FIG Working Week 2019
ISBN 978-87-92853-90-5
ISSN 2307-4086
Plenary and Technical Sessions -
Note: In technical sessions the author(s) presenting the paper have been marked in italic style. |
Saturday, 20 April |
Saturday, 20 April 08:30–18:30 HANOI 1, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark 72
| Reference Frame in Practice Seminar and BELS+ Training- Day 1 Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, Chair FIG Commission 5, United States
Two combined technical seminars will be held. The Reference Frame in Practice (RFIP) seminar will be held the first day, while the Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of EGNSS (BELS+) seminar will be on the second day. The RFIP will provide the international context for many global and Asia-Pacific regional geodetic initiatives as well as overviews of reference frames with multiple national case studies to highlight how different countries are implementing these global initiatives. The BELS+ seminar will provide Training and Awareness to surveyors through the South East Asia region on the use of GNSS tools and data, including a discussion focused on activities at the Research Centre in Vietnam.
For more information, please visit
Saturday, 20 April 09:00–17:00 DA LAT, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark 72
| FIG Council Meeting Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
| Sunday, 21 April |
Sunday, 21 April 08:30–17:00 DA LAT, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark 72
| ACCO Meeting
Sunday, 21 April 08:30–17:30 HANOI 1, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark 72
| Reference Frame in Practice Seminar and BELS+ Training- Day 2 Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, Chair FIG Commission 5, United States
Second day of the seminar.
For more information, please visit
Sunday, 21 April 09:00–17:00 HANOI 4, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark 72
| BIM For Surveyors Chair: Ms. Mercy Iyortyer, Nigeria
Digital change and BIM are likely to significantly affect the future of the surveying profession. Do we need a more symbiotic relationship between technologists and surveyors? What should, or can, surveyors do to affect technology? What aspects of professionlism in surveying remain relevant in the changing technological landscape? Clearly, the answers lie in where professional surveying judgement can continue to add value, how our work processes can be consistently applied and how data-driven decision-making can be improved.
Scope of the Workshop:
- What is the state of play of digital change and examples of best practice?
- What do technologists need from surveyors and vice versa?
- What does this technology suggest for the future of the surveying profession?
For more information, please visit
Sunday, 21 April 09:00–18:00 HANOI 2+3, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark 72
| 3rd Young Surveyors Asia and the Pacific Meeting Chair: Ms. Melissa Harrington, Chair, FIG Young Surveyors Network, United States
Geospatial information for a smarter life and environmental resilience
The 3rd Young Surveyors Asia and the Pacific Meeting is a two day event that provides an environment for Young Surveyors from different cultures, countries, academic qualifications, and professional experience to discuss the issues facing their region, and plan for a resilient future. Join us to connect and learn the importance of geospatial information and how it can be used to create harmony among the spatial, social, economical and environmental aspects of a city and inhabitants.
For more information, please visit
| Monday, 22 April |
Monday, 22 April 07:00–16:30 HANOI 2+3, InterContinental Hanoi Landmark 72
| 3rd Young Surveyors Asia and the Pacific Meeting - Day 2
Second day of the meeting.
For more information, please visit
Monday, 22 April 09:00–16:30 BANQUET HALL (Phong Khanh Tiet) , Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG General Assembly - part 1 Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
FIG General Assembly will be held on 22 and 26 April 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam at Vietnam National Convention Center. At the General Assembly the Council Work Plan will be presented by President Rudolf Staiger, All Commission and network work plans will also be presented.
Hand outs:
Presidents report
Council Work Plan
FIG Foundation report
Task Force on FIG and the SDG's
Task force on FIG Governance
Young Surveyors Network Work plan
Africa Regional Network - ARN
Asia/Pacific regional Network - AP-CDN
- Commission work plans:
commissions 1, 2, 7, 8, 9
commissions 3, 4, 5, 6, 10
Permanent Institution: OICRF
FIG Finances
Presentation Working Week 2023 - Orlando, Florida, USA
Monday, 22 April 16:30–17:30 Foye, first floor, Vietnam National Convention Center
Charity Dance
...put on your chance shoes
WE WANT TO DO GOOD – and give back.
With this charity dance we will support -
GET KIDS INTO SURVEY mission is to raise standards and get young people into the surveying indutry.
FIG FOUNDATION is an independent body under FIG established
for raising funds to finance surveying education development projects
and supporting young surveyors.
The minimum donation will be 10 EUR.
Monday, 22 April 19:30–21:30 360 Kim Ma Str., Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi , Pool side Hanoi Daewoo hotel
| Welcome Reception
All delegates, registered accompanying persons and exhibitors are invited to attend the official Welcome Reception. This is an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and make new acquaintances as you are welcomed to Hanoi.
Join the welcome reception at the 80 meter long pool side at the most popular five stars hotel in Hanoi. With a warm atmosphere, traditional Vietnamese music and canapes this will be a great way to start a successful FIG Working Week and enjoy the arrival to the lovely city Hanoi.
| Tuesday, 23 April |
Tuesday, 23 April 08:00–08:45 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Newcomers Session Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Director, Denmark
New to the FIG Working Week?
Join us at the session for newcomers to meet members of the council, the FIG Office and other participants who will experience the FIG Working Week for the first time. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about FIG, on how to maximize your conference experience and making most of your attendance. First time attendees will be introduced to the programme, the keynote speakers, the sessions tracks, the roundtable discussions, the sponsors and social events.
The official Opening Ceremony of the conference will immediately follow the newcomers session. We look forward to seeing you there!
Tuesday, 23 April 09:00–10:30 BANQUET HALL (Phong Khanh Tiet) , Vietnam National Convention Center
| Opening Ceremony
Master of Ceremony: Prof. Dr. Vo Chi My, Vice President and Secretary General, VGCR
The opening ceremony will provide a spectacular introduction to the Working Week, its theme, and its unique location - a festive start of the Week.
Welcome addresses:
- Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa, Vice-minister of MONRE
- Mr. Tran Bach Giang, VGCR Chairman
- Mr. Trinh Anh Co, Co-Conference director and Chair of Local Organising Committee
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President
Dr. Mika-Petteri Törhönen, Lead Land Administration Specialist,
World Bank: Secure Tenure for all Men and Women; The World Bank’s Land and Geospatial Program with a Special Reference to Achieving SDGs (10229) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 10:30–11:00 2nd and 3rd floor, Exhibition Area
| Morning Break |
Tuesday, 23 April 11:00–12:30 BANQUET HALL (Phong Khanh Tiet) , Vietnam National Convention Center
| PLENARY SESSION 1: A Smarter Life and Environmental Resilience through Organisational Approaches Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, FIG Vice President, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Van Cu Pham and Dang Hung Vo (Vietnam): Timing - Spatial Information System is the Informative Infrastructure to Develop the Smart World (10212) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mr. Gary Johnston, Head, National Positioning Infrastructure Branch (Australia): UNGGIM-AP Approaches to a Smarter Life and Environmental Resilience (10213) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President (Germany): FIG 2019-2022 Volunteering for the Future (10214) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 12:30–13:30 BANQUET HALL (Phong Khanh Tiet) , Vietnam National Convention Center
| Speed Networking Commission: YSN Chair: Ms. Melissa Harrington, Chair, FIG Young Surveyors Network, United States Rapporteur: Mr. Kwabena Asiama, Netherlands
Prepare your name badges, business cards, and notebooks! Join the FIG Young Surveyors Network for some speed networking over the lunch break! This event is open to everyone, and is a great opportunity to meet members of the Young Surveyors Network, FIG Commission Chairs and Conference Delegates at the start of the FIG Working Week.
The format for speed networking will be a "round robin." The event leader will ring a bell, to indicate the beginning and end of each round. Once the round begins, you will introduce yourself and your purpose for being there, share your interests in surveying and any other relevant information! At the end of the formal "round robin" there will be the opportunity for open networking to continue a conversation, or for meeting someone new.
Tuesday, 23 April 12:30–14:00 3rd floor, LUNCH ROOM (343 + 347)
| Lunch Break |
Tuesday, 23 April 12:30–14:00 254bc ("FIG Presidents Meeting Room"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| GLTN Professional Cluster Meeting Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG Director Generals Forum Chair: Mrs. Gerda Schennach, Austria
The FIG Director Generals‘ Forum brings together Chief Executives or/and Director Generals of national (or sub-national) public agencies from all over the world who are responsible for land management and related tasks and being FIG Affiliate Members.
The agenda comprises short reports about the position of public agencies in a changing world, challenges and chances to their roles. Short presentations and a moderated discussion will give an opportunity to bring in experiences and find new approaches for future improvement of cooperation, relationship to international associations such as FIG and how to stay visible as service providers.
Gerda Schennach, Introduction [handouts]
De Vries The (changing?) role of public land authorities in international
fora, de Vries [handouts]
Nick Land, ESRI, The Evolving Role of the
National Mapping & Cadastre Agencies [handouts]
Peter Yaw Aboagye Kyei, Ghana; Overview of
Mapping in Ghana [handouts]
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) Chair: Ms. Kathrine Kelm, World Bank,
Jointly hosted by FIG, World Bank, FAO and UN-GGIM
The session will present the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) endorsed by UNGGIM Committee of Experts in August 2018 and the main benefits. The session will include an overview of the IGIF, the benefits of geospatial information management and the ongoing process of developing the IGIF Implementing Guide, which is expected to be presented to the Committee of Experts at the August 2019 UNGGIM meeting and opened for global consultations. The session will also focus on operationalizing the IGIF through the World Bank-FAO methodology for developing country and sub-regional level action and investment plans. The Cooperative Republic of Guyana, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of Serbia will present their experience in using the IGIF for country level implementation.
John Kedar, Director International Engagement, Ordnance Survey, United Kingdom
The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework – unlocking benefits globally’
Rumyana Tonchovska, Senior Land Administration Officer - IT, UNFAO, Italy
The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework – how it works
Trevor Benn, Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer, Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission
The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework – Guyana experience in developing a country level action plan
Do Thi Thu Thuy, Deputy Chief of Science and International cooperation Office, Department of Survey, Mapping and Geoinformation, Vietnam
Building NSDI in Viet Nam: Results and Challenges
Darko Vucetic, Head of Center of Geospatial Information Management, Republic Geodetic Authority, Republic of Serbia
Integrated Geospatial Information Framework in Serbia in support of Government priority areas – experiences and plans
Rumyana Tonchovska (Italy) and Kathrine Kelm (USA): Integrated Geospatial Information Framework – How It Works? Good Practices Around the Globe. (9892) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 210a ("ArcGIS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Platinum Member Session - ESRI: WebGIS Land Administration Systems Chair: Mr. Brent Jones, United States
Seldom does a game changing technology come to cadaster. It has now. WebGIS changes everything.
- Timothy Fella
- Nick Land
- Katherine Smyth
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS01C: GIS Applications Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis, Greece Rapporteur: Ms. Maria Grazia Scorza, Italy
Traditionally GIS can provide benefits in many application fields where spatiality is of particular interest. Mapping of land cover changes in general, as well as specific topics such as soil erosion, landslide events, land administration, and others will be covered in this session.
Phi Son Nguyen, Anh Tuan Nguyen and Thanh Thuy Nguyen (Vietnam): Application of Remote Sensing, GIS and Topographical Data for Establishing Soil Erosion Map (9774) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Minh Nguyen and Huong Nguyen (Vietnam): Mapping Landslide Events in Vietnam Using the Global Landslide Catalog and GIS
(9994) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kaidzu Masaru (Japan): Integrated Application of Separately Managed GIS Resources for Land Administration (10027) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 252bc ("GEO-PLUS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS01D: Mapping the Plastic Commission: 4 and YSN Chair: Dr. Mohd Razali Mahmud, Chair FIG Commission 4, Malaysia Rapporteur: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom
This session highlights the study carried out on the issue of waste measurement in the water bodies using remote sensing, bathymetric, current measurement and topographical surveys of plastic waste along the banks of rivers. The presentations will enable a greater understanding of the quantum of plastic waste being transported to the oceans and inform the control and regulation of land use practices with an ultimate goal of eradicating the dumping of plastics into river systems.
Britta Denise Hardesty, TJ Lawson, Qamar Schuyler, Chris Wilcox (Australia), Trang Nguyen and Hoa Tran (Vietnam): Mapping the Plastic along Hai Phong's Urban and Coastal Margins (10175) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Thang Le Dai (Vietnam): Overview of Marine Plastic Debris in Vietnam in Relation to International Context (10174) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nguyen Thi Thu Trang (Vietnam): Mapping the Plastic (10176) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gordana Jakovljević (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Miro Govedarica (Serbia) and Flor Álvaret Taboada (Spain): Remote Sensing Data in Mapping Plastics at Surface Water Bodies (9974) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS01E: Deformation in Frames Commission: 5 Chair: Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand Rapporteur: Dr. Dan Gillins, United States
While a smart city might have an extremely accurate reference frame, it is only as good as its most recent update unless an effort is made to understand the deformation occurring within that frame. The surface of the earth is moving and this must be taken into account for a smart city to maintain its infrastructure over time. Sometimes, a simple plate motion model may suffice. However, this will not account for intra-plate motions nor any vertical change. Monitoring deformation in frames is a necessary effort to maintain the long term viability of an accurate reference frame for a smart city.
