RIEGL sensors and systems for applications with helicopters and fixed-wing planes in large area mapping. In addition to the standard applications of terrestrial laser scanning, the use of laser scanners for data acquisition using robotic systems that record 3D data with millimeter accuracy in stop-&-go mode extremely quickly and in a user-friendly manner will be presented.

12 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS02A: Framework for Effective Land Administration – NMCA Good Practices and Further Developments
Commission: EuroSDR & FIG
Chair: Prof. Anka Lisec, Slovenia

Joint FIG and EuroSDR session.

This session will unpack key developments around the Framework for Effective Land Administration, since its endorsement by UN-GGIM in August 2020. This includes it being used to support country-level legislative developments, technical self-assessments, and translation into 5 different languages. Efforts are now underway to operationalise FELA, including in Europe, where a recent study by EuroSDR garnered inputs from 22 different countries in the region on 3 of FELA’s 9 strategic pathways.

Eva-Maria Unger (Netherlands), Joep Crompvoets (Belgium), Rohan Bennett (Netherlands), Frédéric Cantat (France) and Anka Lisec (Slovenia):
Advancing FELA – The Framework for Effective Land Administration (11446)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Fatemeh Jahani Chehrehbargh, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari Soltanieh (Australia) and Daniel Steudler (Switzerland):
Advancing Land Administration System - Implications of Recent International Trends (11489)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anna Bober (Poland):
Tasks and Challenges of National Maping Agency of Poland in the Field of Data Acquisition (11687)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Brandon Tourtelotte (USA):
GIS in Land Administration Can Help You Implement the FELA and Support the SDG’s (11559)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Sanja Zekušić (Croatia) and Ewa Surma (Poland):
Example of Cooperation in EU Funded Project on Improving Spatial Data Services in the Republic of Moldova (11782)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS02B: Professional Standards and Practice
Commission: 1
Chair: Ms. Winnie Shiu, Chair FIG Commission 1, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Timothy Burch, Chair elect FiG Commission 1, United States

This session will discuss the transformation of the roles and surveying practices of surveyors, including women in BIM, and the advocacy of promoting the profession; plus the good practice of maintaining international boundaries as a successful case to promote peace and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Haim Srebro (Israel):
28 Years of Successful Joint Israeli-Jordanian Boundary Making and Boundary Maintenance - Part 2 (11556)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Torben Juulsager (Denmark):
Advocacy and Promotion of the Surveying Profession Through the Danish Association of Surveyors (11727)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Buddhi Narayan Shrestha (Nepal):
Impact of COVID-19 on Nepal-India Border and Borderland Communities. (11351)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Paweł Hanus, Adrianna Berenson and Ludmiła Pietrzak (Poland):
Surveying Licenses to Perform Surveying (Geodetic) Works in Poland (11365)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Andrew Evans, Ivor Barbrook, Genna Rourke and Ian Heaphy (United Kingdom):
Transforming the Civil Engineering Surveyor (11519)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS02C: Photogrammetry and UAV in Engineering Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Eng. Maria Joao Henriques, Chair FIG Commission 6, Portugal
Rapporteur: Mr. Ion-Anastasios Karolos, Greece

Digital cameras, UAV, Photogrammetry. These are among the latest technologies commonly used by surveyors. This session is addressed to all that need to know more about these technologies, what they produce and can contribute for.

Jakub Górka (Poland):
Analisis of the Possibility of Automating the Photogrammetric Mission Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Based on Data from Airborne Laser Scanning (11448)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Heinz-Jürgen Przybilla and Thomas P. Kersten (Germany):
Aspects of Quality Control for UAV Applications in Photogrammetry (11755)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mohamed Mostafa, Srdjan Sobol and Joe Hutton (Canada):
UAV Multi-Sensor Payloads for High Precision Aerial Surveys (11485)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Paulina Zachar, Wojciech Ostrowski, Konrad Sosnowicz, Radosław Palak and Krzysztof Bakuła (Poland):
Application of AI Tools to the Inventory of Technical and Transportation Infrastructure Based on UAV Data (11691)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dorota Marczykowska, Jaroslaw Czajka, Wojciech Ostrowski and Magdalena Pilarska-Mazurek (Poland):
Assessment of the Possibility of Using the SAND Library for Processing Point Clouds in the Big Data Environment on the Example of UAV-LiDAR Data for a Forest (11679)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Katarzyna Strząbała, Paweł Ćwiąkała, Edyta Puniach, Wojciech Gruszczyński and Wojciech Matwij (Poland):
Determination of Buildings Tilts on the Basis of UAV Photogrammetric Data (11434)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Olga Chumak, Julia Gorkovchuk and Denys Gorkovchuk (Ukraine):
Research of Algorithms for Generating Point Clouds with Various Software Tools on the Example of the Monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky (11381)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anna Fryskowska-Skibniewska and Piotr Grzywna (Poland):
Comparative Analysis of the Point Clouds Generated from UAV Image Data and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Modeling Information About Historic Buildings (hBIM) (11500)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ahmed Elamin and Ahmed El-Rabbany (Canada):
UAV-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (11620)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Asmamaw Gebrehiwot and Leila Hashemi-Beni (USA):
UAV Surveying for Environmental Studies (11621)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS02D: Definition and Approaches of Transparency
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Peter R. Ache, Chair Elect FIG Commission 9, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. James Kavanagh, United Kingdom

Transparency in the real estate market is used again and again in speeches, publications, studies and also in laws. But what exactly is transparency in the real estate market? Can it be measured? And what criteria could be used to make a global comparison of transparency? These are the topics the session will address. We want to hear inputs and discuss.

Luc Hermans, Ruud Kathmann and Marco Kuijper (Netherlands):
Model-To-Model Validation: Using Validation Models in Real Estate Assessment (11571)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ruud Kathmann, Luc Hermans and Marco Kuijper (Netherlands):
What Makes a Real Estate Market Transparent? (11611)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Risto Peltola and Mikko Korpela (Finland):
Remarks on the Story of Land Prices, Told by House Prices (11540)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Monsurat Ayojimi Salami and Harun Tanrivermis (Türkiye):
Transparency and Affordability of Housing Market: Evidence from Sectorial Level Analysis in Turkey (11732)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS02E: FIG Corporate Platinum Member Session - Leica Geosystems:

FIG Corporate Platinum Member Session - Leica Geosystems

The surveying profession is under increasing pressure to do “more with less”. In this presentation, the latest innovations from Leica Geosystems will be highlighted that help you to grow your business, have the upper hand in attracting and retaining the best talent, win more business and generate new revenue. Be inspired to enable your organizations to run faster, leaner and more effectively than you ever thought possible.

Craig Hill and Hannes Maar, Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland

12 September
Sycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS02F: Young Surveyors and the Future of Volunteering
Commission: YS
Chair: Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Chair FIG Young Surveyors Network, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Shirley Chapunza, Zimbabwe

Since the network’s establishment in 2006, the network has grown in many ways, and seen several changes. The recent impact of the pandemic changed the nature of volunteering, with the goal of the fifth term gradually evolving to be responsive to these changes. The underlying aim of the current term has been to build a sustainable network. With the backdrop of this strong foundation built over the years, this session will review the achievements of the FIG YSN over the past four years, and to plan into the future of our Network."

12 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS02G: GIS for 3D Urban Planning, Construction and Valuation
Commission: 3, 8 & 9
Chair: Dr. Enrico Rispoli, Italy
Rapporteur: Ms. Maria Grazia Scorza, Italy

More people are becoming aware of how important the spatial dimension is to urban planning, construction, and assessment. The session illustrates the possibilities offered by modern GIS applications to better address this dimension.

Darko Sisko, Vlado Cetl, Vojkan Gavrilovic and Danko Markovinovic (Croatia):
Application of 3D City Model in Spatial Planning of the City of Zagreb (11603)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Abbas Rajabifard, Soheil Sabri and Yiqun Chen (Australia):
Digital Twin for the Next Generation of Urban Land Administration and 3D Spatial Planning (11729)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Łukasz Kulesza (Poland):
Application of DTM in Urban Planning Process to Improve Air Quality. (11750)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Stephen Dauda Yabo, Kaka Zenabu Atta and Ishaq Sani Muhammad (Nigeria):
3D Modelling of Faculty of Physical Science Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Kaduna State Nigeria (11278)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Cevdet Ekmel Hatipoglu, Kucuk Huseyin, Ekrem Ayyildiz, Hamza Durdu and Ismail Dursun (Türkiye):
3d City Models Management Information System Design: the Case of Turkey (11368)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Exhibition Area, DoubleTree by Hilton

Afternoon Break

Meet the candidates at the FIG Booth

The FIG General Assembly will elect a new President for the term 2023-2026. Come to the FIG booth to meet and chat with the candidates. During the Coffee Break you can meet Diane Dumashie, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors RICS, UK.

Dr. Diane A Dumashie. FIG Vice President, Director Dumashie Ltd, is a lifelong career surveyor and is a passionate ambassador of professional development, having throughout her career held voluntary roles to serve the profession worldwide and is currently trustee of Lionheart a surveyor’s benevolent charity.

12 September
Pine/Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: FARO TECHNOLOGIES

FARO AEC solutions

12 September
Rowan, DoubleTree by Hilton

CLGE ex-board meeting 3

  • By Invitation only

12 September
Sequoia, DoubleTree by Hilton

OPEN MEETING: Ghana in focus – Surveyors’ role in achieving the SDGs

Presentation by:

  •  Hon. Benito Owusu-Bio, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources

Monday, br/>12 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS03A: Blended Learning for Surveying Education
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Chair FIG Commission 2, Australia
Rapporteur: Prof. Albina Mościcka, Poland

This session involves presentations and discussions related to the main chapters of the upcoming FIG report on blended learning for surveying education. Topics include staff and student perspectives, best practices, technology and infrastructure, and the benefits of blended learning.

Audrey Martin (Ireland), David Mitchell (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Staff and Student Perspectives (11757)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

William Kelly (United Kingdom), David Mitchell (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
On Good Practices in Blended Learning (11758)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mohsen Kalantari, David Mitchell (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
Blended Learning Technology and Infrastructure (11759)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands) and David Mitchell (Australia):
Benefits of Blended Learning for Surveying Education (11760)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS03B: Coordination of Global Capacity Development
Commission: 2, 5 & CDN
Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, Chair FIG Commission 5, United States
Rapporteur: Dr. Kevin Ahlgren,, United States

Positioning and measurement have become easier to perform but more complicated to understand. Increasingly, GNSS technology is used to collect data, which is processed by very capable software. However, the surveying professional must understand the capabilities and limitations of such technology to meet professional obligations. This session provides an overview of global to regional efforts to develop opportunities for education, training and capacity development for surveyors and associated professions. It provides context for the development of national Spatial Data Infrastructures in which positioning and measurement are performed.

  • Initiatives within UN-GGIM to support capacity development activities - Mikael Lilje
  • FIG Education and the Academic Community - Rosario Casanova
  • IAG/IGS and Training Opportunities- Allison Craddock
  • UN SCoG WG ETCB - Daniel Roman
  • Update on ETCB Global Survey - Ryan Keenan
  • CDN AP - Andrick Lal

Monday, br/>12 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS03C: Addressing Sustainability in Spatial Planning - Planning Efforts in Rural and Urban Areas
Commission: 8
Chair: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Dr. Adrianna Czarnecka, Poland

Developments put severe pressure on both rural and urban land. For example, depopulation of rural areas, the impact of climate change and rapid urbanization and social segregation raise challenges for a sustainable development. This session seeks to discuss various planning responses to such developments in order to revitalize rural and urban areas.

Walter Timo de Vries, Pamela Durán-Díaz, Vineet Chaturvedi (Germany), Chandran Remi (Japan) and Ampelman Luc (Poland):
Exploring Geospatial Methods of Detecting Rural Vitality, Vulnerability and Versatility in Rural Regions in Bavaria (11549)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Søren Brandt Pedersen (Denmark):
Expropriation of Land Rights for Implementation of International Infrastructure Projects (11572)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anna Bielska, Natalia Sajnóg and Katarzyna Sobolewska-Mikulska (Poland):
The Use of the Concept of Smart Villages in the Multifunctional Development of Rural Areas on the Example of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship (11595)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Xavier Prigent (France):
The New Challenges of Urban and Rural Planning in Europe Proposal of a Game to Set up the Territorial Strategy (11428)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Dionysia - Georgia Perperidou and Eleftherios Poulis (Greece):
Blue-Green Infrastructure and Urban Renewal: the Case of Illyssus and Eridanos Rivers, Athens, Greece (11605)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Marije Louwsma and Lisette Meij (Netherlands):
Strengthening Land Use Planning – Setting up a Planning System in Rwanda (11521)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Tanka Prasad Dahal, Reshma Shrestha and Purna Bahadur Nepali (Nepal):
Analyzing the Linkages between Land Use Zoning and Food Availability in Nepalese Context (11581)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS03D: Valuation of Unregistered Land Manual
Commission: 9 & GLTN
Chair: Mr. James Kavanagh, United Kingdom

Joint UN-Habitat-GLTN/FIG session.

