Article of the Month -
November 2003
The Situation of Geomatics Education in Africa –
An Endangered Profession
Heinz Rüther, South Africa
1) This paper has been
prepared as a keynote paper to the 2nd FIG Regional Conference in Marrakech,
Morocco, December 2-5, 2003. It is also a background paper for the Round
Table on Surveying/GIS Education in Africa which is organised December 2,
2003 in Marrakech.
This article in PDF-format.
The author introduced a paper on trends and needs in survey education
(1997) by stating that “the survey profession world-wide is faced with the
necessity of having to redefine its role in society and technology. It is
threatened with marginalisation, down grading to a service provider and,
potentially, loss of its professional status unless a new professional
profile is developed and supported by education and practitioners alike.”
The profession worldwide, but especially in the developed world has largely
responded well to the challenges of this period of change and paradigm
shifts. New technologies were embraced readily and the area of
geo-information was integrated in the survey discipline. Educational
institution partly lead the way in this process and partly followed
reluctantly, adapted their syllabi the name of some departments were changed
to incorporate Geomatics or Geoinformatics in one way or other. However,
this is not true for large sections of the profession in Africa (throughout,
this paper uses “Africa” to refer to Sub-Saharan Africa excluding countries
of the Sahel and North African region) and especially the educational sector
is under increased danger, and in some countries close to complete collapse.
The paper addresses the situation of surveying/Geomatics in sub-Saharan
Africa from the perspective of a survey educator in Africa. The author
perceives the profession in Africa as being under severe threat as a result
of a number Africa-specific as well as internationally occurring phenomena,
among these are the economic situation in Africa in general and specifically
that of educational institutions, the image of the profession, donor
policies, the development of black-box technology, lack of resources and
political instability.
The author is not qualified to make an assessment of the economical and
political situation of the African continent in all its complexity,
uncertainties and contradictions. Numerous papers and reports on these
topics have been produced over the last decades and every possible political
and economical theory and philosophy has been applied in attempts to solve
Africa’s problems. Many of the proposed solutions are unrealistic, while the
valid models often encounter unforeseeable problems beyond the control of
both the African population and the developed countries involved in
development activities.
The paper is based on the author’s experience as external examiners in
six African Universities, visits others as well as to numerous survey
offices in Africa and work with African professionals. On this bases some
general observations are made regarding the situation of educational
institutions and the profession.
For a professional or educator in the developed world, who has never
visited the African continent, it is difficult to envisage the situation
common to many African departments of tertiary education, government survey
offices or survey practices. Some of the many problems complicating the
educator’s and professional’s life in Africa are:
- Academics often do not have a computer on their office desk and have
to book time in computer laboratories with a limited number of low-end
- Offices are often poorly equipped and even telephones are not on
everybody’s desk
- State of the art software is seldom available and digital technology
is not well advanced
- Electricity blackouts are common, even in major cities
- Internet connections are painfully slow and unreliable, giving African
academics and professionals the unjustified reputation of being poor
E-mail correspondents
- Available survey equipment is often outdated and in a poor state of
repair and libraries are typically ill equipped
- Classroom facilities are poor and an overhead projector is often the
most advanced teaching equipment available
- Very few staff members have research experience and PhDs are not
- Salaries are generally low and academics have to spend significant
time on external activities to augment salaries.
The picture painted here is bleak and fortunately not reality in all
African Universities and institution, but it is certainly true for many, if
not the majority of educational institutions and government as well as
private survey offices on the continent. There are some exceptions, and some
Universities in Africa, albeit very few, can offer facilities which come
closer to similar institutions in the developed world, but none have the
facilities and resources of these institutions, with the possible exception
of South Africa. As anecdotal evidence one can quote the extreme case of a
regional government survey office, responsible for the land administration
of a large region in East Africa. Not a single computer found in this office
and cadastral records are kept in the form of pencil drawings on a 1:50 000
Beyond the issues raised above, many educational institutions suffer as a
result of their typically very small student numbers. Small student numbers
render the departments or units relatively insignificant within their
respective institutions. Thus, educators in the discipline have little
access to the resources required for a modernisation of departments or for
marketing and often cannot respond to the needs as they would wish to.
On the other hand, educators have to deal with pressure from
practitioners who, not infrequently, hold the view that an entirely
needs-driven approach is appropriate in education and that the profession
should guide the educator. The author believes that educators need to be
more proactive than reactive. They must accept the responsibility and be
given the freedom to provide vision and guidance. Their ability to
extrapolate into the future, understand trends and explore new ground beyond
the present boundaries of the profession will provide skills and knowledge
for the future. If educators fail to interpret trends correctly or explore
new avenues, then there is real danger for the survey discipline to become
an insignificant service provider with a low profile. Little development
will take place in the discipline and many of its traditional areas of
expertise may be taken over by others. This potential downgrading of
surveying is an international threat, but especially threatening in the
African context, where the constraints of limited educational budgets often
make it difficult to address questions of education which go beyond mere
Unfortunately one, not infrequently, encounters the argument, that
cartographic needs in Africa are largely unchanged, that conventional survey
skills are still required and that thus education can follow its
conventional form for some time and that the concerns voiced above are not
yet relevant for Africa.