Ha Dinh Thi Le (Vietnam): The Correction to Stake-Out Coordinate Points in Constructing Hydropower Project with Height Dams (9820) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gilad Even-Tzur (Israel): Surface Deformation Along the Carmel-Gilboa Fault System by Means of Extended Free Network Adjustment Constraints (9976) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jacob Heck and Dru Smith (USA): Practical Considerations for Determining Euler Pole Parameters for the Terrestrial Reference Frames in the United States (10002) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pasi Häkli, Martin Lidberg, Lotti Jivall, Holger Steffen, Halfdan Kierulf, Jonas Ågren, Olav Vestøl (Norway), Sonja Lahtinen (Finland), Rebekka Steffen (Sweden) and Lev Tarasov (Canada): New Horizontal Intraplate Velocity Model for Nordic and Baltic Countries (10078) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS01F: UAV - from Sensors to Applications Commission: 6 Chair: Mr. Joel Van Cranenbroeck, Belgium Rapporteur: Mr. Mehmed Batilović, Serbia
This session discusses the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in various applications as well as testing of instruments and systems to ensure a more efficient production procedure using UAV. Aerial and terrestrial photo surveys together with modern photogrammetric methods are valuable tools in engineering surveys and the future is very promising.
Pham Xuan Hoan and Le Thi Kim Dung (Vietnam): Applications of Collection and Processing UAV Data: the Problems and Trend to Resolve (9849) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Heinz-Juergen Przybilla (Germany): Investigations on the Geometric Quality of Commercially Available Cameras for Uav Applications (9806) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Maria Henriques, Tiago Pinto, João Andrade, Duarte Dornellas and Jorge Gonçalves (Portugal): Project "ELEVAR" – Development of an UAV for Autonomous Photo Surveys of Surfaces (9943) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hendriatiningsih Sadikin, Deni Suwardhi and Irwan Gumilar (Indonesia): Topographic Mapping Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology-Photogrammetry Method (9957) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Anh Thu Phan Thi (Vietnam) and Kazuyoshi Takahashi (Japan): The Mapping Accuracy of Low-Cost UAV- Based Laser Scanner System: a Case Study of Hokuyo UTM30lx Laser Scanner (9871) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS01G: Modernizing Land Administration Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Ian Rose, United States Rapporteur: Ms. Chrystine Maltais, Canada
Large portions of the world are not covered by proper land tenure security. This session discusses projects by top practitioners around the world and their contribution to improving gender and social inclusion using land administration reform.
Paula Dijkstra, Haico van der Vegt and Dorus Kruse (Netherlands): Strengthening Professional Access to Information About Land (SPATIAL) in the Western Balkan (10026) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Danilo Antonio, John Gitau and Oumar Sylla (Kenya): Innovative Customary Land Governance in Zambia: Experiences, Lessons Learned and Emerging Impacts (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (9985) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Stefan Wei and Adin Lee (China, PR): Mobile Mapping System used in Cadastral Surveying (9853) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sinan Fidan and Nihat Erdogan (Turkey): General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (GDLRC) and Private Sector (9978) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS01I: Urban Challenges Commission: 7, 8 and 9 Chair: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Chair FIG Commission 8, Netherlands Rapporteur: Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, Vietnam
According to the United Nations, by 2050 68 % of the world’s population will be living in urban areas. To ensure sustainable development and access to services for all, especially the vulnerable, requires considerable effort from all involved. This session brings together FIG Comms 7, 8, 9 and touches upon themes such as urban resilience (social well-being, health, services, climate), informal settlements, affordable housing and financial sustainability amongst others.
James Kavanagh and Nigel Sellars (United Kingdom): Land Transfer Standards (ILMS) and Land Acquisition – Essential for Emerging Economies (9996) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Peter van Oosterom, Abdullah Kara, Eftychia Kalogianni, Anna Shnaidman, Agung Indrajit, Abdullah Alattas and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands): Joint ISO/TC211 and OGC Revision of the LADM: Valuation Information, Spatial Planning Information, SDG Land Indicators, Refined Survey Model, Links to BIM, Support of LA Processes, Technical Encodings, and Much More on Their Way! (10079) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Chao Lin and Junzheng Qiang (China, PR): The Institutional Reform of Rural Residential Land in China Based on the Comparison with Vietnam (10105) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Markus Seifert and Hartmut Mueller (Germany): Blockchain, a Feasible Technology for Land Administration? (10110) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Chryssy Potsiou (Greece) and Steven Nystrom (USA): UNECE WPLA / FIG Guidelines for Formalization of Informal Constructions within Europe (10171) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Germany) and Danilo Antonio (Kenya): Rural-Urban Inter-Relationships in an Urbanising World: The Literature Perspective of Nigeria (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (10001) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 14:00–15:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS01J: ISS - Tools for Land Administration, Land Governance and Management l Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, FIG Vice President, Turkey
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session presenting on land administration from different parts of the world. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Agnieszka Dawidowicz and Ryszard Źróbek (Poland): Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration System in Poland (9858) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Helge Nysæter (Norway): Status of Coordinates in Norwegian Cadastre (9927) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hendry Yuli Wibowo (Indonesia): Implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration in Order to Modernize Indonesian Land Administration System (9931) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Stephanie Michaud (USA) and Martin Westers (Germany): Increasing Cadastral Survey Productivity to Tackle Undocumented Land Rights Worldwide: a Case Study (9940) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bambang Edhi Leksono, Nadya Nur Khoirinnisa, Ratri Widyastuti, Putri Rahmadani and Andri Harpiandi (Indonesia): Solutions for Quality Improvement of Slum Settlement with Limited Area Using Vertical Land Consolidation Concepts in Urban Village (case Study: Babakan Surabaya Urban Village, Bandung City, Indonesia) (9965) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wang Jinmei, Yang Weifang, Yang Shuwen and Yan Haowen (China, PR): Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Color Steel Plate Buildings in Lanzhou City (9966) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Natalia Sajnóg and Katarzyna Sobolewska-Mikulska (Poland): Technical Infrastructure as a Barrier to Rational Land Use in Rural Areas - Case Study of Poland
(10011) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sudarman -, Bambang Edhi Leksono, Ratri Widyastuti, Winna Putri Pertiwi and Putri Rahmadani (Indonesia): Fit for Purpose Land Administration (FFP-LA) Implementation to Accelerate Land Mapping in Sayang Village, Sumedang Regency, Indonesia (10020) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 15:30–16:00 2nd and 3rd floor, Exhibition Area
| Afternoon Break |
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Roundtable Discussion on Land Records Completion and Modernization Chair: Dr. Mika-Petteri Törhönen, World Bank
Jointly hosted by FIG and the World Bank
The Roundtable will feature the case of Viet Nam in comparison to developments in Cambodia and Indonesia in completing comprehensive Land Records of all properties and modernizing land administration systems through digitalization, online access, interlinking, automation, electronic services and innovation. While case studies are Asia centric, the theme is universal and thus the discussion is open to all delegates who are involved with land records completion and land administration modernization. The core question the roundtable seeks answers for is: How to complete land records within a generation? International specialists from the UN system, Academia and Private Sector will be featured in the Roundtable as discussants, and the floor will be open for the audience to actively participate.
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Technology Contribution to Improve Tenure Governance Chair: Ms. Rumyana Tonchovska, Senior Land Administration Officer, Partnerships Division, UN FAO
Jointly hosted by FAO and FIG
The session aims to share experience and good practices from several countries with different level of complexity of their IT systems and different stages of development. Speakers from Russian Federation, Republic of Serbia, Viet Nam and FAO will present their experience in using information technologies for improving tenure governance, key issues, lessons learned and the future plans. The session will provide opportunities for questions from the floor.
- Please note, interpretation from Russian and Vietnamese languages to English language will be provided.
Konstantin Litvintcev, Adviser of the Head of Rosreestr, Russian Federation and Bureau member of the Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Russian Federation: Information Technology in Rosreestr – Experience in Implementation and Prospects of Development
[handouts -
Darko Vucetic, Republic Geodetic Authority, Republic of Serbia
Republic of Serbia: New approaches of using technologies for smarter decision making in Serbia
Hong Phong Dinh, Deputy Director of VILIG's Central Project Management Unit, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam
Vietnam National Land Information System in e-Government Architecture (10140) [abstract]
Maria Paola Rizzo, Land Tenure Officer, UNFAO, Italy
Sierra Leone: Protecting Customary Land Rights using SOLA and Open Tenure Technology
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 210a ("ArcGIS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Connecting the Dots Commission: YSN Chair: Ms. Melissa Harrington, Chair, FIG Young Surveyors Network, United States Rapporteur: Mr. Kwabena Asiama, Netherlands
Where are we as an industry going? How do we get there? What challenges are we currently facing? Let's connect the dots, and plan for the future.
Join the FIG Young Surveyors Network in a fun an interactive workshop aimed at identifying the challenges that the surveying industry is facing, and finding ways for FIG and the FIG Young Surveyors to contribute, ensuring the future of the surveying profession!
During the workshop, questions will be asked and smaller groups will be formed to focus on a particular topic. From here, action items will be noted for FIG and the FIG Young Surveyors Network.
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS02C: ISS - GIS Applications Chair: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany Rapporteur: Dr. Thi Minh Phuong Le, Vietnam
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session presenting on GIS applications from different parts of the world. The presentations are presenting on interesting applications for decision making in various situations as e.g. land cover changes and impact on population due to weather. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Shen Ying, Renzhong Guo, Chengpeng Li and Lin Li (China, PR): Conceptual Model Construction and Analysis of the Full Natural Resources Features Based on Geographical Space (9977) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Weifang Yang, Haowen Yan, Liming Zhang and Xiaomin Lu (China, PR): Quantitative Spatial Similarity Relations for Automated Map Generalization (9762) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Liping Sun and Qinci Li (China, PR): An Introduction to the Next Generation of 3D GIS Technologies in China (10172) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Eike Barnefske and Harald Sternberg (Germany): Generation of Training Data for 3D Point Cloud Classification by CNN (9881) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Duc Tue Nguyen (Vietnam): Demand and Development of Geospatial Data in Vietnam (10030) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Charles Paradzayi, Forward Dewa and Lorraine Mapungwana (Zimbabwe): Mapping the Urban Green Space Landscape in Gweru, Zimbabwe (10075) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 252bc ("GEO-PLUS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS02D: Maritime Zones and Charting Applications Commission: 4 Chair: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Dr. Najhan Md Said, Malaysia
This session highlights the emerging issues on maritime zones and charting applications. The speakers will share their experiences based on the work carried out such as charting for safety of navigation, issues on sounding datum and maritime boundaries.
Simon Ironside (New Zealand) and Christophe Vrignaud (France): Updating IHO Publication S-44, Standards for Hydrographic Surveys – Planning for the Future of Safe Navigation (9960) [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
H.M.I. Prasanna, M.D.E.K.
Gunathilaka and D.R.
Welikanna (Sri
Variability of the Sounding Datums Around Sri Lankan Coastline
Note: This paper was not presented at the conference.
Rio M. Fadhli, Citra A. Putri and I Made Andi Arsana (Indonesia): Confirming Sovereignty in Internal Waters: Legal and Geospatial Aspects of Juridical Bay Definition in Indonesia (10099) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Adin Li and Stefan Wei (China, PR): The Unmanned Surface Vehicle Used in Hydrographic Surveying (9905) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS02E: Geometric Reference Frames Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, Chair FIG Commission 5, United States Rapporteur: Dr. Jacob Heck, United States
Smart cities require a smartly laid out and accessible reference frame. Key to this is being able to accurately position and measure all aspects of the infrastructure. Where are all the pipes, conduits, underground/overground structures located? Where will this information be stored and how it will be accessed? This session will focus on the requisite reference frame for such a grand effort.
Mohammad Abboud, Jad Youness, Hiba Moussa and Mohamad Nasrullah (Lebanon): The Features of the Coordinate Transformation from the Geodetic System WGS84 with the Mercator Projection for Low Latitudes Conditions (10210) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nic Donnelly (New Zealand): Building a Resilient Geodetic System: a New Zealand Case Study (10118) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] S. K. Singh and Deepak Kumar (India): Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) GNSS Network Challenges and Benefits in the Indian Context (9921) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hoa Pham Thi, Dung Nghiem Quoc, Thu Trinh Thi Hoai and Huynh Pham The (Vietnam): The Relationship Between the Vietnam National Coordinate Reference System (VN-2000) and ITRS, WGS84 and PZ-90 (10060) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Rui Fernandes, Machiel Bos (Portugal) and Yoaz Bar-Sever (USA): TeroPoint: Online Processing Service for Accurate Positioning at National Level (10090) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hungkyu Lee, Jay Hyoun Kwon, Seonghyeon Yun and Jisun Lee (Republic of Korea): A Pilot Study on Levelling Network Adjustment of Multi-Dimensional Geodetic Control Points in Republic of Korea (10015) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS02F: Engineering Surveys – Contribution to Data Collection and Mapping Commission: 6 Chair: Mr. Heinz-Juergen Przybilla, Germany Rapporteur: Mr. Njike Chigbu, Nigeria
Engineering Survey is important in various environments. It can be indoors, outdoors, standing on the ground, underground but also using techniques above ground. This session will present a variety of these applications and how different sensors and platforms interact.