The 2021 Valuation of Unregistered Land manual (as jointly prepared by UN-Habitat, GLTN, FIG, IVSC, RICS), has been gaining significant traction and adoption in land valuation for large-scale land acquisition in the global south. The expert group has engaged with the World Bank, IGAD and numerous national land commissions (most recently Kenya, Indonesia and Uganda) and professional surveying institutions on the manual and developing a better understanding of this complex and often fractious area of practice. The manual, which builds upon the 2018 Policy Guide, and its use has also led to a significant evolution of ‘valuation’ understanding, especially on non-market value (social, cultural and natural) and its incorporation into current practices. The session will highlight the key features of the manual and how it works, explore the evolution of understanding of the non-market value and its significance and discuss various global case studies on unregistered land and the acquisition, valuation and compensation processes in operation (or not!). This will be a very interactive session with a Q&A session; the manual is arguably one of the most important outputs in our global land sectors in recent years.

Introduction by James Kavanagh

Kwabena Asiama (Germany) , Monica Lengoiboni and Paul Van der Molen (Netherlands):
In the Land of the Dammed: Assessing Governance in Resettlement of Ghana’s Bui Dam Project

Monday, br/>12 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS03E: Financing and Performance Trends in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Ms. Victoria Stanley, United States
Rapporteur: Ms. Esther Mwaura-Muiru, Kenya

Land administration transformation in developing countries is complex. It must pay close attention to legal, financing, and performance management issues. This session explores recent experiences and techniques in these areas.

Kehinde Babalola, Simon Hull and Jennifer Whittal (South Africa):
Assessing Land Administration Systems and their Legal Frameworks: A Constitutional Focus (11295)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Nick Land (United Kingdom):
Automating National Mapping & Cadastre with GeoAI (11424)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jean-François Dalbin and Florian Lebourdais (France):
How to Remedy the Problems Generated by Undivided Real Estate Inheritance to Improve Land and Property Management: the Case of French Polynesia (11426)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Safar Untong and Doria Tai (Malaysia):
Sabah Geo Hub – Driving the modernised SDI (11487)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Albertus Yogo Dwi Sancoko, Sheilla Ayu Ramadhani, Dony Erwan Brilianto and Septein Paramia Swantika (Indonesia):
COVID-19 Pandemic and Land Administration Modernization in Indonesia (11490)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Bastiaan Reydon (Netherlands), Gabriel Siqueira, Delaíde Passos (Brazil), Mathilde Molendijk (Netherlands) and Piet Spijkers (Colombia):
Improvements in the Colombian Land Administration System: possible contribution from the Brazilian experience (11554)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Claudia Stöcker, Auriol Degbelo (Germany), Kaspar Kundert (Rwanda), Ernst Peter Oosterbroek (Netherlands), Antoine Houedji (Benin) and Angela Schwering (Germany):
Accelerating Participatory Land Rights Mapping with Smartlandmaps Tools: Lessons Learnt from Benin (11615)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Adamu Bala (Nigeria), Menare Royal Mabakeng (Namibia) and Terwase Tosin Youngu (Nigeria):
Corruption of Land Administration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Reports from Nigeria and Namibia (11648)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Moritz Schularick, Francisco Amaral, Martin Dohmen and Jonas Zdrzalek (Germany):
High Quality Long-Run Real Estate Price Indices for Germany (11752)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Andrii Martyn, Taras Ievsiukov, Anatolii Poltavets and Oleg Tsvyakh (Ukraine):
Improving the Risk Management of Professional Activities of Surveyors in Ukraine: Certification, Insurance, Cadastral Registration (11451)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Sycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS03F: FIG Member Associations Forum
Chair: Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Netherlands

Presidents and representatives are invited to this Forum to discuss issues of relevance and importance to member associations, to network and to exchange. Attendees can raise issues relevant to their association or discuss FIG matters and this meeting will be held prior to the Presidents meeting, so that if needed, messages can be brought to FIG President and council. Suggested topics are the impact and lessons learned of the pandemic on the member associations, future of FIG Conferences seen from a national association point of view, feedback on the voting for the FIG General Assembly in the future – should it continue to be online, should it be online but in real-time, should it be back to paper voting? [handouts]

12 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS03G: Laser scanning in Engineering Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Corinna Harmening, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Paulina Zachar, Poland

The ease of obtaining point clouds from LiDAR systems or laser scanners, results in a huge diversity of uses. This motivating session will present some applications in very diverse areas.

Janina Zaczek-Peplinska and Maria Kowalska (Poland):
Evaluation of the LiDAR in the Apple iPhone 13 Pro for use in Inventory Works (11458)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Sandra Staiger (Germany):
The Geometry of Crime Scenes - Some Case Studies (11756)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ion-Anastasios Karolos, Stylianos Bitharis, Vasileios Tsioukas, Christos Pikridas, Sotirios Kontogiannis, Theodosios Gkamas and Nikolaos Zinas (Greece):
Proposed 4.0 Industrial Management System for Daily Operations That Poses Point Cloud Assets with Annotated Real-Time Sensory Measurements and Utilizes Unsupervised Alert Logic (11297)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Darius Popovas, Thomas Luhmann (Germany), Denys Gorkovchuk, Julia Gorkovchuk (Ukraine), Maria Chizhova and Mona Hess (Germany):
VRscan3D – an Interactive Simulator for Terrestrial Laser Scanning (11771)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anna Płatek-Żak and Dorota Zawieska (Poland):
Comparison and Evaluation of Image Matching and Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Generating Canopy Height Model (11440)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Janina Zaczek-Peplinska and Krzysztof Książek (Poland):
The Use of Terrestrial TLS Laser Scanning to Control Deformation of Tanks for Liquid Substances (11471)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Jacobo Alberto Ortiz Barrientos and Giorgio Paolo Maria Vassena (Italy):
IMMS vs Static LiDAR Survey to Extract Bim Models of Social Housing Buildings: a Case Study (11696)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Stylianos Bitharis, Ion-Anastasios Karolos, Vasileios Tsioukas, Christos Pikridas and Vasileios Bantis (Greece):
Industrial Area 3D Geometric Documentation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanners (11296)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Idwan Suhendra, Ragil Karim, Billy Silaen and Darmawan Eka Wicaksono (Indonesia):
Mobile Laser Scanner Technology to Detect Road Settlement in Sodong Bridge, Trans Sumatera Toll Road (11518)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Yiping Chen (China, PR), Lanying Wang (Canada), Cheng Wang (China, PR) and Jonathan Li (Canada):
High accuracy Digital Terrain Models Generation along Roads Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data (11498)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

12 September
Zazen Club & Lounge at Double Tree by Hilton

Informal bar-meeting

Participants can meet in the bar and lounge area after a long conference day to relax, meet and have fun. (no organised activities)

Tuesday, 13 September
13 September
Oak, DoubleTree by Hilton

FIG Foundation Meeting
Chair: Mr. John Hohol, President FIG Foundation, United States

  • By invitation only

13 September
Chestnut, DoubleTree by Hilton

GLTN: STDM Meeting

  • By invitation only

13 September
Sequoia, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: AgEagle

Use Case Spotlights: Mapping and Modelling Cities Using Drones

It’s no secret that drone operations bring a robust return on investment, but what other benefits can they bring to your fieldwork? We’ll explore some real-world use cases from surveyors across Europe who are using drones to increase their spatial data collection efficiency while expanding their project capacity and profit potential. Experts will discuss accuracy and data quality, regulatory advantages for lightweight drones and will showcase outputs from a range of mapping missions including Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) and Operations Over People (OOP) for large-scale city modelling.

Presenter: Mirakhmad Aliakbarov, Regional Sales Manager, AgEagle

13 September
Rowan, DoubleTree by Hilton

Regional Bodies Meeting

  • By Invitation only

13 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS04A: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions in Hydrography for Better Living
Commission: 4
Chair: Dr. Mohd Razali Mahmud, Malaysia
Rapporteur: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom

This session highlights the challenges in the hydrographic profession and some sustainable developments solutions for the better living. This session is considered as the special session under the Commission 4.

Ndukwe Chiemelu and Ugonna Nkwunonwo (Nigeria):
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Sites for Small Hydropower Energy Potential in Eastern Nigeria Using Geospatial Technology. (11539)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Luigi Sinapi (Monaco):
The S-100 – Universal Hydrographic Data Model: a Revolutionary Approach to Nautical Cartography and Maritime Services (11663)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Gordana Jakovljević (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Miro Govedarica (Serbia) and Flor Álvarez Taboada (Spain):
Mapping Plastic Based on Multispectral UAV Images (11715)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS04B: Policy and Legal Innovations in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Paez, Chair FIG Commission 7, Australia

Land administration continuously requires innovation. Papers selected in this session have demonstrated innovation in key areas of land administration, including registration and cadastre databases. It features highly recognised practitioners from Commission 7 around the world, with experiences in developed and developing countries.

Katarzyna Kocur-Bera and Aleksandra Pietrulinska (Poland):
Cadastral Data Modernisation in the Land Management Process (11345)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Paweł Hanus, Andrzej Hopfer and Ludmiła Pietrzak (Poland):
Analysis of Selected Legal Methods of Supporting the Development and Protection of Agricultural Land in Poland (11366)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Sanne Hekman and Marcos Buiza (Netherlands):
Striving for a More Positive Registration (11411)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Máté Lehoczky and Zoltán Tóth (Hungary):
Cadastral Map Update with Modern Technologies in Hungary (11459)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Rohan Bennett (Australia), Eva Unger (Austria), Vincent Verheij, Haico Van der Vegt (Netherlands), Suren Tovmasyan (Armenia), Indra Hutabarat (Indonesia), Aram Gugarats (Armenia), Aulia Latif (Indonesia) and Chalemyan Trdat (Armenia):
Digital Transformation of Land Administration: Stages, Status, and Solutions (11482)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Marcin Karabin and Robert Łuczyński (Poland):
The Issues Regarding the Compliance of Data Contained in the Cadastre and Land Register in Poland (11532)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Janis Kaminskis, Leila Neimane (Latvia), Mina Adel Shokry Fahim (Egypt), Konradas Jankunas (Lithuania) and Iveta Stamure (Latvia):
Characteristics and Dynamics of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Egyptian Marine Cadastre (11579)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Godfrey Toko, William Kambugu, Grace Kagoro, Richard Oput and Jimmy Alani (Uganda):
The Consideration of Slaac Tool in Systematic Land Registration in Uganda (11585)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anthony Burns (Australia), Micah Ingalls (Laos, PDR) and Kate Rickersey (Australia):
Thinking and Working Politically in the Land Sector in Mekong Region (11651)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Andre Kwitowski (Netherlands):
Is Land Administration (LA) Sector Free from Any Corruption? (11379)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Okan Yılmaz and Mehmet Alkan (Türkiye):
Creation of Spatial Plans Package for the Representation of Rrrs Caused by Spatial Plans Within the LADM Standard: a Case Study for Turkey (11437)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dave Stow, Michael Hill and Anthony Beck (United Kingdom):
Evolving Registration – How Do Established Registrars Embrace Change? (11522)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ihor Tsyupak and Ihor Trevoho (Ukraine):
Development of Linear Spatial Geodesic Standards for Calibration of Total Station and Receivers GNSS (11655)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Israel Taiwo (Nigeria), Maurice Nyangkori, Kezia Erumbi (Uganda), Edwin Nyandeche (Kenya), Pondo Letwin (Zimbabwe), Sylion Muramira (Rwanda) and Ibrahim Mukaila (Nigeria):
An Analysis of Land Demarcation Practices in Africa at the emergence of Fit-for-Purpose Approaches (11700)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS04C: Open Geospatial Data and Crowdsourcing
Commission: 3
Rapporteur: Mr. Leonardo Franchi, Italy

A trend can be observed in public institutions to make existing geodata freely available. The session will highlight the opportunities and challenges in linking these data with data from citizen science driven data sources.