While this argument may have some merit, it is basically defeatist and
could lead to the demise of the discipline in Africa. First world expertise
and black-box mapping systems are likely to dominate the region and African
surveyors/Geomaticians could be reduced to purely operational functions.
This must be avoided under all circumstances. African institutes of
education must educate internationally acceptable and marketable experts,
world class scientist must come out of the research units of African
Universities, appropriate technologies for Africa must be developed in
Africa and African experts must manage activities with African technicians
responsible for the execution of such activities. All this must be done on
the basis on first world knowledge and in close contact with international
educational institutions, but nevertheless with a high degree of
independence and self-reliance.
At first sight (Figure below) the distribution of survey departments in
sub Saharan Africa does appear somewhat sparse but by no means desperate.
However, viewed against the lack of current maps, the need for development
and specifically the situation at individual institutions, the picture is
much less encouraging, if not outright dismal.

Survey/Geomatics Departments in Sub-Saharan Africa
A brief assessment of the situation of survey/Geomatics Departments in
the sub-Saharan region will show the reality of discipline related education
in this region. Beginning with South Africa, in the early 1970s there were
five independent departments, one each at the Universities of Johannesburg,
Pretoria, Durban, Fort Hare and Cape Town, with just under ten Chairs of
Surveying or Photogrammetry. Today, there is not a single independent
Department in South Africa and only one Chair of Geomatics has survived.
Departments in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Fort Hare were closed as a result
of poor student numbers, while the Durban department was amalgamated with
Civil Engineering and is left with three full time staff members. The Cape
Town department has recently been incorporated with the School of
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics withy five remaining staff members at
the University of Cape Town, one of which is the Chair of Geomatics.
Unconfirmed reports from Botswana indicate that a Survey department will
be established at the University of Botswana in Gaberone. This is a
surprising development for a country with some 1.5 million inhabitants, in
view of the closure of departments in neighbouring South African with a
population of more than 40 million. A survey diploma, previously offered by
the Department of Civil Engineering, has been discontinued some years ago.
In Zimbabwe there are two University Departments, one at the University
of Zimbabwe in Harare and one recently established at the State University
of the Midlands. The Harare department has at present one staff member while
the newly establish Midlands department with three full time staff members
seems to be growing in relevance and might well take on the previous role of
the department in Harare as the leading department in Zimbabwe.
The University of Zambia has a survey department, which appears to be
severely under-resourced and little is heard about activities in the
department. Staff members of the Zambia department show no presence at
conferences and symposia in Africa and no research papers have been
published in journals.
One of the more fortunate countries, as far as surveying education is
concerned, is Tanzania, where a Department exists at the University College
for Land and Architectural Studies. The department with close to twenty
staff members and over 100 students has grown out of the former Ardhi
Institute and has made an excellent effort to grow from a Technikon to a
University level. Nevertheless, the department experiences all of the
typical problems of insufficient equipment, few computers, poor Internet
facilities, frequent power cuts and very limited resources; also, there is
no Chair of Surveying at this institution.
Moving further north to Kenya, there are two departments, one in Nairobi
and one recently established at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Technology
in Thika. The department at the University of Nairobi, with 13 staff members
and 150 students, belongs to the small group of survey departments in Africa
with a significant tradition as an institution of higher survey education.
As far as facilities, resources and problem areas are concerned, there is
little difference to other African institutions with the one exception that
there is an established Chair of Surveying. The department at Jomo Kenyatta
is three years old and has an academic staff of four and 75 students in
three years. They are provided with teaching assistance from staff members
from the University of Nairobi and the UN-ECA Regional Centre (RCSSMRS) in
The department at the Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda with 12
staff members and some 50 students is one of the oldest survey departments
in Africa, but today, suffers from the same difficulties as other African
Survey departments also exist in Khartoum, Sudan and Kinshasa, Zaire, but
the author was unable to obtain any information on these two institutions.
Judging from the lack of presence at African and international survey
related conferences and in survey publications, one must assume that
activities at these departments are limited and it is unlikely that
resources are sufficient to develop international status.
In West Africa there are two countries with University Survey
Departments, Ghana and Nigeria. In Ghana there is a department at the
University of Kumasi, while Nigeria has a virtual glut of survey
departments. Here a total of nine University departments offer a degree in
Surveying and training in the form of short courses is provided at a
Regional Centre (RECTAS) in Ile Ife. Reports from this country also indicate
a dearth of resources in Geomatics Departments.