Yuchen Yang, Craig Hancock, Georgios Kapogiannis (China, PR) and Ruoyu Jin (United Kingdom): Integrating Indoor Positioning Techniques with Mobile Laser Scanner to Create Indoor Laser Scanning Models (10050) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Stefano Cantoni and Giorgio Paolo Maria Vassena (Italy): Fast Mapping and Geospatial Data Acquisition by Innovative Indoor Mapping System (10087) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Van Anh Tran, Quoc Cuong Tran, An Binh Nguyen and Trung Anh Tran (Vietnam): Application of Quasi-Psi Method for Landslide Determination in Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam by Multi Sensor Radar Satellite Images. (9776) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Mehmed Batilović, Dejan Vasić, Tatjana Kuzmić and Marina Davidović (Serbia): Importance of Image and Point Cloud Matching of Road Infrastructure Feature Extraction (10184) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Styliani Verykokou and Charalabos Ioannidis (Greece): A Global Photogrammetry-Based Structure from Motion Framework: Application in Oblique Aerial Images (9794) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. |
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS02G: Future Land Administration Commission: 7 Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President (2014-2018), Greece Rapporteur: Dr. Anna Shnaidman, Israel
New trends are bringing opportunities to enhance land tenure securities in the world. However, emerging challenges and conflict are limiting these opportunities. Join us in this session to discuss with key thinkers what are future trends in land administration and how to tackle these challenges.
Brent Jones (USA): Technical Advances in Land Administration (9847) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Rohan Bennett, Eryadi Masli (Australia), Potel Jossam (Rwanda), Eva-Maria Unger (Austria), Zeeuw Kees and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands): Cadastral Entrepreneurs
Recognizing the Innovators of Sustainable Land Administration
(9950) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jaap Zevenbergen and Hendrik Ploeger (Netherlands): What Would Title Registration Bring to a Deeds System with High Quality Land Information? (9972) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Fredrik Zetterquist (Sweden): Transforming Land Administration - a Scenario Study for Future Land Administration (9926) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Munsung Koh (Republic of Korea): Dynamics of Urban Utility and Urban Change: a Case of New Orleans (9898) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS02I: Land and Property Markets Commission: 9 Chair: Dr. Peter Wyatt, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Dr. Tran Tuan Ngoc, Vietnam
This session will explore the often complex and opaque structures of functioning and non-functioning land and property worlds. The session is global and will feature examples from around the world and with the increasing realisation of the economic importance of land & property markets should not be used by anyone with an interest in this sector.
Pete Wyatt (United Kingdom): From a Property Tax to a Land Tax – Who Wins, Who Loses? (9737) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Felician Komu (Tanzania): Dilemma of Regulating Residential Real Estate Markets in Developing Countries- the Case of Tanzania (9818) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Malgorzata Renigier-Bilozor, Sabina Zrobek and Marek Walacik (Poland): AVM Application as a Current Subject of Discussion Between the Property Valuers and Scientists - Polish Background. (9875) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Younghyun Kwon (Republic of Korea): Analyzing Indirect Economic Impacts of Wildfire Damages on Regional Economy (9897) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Tuesday, 23 April 16:00–17:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS02J: ISS - Tools for Land Administration, Land Governance and Management ll Chair: Prof. Christiaan Lemmen, FIG Honorary Member, Netherlands Rapporteur: Dr Nguyen Quang Minh, Vietnam
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session presenting on land administration from different parts of the world. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Ruth Trujillo and Victor Seda (Puerto Rico): 2,975 Hurricane Maria: the Role of Land Surveyors in Infrastructure Resiliency (9848) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nikolaos Zacharias (Greece): The Role of the Surveyor in the Informal Mediation (10226) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Vasily Nilipovskiy (Russia), Phung Trung Thanh and Nguyen Van Thinh (Vietnam): Smart Living and Land Management Information Technologies (10227) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ding Yuan, Changbin Wu, Xinxin Zhou and Hao Li (China, PR): A Multi-Dimensional Cadastral Topological Data Model: Design and Implementation (9869) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pham Tuan (Vietnam), James Spencer (USA) and Thanh Nguyen (Vietnam): Urbanization in Ho Chi Minh City (10169) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Danny Raisky (Israel): The Transition from Paper Hardcopies to Digital Media in Survey of Israel – a Review (9937) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] K Chan (Hong Kong SAR, China): Criticism of Correlated Issues in Managing
Hotel Maintenance for Smarter Cities
(9775) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. |
Tuesday, 23 April 18:30–20:30 Hanoi Opera House - Nhà hát lớn Hà Nội
| Vietnamese Cultural Performance - first performance
In cooperation with FIG Foundation and Supported by Trimble
The Cultural Evening has gradually become an indispensable part of a FIG conference week. This year our local host has decided that all delegates, accompanying persons and exhibitors are invited to the Opera House for a special concert, where 50 musicians will perform traditionally Vietnamese music and popular symphonies with folk and ethnic instruments such as monochord, zither, bamboo xylophone, flutes, etc.
Tuesday, 23 April 20:30–22:30 Hanoi Opera House - Nhà hát lớn Hà Nội
| Vietnamese Cultural Performance - second performance
In cooperation with FIG Foundation and Supported by Trimble
The Cultural Evening has gradually become an indispensable part of a FIG conference week. This year our local host has decided that all delegates, accompanying persons and exhibitors are invited to the Opera House for a special concert, where 50 musicians will perform traditionally Vietnamese music and popular symphonies with folk and ethnic instruments such as monochord, zither, bamboo xylophone, flutes, etc.
| Wednesday, 24 April |
Wednesday, 24 April 07:00–08:45 254bc ("FIG Presidents Meeting Room"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG Foundation Meeting Chair: Mr. John Hohol, FIG Foundation President, United States
Wednesday, 24 April 07:00–08:45 257c ("Meeting Room l"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| STDM Advisory Board Breakfast Meeting Chair: Mr. Danilo Antonio, Kenya
Wednesday, 24 April 07:45–08:45 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Africa Capacity Development Network - Morning Meeting Chair: Prof. Jennifer Whittal, South Africa Rapporteur: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
Coffee and tea will be served for the FIG 2019 networking meeting of African land professionals with the following objectives: to present the plans for the term 2019 - 2022, to reflect on the meeting held in Botswana, to identify hosts for ARN meetings in 2020 and 2021, to consider the technical roll-out of CORS in Africa and how the Africa Regional Network (ARN) may assist, and to network with old and new friends.
Jennifer Whittal (South Africa): Welcome and presentation of the ARN for the term 2019 - 2022 (10230) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Diane Dumashie (United Kingdom): Reflection on the Last Term and the Meeting in Botswana (10231) [abstract] [paper]
[handouts] Derrick Koome (Kenya), Clement Ogaja (USA) and Eldar Rubinov (Australia): Developing Africa One CORS at a Time (10022) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jennifer Whittal (South Africa): Workshop and Networking: YSAN, Professional, Academic, and Corporate ARN - Identification of Short and Long Term Goals Together (10232) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 07:45–08:45 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Asia & the Pacific Capacity Development Network - Morning Meeting Chair: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia
The main purpose of this meeting is to discover and share information on FIG activities that are occurring in Asia and the Pacific region.
The main purpose of this meeting is to discover and share information on the future work plans of the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (AP CDN), UN Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific Working Group 1 (UN-GGIM-AP WG1), UN Sub Committee on Geodesy Education Training and Capacity Building (UN SCoG ETCB) for Asia and the Pacific region.
Rob Sarib [handouts]
Wednesday, 24 April 08:00–08:45 257c ("Meeting Room l"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Editorial Board Meeting - Peer Review Chair: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany
Wednesday, 24 April 09:00–10:30 318 ("SURVEYOR'S ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| PLENARY SESSION 2: A Smarter Life and Environmental Resilience through Science and Innovation Chair: Prof. Dr. Jixian Zhang, FIG Vice President, China PR
Dr. Phan Duc Hieu, Director General, Depart. of Survey and Mapping and Tran Bach Giang (Vietnam): Modernizing Geodetic Infrastructure for the Fourth industrial revolution in Vietnam (10215) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mr. Ron Bisio, Vice President, Trimble Geospatial (USA): Applying Geospatial Technology to Enable Sustainable Palm Oil Production (10216) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Prof. Dr. H.c. Harald Schuh, President IAG (Germany): The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) from IAGs Perspective (10217) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 10:30–11:00 2nd and 3rd floor, Exhibition Area
| Morning Break |
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 210a ("ArcGIS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG Academic Forum on the VGGT Chair: Dr. David Mitchell,
Chair FIG Commission 2, Australia
Jointly hosted by FIG and FAO
The 2019 FIG Academic Members Forum is the platform within the 42nd FIG General Assembly where the Academic Members of FIG and other academics gather to discuss about academic responsibilities and prepare actions.
This session focuses on the role of the academic sector in the implementation and dissemination of the VGGTs through a strengthened role of surveyors. A “strengthened role of surveyors” is a connecting entry point to address and discuss the role of academia, especially in mainstreaming the modern data capturing tools (Open Tenure) and fit-for-purpose ICT systems in support of Land Administration (SOLA), developed under the FAO VGGT programme, and targeting both university curricula and continuous professional development courses. Thus surveying students and graduates will be informed about available tools and how to use these tools, they will learn and get experiences.
Tea Dabrundashvili, FAO Bridging the gap -
VGGT materials developed to strengthen of surveyors [handouts]
Monica Lengoiboni, Dr Christine Richter, Dr Paul Van Asperen,
Prof Dr Jaap Zevenbergen Initial insights on land adjudication in
a fit for purpose land administration [handouts]
Samwel S. Katambi Ag. Director of Surveys and
Mapping Division Improved Land Demarcation for secure Customary
Land Rights (Pilot project in Tanzania). [handouts]
Brian Makabayi, Makerere University Using Open Tenure
Land Demarcation, participatory approach [handouts]
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Member Association, Regional Bodies and Regional Networks Forum Chair: The Forum will be chaired by representatives from all partners
Looking at the title it becomes obvious that this is a new format. During the last years FIG organized the Member Associations Forum, the Regional Bodies Forum and the regional Networks Forum in separate formats at different times. However Council believes that these three bodies have similar interests and common topics to discuss which may create some synergy. Therefore we want to bring this year all three bodies together in one common format.
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Good Practices in Land Administration in the Asia Pacific Region Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Mr. Jonghyun Yoon, GLTN Secretariat
Jointly hosted by FIG, UN-Habitat/GLTN, LX Korea, CLSPI, FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network, Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, UN-GGIM
Land administration is key for poverty reduction, economic progress and environmental protection. With the opportunities brought by the international frameworks and the seemingly insurmountable tasks of addressing land issues, the Asia Pacific region, particularly the professionals shall benefit from knowledge sharing and learning. This joint technical session will attempt to feature good practices, innovations, lessons learned and experience in land administration in the Asia Pacific region.
- To further sensitize professionals and land on the role of land administration in achieving SDGs and New Urban Agenda
- To share and learn good practices and innovations in land administration in the Asia Pacific region
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Platinum Member Session - TRIMBLE: Transforming the Way the World Works
In Trimble, we are transforming the physical real world to the digital: bringing intelligence to the field and powerful capabilities in the office that enable you to deliver high quality information to your clients. In this session we are going to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest Trimble solutions and applications where Trimble solutions are playing a key role in enabling smarter life and contributing to environmental resilience, resulting in increased productivity, safety, ensuring you have the utmost confidence in every decision to protect your brands reputation.
- Boris Skopljak, Marketing Director, Strategy and Analytics, Trimble Geospatial
- Andy Wickless, Strategic Marketing Director for Trimble Land Administration
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS03C: Geospatial Analysis Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Chair FIG Commission 3, Germany Rapporteur: Ms. Maria Grazia Scorza, Italy
Geospatial Analysis is the heart of GIS. Several case studies will demonstrate the efficiency of GIS analysis; the quality of the underlying geospatial data will be investigated.