Marcel Kindsvater and Markus Schaffert (Germany):
Mapping Tranquil Landscapes with Social Media Data. a Case Study in the Context of Sustainable Transformation (11321)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

João Godinho (Ireland) and Carolina Rocha (Portugal):
MapOurForest – Designing a Volunteered Geographic Information Systems for Reforestation Associations. (11563)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anna Bober (Poland):
Automatic Production of Topographic Maps (11788)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Martin Salzmann (Netherlands):
Open Access Data: Why We Want Access to All Data, But Are Hesitant to Share Our Own Data. the Issue of Trust Revisited. (11466)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Hassan Musa, Hafiz Náiya, Mustapha Muhammad, Shuaibu Bala and Garba Samuel Sule (Nigeria):
Quality Analysis of OpenStreetMap and Digital Elevation Data Based North-Western Nigeria (11646)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS04D: Combined Techniques in Engineering Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Eng. Maria Joao Henriques, Chair FIG Commission 6, Portugal
Rapporteur: Prof. Corinna Harmening, Germany

Surveyors are combining several instruments in their work, some from the domain of the surveying while others from other domains. This session presents some case studies.

Volker Schwieger, Li Zhang, Otto Lerke and Laura Balange (Germany):
The Research Cluster Integrative Computational Design and Construction (IntCDC) – Current Engineering Geodetic Contributions (11422)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Rinaldo Paar, Ante Marendic, Ivan Jakopec, Miodrag Roic and Hrvoje Tomic (Croatia):
Development and Application of IATS for Structural Health Monitoring (11421)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Helena Laasch, Nathalie Ryter, Isabelle Steffen, Alexander Reske, Ephraim Friedli and Valens Frangez (Switzerland):
Automated Inspection within Galleries of Large Dams (11349)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Izabela Wilczynska and Bartłomiej Cmielewski (Poland):
Semi-Automatic Measuring Device for Survey Selected Parameters of the Railway Roads (11694)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Aiham Hassan, Li Zhang, Gabriel Kerekes and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Fusion of Inhomogeneous Geodetic Data for Rock Cliff Monitoring: a Case Study of the Lianziya Cliff in Three Gorges National Geological Park in China (11340)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Caneren Gül, Taylan Öcalan, Erdem Damcı and Çağla Şekerci (Türkiye):
Integration of a Geodetic Grade GNSS Receiver and an Android Dual-Frequency Smartphone with Low-Cost IMU for Seismogeodetic Applications (11413)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Krzysztof Karsznia, Janina Zaczek-Peplinska, Sławomir Łapiński and Waldemar Odziemczyk (Poland):
The Functionality Assessment of Geodetic Monitoring Systems for Analyzing Structural Elements (11414)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Harris Perakis, Manos Orfanos, Ioannis Stratakos, Vassilis Gikas and Charalampos Albanopoulos (Greece):
Towards a Prototype Low-Cost/ Multi-Rf Based Positioning System for Underground Marble Quarry Management: Design Considerations and Preliminary Results (11659)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Vassena Giorgio Paolo Maria (Italy):
Outdoor and Indoor Mapping of a Mining Site by Indoor Mobile Mapping and Geo Referenced Ground Control Scans (11590)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS04E: Blended Learning in Practice
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Dimo Todorovski, Chair Elect FIG Commission 2, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Ms. Monika Przybilla, Germany

This session involves international examples of blended learning in practice. Blended learning is a key theme of Commission 2.

Wei Li, Xukang Xie, Pengcheng Gao, Qianwen Wang and Xiaohang Wang (China, PR):
Exploration of Ubiquitous Mapping in Engineering Practice Curriculum System of Universities in the Intelligent Age (11285)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Elżbieta Bielecka, Albina Mościcka, Agnieszka Zwirowicz-Rutkowska and Krzysztof Pokonieczny (Poland):
Blended Learning Model for Higher Education in Geodesy and Geoinformation: Students' Perspective. (11338)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands) and Jennifer Whittal (South Africa):
Regional Academic Networks, capacity building and knowledge sharing (11342)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Punya P Oli and Kriti Kajol Chudal (Nepal):
College Activities During the Covid 19 Pandemic (11383)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Maria Amalia Florez Huertas (Colombia), Daniel Casalprim (Spain) and Ivan Dario Carrillo Duran (Colombia):
The Land Administration System Training Experience in Colombia from 2015 to 2021: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities (11486)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Agustyarsyah Agustyarsyah, Muyadi Mulyadi and Kariyono Kariyono (Indonesia):
Blended Learning Method to Accelerate Human Resource Capacity Development Program for Spatial Planning In Indonesia:Challenge And Opportunity (11523)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

alain De Wulf, Axel Annaert, Jana Ameye, Philippe De Maeyer and Greet Deruyter (Belgium):
Experiences running the new Belgian E-Learning Oriented IHO Cat. B Hydrography Program (11683)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Michael Mayer, Monika Przybilla, Kamm Bettina, Susanne Krüger and Jan Rabold (Germany):
Training of Ethical Competencies in Bsc Degree Programs – a Digital, Multi-Perspective, and Student-Centered Approach (11637)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Sycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS04F: FIG Director Generals Forum
Commission: FIG
Chair: Dr. Fridolin Wicki, Switzerland

The FIG Director Generals‘ Forum brings together Chief Executives and Director Generals of national (and sub-national) public agencies that are responsible for national mapping, land management, and related tasks.

The theme for the FIG Congress 2022 is about "Volunteering for the future – Geospatial excellence for a better living". In line with this overall theme, the DG Forum will focus on how our national mapping and cadastre agencies can respond to the global challenges and support the wider society. How can we be successful to share our official and authentic data across institutional and territorial boundaries and make them available for the benefit of all?

Opening and Welcome
Dr. Fridolin Wicki,, Director Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

National Geoinformation Strategies, a European and Global Perspectivebr> Ingrid van den Berghe,, Director IGN Belgium

National Geoinformation Strategy in Austriabr> Wernher Hoffmann,, Director BEV Austria

National Geoinformation Strategy of Finlandbr> Pekka Halme,, NLS Finland

Strategy Geoinformation Switzerlandbr> Dr. Christine Najar,, Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

Potential SDGs Implications on Geoinformation Strategiesbr> Dr. Eva-Maria Unger,, Kadaster International/KU Leuven

Moderated Panel Discussion with all speakersbr> Possible topics to be raised by moderator:

  • roles of regional and global bodies
  • priorities for developing and developed countries
  • resilience of systems in the face of global challenges
  • how does land administration fit in
  • impact of GI strategy
  • arguments for investment in GI

13 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS04G: Efficient GNSS Integration with Other Sensors
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Guenther Retscher, Austria
Rapporteur: Prof. Janusz Walo, Poland

GNSS as a standalone tool has provided a ready means for positioning and measurement. By integrating of sensors, a greater efficiency is obtained with applications in many fields.

Pajtim Zariqi and Guenther Retscher (Austria):
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for Covid-19 Contact Tracing Using Smartphones in Four Different Scenario (11359)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

James Kavanagh and Allan Jamieson (United Kingdom):
Earth Observation and Aerial Surveys 6th Edition and the Geospatial Sector (11384)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Rafal Sieradzki, Jacek Paziewski, Katarzyna Stepniak, Radoslaw Baryla and Tomasz Zielinski (Poland):
Quality Assessment of GNSS Observations from Recent Low-Cost Receivers (11439)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ahmed El-Mowafy (Australia), Kan Wang (China, PR) and Amir Allahvirdizadeh (Australia):
The Potential of LEO Mega-Constellations in Aiding GNSS to Enable Positioning in Challenging Environments (11396)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ashwani Kumar, Nishita Singh, Deepak Kumar Singh and Salil Goel (India):
Zero Velocity Detection in Foot-Mounted Inertial Sensors: Novel Method for Generating Zero Velocity Labels and a Comparative Analysis of Data Driven Methods (11541)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Yoav Coller, Ori Cohen and Rabinovitch Eyal (Israel):
The Revolution Of Advanced Technologies As a Platform For Mapping, GIS And Autonomous Vehicles (11591)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Franck Schmidt, Daniel Willi (Switzerland), Antoine Carreaud (France) and Fabien Délèze (Switzerland):
New Automatic Method of Free Stationing by Drone (11369)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Klaudia Onyszko and Anna Fryśkowska-Skibniewska (Poland):
Analysis of the Possibility of Classification the Types of Utilities Networks on the GPR Images (11529)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Nander Yang (China, PR):
Novel Solution of GNSS and Insar System for Fully Automated Mine Monitoring (11371)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Andreas Slateff and Guenther Retscher (Austria):
Data Quality and Outdoor Positioning Accuracy of Recent Smartphones with Dual Frequency GNSS Receivers (11575)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Lance Lan (China, PR):
Introduction of Next Generation Visual Positioning Technology Brought by Hi-Target (11645)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Anna Przewięźlikowska, Małgorzata Buśko, Klaudia Wójcik and Wioletta Ślusarczyk (Poland):
Using Modern Mobile Technology to Update Geodetic Network Points (11753)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Exhibition Area, DoubleTree by Hilton

Morning Break

Meet the candidates at the FIG Booth

The FIG General Assembly will elect a new President for the term 2023-2026. Come to the FIG booth to meet and chat with the candidates. During the Coffee Break you can meet Orhan Ercan, Turkish Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers HKMO, Türkiye

Orhan Ercan was FIG Vice President for the 2017-2021 period and previously worked in the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre in Turkey. Since retiring, he has worked in the private sector and is currently a member of the Faculty of Applied Sciences in the Department of Real Estate Development and Management at Ankara University.

13 September
Sequoia, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: GEOSLAM

3D mobile mapping and handheld SLAM technology - revolution in digital construction industry

3D mobile mapping and handheld SLAM technology - revolution in digital construction industry The digital construction industry is rapidly developing thanks to the increasing need of as-built 3D information for BIM models. Such a demand requires new data capture technologies: quick and simple to use with automatic processes from raw data into all desired formats in 2D and 3D. The handheld 3D mapping technology based on SLAM makes it possible. It allows map construction in short times.

Presenter: Tomas Blaha, Channel Sales Manager – Europe

13 September
Pine/Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: OPEGIEKA

During the session there will be several presentations demonstrating a useful solution and data in the current world. The schedule of our speeches is as follows: br>

  • OPEGIEKA – inspiration to use the potential of spatial information in science and business. - Adam Augustynowicz
    Exploring the company in the context of exerting a real impact on the directions of development in the geospatial intelligence industry and using state-of-the-art technologies in order to create innovative geoinformatics solutions based on spatial information responding to the needs of business, administration and society.

  • Aerial data and its potential use in remote sensing analyses - Jakub Krawczyk
    Presentation of equipment, technical requirements and matching parameters to create quality aerial products. Presentation of an example of remote sensing analyses based on aerial data to reliably assist in daily work.

  • Data integration as key to further development (SimplyGeo and Perspective 360) - Karolina Wawrzusiszyn
    Demonstrate the ability to acquire data and integrate it to get a complete vision on the city through analysis from all perspectives, both aerial and mobile. Pointing out that in today's world, it is a strength to intervene with a lot of data in one place to use its potential more effectively.

  • Development based on qualitative data and data verification (CertiflAI) - Jakub Krawczyk
    The quality of the data and the speed and accuracy of its verification is currently an important challenge for suppliers, but especially for procurers. Using advanced neural networks, the CertiflAI application was developed for the automatic detection of defects in images.

  • Summary - the importance of data in today's world and the potential for continuous development - Adam Augustynowicz
    The capacity of the data, its quality or correct understanding by humans but also by machines is the key to success. We emphasise the importance of spatial/digital data in today's world and the potential for continuous development through its good analysis.

  • EASSI activitiesMarcos Martinez
    Introducing EAASI (European Association of Aerial Surveying Industries) and Aerial Survey Market. Introducing the role of the association and its objectives.

  • Q&A

13 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS05A: Building Back Better Informal Settlements in the UNECE Region
Commission: UNECE & FIG
Chair: Dr. Prof. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG Honorary President, Greece
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States

Joint UNECE and FIG session.

In the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, UNECE prepared the COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the UNECE Region. This Recovery Action Plan aims at providing cities with robust and efficient action measures to enhance the integration of informal settlements in the urban fabric while recovering from the crisis caused by the pandemic. The Plan is underpinned by assessment reports on informal settlements in the four project cities: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as well as Tirana, Albania; Podgorica, Montenegro; and Skopje, North Macedonia.