It is noteworthy that there are only two remaining University Chairs for
Surveying between Cape Town and Khartoum including the entire African Region
South of the Equator. This is a clear indication of the status and relevance
of survey departments in the eye of University authorities in this area.
The UN-ECA Regional Centres play an important role in training,
consulting and coordinating of survey initiatives in Africa, but they do not
provide education in the traditional sense. They offer short courses and
thus fill an important gap, where Universities lack the human resources.
In view of the above, there can be little doubt that survey education in
Africa and subsequently the profession itself is under severe threat. Too
few and insufficiently prepared graduates enter the profession and, due to
their numerical skills, their ability to think in a structured and logical
fashion and their understanding of spatial problems, the best candidates are
often ‘pirated’ by companies and institutions without activities unrelated
to surveying.
Generally, research in an educational institution has three essential
objectives, these are the development of
- the student
- new methods, algorithms, instruments or systems and
- the supervisor’s deeper understanding of the discipline
This threefold relevance of research is often overlooked and research is
evaluated solely on the basis of the second criterion, the tangible research
output. The author is of the opinion that the first objective, the personal
development of the student, is of much higher relevance in post-graduate
research than the research product. One can even go so far to premise that
gaining knowledge in the particular research area, as important as it may
be, is of secondary relevance for the development of the students and that
the ability to abstract from the literature, analyse critically, structure
thoughts in a logical fashion, formulate a readable document and learn self
management should be the principal objectives of post-graduate research.
Post-graduate research is also essential for the supervisor, who is
forced to continually improve own knowledge and critically assess own
understanding of the discipline and the research area. The author firmly
believes that excellence in teaching at university level is primarily based
on the teacher’s research activities. Further, the improvement in
professional maturity observed by the author in post graduate students under
his supervision has convinced him of the invaluable contribution made to the
profession through post graduate programs. Africa is in desperate need of
academics and professionals with research experience and Africa based
post-gradate education is essential. Most unfortunately, at present
survey/Geomatics research and post-graduate education is restricted to very
few departments on the continent. It is therefore most important to
establish post-graduate programmes, both in the form of taught courses and
full research projects, at African Universities.
The present poor research culture at most African Geomatics departments
can be attributed to
- the previously mentioned need for academics to spend a significant
amount of their time on consulting and other activities to ‘make ends
meet’, leaving little or no time for the unlucrative business of research.
- the lack of funds for research
- the lack of research experience
- the lack of a cohesive framework for effective coordination between
institutions and lack of South-South research projects
Africa based research is one of the principal factors with a potential to
improve the situation of Geomatics education in Africa, as it will raise the
status of departments within Universities, increase the relevance of
Geomatics in an national contexts, improve teaching capacity, create a wider
interest for academic staff and thus their commitment to education. The
author considers this area as the one where the most significant impact can
be made with the least expenses.
It must be noted, that Geomatics research projects do exist in Africa,
but that these are generally driven from outside with limited local
African students largely depend on government subsidies, donor support or
bank loans, the latter are difficult to secure and more difficult to repay.
Especially students from rural communities suffer in this regard as they
typically come from the poorest economic backgrounds and are often supported
by their family at the expense of their siblings. In return, they are
expected to support large families which have contributed to the students
expenses, once the student has graduated. This obligation to the family is
taken very seriously and can represent a considerable psychological burden
for the student. The inordinate pressure to succeed, resulting from this,
can severely affect the student’s frame of mind and his/her ability to
study. Concerning Gender it must be mentioned, that in many rural areas the
view still prevails that a woman’s role in life is that of a housewife and
that a professional career is utterly inappropriate for a woman.
Student numbers vary widely, with South Africa, once a country with one
of the leading survey education system in Africa, now has the lowest student
numbers on the continent, while east African countries and Nigeria have
programs with of 10 to 50 students in each of the four or five years of
study. The reasons for the low numbers in South Africa are not certain, but
likely to be a result of the poor image of the surveying as a lucrative
profession, lack of awareness of Geomatics, a reluctance to work in a
profession with a field work component and the lack of schools which teach
mathematics and science at a sufficiently high level. The relatively large
students numbers in other African countries, on the other hand, are a
positive development, but must be seen against the situation of a profession
under severe threat and the potential lack of employment opportunities.
Initiatives are there fore required to improve both, the situation of the
profession and education on the continent.
On the optimistic side, one can report that the change from surveying to
Geomatics has had some positive effect on the demographics of the student
population. Fieldwork in Africa is not without hazards and the thought of
having to spend weeks in the field as a female has previously made the
survey profession unpopular with female school-leavers. Geomatics has a
different image and is not perceived as being associated with extensive
periods of fieldwork; as a result, larger numbers of female students are now
There can be no question regarding the necessity for international
support for Africa. However, one can question the form this support takes.