Nicola Jammalieh (Israel): Realignment of Road Network Maps with GPS Tracking Data (9755) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Thi Bich Phuong Dong (Vietnam): Positional Accuracy Improvement for Heterogeneous Geodata Integration (9783) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Reza Abdullah, Wahyuni Wahyuni, Fahmi Charish Mustofa and Suharno Suharno (Indonesia): Mobile-based Land Related Data Collector for Land Registration Activities: Usability Tests of Smart-PTSL Application (9804) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Khanh Giang Le (Vietnam), Pei LIU and Liang-Tay LIN (Chinese Taipei): Road Traffic Accident Black Spot Determination by Using Kernel Density Estimation Algorithm and Cluster Statistical Significant Evaluation (9824) [abstract]
[paper] [handouts] Tran Thanh Huyen (Vietnam): Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images to Detect Suitable Rooftops for Solar Pv Installation in Urban Areas in Da Nang City (9880) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 252bc ("GEO-PLUS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS03D: Russian Session - Modern Geospatial Challenges l Chair: Mr. Hoang Ngoc Lam, Vietnam and Mr. Konstantin Litvintcev, Russia Rapporteur: Mr. Feodor Shkurov, Russia and Mr. Vladimir Tikhonov, Russia
Программа: Русскоязычной сессии
Открытие русскоязычной сессии
- Приветственное слово руководства Международной федерации геодезистов
- Приветственное слово принимающей стороны (заместитель Генерального директора Управления геодезии, картографии и географической информации Вьетнама)
- Приветственное слово российской стороны (руководитель Росреестра)
Feodor Shkurov (Russia): Modern Geospatial Challenges of Russia (10196) Современные геоинформационные вызовы России [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dong Nguyen Dai (Vietnam): Application and Development of Surveying and Mapping Technologies in Vietnam (10197) Применение и развитие геодезических и картографических технологий во Вьетнаме [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nadezda Kamynina and Vladimir Oznamec (Russia): MIIGAiK - International Center for Training Specialists in the Field of Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Geoinformation Technologies (10200) МИИГАиК – международный центр подготовки специалистов в сфере геодезии, картографии, кадастра и геоинформационных технологий [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ha Minh Hoa (Vietnam): Experiments of Correction of Spherical Harmonic Coefficients of the Earth's Gravitational Field EGM2008 on the Basis of Detailed Gravimetric Data on the Vietnamese Territory (10199) Эксперименты коррекции сферических гармонических коэффициентов гравитационного поля Земли EGM2008 на основе детальных гравиметрических данных в регионе вьетнамской территории [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Elena Mazurova, Igor Stolyarov, Victor Popadyev, Vladimir Gorobets, Roman Sermyagin, Ilia Oshchepkov and Iurii Kuznetsov (Russia): Modern Geodetic Support of the Russian Federation Territory (10198) Современное геодезическое обеспечение территории Российской Федерации [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alexander Serov (Russia): 3-D Digital Model of Moscow City – Unified Platform for Real Property Units from BIM Projecting to Registering Property Rights (10233) Трёхмерная цифровая модель города Москвы – единая платформа ведения объектов недвижимости от BIM проектирования до регистрации прав [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS03E: Gravity, Geoids and Vertical Change Commission: 5 Chair: Mr. David Avalos, Mexico Rapporteur: Dr. Kevin Ahlgren, United States
A number of countries around the world are assessing or adapting their vertical reference systems in order to guarantee an efficient support to the growing demand of accurate heights in geo-information. Many are implementing a change from a system based on leveling to one determined by geoid height models. Given the implied ties to sea level and the potential impact of the change in sea level, this effort takes on a more significant role for the surveyors and the geodetic and cadastral agencies developing such models or adapting the leveling datum. This session will incorporate both the practical implications for the surveyor and recent scientific developments for vertical datum realization.
Hoa Pham Thi, Thang Nguyen Viet, Thu Trinh Thi Hoai and Bac Nguyen Xuan (Vietnam): Assessment of the Performance of EIGEN-6C4 Via GNSS/Leveling Data over Vietnam (10058) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Van Sang Nguyen, Van Tri Vu and Van Tuyen Pham (Vietnam): Determination of Marine Gravity Anomalies in the Truong Sa Archipelago’s Sea Territory Using Satellite Altimeter Data (9770) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Tokuro Kodama, Basara Miyahara, Koji Matsuo and Toshihiro Yahagi (Japan): Airborne Gravity Measurement and New Gravimetric Geoid Model of Japan (9873) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Daniel Roman and Kevin Ahlgren (USA): GEOID18: Last U.S. Hybrid Geoid Prior to NAPGD2022 (9933) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hoa Ha Minh and Tuan Anh Nguyen (Vietnam): Results of Experiment of Correcting for the Spherical Harmonic Coefficients of the EGM2008 Based on Detailed Gravity Anomalies Data in an Area of North Vietnam (9821) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kevin Ahlgren (USA): Practical Considerations in Implementing a Geoid Monitoring Service (10062) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Oyedokun Abiodun, Joseph Odumosu, Abdulmummin Oyekanmbi and Soliu Yussuf (Nigeria): Analysis of the Performance of Two Gravimetric Reduction Schemes (10131) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS03G: FFP and Community Mapping Commission: 7 Chair: Mrs. Anne-Pierre Girardin, France Rapporteur: Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Netherlands
This session will explore lessons learnt and best practice in the application of fit-for-purpose and community mapping around the world. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss with key practitioners their experiences and discuss what should be the future of fit-for-purpose.
Danilo Antonio, John Gitau and Oumar Sylla (Kenya): Count Me In: the Case of Improving Tenure Security of Slum Dwellers in Peri-Urban Lusaka (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (9987) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ian Harper (Australia): Comparisons of Process Automation in Cadastral Digitisation Implementations in Australia - from Fit for Purpose to Digital Rigour in Spatial and Transaction Processes. (10003) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Stephanie Michaud (USA): Positioning as a Service for Fit-For-Purpose Applications (9941) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kariyono Kariyono, Djurdjani Djurdjani, Virgo Eresta Jaya and Nandang Iskandar (Indonesia): Spatial Data Quality Evaluation of Complete Map of Village Land Parcels Information Based on Participatory Mapping Result (9750) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Quang Cuong Doan, Van Tuan Tran and Khac Hung Vu (Vietnam): Application of Open Source Technology to Building Cadastral Information System for Land Registration and Complete Cadastral Records System (a Case Study of Hanoi City, Vietnam) (9796) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Marisa Balas, João Carrilho and Kemal Vaz (Mozambique): The Role of Communities in Land Cadastre Maintenance (9885) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS03H: Urban Planning and Housing Commission: 8 Chair: Prof. Walter Timo de Vries, Germany Rapporteur: Ms. Rosy Liao Rong, China
Rapid urbanisation poses severe challenges both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Providing sufficient and affordable housing and amenities, ensuring liveability, and connecting the rural and urban requires public and private actors to come into action.
Edward Kwesi, John Annan, Lewis Hlorvor and Kwame Tenadu (Ghana): Assessment of Waste Management and Sanitation Services at Local (Municipal) Level— Case Study in the Mining Communities of Tarkwa, Ghana (10004) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Lara Brand and Bert Hoeve (Netherlands): A Coalition of the Willing: Urban Land Readjustment as a Novel Approach for Sustainable Area Development (10076) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Erwin Van der Krabben, Jinshuo Wang and Datuk Ary Samsura (Netherlands): Planning Informalities in Chinese Cities: a Gamification Approach to the Adoption of Innovative Land Value Capture Strategies (9916) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 11:00–12:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS03J: Digital Construction Commission: 10 and 6 Chair: Mr. Alan Muse, Chair FIG Commission 10, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Ms. Mercy Iyortyer, Nigeria
As technological change accelerates, one of the challenges for professionals is how to engage with the technologists in a meaningful way. Thus, moulding technology to solving professional problems, and at the same time utilizing technology for improvements and efficiency in professional work, is a symbiotic relationship. BIM is the epitome of this interaction, since utlising it in a different or low cost way may enable new service streams and wider take up.
Asep Yusup Saptari, Hendriatiningsih Sadikin and Putri Rahmadani (Indonesia): Level of Detail Analysis for Property Object and Building Information Modelling Integration (10018) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dejan Vasić, Mehmed Batilović, Marina Davidović and Tatjana Kuzmić (Serbia): Modern Methods of Processing and Extracting Data from Point Cloud (10071) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Tim Kaiser, Enrico Romanschek and Christian Clemen (Germany): Using BIM-Elements as Features for the Transformation of Local Point Clouds Created with Structure from Motion (SFM) (10024) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jasper Roes and Dorus Kruse (Netherlands): Improving Quality of the Key Registries with 3D Building Information Models and Linked Data (9936) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ali Afsahi (Sweden) and Joël van Cranenbroeck (Belgium): High Rise Building Vertical Alignment Survey Technology - from BIM to Field (9748) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 12:30–14:00 3rd floor, LUNCH ROOM (343 + 347)
| Lunch Break |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–14:45 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS04A_1: International Boundaries Commission: 1 Chair: Ms. Winnie Shiu, Chair FIG Commission 1, Hong Kong SAR, China Rapporteur: Ms. Robyn McCutcheon, Australia
This session will share views of boundary definition and the international standards for hydrographic surveyors and nautical cartographers.
Maxim Shoshany and Haim Srebro (Israel): Center of Valley versus Thalweg: Revisiting The Israel – Jordan Aravah Boundary Dispute (9930) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Haim Srebro (Israel): River Boundaries: the Influence of Changes in the Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers on the International and Cadastral Boundaries (part 2) (9945) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom): International Standards for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (10012) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Member Association, Regional Bodies and Regional Networks Forum ll Chair: The Forum will be chaired by representatives from all partners
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| BELS+ Special Session: Galileo - Status and Innovative Solutions for Precise Positioning Chair: Ms. Baerbel Deisting, bavAIRIa and Prof. Ta Hai Tung, HUST
Galileo, the European Satellite Navigation System, is smoothly flying toward its Full Operational Capability Phase after providing Initial Operational Services to worldwide users since 2016. In this session, representatives of the European Commission will bring news about the status of the Galileo system, its future developments as well as about scientific initiatives for the monitoring and prediction of ionospheric disturbances. In addition, information on the Galileo's footprint in Asia will come from representative of the NAVIS Centre in Hanoi, which hosts the Galileo Demo Centre. This Demo Centre aims to be a permanent showcase of European GNSS technology in Asia. Some of the companies currently hosted in the Centre will present their most innovative solutions and research outcomes in the second part of this session.
Claudio Cesaroni, Vincenzo Romano and Luca Spogli (Italy): Countering Ionospheric Effects on EGNSS at Low-Latitude (10164) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Patrick Henkel (Germany): Precise Position Determination and Generation of Top-Actual Maps with ANavS Multi-Sensor RTK Module (10165) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mark Dumville, Michael Pattinson and William Roberts (United Kingdom): Emerging Applications Exploiting GNSS Receiver Networks (10166) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pavlina Nikolova (Belgium): Galileo: Status and Perspectives (10208) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch, Maria Angeles Aragon (Italy), Eric Guyader (Belgium), Claudio Cesaroni and Luca Spogli (Italy): The Ionosphere Prediction Service: an EC project to support GNSS users (10209) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Strengthening Democratic Spaces to Balance Societal Priorities in Spatial Planning Chair: Dr. Louisa Jansen, FAO, Italy Rapporteur: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Chair FIG Commission 8, Netherlands
Jointly hosted by FIG and FAO
FAO has added a new publication on spatial planning and tenure to their series of technical guides. Spatial planning and tenure are highly intertwined. The core ideas to strengthen democratic space of rights holders will be discussed drawing on the VGGT’s and based on grounded practice.
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Strengthening Partnerships in Land Governance in the Asia Pacific Region Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, FIG Vice President, Turkey Rapporteur: GLTN Secretariat
Jointly hosted by FIG, UN-Habitat/GLTN, LX Korea, CLSPI, FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network, Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, UN-GGIM
In 2013, various partners initiated the Asia-Pacific Regional Land Tenure Initiative (RLTI) with the objectives of setting up a multi-stakeholder on land governance and tenure issues in the region, furthering knowledge and discussion on regional entry points for land tenure interventions, stimulating discussions on capacity development and learning exchanges and increasing engagement by partners at regional land discourse. Since then, the ‘loose’ Network has become the driving force in maximizing cooperation, exchanges, synergies on land governance and tenure in the region.
- To sensitize land professionals on the land governance and land tenure challenges and opportunities in the region.
- To share information on existing projects and initiatives in the region.
- To identify opportunities for regional collaboration and partnership.
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 210a ("ArcGIS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
TS04B: Enhancing Surveying Academic Networks Commission: 2 Chair: Dr. Dimo Todorovski, Netherlands Rapporteur: Mr. Marinus de Bakker, Netherlands
The aim of this session is to hear from examples of academic networks that have been established and their experiences, and also to discuss how we can further develop these networks and establish new ones. The format will be 4 presentations followed by a discussion. These presentations describe established academic networks in Africa and Latin America as well as discuss opportunities for the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network and the Global Land Tool Network to enhance professional education.
Rob Sarib, David Mitchell, Mohsen Kalantari (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands): Opportunities for Fostering Development of Academic Networks in Asia and the Pacific Through the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (10147) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands), Rodolfo Salazar, Ginella Jacome (Ecuador) and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands): Establishment of Latin America Land Administration Network (LALAN) (10145) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Agnes Mwasumbi and Felician Komu (Tanzania): The Role of the Eastern Africa Land Administration Network (EALAN) in Promoting Land Administration Education in Eastern Africa (10148) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Germany), Sait Siraj (United Kingdom) and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands): The Global Land Tool Network: The Role of the International Training and Research Cluster in the Strategy 2018-2030 (10149) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jennifer Whittal (South Africa): An Academic Network for Africa (10146) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS04C: The Land Surveyors Role in the Era of Crowdsourcing and VGI, presentation of the new FIG Publication No. 73 Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, Australia Rapporteur: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Chair FIG Commission 3, Germany
In this session the new FIG Publication on New Trends in Geospatial Information is presented and formally launched. Since 2011 a Working Group under FIG Commission 3 has undergone a research study on the new trends Crowdsourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information VGI. The collection and dissemination of geographic data and knowledge has been shifting into a new era of human mapping efforts, especially in terms of data collection, but also for knowledge production.