The Building Back Better Informal Settlements in the UNECE Region session is designed to:

  • Raise awareness about the implementation of the COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the UNECE Region and its key deliverables,
  • Discuss with representatives of local and national authorities and local stakeholders how to best implement the Plan’s recommendations within their specific contexts.
  • Present the online learning platform for the Recovery Action Plan with resources and trainings on the Plan’s implementation amongst other resources.
Welcome greetings by Rudolf Staiger, FIG President and a brief introduction by Hana Daoubi, UNECE.

Steven Nystrom (USA), Chryssy Potsiou (Greece), Rik Wouters (Netherlands) and Amie Figueiredo (Switzerland):
The UNECE Publication “COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the ECE Region” Goals, Targets and Actions (11654)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Chryssy Potsiou (Greece), Steven Nystrom (USA), Rik Wouters (Netherlands), Alexandre Babak Hedjazi and Matteo Tarantino (Switzerland):
The Supporting Material for the Implementation of the Unece Publications “guidelines for Formalization of Informal Constructions” and “COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan for Informal Settlements in the ECE Region” (11653)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Darko Vucetic (Serbia):
Informal Development in Serbia. Building Back Better in the Post-Covid 19 Era (11719)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further reading:

Nurzat Abdyrasulova, Bakytbek Statybekov (Kyrgyzstan) and Steven Nystrom (USA):
Public Administration of Capital Construction of the City Hall of Bishkek: Solving the Problems of Informal Settlements in the City of Bishkek (11720)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS05B: Land Tenure Reform System for Mars
Commission: YS & VCSP
Chair: Ms. Roshni Sharma, Australia
Rapporteur: Ms. Claire Buxton, Canada

A group of Martians have asked the assistance of humans to create a land administration system on Mars. How will you go about it? What method would you go about in doing this, keeping in mind that you still want to preserve their land practices, heritage, and values. It is expected that young surveyors around the world who took part in this challenge will get value from being involved in this opportunity, which will:

  • Provide them with a chance to network with other like-minded surveying enthusiasts from around the world
  • Explore a fun, thought-provoking concept to put their knowledge and skills to practice in a new way, learning by doing
  • Create a project concept that will be a useful demonstration of initiative on how land administration systems can be used to support creating a sustainable environment, which can add value to their resumes.
Join us in this session as we look at the results from the teams of young surveyors who took on this challenge, to espouse the values of the FIG-YSN VCSP - Curiosity, Volunteerism, Respect, and Sustainability.
13 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS05C: Traditional and Modern Techniques in Engineering Surveys
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Heinz-Juergen Przybilla, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Helena Laasch, Switzerland

Total stations, levels and GNSS. Referencing. Processing. Integrating. A session for ever-evolving surveyors.

Jakub Markiewicz, Dariusz Gotlib (Poland), Sławomir Łapiński and Miłosz Gnat (Poland):
One-Stop-Lab CENAGIS: from Calibration of Surveying Devices and Application Testing to Large-Scale Geodata Computation (11469)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Katarzyna Stepniak, Jacek Paziewski, Rafal Sieradzki and Radoslaw Baryla (Poland):
Applicability of Recent Low-Cost GNSS Receivers to Deformation Monitoring (11505)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Zbigniew Siejka and Violetta Sokoła-Szewioła (Poland):
Detection of Measurement Errors in the Time Series of the Coordinates of Surface Movement Monitoring Points with the Use of Satellite Navigation Systems (11599)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Noaman Sheik (Pakistan), Greet Deruyter, Alain De Wulf and Peter Veelaert (Belgium):
A First Step Towards Automatic Construction Progress Monitoring (11665)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Peter Bauer and Werner Lienhart (Austria):
VRsurv: a Virtual Planning and Educational Tool for Surveying Tasks (11588)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ireneusz Wyczałek, Piotr Marciniak and Zdzisław Pawlak (Poland):
Static and Dynamic Measurements of the Historic Wooden Church Building in Domachowo (11355)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Patrycja Wyszkowska and Robert Duchnowski (Poland):
Msplit Estimation as a Method for Processing Heterogeneous Data (11513)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Armands Celms, Janis Kaminskis, Sintija Cegele, Jānis Kliive and Miks Brinkmanis-Brimanis (Latvia):
Justification of Junfied Geodetic Network for Rail Transport Infrastructure Project Rail Baltica (11682)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Gołuch Piotr, Ćmielewski Kazimierz, Krzysztof Karsznia and Janusz Kuchmister (Poland):
The Automation of Deflection Measurements of Engineering Objects Employing a Physical Pendulum and One-Mage Photogrammetry (11726)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS05D: History Session
Commission: history
Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia
Rapporteur: Prof. Ireneusz Wyczałek, Roman Gezikiewicz, Poland

Crazy about history? Don't miss this session, where the FIG Permanent Institution of History of Surveying will highlight the achievements of surveyors, the evolution of knowledge and methodology of measuring, as well as the development of surveying instrumentation.

John Brock (Australia):
Kosciuszko and Strzelecki: The Mountain and the Men! (11432)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

György Busics and Sándor Tóth (Hungary):
The Reconstruction of the Medieval Unit of length Based on the Sizes of Contemporary Round Churches (11314)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mariusz Meus (Poland):
Scientific communication about geodesy and land surveying: activity of the geodesic educational initiative 'Honorable Krakow Meridian' from Poland. (11377)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

John Brock (Australia):
Surveyors on Banknotes, Coins and Stamps (11790)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Willem A. Jörg (Switzerland):
Celtic Landsurveying in the Sundgau Area (11286)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS05E: FIG Corporate Platinum Member Session - ESRI
Commission: ESRI

A special session organised by FIG Platinum Corporate member ESRI

13 September
Sycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS05F: FIG Standards Meeting
Commission: Standards Network"
Chair: Mr. David Martin, Chair FIG Standard Network, France

The meeting will start with a general presentation of the status of activities in the Standards Network, and will cover the main areas:

  • ISO/TC 211 Geographic Information/Geomatics,
  • ISO 19152,
  • ISO/TC 172 SC6 Survey Instrument Standards
  • International Property Measurement Standards Coalition IPMS,
  • International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS),
  • Standards in Hydrography,
  • If possible also Blockchain
  • IPMS
  • LADM Edition II
  • TLS Calibration and 17123-9


13 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS05G: Climate Smart Planning with GIS
Commission: 3 & 8
Chair: Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Chair FIG Young Surveyors Network, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Sahinkaya Cemre, Türkiye

Martínez-Fernández Marcos (Spain), Musäeus Simon (Germany), Jadot André (Belgium), Tidmarsh Rachel (United Kingdom) and Romanowski Florian (Poland):
The Benefits of Using Aerial Survey Data with a Particular Focus on Climate Change Applications and EU Strategy for Data and Digital Transformation (11664)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Hamidreza Ostadabbas, Frank Friesecke, Franz-Josef Behr, Alexander Vincent (Germany), Mohammad Hosseingholizadeh (Iran) and Sanchalita Bandyopadhyay:
Optimizing and Simplifying the Process of Energy Efficiency Estimation for Urban Redevelopment Areas by Using Open Source Gis Solutions (11570)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Joanna Nowak Da Costa (Poland) and Conrad Bielski (Germany):
Open Spatial Data to Reporting on Accessibility of Urban Green Spaces (11609)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ana-Cornelia Badea and Gheorghe Badea (Romania):
Open Geospatial Data and Tools for Sustainable Cities – Advantages and Disadvantages (11392)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Dionysia-Georgia Perperidou and Andreas Xydopoulos (Greece):
Bridging Air Pollutants Distribution to 3D City Model: the Case of Chalandri Municipality, Greece (11601)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ayubella Anggraini Leksono, Amalia Nanda Syafira, Evita Mahar Dewi, Muhammad Arif Sadewo, Rusdianto Efendi, Yuliana Susilowati and Bambang Edhi Leksono (Indonesia):
Design of Integrated Coastal Defense and Renewable Energy Power Plant for Mundu Bay Based on Shoreline Management Plan (11675)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Restaurants, DoubleTree by Hilton

Lunch Break

The lunch is sponsored by: FARO Technologies p>

FIG Commissions Annual Meetings from 13:25-14:15:

The FIG Commissions are responsible for pursuing FIG's professional and technical objectives and are the backbone of the professional work in FIG.
The Commission meetings are open for everyone who are interested in the work.
  • Commission 2: Professional Education in Willow
  • Commission 5: Positioning and Measurement in Lime/Maple
  • Commission 7: Cadastre and Land Management in Poplar/Alder

13 September
Pine/Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: SKYSNAP

It's time to digitize surveying - BIM, AI, process automation, advanced su for data collection.

Combining photogrammetry and machine learning starts to deliver on the high potential for optimizing and automating work in the construction and geodesy industry. Photogrammetry allows us to scan the terrain around us and transform simple images into measurable digital models. AI/ML allows us to analyze these terrain models and gain insights on what is visible on them.

SkySnap will present the following uses case from recent projects based on drone data:

  • monitoring the progress of construction site and detecting errors based on differences of as-designed to as-built
  • taking inventory of existing infrastructure and building a GIS database to support designing
  • identifying issues and mitigating risk factors on existing infrastructure to support maintenance activities
  • monitoring traffic safety based on movement of cars on main crossroads
Organised drone data can be combined with BIM models to get the best understanding of the situation on objects which are being analysed.

Presenter: Łukasz Czerwiński, CEO at SkySnap

13 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS06A: Book Launch - Geospatial Data in the 2020s - Transformative Power and Pathways to Sustainability
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Chair FIG Commission 3, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Markus Schaffert,, Germany

At this Special Session, the new FIG Publication No 78 will be officially launched. Authors from Commissions 3 and 8, the Young Surveyors Network, and the Volunteer Community Surveyor Program have collaborated to design and write this publication in a joint effort. The publication highlights the impact of geospatial data for spatial planning, health, diversity, volunteerism, cadastre, and the property market in the 2020s. Read the publication: Geospatial Data in the 2020s - Transformative Power and Pathways to Sustainability


  • Introduction (Hartmut Müller & Markus Schaffert, FIG Commission 3)
  • Spatial Planning and Geo-Information (Marije Louwsma & Cemre Sahinkaya, FIG Commission 8)
  • The Spatial Dimension of Health (Sagi Dalyot & Marije Louwsma/Hartmut Müller, FIG Commission 3 and 8)
  • Diversity in Geospatial Context (Roshni Sharma, VCSP)
  • eVolunteering by Land Surveyors (Claire Buxton, VCSP & Sagi Dalyot, FIG Commission 3)
  • Cadastre and the Property Market (Enrico Rispoli, Maria Scorza, Chryssy Potsiou & Marije Louwsma)
  • Discussion (panelists and audience)

13 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS06B: The FIG Mentoring Programme for Africa
Commission: YS, ARN
Chair: Prof. Jennifer Whittal, South Africa
Rapporteur: Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Chair FIG Young Surveyors Network, Germany

  • How can we help young surveyors transition into the industry?
  • How can we build soft skills to help young surveyors in their career paths and build resilience in our profession?
  • How can we volunteer as practicing seasoned surveyors to make a real difference? How can corporate sponsors become involved?
Join us in our interactive session to share experiences of the FIG Pilot Mentoring Programme for Africa and hear about the future of this successful initiative.
13 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS06C: Spatial Planning and Affordability of Housing
Commission: 8 & 9
Chair: Mr. Peter R. Ache, Chair Elect FIG Commission 9, Germany
Rapporteur: PhD. Wioleta Krupowicz, Poland

Changing housing patterns pose challenges for governments and those on the move. Good governance strategies address the need for sufficient and affordable housing supply on the real estate market. This session highlights some of the aspects related to managing housing and real estate markets.

Marta Figurska (Poland):
Alternative Approaches to Perception of Space in Spatial Analyses Using GIS Tools: a Polish Case Study (11385)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jennilee Kohima, Royal Mabakeng, Laina Alexander, Penehafo Ricardo and Ntawala Vanessa Simataa (Namibia):
Reception Areas Analyzing the Delivery of Land for Housing in Namibia (11562)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Dennis Webb (USA):
Valuing for the Future—Shared Real Estate Ownership is in Trouble (11360)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Björn Haack (Germany):
Real Estate Market Shifts in the Retail Sector in Germany – a Change of Times and Due to the COVID-19-Pandemic (11327)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Monika Siejka and Monika Mika (Poland):
Real Estate Market Activity During Corona Pandemic – Case Study in Krakow (11597)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS06D: United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) – an update and priorities
Commission: UN-GGIM & FIG
Chair: Ms. Allison Craddock, United States
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, FIG Vice President, Sweden

Joint UN-GGIM and FIG session.