Yerach Doytsher (Israel): Crowdsourcing vs. Wisdom of the Crowd: The Implementation in the Geo-Science Domain
(10190) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis (Greece): Why Crowdsourcing in Surveying (10191) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hartmut Müller (Germany): Integration of Authoritative Geospatial Information and Crowdsourced Volunteered Geographic Information (10192) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Charalabos Ioannidis and Chryssy Potsiou (Greece): 2D and 3D Crowdsourced Cadastral Surveys - Looking Ahead
(10193) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Enrico Rispoli (Italy): Search Path Towards the Era of Crowdsourcing and Big Data Management (10194) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 252bc ("GEO-PLUS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS04D: Russian Session - Modern Geospatial Challenges ll Chair: Mr. Hoang Ngoc Lam, Vietnam and Mr. Konstantin Litvintcev, Russia Rapporteur: Mr. Feodor Shkurov, Russia and Mr. Vladimir Tikhonov, Russia
Продолжение русскоязычной сессии
Vladimir Tikhonov and Marina Petrushina (Russia): Cadastral Engineers of Russia and their Professional Associations (10201) Кадастровые инженеры России и их профессиональные ассоциации [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Andrei Filipenka and Maryna Litreyeva (Belarus): Geospatial Data in the State Information Resources of the Land Cadastre (10202) Геопространственные данные государственных информационных ресурсов земельного кадастра [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sergey Volkov and Vasily Nilipovskiy (Russia): Land Management Education in the Russian Federation: Current Status and Prospects (10203) Состояние и перспективы землеустроительного образования в Российской Федерации [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nadezhda Rudnitskaya and Sergey Zabagonsky (Belarus): Current State of Geodetic Infrastructure
in the Republic of Belarus and Prospects of its Development
(10204) Современное состояние геодезической инфраструктуры
в Республике Беларусь и перспективы ее развития
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alexander Karpik, Igor Musikhin and Leonid Lipatnikov (Russia): Education. Russia’s Answer to Big Challenges (10205) Образование. Ответ России на большие вызовы [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS04G: Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration – Experiences in Practice Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, FIG Honorary Member, Switzerland & Mrs. Anne-Pierre Girardin, France
The topic of "Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration" has been on the FIG agenda since the Joint FIG / World Bank publication in March 2014 (FIG Publication No. 60). The aim of raising the topic at that time was that our professional community would become more aware of providing appropriate and fit-for-purpose services to society rather than "focusing on top-end technical solutions" only. It is important for our profession to recognize that surveying and technology is not the end in itself but a means to the end. However, there was skepticism about the publication from within the profession ever since it has been published.
The aim of the special session at the FIG-Working Week 2019 in Hanoi is to continue the discussion on FFP and to learn about the standpoints of promoters and sceptics. The special session will be of 90 min. length, where the first 60 min. will include six presentations followed by a panel discussion of 30 min.
Introduction by Daniel Steudler [handouts]
Danilo Antonio (Kenya): Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration; Guiding Principles for Country Level Implementation (10178) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bernd Eversmann (Finland): The Role of the “Fit-for-Purpose” Approach in the REILA Land Administration Project in Ethiopia (10180) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Uma Shankar Panday, Janak Raj Joshi, Raja Ram Chhatkuli (Nepal), Stig Enemark (Denmark) and Danilo Antonio (Philippines): Development of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration Country Strategy: Experience from Nepal (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (10049) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kees de Zeeuw, Paula Dijkstra, Christiaan Lemmen, Eva-Maria Unger (Austria), Mathilde Molendijk, Ernst-Peter Oosterbroek and Christelle van den Berg (Netherlands): Bridging the Security of Tenure Gap: Fit-For-Purpose Initiatives (10181) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jürg Lüthy and Jürg Kaufmann (Switzerland): A Critical Acclaim of the Fit for Purpose Publication (10182) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kwame Tenadu (Ghana): A Legacy of Fit-for-Purpose (FFP) Land Administration, Ghana's Example (10228) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:00–15:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS04J: History Session Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia
Crazy about history? Don't miss this session, where the FIG Permanent Institution of History of Surveying will highlight the achievements of surveyors, the evolution of knowledge and methodology of measuring, as well as the development of surveying instrumentation.
Daniel Thomas and Jennifer Whittal (South Africa): Initial Explorations in Reconstructing the Original Beacons and Boundaries in the Constantia Valley in Cape Town (10033) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Marina Nistotskaya (Sweden), Michelle D'Arcy and Robert Ellis (Ireland): Mapping the State: Measuring Infrastructural Power Through Cadastral Records (9784) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Nur Zurairah Abdul Halim, Zoher Nomanbhoy and Mohd Noor ISA (Malaysia): The Development of National Atlas – Malaysia’s Experience (9792) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. John Brock (Australia): “STRATA” SMITH: The Surveyor Whose Map Changed the World!
(9736) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 14:45–15:30 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS04A_2: Professional Ethics and Standards - Part 1 Commission: 1 Chair: Ms. Winnie Shiu, Chair FIG Commission 1, Hong Kong SAR, China Rapporteur: Ms. Robyn McCutcheon, Australia
The session raises the awareness of the need and importance of professional ethics and discuss the development and challenges of implementation of ethical standards. The session will continue after the break at 17.00.
Tchad Sharon Jatau, Ruya Fadason and Christiana Paul (Nigeria): Professional Ethics in the Built Environment and its Impact on Client Behavior (9851) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Leonie Newnham (Australia): Ways to Build Workplace Innovation in a Victorian Land Management Organization by Understanding Its Relationship to Organization Culture. (10115) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gary Strong and Alan Muse (United Kingdom): The Need for International Fire Safety Standards and why the UN is Supporting this (9766) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 15:30–16:00 2nd and 3rd floor, Exhibition Area
| Afternoon Break |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 254bc ("FIG Presidents Meeting Room"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG Corporate Members Meeting Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05A: Professional Ethics and Standards - Part 2 Commission: 1 Chair: Mr. Nigel Sellars, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Dr. Leonie Newnham, Australia
The session will raise the awareness of the need and importance of professional ethics and discuss the development and challenges of implementation of ethical standards. After the presentations the session will be followed by a roundtable discussion focussing on:
- To discuss with delegates the update on ethics in WG1 and to gain their opinions;
- To gain information on uptake and implementation of IES;
- To discuss individual challenges within each country represented; and
- To discuss case studies – writing of these, gaining willing volunteer writers etc.
Gary Strong and Nigel Sellars (United Kingdom): Raising the Importance of Ethics for the Surveying Profession (9759) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alexey Bukharov (Russia): The Development of Standards and Ethical Challenges of Surveyors Associations in Russia (10031) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Torben Juulsager (Denmark): Danish Surveyors 250 Years in the Service of Society to Be a Profession – That´s the Answer (10085) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nigel Sellars (United Kingdom): Challenges for Surveying Professionals in the 21st Century – Ethics and the Importance of Stakeholder Engagement. (9911) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 210a ("ArcGIS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
TS05B: Innovation in Surveying Pedagogy and Curriculum Commission: 2 Chair: Assoc Prof. David Mitchell, Chair FIG Commission 2, Australia Rapporteur: Dr. Rohan Bennett, Netherlands
The aim of this session is to hear from examples of innovative teaching and learning, or advances in the development of surveying curriculum. The format will be 4 presentations followed by a discussion. These presentations explore innovative pedagogy to develop lifelong learning, learning related to big data, and examples of innovative curriculum development.
William Kelly (United Kingdom): Innovative Pedagogy for Geospatial Lifelong Learning (9983) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Marinus De Bakker (Netherlands): Geo-Information Education in the Era of Big (GEO) Data (10025) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wahyuni Widigdo, Sukmo Pinuji and Sutaryono Sutaryono (Indonesia): Curriculum Development for Land Policy and Management in the National Land College, Indonesia (10053) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Minh Long Le (Vietnam) and Vasily Nilipovskiy (Russia): Sustainable Rural Development and Land Registration in Vietnam (10207) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05C: Spatial Data Infrastructure SDI Commission: 3 Chair: Prof. Kevin McDougall, Australia Rapporteur: Mr. Cemal Kivilcim, Turkey
Spatial Data Infrastructures form a digital backbone for the exchange of spatial information between units at the same level and between units at different hierarchical levels. From the perspective of different regions of the world, several aspects of SDI will be discussed in this session.
Rizwan Bulbul (Austria), Muhammad Sheraz Ahsan (Pakistan) and Johum Fatimah Mirza (USA): Towards National SDI in Pakistan: The Challenges (9815) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Brent Jones (USA): Why You Need to Modernize to Stay Relevant (9856) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sergei Shavrov, Olga Batura, Miroslav Kobasa and Kirill Slabodich (Belarus): Legislation to Support the Digital Transformation of Land Governance and Land Administration (9859) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Miodrag Roić (Croatia): Land Administration Data to Support Development and Research (9891) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Luc Desbiens (Canada), Hai Ngo - Trung and Tran Xuan Quang (Vietnam): Land Information Management at the Local Government Level in Vietnam (9925) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 252bc ("GEO-PLUS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05D: Marine Geospatial and Surveying Techniques Commission: 4 Chair: Mr. Simon Ironside, New Zealand Rapporteur: Ms. Jakovljevic Gordana, Bosnia and Herzegovina
This session highlights the recent work on marine geospatial planning to meet the needs of the future marine data infrastructure. The presenters will share the challenges faced in the marine environment.
Trinh Thi Phin and Dinh Thi Bao Hoa (Vietnam): Determine the Vulnerability of Surface Water Resources in the Rach Gia City, Kien Giang Province Using GIS (9956) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Kari Strande (Norway): Comprehensive Databases for Seabed Environment (10074) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pham Can and Nguyen Ngoc Lau (Vietnam): Research on Application of RTPPP for the Hydrographic Surveying in Vietnam (9909) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Auwal Garba Abubakar (Nigeria), Mohd Razali Mahmud, Kelvin Kang Wee Tang and Noor Safaruddin Kamaruddin (Malaysia): Theoritical Process on forces extenuating the equilibrium Tide: An Overview (10121) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mohd Hilmi Abdullah, Mohd Noor Isa, Hanafiah Hassan, Najhan Md Said, Ismail Harun, Mohd Zaid Abdullah, Mohammad Azmi Mohd Zin, Shaharuddin Musa, Md Rodi Ismail, Mohd Nazam Sulaiman and Khairulnizam M.Idris (Malaysia): The Establishment of Hydrography and Marine Technology Programme (UTM HYDRO III) for Malaysian Professional Land Surveyors (10125) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05E: GNSS Techniques and Applications Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. Suelynn Choy, Australia Rapporteur: Dr. Ryan Keenan, Australia
It is presently possible to observe upwards of almost 100 satellites at any one time with the numerous GNSS constellations in orbit. With the shear number of observations and the various differences between GNSS systems, the surveyor can obtain better positional accuries in shorter amounts of time. This session will include contributions on various GNSS error sources like the ionosphere and jamming and different types of processing techniques available throughout the world.
Adria Rovira-Garcia, Jose Miguel Juan, Jaume Sanz, Guillermo González-Casado and Escudero Royo Miguel (Spain): The NAVSCIN Project: Towards High-Accuracy Navigation under Scintillation (9928) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Basara Miyahara, Satoshi Kawamoto, Satoshi Abe and Hiroshi Munekane (Japan): Development of Real-Time PPP Processing System of Japan and Its Evaluation by Comparison with Real-Time RTK System, Regard (9872) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Robert Suya (Malawi): Ionospheric-Constrained PPP using Triple-GNSS Constellations (9769) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Paul Oluyori, Matthew Ono and Sylvester Eteje (Nigeria): Comparison of OPUS, CSRS-PPP and magicGNSS Online Post-Processing Software of DGPS Observations for Geometric Geoid Modelling in FCT, Abuja (10009) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Daniel Gillins, Jacob Heck, Galen Scott, Kevin Jordan and Ryan Hippenstiel (USA): Accuracy of GNSS Observations from Three Real-Time Networks in Maryland, USA (10077) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] David Mulindwa (Uganda): Comparison of the Effect of High‐Latitude and Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillation on GPS Signals During the Maximum of Solar Cycle 24 (9998) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wim de Wilde, Jean-Marie Sleewaegen (Belgium) and Ryan Keenan (Australia): Efficient Jammer Detection and Classification Using GNSS Receivers on a Highway Overhead Structure (9959) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05F: Engineering Surveys – Developing our Methods Commission: 6 Chair: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Bang, Vietnam Rapporteur: Ms. Corinna Harmening, Austria
Our profession is constantly developing. New instruments, new platforms, new applications and the development is rapidly changing. This session will present some innovative and advanced technologies.
Andrea Biasion (Switzerland), Gregory Walsh (USA), Bernd Walser and Thomas Moerwald (Switzerland): A new approach to the Terrestrial Laser Scanner workflow: the RTC360 solution (9968) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Edi Meier, Inma Gutiérrez, Marco Baumann, Max Bosshard and Rainer Heeb (Switzerland): Detection of Service Pipes and the Risk of Collapsing Sinkholes at the Lake of Constance in Switzerland Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (10010) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jonathan Li (Canada): 3D Mapping in GNSS-denied Environments Using a Low-cost LiDAR Backpack (10093) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Joël van Cranenbroeck (Belgium): Thyssenkrupp Test Tower GNSS Monitoring Safety System (9747) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Njike Chigbu, Maduabughichi Okezie, Donald Ikenna Arungwa and Chima,o. Ogba (Nigeria): Comparative Analysis of Google Earth Derived Elevation with in-situ Total Station Method for Engineering Constructions (10129) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05G: Risk and Disaster Management Commission: 7 and 8 Chair: Prof. Syed Zafar Abbas, Pakistan Rapporteur: Ms. Nur Zurairah Abdul Halim, Malaysia
This session will provide an opportunity to explore the new trends in risk and disaster management and land administration. Professor Abbas Rajabifard is a special invitee presenter to this session.
Abbas Rajabifard (Australia): Strategic Pathways Towards Disaster Resilience- Leveraging National Land and Geospatial Systems (10211) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Eva-Maria Unger (Netherlands), Raja Ram Chhatkuli (Nepal), Danilo Antonio (Kenya), Paula Dijkstra and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands): Creating Resilience to Natural Disasters Through FFP Land Administration – an Application in Nepal (10037) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Marija Juric (Sweden): Lantmäteriet´s Role in the Fight Against Forest Fires During the Summer of 2018 (9932) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mulyadi Mulyadi, David Mitchell and Donald Grant (Australia): Grassroots Perceptions of Land Administration to support Disaster Risk Reduction in Hazard-Prone Informal Settlements in Jakarta Province, Indonesia: Lessons for Land Policy (9811) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05H: Land Governance and Implementation Strategies Commission: 8 Chair: Prof. Erwin van der Krabben, Netherlands Rapporteur: PhD. Wioleta Krupowicz, Poland
Coordinating land use and its spatial distribution often requires intervention from governments and communities. Implementation strategies and instruments, such as land consolidation and large-scale land acquisition, and their role for spatial planning are addressed.
Walter Timo de Vries (Germany), Henrikus Johannes (Rik) Wouters (Netherlands) and Kalle Antero Konttinen (Finland): An Analysis of Long-Term Experiences with Land Consolidation Projects and Programs in Europe (9781) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Kwabena Asiama (Netherlands), Rohan Bennett (Australia), Jaap Zevenbergen and Andre Da Silva Mano (Netherlands): Responsible Consolidation of Customary Lands: A Framework for Land Reallocation (9867) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Thi Thanh Mai Duong (Vietnam), D.Ary A. Samsura and Erwin van der Krabben (Netherlands): Land for Tourism Accommodation Development – a New Driver for Large-Scale Land Acquisition in Vietnam (9947) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Fahria Masum, Karl Spindler and Michael Klaus (Germany): Roadmap to a Coordinated Master Plan: Rural Revitalization in Sichuan Province in China (10005) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Xuefei Huang, Cifang Wu and Rong Liao (China, PR): The Institutional Conditions for the Evolution and Innovation of the Land Consolidation Model in China (10107) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Thu Do, Huan Nguyen, Tuan Tran, Hung Vu and Cuong Doan (Vietnam): Evaluating the Current Ecological Adaptability and Future Trends of Agricultural Land Use Systems for Spatial Orientation of Land Use Planning in Quoc Oai District, Hanoi. (10069) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05I: Land Value and Compulsory Acquisition Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States Rapporteur: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cu, Vietnam
Land value and its realisation is a central element of fair and sustainable compulsory acquisition processes. Land value is also the basis for potential land value capture and taxation systems that help provide finance for the provision of services and avoid over-speculation during rapid urbanisation.
Thuy Le, Tuan Pham and Binh Tran (Vietnam): Application of Space Syntax and GIS in Assessment of Accessibility Factors Affecting Urban Residential Land Values (a Case Study in Trung Hoa – Nhan Chinh Area, Hanoi City) (9830) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Felix Ajibade and Anthonia Adediran (Nigeria): Appraisal of security Level within Nigeria Residential Real Estates Neighbourhood. (9864) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sang Hoon Park, Hyeong Sun Kim and Jung Sun Kim (Republic of Korea): A Comparison of Characteristics of the Residential Real Estate Market Using Capitalization Ratio: Focusing on Seoul City and Hanoi City (9883) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Rahmat Aris Pratomo, D. Ary Samsura and Erwin van der Krabben (Netherlands): The Impact of Spatial Transformation of Large-Scale Land Development on Property Rights: Some Cases from New Town Development in Indonesia (10098) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sander Lenferink (Netherlands): Integrating Negotiations on Investments in Housing and Mobility: Geo-Based Gaming to Stimulate Land Use Transport Integration (10120) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 16:00–17:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS05J: Improving Cost Management Commission: 10 Chair: Mr. Alan Muse, Chair FIG Commission 10, United Kingdom Rapporteur: Ms. Mercy Iyortyer, Nigeria
Construction is an industry in flux and transformation. Ethical, legal, digital and performance issues are particular challenges in the industry. This session will consider these issues and how the global industry can respond. In terms of the global recognition of the cost management profession, how much common ground is there to constitute a hard and soft body of knowledge?
Chan KH (Hong Kong SAR, China): Enhancing Smarter Life from Mitigating Maintenance Injury
(9773) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Sihle Gogela, Ayodeji Oke and Clinton Aigbavboa (South Africa): Influences of Project Cost Estimation in South African Construction Industry (9844) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Alan Muse (United Kingdom) and Mercy Iyorter (Nigeria): Improving Construction Cost Prediction Through Standards and Technology (9786) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ganiyu Amuda-Yusuf and Ranti Taibat Adebiyi (Nigeria): 5-Dimensional BIM and the Challenges of Adopting Measurement Standards (10013) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jhon Escorcia Hernández, Ricardo Camacho Castilla (Colombia) and Jaime Wills Sanín (United Kingdom): Historical Analysis of Road Infrastructure Accessibility in Colombia (9952) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jim Mason (United Kingdom): Power Indicators in International Construction Law (9767) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Wednesday, 24 April 17:30–18:30 Place
| FIG Commissions Annual Meetings
The FIG Commissions are responsible for pursuing FIG's professional and technical objectives and are the backbone of the professional work in FIG.
The Commission meetings are open for everyone who are interested in the work. After the meeting each commission hosts a dinner.
Join the meetings in following rooms:
- Commission 1: Professional Standards and Practice in TRIMBLE ROOM (210bc):
- Commission 2: Professional Education in ArcGIS ROOM (210a)
- Commission 3: Spatial Information Management in FIG FOUNDATION ROOM (207abc)
- Commission 4: Hydrography in GEO-PLUS ROOM (252bc)
- Commission 5: Positioning and Measurement in ESRI ROOM (309b)
- Commission 6: Engineering Surveys in RIPRO ROOM (252a):
- Commission 7: Cadastre and Land Management in Make Your Mark. Room (309a)
- Commission 8: Spatial Planning and Development in LX KOREA ROOM (205abc):
- Commission 9: Valuation and the Management of Real Estate in SOUTH ROOM (249bc)
- Commission 10: Construction Economics and Management in LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM (249a)
Wednesday, 24 April 19:00–23:00 Various
| FIG Commission Dinners | Thursday, 25 April |
Thursday, 25 April 09:00–10:30 318 ("SURVEYOR'S ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| PLENARY SESSION3: A Smarter Life and Environmental Resilience through Initiatives Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
Dr. Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Senior Lecturer, Research Fellow (Malaysia): Geo-led Horizon Scanning Programme for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR):
A New Insight into 2030 Global Vision (10218) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ms. Ulla Kronborg, Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency (Denmark): Sharing is Everything (10219) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Network FIG Young Surveyors (USA): Everyone’s Contribution Counts (10220) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 10:30–11:00 2nd and 3rd floor, Exhibition Area
| Morning Break |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Platinum Member Session - LEICA GEOSYSTEMS: Harnessing Digital Transformation through Reality Capture for Smart Change Chair: Mr. Stuart Woods, Leica Geosystems
Digitisation is fundamental to the growth of smart cities. Cadastral mapping is the basis smart city planning and smarter expansion and movement is enabled by digitalisation of rail infrastructure. We can better predict climate change induced natural disasters using ground-based digital reality capture that provides a smarter understanding of flood plains. It's time for the construction projects to benefit from access to automated 3D data capture technology, that is more affordable, productive, and designed for use by all on site.
With Leica Geosystems’ reality capture solutions that deliver innovative 3D workflows from terrestrial scanning, UAVs or mobile mapping, surveyors can benefit from new applications to grow their business and increase efficiencies in the field and office. We are enabling digital transformation for surveying professionals around the world, however, wherever, and whenever they work.
- Mr. Stuart Woods, Vice President, Survey Solutions, Mobile Mapping
- Mr. Andrea Biasion, Application Engineer
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS06A: Women in Surveying Commission: 1 Chair: Ms. Robyn McCutcheon, Australia Rapporteur: Dr. Leonie Newnham, Australia
The session will discuss the opportunities and land rights of women land surveyors today and tomorrow. After the presenters have set the scene, a roundtable discussion will follow on:
- To discuss the action items, which include promoting women in surveying, addressing hidden bias towards women in surveying, tackling the lack of gender diversity, and how best to promote women in the surveying industry; and
- To discuss individual challenges and case studies in each country represented
Monika Przybilla (Germany): Women in Surveying - Today and Tomorrow (10064) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Anne Girardin (France), Emem Isang (Nigeria) and Madaleine Weber (USA): Opportunities for Female Land Surveyors in Emerging Economies (9981) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 210a ("ArcGIS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS06B: Professional Development Experiences and Pathways Commission: 2 Chair: Assoc. Prof. Donald Grant, Australia Rapporteur: Mr. William Kelly, United Kingdom
The aim of this session is to hear from experiences and developments that enhance the professional experience or professional development pathways. The format will be 5 presentations followed by a discussion. These presentations cover the challenges facing the surveying profession, and calls for innovation and strengthened strategic direction, as well as enhanced professional pathways and communication of our work.
Leiv Bjarte Mjøs and Arve Leiknes (Norway): The Struggle for a Land Surveying Profession (10072) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Narelle Underwood and Lisa Powell (Australia): Challenging the Status Quo: Innovate or Detonate (9913) [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
Malavige Don Eranda Kanchana Gunathilaka, Indika
Prasanna (Sri
Lanka), Dulani
Halvitigala and Sara
Wilkinson (Australia):
Shaping the Strategic Direction of the Surveying Profession in
Sri Lanka (9971)
Note: This paper was not presented at the conference.
James Kavanagh and Sellars Nigel (United Kingdom): Land & Resources Professional Qualification Pathway - Core Competencies for Global Land Professionals (9997) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Lisette Mey (Netherlands), Laura Meggiolaro (Italy), Paul van Asperen, Rik Wouters (Netherlands) and Stacey Zammit (Canada): Taking the Data Revolution to the Next Level: Effective and Inclusive Methods of Communicating Spatial Data (10104) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS06C: 3D Cadastre Commission: 3 and 7 Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel
3D and multidimensional cadastre has the potential to be superior the traditional 2D cadastre in many ways. The presentations in this session will identify different ways to implement higher dimension cadastres.
Hiroyuki Hasegawa (Japan), Leng Heng Kim and Samnang Kim (Cambodia): 4D- IMADAS with 3D Mapping of Kyoto-Angkor (Khmer) Capitals (9908) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Rod Thompson (Australia), Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands) and Sudarshan Karki (Australia): Towards an Implementable Data Scheme for 4D/5D Cadastre Including Bi-Temporal Support
(10039) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Anna Shnaidman, Peter van Oosterom, Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), Sudarshan Karki (Australia), Chrit Lemmen and Hendrik Ploeger (Netherlands): Analysis of the Third FIG 3D Cadastres Questionnaire: Status in 2018 and Expectations for 2022 (10080) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Peter van Oosterom, Marian de Vries (Netherlands), Barbara Cemellini (Italy), Rod Thompson (Australia) and Anna Shnaidman (Netherlands): Results of the Public Usability Testing of a Web-Based 3D Cadastral Visualization System (10082) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 252bc ("GEO-PLUS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS06D: Remote Sensing for Hydrography Commission: 4 Chair: Dr. Abdullah Hisam Omar, Malaysia Rapporteur: Dr. MDEK Gunaathilaka, Sri Lanka
This session presents the use of remote sensing in hydrographic measurements. The speakers will share their research experiences on the studies conducted using the remote sensing technology such as for shallow water bathymetry, detection of shoreline changes and sea level study.
Najhan Md Said and Rozaimi Che Hasan (Malaysia): Multi-Layer Optimisation Technique (M-Lot) for Shallow Water Hydrographic Survey Mapping Using Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Application (10123) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Yen Phan Quoc and Hoai Dao Khanh (Vietnam): Evaluates the Possibility of Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping Using Optical Satellite Imagery (9772) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Md Hifney Hj Abd Rahman (Brunei Darussalam): The Potential of Using Satellite Altimetry for Sea Level Study in Brunei (9788) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hong Phuong Trinh, Thi Thanh Thuy Hoang and Thi Minh An Ngo (Vietnam): Using Remote Sensing Technology to Detect the Shoreline Change Caused by Mining Activities: Case Study of Thach Khe Iron Mine, Thanh Ha District, Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam (9839) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Kelvin Kang Wee Tang, Mohd Razali Mahmud (Malaysia), Alhaji Hussaini and Auwal Garba Abubakar (Nigeria): An Aid in Determining the Territorial Sea Baseline for Marine Cadastre using Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (10122) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
TS06E - Special Session on the Sustainable Development Goals & FIG Chair: Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Netherlands Rapporteur: Mr. Riley Smith, Netherlands and Ms. Simone Emens, Netherlands
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and related land indicators will re-shape and influence our profession profoundly in the decade to come. It is considered to be of crucial importance that FIG member organisations and surveyors are aware and prepared on how their (daily) work contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and vice versa.