The UN-GGIM has celebrated its first ten years with noting many important deliveries as e.g the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework, Framework for Efficient Land Administration, the decisions to establish two Global Centre of Excellence and much more. UN-GGIM have also achieved an UN resolution on “ A global geodetic reference frame for sustainable development”. This year, UN-GGIM reported to Ecosoc about the need to strengthen its institutional arrangement. This session will present the status, activities of UN-GGIM with special focus on the European entity. We will also present the ongoing work to implement the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF).

Tomaž Petek (Slovenia) and Carol Agius (Malta):
UNGGIM Europe – Contribution to the More Effective Management and Availability of Geospatial Information in Europe (11607)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

James Norris (United Kingdom):
UN-GGIM Europe, Presenting Our Five Priority Areas. (11784)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mikael Lilje (Sweden):
Implementing the Strategy for the High Level Group of Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (11785)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mari Khardziani (Georgia):
Strengthening NSDI in Georgia - Using IGIF to Support the Process (11789)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Eva-Maria Unger (Netherlands):
Support Activities for the Development of a Sustainable Geospatial Information Management by Cadaster (NL) (11787)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS06E: Global Challenges and the Role of Land Administration Systems
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, Australia
Rapporteur: Prof. Elżbieta Bielecka, Poland

Global challenges, including the climate crisis, food security and pandemics, are directly influenced by the way we manage land. This session presents different approaches to improve land administration and address these challenges in a collaborative and responsible way.

Paul DeVries and Bastian Reydon (Netherlands):
Are the Dutch People Migrating from the Urban to Rural Areas: Some Evidence (11555)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Linda ter Heerdt and Nick van Apeldoorn (Netherlands):
How to Innovate Successfully a Case Study on the Netherlands’ Land Registry and Mapping Agency (11582)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Katarzyna Bularska, Marcin Lis and Artur Radziemski (Poland):
The City of Poznań - Photogrammetry - from Cadastre to Digital Twin (11662)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further reading:

Frank Pichel (USA), Justus Wambayi and Diana Kyalo (Kenya):
Fit-for-Purpose to Formality: An Analysis of Land Tenure Intervention Applying Fit-for-Purpose Approaches and Leading to Formally Recognized Land Rights (11429)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Adrian Oscar Byssolini (Argentina):
The Importance of People in Geographic Information Systems (11594)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
SySycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS06F: LADM in the Classroom – Making the Land Administration Domain Model Accessible
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Dimo Todorovski, Chair Elect FIG Commission 2, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Dogus Guler, Türkiye

LADM in the classroom – making the Land Administration Domain Model accessible How do you as land professional explain LADM to your colleagues, managers, and the next generation? Within the School for Land Administration Studies, a cooperation of ITC, Faculty of UTwente and Kadaster, we observed that fully understanding the LADM can be challenging for both professionals, students and novices. Given the complexity of the subject, this can be expected. Good teaching aids that materialise the concepts and diagrams prescribed in the standard are needed. Part of the problem is that the modelling language, that is the 'Unified Modelling Language', is not so easy to understand. Whoever wants to understand LADM must also understand UML. This is needed to see, analyse, interpret, apply and thus understand the wealth of functionality the LADM offers.

This session will present a teaching methodology that starts from the concrete level (end product) and not from the abstraction level (UML). This means starting from a cadastral map with visually linked rights and entitled parties. Then the translation of this data into database tables is the next level of understanding. What do these tables look like for the data shown on the map? Finally, the link between database tables and UML diagrams is presented to the students. This approach is presented here also taking into account different tenure situations. Along with the didactic approach, we made an effort to ensure the datasets have a low entry barrier regarding financial costs and software availability.


  • Introduction by Peter van Oosterom
  • School for Land Administration by Paula Dijkstra
  • LADM in the Classroom – The Booklet by Malumbo Chipofya
  • LADM in the Classroom – The demonstration by Andre da Silva
  • 3D Description of Condominium Rights in Turkey: Improving the Integrated Model of LADM and IFC by Guler Dogus et al.
  • Data Migration Process to LADM-COL Model by Cardona Leonardo et al.
  • Q&A

Christiaan Lemmen, Andre da Silva Mano and Malumbo Chipofya (Netherlands):
LADM in the Classroom – Making the Land Administration Domain Model Accessible (11734)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [demo]

Dogus Guler and Tahsin Yomralioglu (Türkiye):
3D Description of Condominium Rights in Turkey: Improving the Integrated Model of LADM and IFC (11309)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Leonardo Cardona, Andrés Guarín, Daniel Casalprim, Ivan Salazar and Fabian Pineda (Colombia):
Data Migration Process to LADM-COL Model (11630)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS06G: Providing Vertical Control for Hydrographers, Coastal Managers and other Disciplines
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. David Avalos, Mexico
Rapporteur: Dr. Witold Kazimierski, Poland

Many professions have a need to understand height with respect to water surfaces. Providing access to the vertical component of geospatial data brings the necessary third dimension project planning, engineering and other applications.

Ileana Spiroiu, Radu – Dan – Nicolae Crişan, Irina Belinschi, Vlad Sorta and Neculai Avramiuc (Romania):
Determination of a New Gravimetric Quasigeoid for Romania (11305)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Kevin Ahlgren, Jacob Heck, Galen Scott and Brian Shaw (USA):
A Nation of Volunteered Data: Analysis of the NGS’s GPS on Bench Marks Project (11681)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

David Avalos (Mexico)
Concepts related to modernization of Vertical Control

Further Reading:

Francis Okeke, Victor Nnam and Joseph Odumosu (Nigeria):
Transformation of Global to Local Geoid for Regional Geoid Modeling: Results from Enugu State, Nigeria (11335)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
Exhibition Area, DoubleTree by Hilton

Afternoon Break

13 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

Chair: Dr. Rohan Bennett, Chair Elect FIG Commission 7, Australia


The global sense of urgency and the pressure on land have showed an increase of the relevance of surveying and geo-information towards the achievement of the SDG’s. Land governance is about the policies, processes and institutions by which land, property and natural resources are managed. Therefore, land governance plays a key role in achieving the SDGs where more than half of the goals are directly land related. In this regard, the global surveying profession holds an important position as the custodians of the people to land relationship. This session will unfold the concept of responsible land governance and the importance of including all land, people and land rights at a countrywide scale. Further, the session will align the concepts with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and how FIG supports the SDGs. The agenda provides us a roadmap towards a more sustainable world. Providing leadership as FIG, as professional and as a citizen on the SDGs will be of great added value. This session sets the scene how you can actively contribute to volunteering for the future for our profession, society and our planet at the same time.

Understanding the Role of Responsible Land Governance and Secure Land Rights in Support of the 2030 Global Agenda
Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG Honorary President and Professor Emeritus of Land management at Aalborg University, Denmark
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Taking action to transform our world into a more sustainable environment
Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Director a.i. of Kadaster International / Chair Task Force on FIG and the Sustainable Development Goals
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Chair FIG Young Surveyors Network
Dr. Rohan Bennett, Associate Professor and Incoming chair of FIG Commission 7, Australia

  • Read more about the keynote session and speakers here

    Further Reading:

    Rohan Bennett (Australia):
    A 2023-26 Global Agenda for Cadastre and Land Management (11483)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

13 September
BaBallroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom


4 generations, 1 workforce- Understand who’s who in the workplace.
Cross-generational insights on how all four of the generations in the work place will shape the next normal. We listen to perspectives from Baby boomers, Gen X, Millennials and beyond. Discussing what the work place looks like, what skills will be needed to benefit society drawing from the context of Geography, Governance and Giving.
This panel brings together active industry professionals across all FIG member sectors. As members of each generation navigate the next normal they explain: What effect the pandemic will have on cross generational views of the skills they believe to be the most relevant in the future professional world of survey; and Provide insightful ideas as how we can move towards a resilient and diverse profession.

Ms. Victoria Stanley, Senior Land Administrator World Bank, USA

Ms. Shirley Tendai Chapunza, Young Surveyor, Zimbabwe

Mr. Israel Taiwo, Senior Lecture Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, Church lead for youth (broadcasted)

Mr. Tomasz Malinowski, Sales and Marketing Director, TPI, Poland

Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, President of Fédération des Géomètres Francophones (FGF), Belgium

  • Read more about the keynote session and speakers href="">here
13 September
Warsaw University of Technology

FIFIG Congress Dinner

In cooperation with FIG Foundation and supported by Trimblei>

The most exclusive dinner of the Congress will take place in a unique place, the cradle of Polish Surveying in the best technical university in Poland, the Warsaw University of Technology. In the Main Building, where the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography is located, Main Hall designed by Stefan Szyller and built in 1901 is one of the most beautiful venue for distinctive events. On these walls, you will also be able to notice targeted control points used as a reference in students’ exercise, but attendees will for sure be more focused on the festival of the lights and sounds prepared by organizers.

Secure your ticket

Wednesday, 14 September
14 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

Chair: Ms. Claire Buxton, lead VSCP, canada


The effects of plastic pollution on the Earth’s oceans are well documented, potentially catastrophic and increasing exponentially year on year. The UN Environment Programme has calculated that each year more than 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the oceans. Eighty per cent of all litter in our oceans is made of plastic and, without action, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, by weight. This is an intolerable problem that needs immediate and far-reaching action to remedy. The surveying and spatial science profession agrees that this must stop.

FIG Working Group 4.3 - Mapping the Plastic has developed a world leading methodology to accurately extract floating plastic data (as small as 1.0 cm in length) from multi-spectral UAV images using artificial intelligence deep learning algorithms. Learn more about this exciting, ground breaking process will enable the accurate mapping and classification of floating plastic in near real time. The keynote will be chaired

Mapping Small Pieces of Floating Plastic in Near Real Time

Dr. Gordana Jakovlević, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bosnia and Herzegowina
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Let’s Map Floating Plastic in Waterways ­Before it Reaches the Ocean!
Mr. Mr. Simon Ironside, Chair, Working Group on Mapping the Plastic, New Zealand
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

  • Read more about the keynote session and speakers here
14 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

Chair: Mr. Krzysztof Bakuła, Co-Congress Director, Poland


This keynote focuses on the future technologies of geospatial data visualization and its role for surveyors and the role of GNSS measurements in future. This session is the last keynote session and will give you food for thought for the future.

Surveyor 4.0
Dr. Prof. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President (Replacing Bryn Fosburgh, Trimble)

Trends in the development of spatial data visualization methods
Prof. Robert Olszewski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

  • Read more about the keynote session and speakers here
14 September
Theater Square, Old Town, Warsaw

European Geodesy Monument

In 1880, in the Theatre Square in front of the Jabłonowski Palace, a stone pillar was erected surrounded by an iron railing with a sign indicating the geographical location and the height above sea level and the level of Vistula. The Warsaw meridian passes through the top of the pillar and top of the clock tower of the Jabłonowski Palace, which served as point measurements.

This year the monument has been restored and changed into the European Geodesy Monument. Prof. Janusz Walo, President of the Association of Polish Surveyors (SGP) and Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger will represent FIG at the opening.

14 September
Exhibition Area, DoubleTree by Hilton

Morning Break

14 September
Sequoia, DoubleTree by Hilton

Sponsor Presentation: DJI ENTERPRISE

Best Projects Using Drones for Photogrammetry and LiDAR

Photogrammetry and LiDAR are the most common types of drone surveying. Learn about some of the best projects from all over the world. Moreover, discover the different drone solutions used and tactics applied to produce reliable geodetic maps.

Presenter: Florian Ogier, Business Development Manager - France, DJI Enterprise

14 September
Pine/Hazel, DoubleTree by Hilton

OPEN MEETING: Stand For Her Land

Stand for Her Land information session – come and learn about the Stand for Her Land campaign for women’s land rights and our partnership with FIG. How can you support women’s secure rights to land in your country, sector or position.

Esther Mwaura-Muiru (Kenya) and Beth Roberts (USA):
Action and Advocacy for progress on SDGs – Introducing FIG’s Partnership with a Global Campaign for Women’s Land and Housing Rights (11777)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS07A: Land Policy Instruments for Regional Development
Commission: 8
Chair: Prof. Walter Timo de Vries, Germany
Rapporteur: Prof. Jacek Pianowski, Poland

Acquisition and reallocation of land are important instruments for regional development. This session highlights examples of land consolidation and expropriation in various land use planning contexts across the world.

Adrianna Czarnecka and Wioleta Krupowicz (Poland):
Participatory Approach in Land Consolidation in Poland – Crowdsourcing Application Test Feedback (11631)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Hermanni Hentunen and Kalle Konttinen (Finland):
Surveying the Regional Need for Land Consolidations from GIS Information in Finland (11374)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Artur Warchoł and Monika Balawejder (Poland):
The Use of Orthophotomaps to Verify the Network of Agricultural Transport Roads in the Land Consolidation Project (11668)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Kwabena Asiama (Germany), Lixian Chen (China, PR), Charles Atakora and Winrich Voss (Germany):
An Interrogation of the Land Consolidation Traditions of the People’s Republic of China, Germany, The Netherlands and Rwanda (11535)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Namibia), Michael Klaus and Wenjun Zhang (China, PR):
Aiming at a Better Impact of the Land Professions: the Role of Academic and Policy Dialogues (11308)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS07B: Accelerated Digitalisation and the Future of Land Administration in the UN-ECE Region and Beyond
Commission: FIG, FAO & UN-ECE
Chair: Ms. Rumyana Tonchovska, FAO

Joint FIG, FAO and UN-ECE session.

This session explores the future of land administration through the lenses of digital disruption and accelerated digital transformation – with a specific focus on lessons from the UN-ECE region.

Attendees of the session will hear from leaders across multiple land agencies, from both the UN-ECE and globally, recapping the journey of those agencies through the pandemic disruption, responses, and where they sit now. Also launched will be a new FAO/FIG/WPLA publication titled ‘Digital Acceleration and the Future Land Administration in the UN-ECE region’ that syntheses the lessons of at-distance webinars by FAO and WPLA on the same topic. The session will conclude with a panel session focusing on unpacking on land administration agencies have fundamentally changed post-pandemic, and what future action plans and investments are most needed in the sector.

Welcome and Opening Address
Ms. Rumyana Tonchovska, FAO and Amie Figueiredo, UNECE

Accelerated Digitalisation and the Future of Land Administration
Assoc. Prof. Rohan Bennett, Dr. Claudia Stoecker, Dr. Kwabana Asiama

Knowledge for Investment Brief
Ms. Hana Daoudi, FAO

Europe: Serbian Digital Transformation
Mr. Darko Vucetic, Head of Centre of Excellence for Geospatial Information Management, Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia

Africa: Uganda’s NSDI and Digital Land Administration
Mr Richard Oput, Technical Advisor/Land Administration - Geomatics Consultant at National Land Information Center

Asian: Digital Developments in Vietnam
Mr. Dinh Hong Phong, Deputy Director of VILG's Central Project Management Unit (Vietnam), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Latin America: Digitalisation in the Region
Mr. Carlos Eduardo Portella Sturm, Specialist in Land Administration Automation and Enterprise Architecture 

International: Notaries Go Digital 
Mr. Galliez Lionel, Vice President for Europe, International Union of Notaries (IUNL)

Summary and Closing
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director

14 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS07C: Geospatial Analytics Use Cases
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Pietro Grimaldi, Italy
Rapporteur: Mr. Cromwell Manaloto, Italy

The session will present case studies from selected GIS application fields that illustrate the use of GIS tools for a wide range of disciplinary purposes.

Angelina Ageenko and Lars Bodum (Denmark):
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Denmark – a Machine Learning Approach (11291)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Krzysztof Pokonieczny (Poland):
Methodology of Terrain Classification in Terms of Military Passability (11318)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Samuel Larbi Darko and Andrews Kwasi Afforo Odoom (Ghana):
The Impact of Surveying and Mapping in Transforming Ghana’s Energy Sector; A Case Study of Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) Asset Mapping Project (11358)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Cemre Sahinkaya-Oezer, Uwe Altrock and Sercan Cakir (Germany):
An Analysis on the Changing “Give Away” Practices in Germany: The Case of Neustadt District, Dresden (11475)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Philipp Luz, Thomas Pany, Christian Lichtenberger, Martin Grzebellus and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Ghosthunter III – Detection of Wrong-way Drivers (11527)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Agnieszka Ochałek, Tomasz Lipecki, Jaśkowski Wojciech and Jabłoński Mateusz (Poland):
Measuring, Protecting and Spreading the Knowledge About Underground Cultural Heritage with the Usage of Modern Technologies (11644)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Divyani Kohli (Netherlands):
Tenure from Above: Can Remote Sensing Be Used in Support of Land Administration? (11701)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mark Cygan (USA):
Innovation and Implementation of an Integrated Geospatial Infrastructure (11709)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Gabriel Scarmana (Australia):
Estimation of Papaya Fruit Volume and Surface Area Using a Dual Ellipsoid Representation and Image Analysis (11346)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Njike Chigbu, Maduabughichi Okezie, Chidiebere Nnadiegbulam, Imaga Itam Lekwa and Michael, M. Apeh (Nigeria):
Geospatial Technologies Application in Small and Medium Scale Scale Enterprises(SMEs)-A strategy for Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan aFRICA. (11456)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Cheuk-man, Danny Yeung, Kwan-ming, Eric Cheung and Yi-tak, Lily Leung (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Leveraging GIS for Battle Against COVID-19 in Hong Kong (11497)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS07D: The Future of Land Administration: Ideas, Technologies and Processes
Commission: 7
Chair: Ms. Kate Rickersey, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Agnieszka Cienciała, Poland

Implementing land administration reform requires significant coordination between government entities, stakeholders and the private sector. In this session, ideas, technologies and processes to improve land administration are discussed. Papers selected for this session include experiences from multiple parts of the world and different context, both rural and urban.

Adamu Bala
(Nigeria), Saied Pirasteh (China, PR), Yahaya Abbas Aliyu, AbdulAzeez Aliyu, Swafiyudeen Bawa and Ibrahim Abdulwahab (Nigeria):
Mapping and Suitability Analysis of Existing Electoral Polling Units in Katsina Local Government Area of Katsina State, Nigeria (11312)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

John Gitau, Jean du Plessis and Danilo Antonio (Kenya):
An Innovative Land Information Tool for Documenting Tenure Rights of the Urban Poor in Namibia (11560)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Charl-Thom Bayer (Namibia) and Laura Meggiolaro (Italy):
Open Data for Improved Land Governance (11573)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Baiq Elfa Desfira, Lalu Akhmad Farhan and Bambang Edhi Leksono (Indonesia):
Design Recommendations to Enhance The Digital Transformation of Lalu Akhmad Farhan Licensed Cadastral Surveyor Bureau (KJSB) (11751)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Helge Onsrud, Frank Haugan and Oskar Henriksen (Norway):
A Practical Approach to Quality Control of Geographic Information (11769)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Maurice Barbieri (Switzerland), Florian Lebourdais (France), Ivars Nudiens (Latvia) and Enrico Rispoli (Italy):
GISCAD-OV: Galileo High Accuracy Service: a contribution of Surveyors to GNSS (11773)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS07E: French Session 1
Chair: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium

This session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors ) and give the possibility to the FIG members to dialogue in French.

Khalid Yousfi (Morocco):
Transparency and Land Management Conflict (11748)
Transparence et gestion de conflits dans le foncier
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jean-François Dalbin (France):
Comment remédier aux problèmes générés par les indivisions successorales immobilières pour améliorer la gestion foncière: le cas de la Polynésie française (11743)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Godelive Phanzu Vangu (Democratic Republic of Congo):
Contribution à la réinvention de l’aménagement du territoire post-covid 19, cas de la ville de Kinshasa (11738)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Matjaz Grilc (Slovenia), Vladimir Krupa (Croatia), Jean-Yves Pirlot (Belgium) and Robert Rachwal (Poland):
Code of Professional Qualifications for Property Surveyors (11740)
Code des Qualifications professionelles pour Géomètres-Experts
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
L'impact "COVID" sur les activités de la FGF. (11741)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Sycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS07F: Innovation in Curriculum
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Chair FIG Commission 2, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Malumbo Chipofya, Netherlands

This session involves papers and presentations that highlight recent innovations in curriculum, teaching approaches and educational programs.

Jelena Gabela, Guenther Retscher, Georg Gartner, Andrea Binn (Austria) and Vassilis Gikas (Greece):
Overview Of The Pbl In Geodesy, Geoinformatics And Transport Engineering Education (11322)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Moonsik Kim (Republic of Korea):
Simulated Survey Training Using Game Engine (11400)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Derek Spalton, Matthew Whomsley, Alison Xu and Jay Lawrence (United Kingdom):
Developing Interactive Digital Learning Resources- A Case Study for MSc Surveying Modules (11427)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Joanna Pluto-Kossakowska, Kinga Węzka, Dariusz Gotlib and Krzysztof Bakuła (Poland):
Mobile Mapping and Navigation Systems – a New Master's Program in the Field of Geomatics Launched in Covid Pandemic Time (11465)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Malgorzata Verőné Wojtaszek, György Busics and Valéria Balázsik (Hungary):
Teaching Precision Farming for Agricultural Engineers: Experiences and Lessons Learned (11642)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Witold Kazimierski, Jacek Lubczonek, Marta Wlodarczyk-Sielicka, Grzegorz Zaniewicz and Izabela Bodus-Olkowska (Poland):
Hydrography Education in Geodesy Courses – Case Study in Maritime University of Szczecin (11713)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Michael Mayer (Germany):
On the Acquisition of GNSS Competencies Hand in Hand with Personal Competencies in the Introductory Phase of BSc Engineering Degree Programs (11457)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Reshma Shrestha and Ganesh Prasad Bhatta (Nepal):
Curriculum Assessment Framework of Land Management Education for Capacity Building in Nepal: A case of Master in Land Administration at Kathmandu University (11584)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Craig Roberts (Australia):
Milking a Rich Education from an Old School Technique (11657)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS07G: FIG Corporate Platinum Member Session - Trimble
Commission: Trimble

A special session organised by FIG Platinum Corporate member Trimble

Trimble´s FFP solution
Trimble’s FFP solution combines Trimble Penmap and Trimble Catalyst GNSS to a straightforward data collection toolset which offers flexible accuracy, reliable positions, easy-to-use workflows and cost-efficiency.
Penmap field data collection software offers professional land administration data collection for everyone. Penmap supports domain models like STDM or LADM which enables stakeholders to work with a domain model in the field for mapping, GIS, tenure and form based data collection.
Trimble Catalyst is a revolutionary GNSS concept delivering affordable and flexible GNSS positioning-as-a-service for FFP data collection. The concept contains the simple, lightweight and low cost Trimble DA2 GNSS receiver and on-demand, accuracy-based corrections worldwide.
Speaker: Markus Koper

Geospatial Data’s role in Digital Construction
In today’s modern age of geoinformation, surveyors and construction professionals find themselves at a crossroads where innovation has intertwined their deliverables and workflows like never before. Historically approached as two separate industries with independent solutions, Trimble has dared to do just the opposite and bring them together through technology advancements in scanning, connectivity, modeling, digital twins, and cloud data processing. Learn how Trimble is using geospatial data as the foundation for the new age of digital construction.
Speaker: Stephanie Michaud

14 September
Restaurants, DoubleTree by Hilton

Lunch Break

The lunch is sponsored by: Terrasolid ltd.

FIG Commissions Annual Meetings from 13:25-14:15:

The FIG Commissions are responsible for pursuing FIG's professional and technical objectives and are the backbone of the professional work in FIG.
The Commission meetings are open for everyone who are interested in the work.
  • Commission 1: Professional Standards and Practice in Willow
  • Commission 4: Hydrography in Lime/Maple
  • Commission 8: Spatial Planning and Development in Poplar/Alder
    [Agenda] [Report] [handouts]

14 September
Rowan, DoubleTree by Hilton

IPMS Regional Meeting

  • By Invitation only

14 September
Oak, DoubleTree by Hilton

FIG Corporate Member/Congress Sponsor Meeting
Commission: FIG
Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director, Denmark

The 2022 FIG Corporate Members Meeting is where the corporate membership within FIG meets the FIG Administration to exchange information, provide feedback and discuss on-going and proposed activities.

Sponsors and exhibitors of the FIG Congress are welcome to attend.

14 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS08A: Real Estate Data goes Geodata
Commission: 3 & 9
Chair: Mr. Peter R. Ache, Chair Elect FIG Commission 9, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Angela Omamuyovwi Etuonovbe, Nigeria

Transparency in the real estate market is an important indicator for democracy and for the realization of the right to comprehensive information. If real estate market data is understood as geodata, then we increase the importance of geoinformation by an important component with high social and economic relevance. This session deals with these topics. International experts will cover everything from land registration to digital valuation processes and A.I. technologies.