During the session you will learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the indicators that are related to the surveying profession. Together we will discuss the relevance of SDGs and the indicators for the FIG, the commissions and you as member.
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS06F: French Session - Sructures «Géomètres» et Déontologie/Ethique Chair: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium Rapporteur: Ms. Godelive Phanzu Vangu, Congo, Democratic Republic of the
This session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors ) and give the possibility to the FIG members to dialogue in French.
Marc Vanderschueren (France): La Fédération des Géomètres Francophones (FGF): états des lieux au 1.1.2019 et ...perspectives... (10158) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Maurice Barbieri (Switzerland): The Impact of New Technologies on Professional Ethics (10161) L'impact des nouvelles technologies sur l'éthique professionnelle [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jean-Yves Pirlot (Belgium): Ethics, from Theory to Practice (10156) L'étique, de la théorie à la pratique [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Yousfi Khalid (Morocco): Le code des devoirs professionnels de l’ ONIGT (10153) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS06G: Land Challenges in Latin America Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Daniel Paez, Chair FIG Commission 7, Australia Rapporteur: Mr. Ian Rose, United States
Unfortunately, the Latin-American region is today one of the most violent regions in the world. Many of these problems are related to land issues. This session explores projects and research conducted in this region and proposes ideas to reduce land conflict and improve land tenure security.
Lina Maria González (Colombia), Abbas Rajabifard (Australia), Daniel Paez (Colombia), Soheil Sabri (Australia) and Ricardo Camacho (Colombia): A Proposed Methodology to Assess Disaster Risk within a Land Use Cover Change Model, Contributing to SDGs - Case Study: Bogota, Colombia (9861) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Luciana Bernardes Vasquez (Brazil), Jaap Zevenbergen, Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands) and Bastiaan Philip Reydon (Brazil): Modelling the Complex Land Administration in Brazil (9903) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Andrés Guarin and Tatiana Santos (Colombia): Articulation of the Plan of Social Ordering of Rural Property with the Multipurpose Cadaster (10016) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Rudiney Pereira and Juliana Marchesan (Brazil): Spatial Analysis of Forest Fragmentation Using Language R (10092) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Daniel Paez (Australia): Marriage of Opposites: Strategies for Public and Private Sectors Working Together in Land Tenure Reform Projects that Support SDGs (10138) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS06H: Smart Cities – Emerging Tools and Applications Commission: 8 Chair: Mr. Marinus de Bakker, Netherlands Rapporteur: Prof. Walter Timo de Vries, Germany
Emerging technology and geospatial tools have potentially a big impact on cities and its dwellers. How do we make most out of new solutions and technologies in pursuït of sustainable and resilient cities and communities?
Kimberley Worthy (Australia) and John Kedar (United Kingdom): Cities of the Future – Where Is the Actionable Geospatial Information? (9889) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Xinxin Zhou, Changbin Wu, LinWang Yuan, Zhaoyuan Yu and Chendi Hu (China, PR): A Comprehensive Accessibility Evaluation Model for Temporal Public Facilities of Urban Residential Areas Based on Internet Map (9879) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hung V. Nguyen (Vietnam): Evaluating the Environmental Impact of the Hoankiem Lake with Focus on Urban Development Planning by Using a DPSIR Framework. (9841) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Jimmy Chou (Chinese Taipei): Interoperability and Deep Learning for Smart City Implementation and Disaster Monitoring Application (10163) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Muhammad Mansur Kabir (Nigeria): Nigeria Smart City Initiatives (NSCI): the Geospatial Perspectives (9946) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 11:00–12:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Developing Capacity for Geodetic Infrastructure and Systems I Chair: Ms. Allison Craddock, United States and Mr. Basara Miyahara, Japan Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia
Jointly hosted by - FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (AP CDN), UN Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific Working Group 1 (UN-GGIM-AP WG1), UN Sub Committee on Geodesy Education Training and Capacity Building (UN SCoG ETCB)
The sessions will provide participants with -
- Country or national reports from the Asia Pacific region on the status of geodetic infrastructure and systems, their major challenges and capacity development initiatives.
- Reports from the UN GGIM AP WG1, UN SCoG ETCB and FIG AP CDN on their workings and activities; including perspectives on building geodetic capacity
- A practical perspective on the principles and implementation of the UN Integrated Geospatial Information Framework.
- Case Studies on how collaboration, strategic / operational planning, and political will has assisted geodetic infrastructure and capability development
The sessions will conclude with the opportunity to have open discussions amongst presenters and delegates on the development of a roadmap for the way forward.
Rob Sarib (Australia): Building Survey and Geospatial Capacity in Asia and the Pacific Region (10183) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Allison Craddock (USA) and Mikael Lilje (Sweden): UNGGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy and its Working Group on Education, Training and Capacity Building and Proposed Applications for the UN GGIM-World Bank Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (10186) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Basara Miyahara (Japan): Work and Plan of UN-GGIM-AP Working Group on Geodetic Reference Frame (10187) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Tran Anh Tuan (Vietnam): Vietnam’s Geodetic Infrastructure, Challenges and Plans for Future (10234) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Andrick Lal (Fiji): Geodetic Capacity in the Pacific - SPC and PGSC Partnership Desk Perspective (10235) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 12:30–14:00 3rd floor, LUNCH ROOM (343 + 347)
| Lunch Break |
Thursday, 25 April 12:30–13:15 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Open Gathering of the UNGGIM Academic Network Chair: Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, Australia Rapporteur: Mr. Daniel Paez, Chair FIG Commission 7, Australia
Join us for an informal conversation to learn about current activities and opportunities for involvement with the UNGGIM Academic Network, an advisory body directly involved key geospatial developments at the United Nations that works in cooperation with FIG. Everyone welcome and professors, lecturers, students, researchers and other members of the academic community are particularly invited.
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG Task Force on Governance Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
The first session open to all FIG Members (Associations, Corporates, Afiliates and Academics); your first opportunity to input into our work on the review of FIG Governance. Our deliberations and conversation with you will be determined by a participatory engagement road map with you over the next 2 years. Do attend to hear, participate and input.
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 210a ("ArcGIS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Social Tenure Domain Model - Development and Application at Country Level Chair: Jaap Zevenbergen, Netherlands Rapporteur: GLTN Secretariat
Jointly hosted by FIG Young Surveyors Network and UN-Habitat GLTN
The Session will involve key champions of STDM presenting conceptual and technical features of STDM tool, overview of its application at country level, sharing of practical and training experiences, sharing next steps and way forward, feedback and open discussions.
- Introduce participants to the basic concepts of STDM;
- Provide technical updates on STDM development including key features;
- Share country experiences on STDM application of the tools;
- Discuss different roles of key partners and proposed strategies for support; and
- Explore next steps and way forward.
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS07C: National Spatial Data Infrastructure NSDI Commission: 3 Chair: Dr. Enrico Rispoli, Italy Rapporteur: Dr. Markus Seifert, Germany
In many regions of the world National Spatial Data Infrastructures have reached a mature status. Depending on the level of development and the specific needs of countries the presentations of this session will show the direction of further development in different countries.
Muyiwa Agunbiade (Nigeria), Abbas Rajabifard (Australia) and Abiodun Oluyomi (USA): Land Administration Integration Framework for Affordable Housing Production: the Roles of Spatial Data Infrastructures, Institutional Processes and Policies (9805) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bach Giang Tran (Vietnam): Building, Developing and Managing the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure in Vietnam (9980) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Dorus Kruse and Jasper Roes (Netherlands): How to Increase the Usage of an NSDI from 1 Billion Hits to 10 Billion Hits in 5 Years (9989) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Daniel Casalprim (Spain), Fabián Mejía (Colombia), Moisés Poyatos (Spain), Alejandro Tellez and Jose Antonio Pinzon (Colombia): Extended Models from the Colombian LADM Profile as Support of Land Use Planning - Land Administration SDI (10023) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Matt Myers (United Kingdom) and Solomoni Nata (Fiji): ITLTB – Fiji’s Customary Land Custodian: a Case Study of Managing Nearly 90% of the Country’s Land (10045) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 252bc ("GEO-PLUS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS07D: ISS - Applications Using Earth Observations and Remote Sensing Chair: Prof. Dr. Jixian Zhang, FIG Vice President, China PR Rapporteur: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Quang Minh Nguyen, Vietnam
This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session presenting on applications using airborne or even satellite platforms. The presentations are discussing both applications concerning land cover and water body changes. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.
Vu Anh Tuan, Le Thi Thu Hang and Nguyen Hong Quang (Vietnam): Monitoring Urban Surface Water Bodies Changes Using MNDWI Estimated From Pan-sharpened Optical Satellite Images (9771) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Artur Janowski, Malgorzata Renigier and Marek Walacik (Poland): Modern Geospatial Technologies in Infrastructure Information Uncertainty Decrease (9918) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Do Thi Hoai and Le Minh Hang (Vietnam): Monitoring Land-Cover Changes Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Data in U Minh Thuong National Park (9779) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. |
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS07E: Multi-Sensor Positioning Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. Dan Gillins, United States Rapporteur: Prof. Guenther Retscher, Austria
There are a great number of real world applications in the smart city of the future where GNSS positioning is not practical or simply not an option. Many aspects of the urban environment may inhibit or degrade the use of GNSS (e.g., urban canyons). This session will highlight a number of recent developments where alternative, multi-sensor positioning is necessary.
Volker Schwieger, Otto Lerke and Gabriel Kerekes (Germany): Image-Based Target Detection and Tracking Using Image-Assisted Robotic Total Stations (9887) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Allison Kealy (Australia), Guenther Retscher (Austria), Jelena Gabela, Yan Li (Australia), Salil Goel (India), Toth Charles, Andrea Masiero (Italy), Wioleta Błaszczak-Bąk (Poland), Vassilis Gikas, Harris Perakis (Greece), Zoltan Koppanyi and Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska (USA): A Benchmarking Measurement Campaign in GNSS-denied/Challenged Indoor/Outdoor and Transitional Environments (9837) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper
and winner of the NavXperience Award 2019.
 Giuseppina Vacca and Giannina Sanna (Italy): Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Close Range Photogrammetry point clouds accuracy assessment for the structure deformations monitoring (10113) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Li Zhang, Jinyue Wang, Martin Wachsmuth, Marko Gasparac, Roland Trauter and Volker Schwieger (Germany): Role of Digital Maps in Road Transport Security (9995) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS07F: French Session - Bonnes pratiques : évolutions Chair: Dr. Leopold Degbegnon, Benin Rapporteur: Mr. Bernard Flaceliere, France
This session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors ) and give the possibility to the FIG members to dialogue in French.
Anne Girardin (France) and Emem Isang (Nigeria): Formation de femmes géomètres et para-géomètres (10223) Opportunités pour les femmes arpenteures-géomètres dans les économies émergentes [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jean-François Dalbin (France): Dematerialization of demarcation minutes and electronic signature for land security (10152) Dématérialisation des procès-verbaux de bornage et signature électronique pour une sécurisation foncière [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Chrystine Maltais (Canada): Choosing the Accuracy According to the Main Objective: the Example of the Cadastre of Quebec (10151) Choisir la précision en fonction de l'objectif visé; le cadastre du Québec en exemple [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Godelive Phanzu Bitaka (Democratic Republic of Congo): La Place de l’ethique Professionnelle Dans l’administration (10157) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS07G: Examples of Land Administration in Africa Commission: 7 Chair: Dr. Marisa Balas, Mozambique Rapporteur: Mr. Kwabena Asiama, Netherlands
Africa has been receiving significant resources from donors to improve land administration systems. This session presents top cases of land reform projects and lessons learnt after a large investment in low and medium income projects.
Habtemicael Weldegiorgis (Eritrea): Enforcement of Mandatory Cadastral Registration in Eritrea (9753) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Solomon Njogu (Kenya), Lobo Ngumba, Serge Kakule (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Danilo Antonio (Philippines): Flexible Land Information System as Driver For Change, Peace and Development: The Case of Post Conflict DRC (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (9999) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] John Gitau, Hellen Ndungu, Danilo Antonio and Oumar Sylla (Kenya): Experiences in the Application of Participatory Land Information Tools for Improving Tenure Security in Developing Countries (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (10042) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Thomas Dabiri (Nigeria): Closing up the Gap: Five Year Plan for Cadastral Data Management in Delta State of Nigeria (10088) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hans-Gerd Becker (Uganda): A Fit-for-Purpose Approach to Register Customary Land Rights in Uganda (10221) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS07H: Mapping, Monitoring and Planning Spatial Developments Commission: 8 Chair: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana Rapporteur: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Netherlands
Mapping and monitoring developments provide a great basis to make informed decisions. Participatory approaches, technological drivers and new approaches contribute to more resilient decision-making in spatial planning systems.