Cromwell Manaloto and Daniele Brancato (Italy):
What the Future Holds for the Banca del Dato Immobiliare? – Insights and Reflections (11589)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Katherine Smyth (USA):
Operationalizing the LADM Valuation Information Model in ArcGIS (11460)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Christina Mauer (Germany):
Digital Processes in Real Estate Appraisal – Opportunities for Efficiency and Objectivity (11678)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ron Dalumpines, Javier Clavijo (Canada), Jason Buchanan, Ryan Chacon and Trent Larson (USA):
Using GeoAI in Property Valuation (11702)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS08B: Leveraging the Potential of Multi-Purpose Land Consolidation in Eastern Europe
Commission: FIG & FAO
Chair: Mr. Maxim Gorgan, FAO Land Tenure Officer, REU, Hungary and Ms. Marije Louwsma, Chair FIG Commission 8, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Bradley Paterson, FAO REU

Joint FIG and FAO Session.

The objective of the session is to present and discuss the perspectives and need for multi-purpose land consolidation instruments in Eastern Europe. The session begins with a keynote presentation on the potential of multi-purpose land consolidation and includes three country presentations on initial experiences with multi-purpose land consolidation and the expected way forward.


  • Opening by FAO and FIG co-chairs
  • Keynote presentation on the potential of multi-purpose land consolidation in countries in Eastern Europe.
    Morten Hartvigsen, Land Tenure Officer, FAO REU
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
  • Introduction of land consolidation in Georgia.
    Gizo Chelidze, Head of Department, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, and Elene Grigolia, Project Manager, National Agency of Public Registry
  • Initial experiences with multi-purpose land consolidation in North Macedonia and the way forward.
    Kiril Georgievski, Head of Land Consolidation Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, North Macedonia.
  • Potential for multi-purpose land consolidation in Turkey.
    Fatma Tüz Zehra Gülsever, Deputy Head of Land Consolidation Department, DSI, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
  • Questions to the presenters and discussion of the potential for multi-purpose land consolidation in countries in Eastern Europe
  • Conclusions and wrap-up by co-chairs.
14 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS08C: Ubiquitous GNSS
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Ryan Keenan, Chair Elect FIG Commission 5, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr Jacek Paziewki, Poland

GNSS signals are now being used in more tools and applications than ever. Understanding the limitations of these signals is a must for users in surveying and other professions.

Slawomir Cellmer, Krzysztof Nowel, Artur Fischer and Dawid Kwasniak (Poland):
Precise Satellite Positioning Based on a Search Procedure in the Coordinate Domain (11407)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Deepak Kumar and Neeraj Gurjar (India):
Determination of Optimal Site Location for Continuously Operated Reference Station (CORS) and it’s validation with CORS Station Quality Index (CSQI) (11493)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Gintcho Kostov (Bulgaria):
Assessment of the Accuracy and Reliability of GNSS Measurements in RTK Mode, Performed with Inclined Pole, Applying Fuzzy Logic (11450)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ashraf Abdallah (Germany), Agag Tarek (Egypt) and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Validation of CODE-GIM and Regional Ionosphere Model (RIM) for Single Frequency GNSS PPP Solution using Bernese GNSS software - Case Study: Egyptian Nile Delta (11375)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ola Øvstedal
, Johan Tobias Arnell, Isak Foss Ingebrigtsen, Simen Walbækken Tangen and Bjørn-Eirik Roald (Norway):
A Comparison of Survey-Grade GNSS Receivers by Means of Observation and Coordinate Domain Approaches; Traditional Vs Low-Budget (11320)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Miguel González-Calvo, Xiaoguang Luo, José Amado Aponte and Bernhard Richter (Switzerland):
Improved High-Precision RTK Positioning Through Multipath Reduction and Interference Mitigation (11557)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Pawel Wielgosz, Anna Krypiak-Gregorczyk, Wojciech Jarmołowski and Beata Milanowska (Poland):
Validation of UWM New Global Ionosphere Model During the Most Severe Geomagnetic Storm of the Year 2018 (11725)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Pawel Zalewski (Poland):
GNSS Performance Standards in the Maritime Domain (11352)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Robert Galatiya Suya, Yung-Tsang Chen, Chiew-Foong Kwong and Penghe Zhang (China, PR):
Noise Characterization in BeiDou-3 Multi-Frequency Observables (11516)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Olusola Omogunloye, Oluwapelumi Agunwa, Olufemi Olunlade, Oludayo Abiodun and Babatunde Ojegbile (Nigeria):
Comparative Analysis of Geodetic Distance Computational Methods, Using the Normal Probability Statistical Plot (11544)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Bartlomiej Oszczak (Poland):
Mathematical Model and Results of a New Positioning Algorithm (11692)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Israel Taiwo (Nigeria) and Jordan Palk (Canada):
Positioning Accuracy of Trimble DA1 Catalyst Receiver in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria (11698)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS08D: Geospatial Data in the 2020s
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Markus Schaffert, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Sahinkaya Cemre, Türkiye

The session will highlight the role that geospatial data can and will play in addressing the big issues facing humanity in the 2020s, such as population health and climate change.

Magdalena Grus, Ronald Bokhove and Marc van Andel (Netherlands):
National Sensor Registry a Step Forward (11370)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dariusz Gotlib, Kamil Choromański and Bogusław Kaczałek (Poland):
CENAGIS Geo-Cyberinfrastructure as a R&D Environment for a Surveyor 4.0 (11452)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Andy Wilson, Mark Tabor, Anthony Beck and Karen Hunt (United Kingdom):
Re-Imagining the Role of a National Mapping Agency to Support Spatially Enabled Governance (11524)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dejan Vasic and Marina Davidovic (Serbia):
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Road Infrastructure Management (11583)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Marina Davidovic and Dejan Vasic (Serbia):
Comparative Analysis of Automatic Methods for Road Infrastructure Elements Extraction from Point Cloud (11586)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Tatjana Budimirov, Vladimir Bulatović, Marko Marković, Mehmed Batilović and Zoran Sušić (Serbia):
Application of IoT in Civil Engineering and Geodesy (11409)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Njike Chigbu and Michael Apeh (Nigeria):
Object-Based Image Analysis Technique in e-Cognition Environment -A Paradigm for Sustainable Resource Inventory. (11598)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS08E: French Session 2
Chair: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium

This session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors ) and give the possibility to the FIG members to dialogue in French.

Xavier Prigent (France):
The New Challenges of Urban and Rural Planning in Europe Proposal of a Game to Set up the Territorial Strategy Proposition D'un Jeu Pour Mettre En Place La Stratégie Territoriale (11745)
Les nouveaux défis de la planification urbaine et rurale en Europe Proposition d'un jeu pour mettre en place la stratégie territoriale
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jean-Yves Pirlot (Belgium):
The Creation of the Ordre Des Géomètres-Experts in Belgium (11739)
La création de l'Ordre de droit public des géomètres-experts en Belgique
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Francis Gabele (Belgium):
Le Nouveau Droit des Biens en Belgique « Le bornage » (11742)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Benbrahim Ahmed (Morocco):
Projet De Reforme De La Gestion Administrative Et Financiere Des Instances Ordinales De L'onigt (11747)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ernst Peter Oosterbroek (Netherlands), Fabrice Gilles Kossou and Bène Tossenou (Benin):
Towards Securing Land Rights for All in the Republic of Benin (11604)
Vers la sécurisation des droits fonciers pour tous en République du Bénin
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
SySycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS08F: FIG & the SDG's: making the world a better place with your skills
Commission: TF-SDG
Chair: Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Netherlands

Be inspired by surveyors from all over the world how they contribute to achieving the SDG's. The Task Force on SDGs and FIG will set the scene and give a general introduction about the SDG's, the role of FIG and how you as a surveyor can contribute. In smaller groups you will have the chance to learn more about the interpretation of the indicators, how you apply social responsibility within your organisation or inspirational examples of congress participants. We will wrap up with your recommendations of how surveyors can make the sustainable world a reality.

Paula Dijkstra FIG & the SDG's: making the world a better place with your skills

Rosario Casanovaai> (Uruguay):
Education on the Geographic Indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals in Uruguay (11293)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS08G: Databases, Models and Software for Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, Nigeria
Rapporteur: Dr. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria

Technology is at the core of current developments in land administration. This session presents experiences from top practitioners in the world related to new databases, software and other technologies that are currently contributing in a better land management around the world.

Nur Zurairah Halim, Nazirah Mohamad Abdullah, Muhammad Salim Mohammed Asari and Mohamad Zaki Mohd Ghazali (Malaysia):
The SmartKADASTER Way – An Approach Towards 3D Geovisualisation Beyond Cadastre Purposes in Malaysia (11316)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

William Kambugu, Richard Oput, Grace Kagoro, Godfrey Toko and Jimmy Alani (Uganda):
The Consideration of Slaac Tool in Systematic Land Registration in Uganda (11324)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Brent Jones (USA):
Operationalizing Modern Cadastre with GIS (11344)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Hannes Maar (Switzerland):
Automated Pole Functionalities for Advancing Productivity of Total Station Workflows (11353)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Amir Bar-Maor (Netherlands) and Katherine Smyth (USA):
ArcGIS & LADM (ISO 19152): from Conceptual to Implementation (11373)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Frank van den Heuvel, Juriaan Lucassen, Eric Hagemans, Gerbrand Vestjens, Mark van den Broek, Lense Swaenen, Wim Florijn and Stefan Bussemaker (Netherlands):
Renewal of the Cadastral Map of the Netherlands, an Iterative Adjustment Approach (11408)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Christelle van den Berg (Netherlands), Eva-Maria Unger (Austria), Rohan Bennett (Australia) and Chrit Lemmen (Netherlands):
Towards Effective Land Administration: What Is Striking About the Digital Transformation for Land Administration in Developing Context (11410)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Arve Leiknes, Vemund Hansen, Leiv Bjarte Mjøs, Helge Nysæter and Per Ove Røkke (Norway):
Simplified Methods for Correcting the Norwegian Cadastral Map (11538)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Agnieszka Cienciała, Agnieszka Bieda and Szymon Sobura (Poland):
Geospatial Products in the Registration of Photovoltaic Installations and Their Parameters (11640)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Benard Odhiambo, Gordon Okumu Wayumba, Japheth Nyandoro, Kipchumba Evans and Julia Wakaba (Kenya):
3D Cadastral Modelling for Registration of Sectional Rights, Tax Collection and Integration into the National Land Information Management System in Kenya (11289)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mulyadi Mulyadi and Akhmad Faizal (Indonesia):
Web-Based 3D Cadastre’s Data Visualization In Indonesia: Challenges And Opportunity (11378)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Charisse Griffith-Charles (Trinidad And Tobago):
Open Access Data in the Cadastral Environment – An Evaluation (11686)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Thomas Dabiri (Nigeria):
Agrocadastral Mapping of Palm Trees on Farmlands for a Good Land Use and Poverty Eradication in Delta State of Nigeria (11707)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Chestnut, DoubleTree by Hilton

GLTN Partners Meeting

  • By Invitation only

14 September
Exhibition Area, DoubleTree by Hilton

Afternoon Break

14 September
Ballroom "Trimble", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS09A: FIG Academic Forum: VGGT and UNCCD COP 14
Commission: FIG & FAO
Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Chair FIG Commission 2, Australia and Ms. Tea Dabrundashvili, Land Tenure Officer, FAO
Rapporteur: Mr. Charles Atakora, Germany

The AC-Forum is organised jointly by FIG and FAO.

How to integrate VGGT into the implementation of the United Nation Convention to combat desertification and to achieve land degradation neutrality - land-based solutions, involving Land Administration (LA)/Land Management (LM) instruments to combat climate change?

During the session it will be discussed how to apply integrated VGGT into the implementation of the Convention and land degradation neutrality - land-based solutions, involving LA/LM instruments to combat climate change.

In 2019, the 14th Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD adopted a landmark decision on land tenure. Decision 26/COP14 acknowledges the importance of secure land tenure for addressing desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD), and for improving human wellbeing and livelihoods. To date, the UNCCD stands as the only multilateral environmental agreement to explicitly focus on land tenure.

The session will start by a presentation of the linkages between VGGT and LDN and will present newly launched FAO UNCCD Technical Guide on the integration of the VGGT into the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). The session will follow with a panel session focusing on unpacking on those aspects of implementation by stakeholders, including Academia and what future action plans and possible investments are most needed in their respective domain.