Divyani Kohli and Mila Koeva (Netherlands): Identification and Characterization of Informal Settlements Using Satellite Images in Support of Land Administration (9967) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Wioleta Krupowicz (Poland), Adrianna Czarnecka and Magdalena Grus (Netherlands): Possibilities of Implementing Crowdsourcing Initiatives in Rural Development Programmes in Poland (9922) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Yuntai Zhao and Rong Rosy Liao (China, PR): Newly-Established Spatial Planning System in China (10108) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Louie Robert Posadas, Lunalyn Cagan (Philippines), Danilo Antonio and John Gitau (Kenya): Responsive and Evidence-Based Community-Driven Mapping as a Catalyst of Change Towards Disaster-Resilient Communities: a Case of Muntinlupa City, Philippinesa Case of Muntinlupa City, Philippines (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (10046) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Developing Capacity for Geodetic Infrastructure and Systems Il Chair: Ms. Allison Craddock, United States, Mr. Basara Miyahara, Japan Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia
Jointly hosted by - FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (AP CDN), UN Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific Working Group 1 (UN-GGIM-AP WG1), UN Sub Committee on Geodesy Education Training and Capacity Building (UN SCoG ETCB)
The sessions will provide participants with -
- Country or national reports from the Asia Pacific region on the status of geodetic infrastructure and systems, their major challenges and capacity development initiatives.
- Reports from the UN GGIM AP WG1, UN SCoG ETCB and FIG AP CDN on their workings and activities; including perspectives on building geodetic capacity
- A practical perspective on the principles and implementation of the UN Integrated Geospatial Information Framework.
- Case Studies on how collaboration, strategic / operational planning, and political will has assisted geodetic infrastructure and capability development
The sessions will conclude with the opportunity to have open discussions amongst presenters and delegates on the development of a roadmap for the way forward.
Mr. Bayantumen Purevdorj (Mongolia):
Mongolia’s Geodetic Infrastructure, Challenges and Plans for Future
Mr. Viliami Folau (Tonga):
Tonga’s Geodetic Infrastructure, Systems and Capabilities - The Road to Modernization
Dr. S.K.Singh (India):
Developing Capacity for Geodetic Infrastructure and Systems
Mr. Asakaia Tabua (Fiji):
Fiji’s Geodetic Infrastructure, Systems and Capabilities
Mr. Arif Aditiya Indonesia:
The improvement status of the Indonesian geodetic reference frames
Dr. Mohd Yunus Mohd Yusoff, Malaysia:
Developing Capacity for Geodetic Infrastructure and system
Thursday, 25 April 14:00–15:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS07J: Europe and New Trends in Land Administration Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Torben Juulsager, Denmark Rapporteur: Mr. Darko Vucetic, Serbia
Europe has been a leader in the development of land administration systems. However, with new challenges emerging, including achieving the SDGs, new approaches are needed. This session presents European case studies in land administration from top practitioners.
Mauno Pyykönen and Heikki Lind (Finland): Quality Improvement of the Cadastral Index Map (9902) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Ludmiła Pietrzak and Paweł Hanus (Poland): Protection of Agricultural Lands in Poland (9907) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Søren Brandt Pedersen (Denmark): Land-Related Tasks and Possibilities
Related to Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
(9982) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Gyula Iván (Hungary): Let us Speak about the Future of Developed Cadastres (10102) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Helén Elisabeth Elvestad and Per Kåre Sky (Norway): From Rural to Urban Land Consolidation - an Analysis of Recent Urban Cases Treated in the Norwegian Land Consolidation Court (10116) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Helén Elisabeth Elvestad (Norway): Negative Covenants in Densification Projects - Cadastral Challenges (10117) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 15:30–16:00 2nd and 3rd floor, Exhibition Area
| Afternoon Break |
Thursday, 25 April 15:30–18:00 210bc ("TRIMBLE ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG Presidents Meeting - How can the member associations influence FIG and our events? Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
This year the presidents meeting will be different from the previous ones. It will be held the day before the 2nd General Assembly and Council wants to work together with the presidents of the member associations on a specific topic. “How can the member associations influence FIG and our events?”. Your input and your ideas are appreciated.
This event is convened by the FIG President and is reserved for Presidents or Heads of delegation of Member Associations (or their representatives)
Thursday, 25 April 16:00–17:30 207abc ("FIG FOUNDATION ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| Master Class: Learning Session on the Use of Technology Chair: Ms. Maria Paola Rizzo, Italy
Jointly hosted by FIG and FAO
The learning session will focus on the master class: Open Tenure system to record customary tenure and field data collection in different contexts.
Expected Outcome:
Participants have enhanced understanding of available technologies via familiarization with the solutions presented in the master class.
Thursday, 25 April 16:00–17:30 309b ("ESRI ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS08E: Cost-Effective Positioning Commission: 5 Chair: Dr. Leonid Lipatnikov, Russian Federation Rapporteur: Dr. Li Zhang, Germany
The cost of getting a high-quality position has been declining at a rapid clip over the past decade. Industries outside the geodetic arena are often the ones driving these cost savings as they rely on accurate and timely positions and have large economies of scale. This session will include the latest developments on positioning techniques that can deliver cheap, fast, accurate positioning.
Joël van Cranenbroeck (Belgium) and Chris Rizos (Australia): The “uberization" of the GNSS Positioning Infrastructure (10136) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Guenther Retscher and Alexander Leb (Austria): Influence of the RSSI Scan Duration of Smartphones in Kinematic Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
(9743) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Hugo Sobreira, Bruno Bougard (Belgium), David Calle, Julian Barrios (Spain) and Ryan Keenan (Australia): SBAS Australian-NZ Testbed - Exploring New Services (9958) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Warakan Supinajaroen (Thailand) and Bastiaan Van Loenen (Netherlands): Selection of the Elements for a Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Ecosystem Conceptual Model (10044) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 16:00–17:30 252a ("RIPRO ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS08F: French Session - Nouvelles Technologies Chair: Mr. Jean-Francois Dalbin, France Rapporteur: Ms. Chrystine Maltais, Canada
This session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors ) and give the possibility to the FIG members to dialogue in French.
Léopold Degbegnon (Benin): Analyse de la dynamique spatio-temporelle de l’occupation du sol et problèmes fonciers dans la commune d’Ifangni (10222) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Benoit Tambwe (Democratic Republic of Congo): Systeme D'information Foncière Basé Sur Le Modele De Fonctionnement Des Administrations Foncières De La République Démocratique Du Congo" (10224) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Pham Van Cu, Thi Dieu Dinh, Manh Hung Nguyen, Thi The Doan, Ngo Tra Le and Dao Nguyen Lam (Vietnam): Cartographie des rizières dans le delta du fleuve Rouge basée sur les données multi-temporelles Sentinel -1A du Vietnam Datacube. Cas de la province Thái Bình (10150) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Bernard Flaceliere (France): Positionnement GNSS précis par smartphone (10154) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Valère Lawson (France): The Smart City Concept and the Challenges of "Living Together" in an Increasingly Dense and Vertical Globalized Urban Future (10159) Le concept de Smart City et les enjeux du "vivre ensemble" dans un futur urbain mondialisé toujours plus dense et vertical [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Francoise Duquenne (France): La gestion de l’information géospatiale à l’échelle mondiale (GGIM) (10155) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 16:00–17:30 309a ("Make Your Mark. ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS08G: Emerging Land Administration Trends in Asia Commission: 7 Chair: Mr. Munsung Koh, Korea, Republic of Rapporteur: Dr. Le Thi Minh Phuong, Vietnam
Asia has seen extraordinary development in land administration, particularly due to a large investment in systematic land registration. This session presents a diverse set of projects and research that explore how Asia is improving the cadastral system and land management.
Stefan Wei and Adin Li (China, PR): Mobile Mapping System Used in Cadastral Surveying (9904) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Zhongguo Xu (China, PR): Application of LADM for Rural Homestead Administration in China (9924) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Yuefei Zhuo (China, PR): An LADM-based Profile for Farmland Tripartite Entitlement System in China (9948) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Raja Ram Chhatkuli, Suresh Dhakal (Nepal), Danilo Antonio (Kenya) and Shristee Singh Shrestha (Nepal): Statutory Versus Locally Existing Land Tenure Typology: a Dilemma for Good Land Governance in Nepal (UN-HABITAT GLTN) (10021) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Busch Elena, Onsrud Helge (Norway) and Almaz Abdiev (Kyrgyzstan): Norwegian Support to Land Sector in Kyrgyzstan – Preparing Geographic Information for Statistics and Sustainable Development Goals (10170) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Mehmet Alkan and Zeynel Abidin Polat (Turkey): Design and Determine the LADM Infrastructure for Turkey Country Profile (10179) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 16:00–17:30 205abc ("LX KOREA ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS08H: Adaptive Strategies for Climate Change Commission: 8 Chair: Dr. Michael Klaus, China Rapporteur: Dr. Adrianna Czarnecka, Poland
Planning for a sustainable development while facing climate change is a major challenge. To what extent can land management solve the severe effects regarding changing rainfall patterns, sea level rise, or global warming?
Fahria Masum and Michael Klaus (Germany): Challenges and Strategies for Adapting Climate Change in Rural Development (9910) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Annekia Brand, Aksel Ersoy and Ellen Van Bueren (Netherlands): Mapping with the Tap Open: The Key Importance of Land Management for Urban Flood Resilience in Houston (Texas) and Accra (Ghana) (10054) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Amos Iloabuchi Ugwuoti, Emmanuel Onah and Oliver Ojinnaka (Nigeria): Improving Enugu Urban Water Sourcing and Distribution Using Geospatial Technologies (10137) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Hong Quang Nguyen, Thi Van Hue Le, Claire Quinn, Rachael Carrie, Thi Thanh Nga Pham, Lindsay Stringer (United Kingdom) and Van Tan Dao (Vietnam): Spatial Planning Influences Mangrove Forest Development in Kim Son District of Ninh Binh Province (9862) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Nyncke Emmens and Marije Louwsma (Netherlands): How a Broadened View on Land Readjustment Can Help Dealing with Future Spatial Challenges (10086) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 16:00–17:30 249bc ("SOUTH ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS08I: Valuation Frontiers Commission: 9 Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States Rapporteur: Dr. Pham Minh Hai, Vietnam
Valuation is undergoing a technological revolution with blockchain, GIS enabled automated valuation modelling and artificial intelligence AI/ML becoming a reality in data rich environments. This session will scan the valuation horizon for upcoming challenges and opportunities.
Pauliina Krigsholm, Kaisa Ridanpää and Kirsikka Riekkinen (Finland): Blockchain as a Technological Solution in Land Administration – What Are Current Barriers to Implementation? (9829) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Ayodeji Oke, Clinton Aigbavboa and Taniele Cane (South Africa): Review of Factors Influencing Socially Cohesive Smart Societies in South Africa (9845) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] This is a peer reviewed paper. Timothy Fella and Katherine Smyth (USA): Leveraging Location-Enabled Street Photos and Machine Learning to Automate Large-Scale Data Collection in Support of Property Valuation (9857) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Peter Ache (Germany): Nationwide Real Estate market Transparency Prevents a Bubble
– From Local Real Expertise to Statewide market Knowledge - (9866) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Winrich Voss and Keno Bakker (Germany): Geospatial Information to Support Real Estate Valuation (9991) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Abdullah Kara (Turkey), Ruud Kathmann, Peter van Oosterom, Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands) and Ümit Işıkdağ (Turkey): Towards the Netherlands LADM Valuation Information Model Country Profile (10066) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 16:00–17:30 249a ("LEICA GEOSYSTEMS ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| TS08J: Ten Years of Law on Geoinformation in Switzerland – Trends, Challenges and Impact Commission: 7 Chair: Mrs. Gerda Schennach, Austria
Switzerland has been recognized as a world best practice in cadastre and land registration system. However, even the best systems need to adjust to new challenges and community trends, which happened in Switzerland ten years ago with the enactment of the new Law on Geoinformation. Join us in this session to learn what the Swiss cadastre is doing in terms of policies and projects to keep up with the changing environment.
Daniel Steudler (Switzerland): 10 Years of "Law on Geoinformation" in Switzerland – The International Context (9929) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Christian Kaul (Switzerland): 10 Years of "Law on Geoinformation" in Switzerland - Current Situation and Outlook (9938) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Jürg Lüthy (Switzerland): 10 Years of "Law on Geoinformation" in Switzerland – Core Features of a Successful National Spatial Data Infrastructure (9939) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] Helena Åström Boss (Switzerland): 10 Years of "Law on Geoinformation" in Switzerland – A Federative Organisation Requires Clear Rules and Responsibilities (9942) [abstract] [paper] [handouts] |
Thursday, 25 April 19:30–23:00 Luc Thuy Restaurant
| Gala Dinner
The Gala dinner will take place at Luc Thuy Restaurant. Luc Thuy is a luxurious oriental style restaurant, located on the banks of Hoan Kiem - undoubtedly one of the most beautiful locations in Hanoi.
Luc Thuy is well-known to locals and international diners not only for its stunning, delicious traditional and modern Vietnamese Cuisine, but also for its elegant and cozy space filled with natural light and a breeze from Hoan Kiem Lake. An unforgettable Vietnamese dinner featured by music and show awaits the guests. It will be the best way to enjoy a night in Hanoi.
Friday, 26 April |
Friday, 26 April 09:00–12:30 318 ("SURVEYOR'S ROOM"), Vietnam National Convention Center
| FIG General Assembly - part 2 Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President, Germany
Hand outs:
Friday, 26 April 12:30–14:30 3rd floor, Room 313
| Farewell Reception, hosted by FIG Working Week 2020
Delegates are invited to farewell the FIG Working Week 2019 and its host city in an informal environment. Join us as we toast to a successful event and at the same time have a taste of FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- All participants are invited.
- Hosted by FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
© International Federation of
Surveyors, FIG 2019 |