Welcome and Opening Address
David Mitchell, FIG and Tea Dabrundashvili, Land Tenure Officer, FAO

Integration of the VGGT into UNCCD implementation
Enni Kallio, Associated Professional Officer (UNCCD)

Presentation of the Technical Guide on VGGT integration to UNCCD and LDN
Aurelie Bres, Land and Water Officer (FAO)

Panel Session
A facilitated discussion unpacking the key approach of nexus of the Tenure and the LDN to respond to multiple challenges with a focus on using of flexible, multi-pathway approach to support policy and decision makers and relevant stakeholders in shaping a tailor-made response to commonly encountered land tenure challenges via range of national plans, legal frameworks, strategies, and action programmes addressing land degradation.

  • Experience of land consolidation to support LDN
    Bradley Paterson, Land Tenure Specialist (FAO)
  • Tenure responsive Land Use Planning and LDN
    Dr. Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)
  • Implementation of the VGGTs in LDN programmes: Insights from Benin, Kenya, Madagascar and Malawi
    Abdel Kader Baba. Research Associate, Program Manager – Benin and Madagascar (TMG Research gGmbH)


14 September
Ballroom "Esri", DoubleTree by Hilton

TS09B: Land Administration and the SDGs
Commission: 7
Chair: Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Dr. Ludmiła Pietrzak, Poland

The sustainable development goals (SDGs) have become an important beacon to direct all kinds of development projects in the world. Land administration plays a significant role helping to achieve many of the SDGs. This session presents papers that focus on ideas, processes, and technologies to achieve the SDGs using reforms to land administration.

Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, Menare Royal Mabakeng, Laina Alexander, Mario Siukuta, Ntwala Vanessa Simataa (Namibia) and Penehafo Ricardo:
Tenure-Restoration Nexus for Local Action in Africa: Identifying Customary Enablers and Disablers of Tenure in Land Restoration (11304)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Sinan Çolak, Bilal Erkek and İbrahİm Cankurt (Türkiye):
Possible Socio-Economic Reflections of 3D Cadastre Studies (11387)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Umit Yildiz, Murat Gurel, Sultan Kocaman Gökceoglu (Türkiye) and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
Possible Negative Legal Impacts on Cadastral Work Due to Lack of Perception on Spatial Uncertainty (11389)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Naa Lamkai Quaye - Ballard, Daniel Asenso- Gyambibi, Jonathan Quaye-Ballard and Benedict Asamoah (Ghana):
Application of Smart Technologies in Cadastral Surveying of Large Areas in Ghana (11390)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ian Harper (Australia), Virgo Eresta Jaya and Sofyan Khairul Anwar (Indonesia):
Lessons Learnt in Reviewing Technologies Utilised to Improve Capacity and the Spatial Integrity of the “One Map Project” in Indonesia or Other Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration Systems. (11511)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

David Elegbede (Nigeria), Shristi Paudel (Nepal), Sylion Muramira (Rwanda) and Angela Omamuyovwi Etuonovbe (Nigeria):
Making a Difference Through Volunteering: the Experience of Deploying Young Surveyor Volunteers. (11533)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Marisa Balas (Mozambique), Chistiaan Lemmen (Netherlands), Rosana Albuquerque (Portugal) and Isabel Casimiro (Mozambique):
Factors Contributing to Gender Inequality in Land Access and Land Tenure Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Literature Review (11673)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Monika Mika, Żanna Stręk and Monika Siejka (Poland):
Selected Aspects of Cadastre 2020 Functioning in Poland (11754)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Angela Baker and Bodossian Léa (Belgium):
Open Maps for Europe: a Customised Approach to Unlocking the Value of Official Geospatial Information Through Open Data (11363)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Shen Ying, Wenting Zhang, Meng Wang, Renzhong Guo, Houlei JIA, Cuiping Zhang, Xueye CHEN and Chengpeng Li (China, PR):
Regulations and Utilizations for 3D Marine Cadastre in China (11453)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Denis Tabučić, Željko Obradović (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Zimic Andja (Sweden):
Digital Transformation of Public Land Administration Services in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (11468)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Walnut/Acacia, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS09C: Land Use Planning and Management Fed by Spatial Analyses
Commission: 3, 8
Chair: Dr. Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, Nigeria
Rapporteur: Ms. Marijee Louwsma, Chair FIG Commission 8, Netherlands

GIS analyses provide a powerful tool to support land use management and decision-making processes in spatial planning. The type of analyses and the methods and techniques used show great variety. Developments have been ongoing in this, from single stand alone analysis to fully integrated GIS systems to support spatial planning and land use management.

Menare Royal Mabakeng, Jennilee Kohima, Laina Alexander and Vanessa Simataa (Namibia):
The Emergence of Namibia Openstreetmap Community, Supporting GIS Data Generation for Informal Settlements (11565)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Łukasz Kuzak, Marianna Ulanicka-Raczyńska and Alina Maciejewska (Poland):
The Use of Spatial Data to Identify Land Reserves for Minimising the Negative Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Example of Selected Districts of Warsaw (11661)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Iwan Hermawan, Dhono Nugroho, Halim Wiranata and Audita Widya Astuti (Indonesia):
Thematic Geoportal Dashboard Connectivity to Optimize Planning Phase of Trans Sumatera Toll Road (11510)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Ntwala Vanessa Simataa, Laina Alexander, Mario Siukuta, Penehafo Ricardo, Menare Royal Mabakeng, Jennilee Kohima, Malcon Mazambani and Elvena Hayford (Namibia):
“digital Namibia’’ — a National Geographic Portal for Urban Planning (11552)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jakub Kaczorowski (Poland):
Making Public Transport More Accessible with GIS Location-Allocation Analyses (11722)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Priscilla Djaba and Djaba Stephen (Ghana):
Optimising the Spatial Distribution of Fire Stations in the Urban Sphere, a Case Study of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana (11332)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Prosper Laari and Gideon Sagoe (Ghana):
Regional Reorganisation in Ghana: Implication on Spatial Extent and Proximity to Equitable Access to Critical Public Services (11328)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Further Reading:

Ali El Husseini (USA) and Ali Sagashya (Zambia):
Image Acquisition Planning and Execution as a Foundation for Strengthening Institutional Services for Municipal Land Management and Planning: Lusaka, Zambia (11684)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Bingxu Hu, Hongjie He (Canada) and Yiping Chen (China, PR):
Ai-Powered Mapping of Land Disturbance Associated with Oil and Gas Resource Development Using Satellite Imagery (11695)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Edward A. A. Kwesi, Rita Sewa Kyere, John K Annan, Comfort Assencher and Kwame Tenadu (Ghana):
Landfill Site Suitability Assessment Based on Public and Affected Community Views (11484)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Kurotamuno Peace Jackson, Lawrence Olaniran Olagunju, Godwill Tamunobiekiri Pepple and Mohammed Mamman Kabir (Nigeria):
Agricultural Land Suitablility Study for Rice Farming in Nigeria (11703)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Willow, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS09D: GLTN and FIG Young Surveyors VCSP - Continuing on a Path of Collaboration
Commission: YS & GLTN
Chair: Ms. Claire Buxton, Lead VCSP, Canada
Rapporteur: Ms. Angela Omamuyovwi Etuonovbe, Nigeria

It is five years since the first Volunteer Community Surveyors were deployed globally and the Volunteer Community Surveyor Program has been continuing in earnest. With many tangible outcomes to report on, the ability for the FIG Young Surveyors Network to continue this outreach program is proven. In the third year of a four-year strategic plan (ending May 2024), the time is right to plan the next upscaling. Big picture thinking requires reflecting, courageous conversation, and debate. At this session you can expect all of these with contributions from GLTN and VCSP team members alongside other partners and mentors to the program. The outcomes of this healthy debate will be combined with feedback from a workshop held during the Young Surveyors Conference. Audience participation will be encouraged. [handouts]

14 September
Lime/Maple, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS09E: Laws and Standards
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Peter R. Ache, Chair Elect FIG Commission 9, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Ruud Kathmann, Netherlands

Good legal rules or good standards reduce the risk of distorted valuations. Legal regulations thus contribute to improving the quality of judgements. This in turn is a basic prerequisite for trust in valuers and thus in our profession. In this session we will hear and discuss examples from Germany, the UK and Turkey. We also want to look at the next steps for the manual of unregistered land.

James Kavanagh and Ben Elder (United Kingdom):
Valuation of Unregistered Land Operational Manual - Next Stages (11388)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Albert Fittkau (Germany):
Munich Model of „socially Fair Use of Land“ Urban Development Contracts as an Instrument for the Creation of Affordable Housing (11528)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Kauko Viitanen and Raisa Harju (Finland):
Views on the Needs to Develop the Authorization and Supervision Activities of Real Estate Valuers (11444)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

David Hunt (United Kingdom):
A Framework for Appraising the Legislation and Implementation of Expropriation for Public Utility in Post-transitional Countries: Full Compensation and the Role of the Valuer (11576)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Andreas Jardin (Germany):
Amendment of the “Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung” (Ordinance on the Valuation of Property) in Germany (11712)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further reading:

Yeşim Tanrıvermiş and Harun Tanrıvermiş (Türkiye):
The Farmland Fragmentation and Assessment of Legal Regulations for the Prevention of Farmland Fragmentation Within the Framework of Land Management in Turkey (11731)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September
Sycamore/Magnolia/Cedar, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS09F: FIG Presidents Meeting
Commission: FIG
Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany

14 September
Poplar/Alder, DoubleTree by Hilton

TS09G: Construction Economics and Management
Commission: 7 & 10
Chair: Mr. Stamatis Kotouzas, Republic of Korea
Rapporteur: Dr. Krzysztof Karsznia, Poland

There is an intrinsic relationship between construction and the administration of land, particularly in urban areas. In this session, the latest technologies and approaches to improve construction in the context of best practices for land administration are presented. Practitioners from Europe and other parts of the world will showcase approaches in which better construction systems and support updating the cadastre work in parallel to support sustainable development.

Elzbieta Bielecka, Damian Wierzbicki and Olga Matuk (Poland):
Automated Building Extraction from Dense LIDAR Data (11343)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Szymon Glinka, Tomasz Owerko and Karolina Tomaszkiewicz (Poland):
Information Exchange Using the Open IFC Format from a Surveyor's Perspective (11472)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Nikola Vučić, Damir Šantek and Jelena Unger (Croatia):
Cadastral surveys of construction areas (11476)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Leikny Gammelmo (Norway):
Using KPIs to measure and achieve data quality of cadastral data (11647)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Sara Bender and Christian Stoy (Germany):
Construction Project Management Using Digital Models: Construction Cost Planning in Early Project Phases (11723)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Cornel Paunescu, Valentin Mihalcea and Vlad Paunescu (Romania):
Considerations regarding the accuracy of determination of surfaces (11733)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Further Reading:

Esther Oluwafolakemi Ola-Ade (Nigeria), Adetayo Onasosen (South Africa), Gbemisola Akinola, Kudirat Ibilola Zakaryyah and Oluwatosin Olorunda (Nigeria):
Remote Working in the Face of the Pandemic: Current Issues, Technological Impacts and Future Implications. (11697)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

14 September

FIG Commission Dinners

To be decided by each commission.

Everyone is welcome, please contact the commission chair.

FIG Commission 1 and 2
Restaurant: De Elefant 22 890 0010 Pl. Bankowy 1 00-139 Warszawa

Register here
or show up at Hilton Lobby at 6:45pm for departure at 7pm or meet at the restaurant at 7:30pm.  

FIG Commission 4, 5 and 6
Restaurant: Siwy Dym (Puławska 378, Warsaw)
Cost: 140 zloty (~ 30 euros) per person

Register here

Thursday, 15 September
15 September
Exhibition Area, DoubleTree by Hilton

Coffee Break

...enjoy a coffee before the General Assembly starts.

15 September
Ballroom, DoubleTree by Hilton

FIG General Assembly - part 3
Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director, Denmark

Results of the elections; wrap up from the Congress week, upcoming conferences; Closing ceremony



15 September
Ballroom, DoubleTree by Hilton

Farewell Reception, hosted by FIG Working Week 2023

Delegates are invited to this farewell to the FIG Congress 2022 and its host city in an informal environment. Join us as we toast to a sucessful event and at the same time have a taste of FIG Working Week 2023 in Orlando, Florida, USA. The reception is hosted by the FIG Working Week 2023.

© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG 2022