With respect to surveying there are two aspects which are relevant, these
are graduate and postgraduate student support and project funding.
It has been a tradition for donors to provide bursaries for African
students for studies in universities of the developed world and specifically
the donor country. As valuable as such support is, it also has its severe
disadvantages. Having experienced the quality of life in a developed country
with all its material and academic resources, many of the best students
choose to remain and enter academia or industry in a country outside Africa.
Those who return, on the other hand, face working environments where they
have no access to any of the equipment or software they have been exposed to
during their studies. In fact, they might be quite incapable of coping with
these limitations and frustration can set in. A further, and possibly more
destructive effect of the transfer of students to the developed world, is a
reduction in student numbers at African Universities, aggravated by the fact
that the best students are selected for overseas studies. This serves to
further aggravate the problems of university departments.
A change in donor policy in this respect would appear essential, and the
most acceptable solution would be a compromise in the form of
sandwich-course. Students would then have the opportunity to benefit from
state-of-the-art technology and expertise in the developed world without
loosing contact with conditions at home entirely.
Donors should also consider providing more direct support to African
University departments through equipment donations and assistance with
South-South networking of institutions, academics and students.
Donor activities have an even greater negative impact on the profession
through the conditions often associated with the provision of funds for
mapping and survey projects. Typically, experts from the donor country are
employed and data processing is done in the donor country. Capacity building
components are routinely included into donor-funded projects and
sustainability is a key issue. In reality however, the human capacity
generated during the project is often not utilised once the work has been
completed, equipment is unused and gathers dust and the newly trained staff
moves elsewhere. It is difficult to identify reasons for this common
phenomenon. It would seem that incentives to carry on with project disappear
together with international consultants and projects often die a quiet
Globalisation has not bypassed the survey profession in Africa and
numerous firms from the developed world carry out major mapping and survey
projects in Africa. With their high-end technologies, stream lined
production processes, state-of-the-art hard and software and experienced
staff, they represent a fierce and practically unbeatable competition for
the African professional surveyor, who can at best hope to obtain a
sub-contract in one of the internationally financed projects.
African countries can be grouped in a variety of configurations according
to geography, language, history and colonial past, religion, political
leaning and other criteria. One of these historical groupings separates
Francophone, Anglophone and Portuguese speaking countries,
The divisions are not merely nominal and have inhibited the flow of
information and movement of individuals between regions, a phenomenon also
reflected in survey/Geomantics activities. Language is the principal medium
of education and the language division plays a more significant role in this
area than in most other spheres of professional activities. There is little
mutual knowledge of educational institutions in Africa, standards differ,
staff exchange is very limited and students seldom transfer between
institution within Africa and typically prefer to advance their studies
elsewhere. There still appears to be a perception that quality in education
can best be provided outside Africa. Although it must be accepted that -
largely for historical and financial reasons- Geomatics educational
standards outside Africa are on average higher than in Africa. However, it
is equally true that centres of Geomatics excellence do exist in Africa and
that there are no reasons why other African institutions could not reach
international standards.
Recent developments and the activities of international and regional
organisation have reduced the level of separation substantially and
co-operation is growing. However, educational and professional links of
individuals, organisations and countries with the ‘first world’ still appear
to be stronger than those within Africa. It is important to change this
trend and increase inter-African co-operation at educational and
professional levels.
The complexity of Geoinformation problems has lead to the need for
integrated systems. With the integration of the areas of data acquisition,
management, analysis and presentation as experienced in Geomatics and other
Geoinformation professions, there arises the need to integrate the tools
associated with these areas. It is no longer feasible to use a single
software package or a single technology to respond to the challenges of
Geoinformation issues and integration has become the key to efficiency and
quality (e.g. GPS/ GIS systems for rapid field-to-map solutions). The
advantages of such systems are obvious, but they come at a price, both with
respect to finance and capacity. A ‘blackbox’ approach is often adopted and
the user no longer sees how results are obtained, which tends to lead to
uncritical acceptance of outputs. Notwithstanding this, integrated systems
will be necessary and replace stand-alone units in numerous Geoinformation
applications. This development results in a dual threat for the profession
in Africa:
- the high cost of the systems make them unaffordable for the majority
of practitioners in Africa, thus given developed world professionals an
edge in tendering for projects.
- the ease of use of black-box technology has lead to the emergence of
numerous companies with unqualified staff producing apparently high
quality results, which often do not stand up to close scrutiny
While this is a universal phenomenon, it has a greater relevance in
Africa than in the developed world. This is due to the shortage of expertise
and the associated lack of quality awareness, where so-called experts are
allowed to employ black-box technology to produce low quality products. This
can bring the profession into disrepute. More importantly though, it results
in the trivialisation of the skills required for spatial data acquisition
and these skills are seen as a service providing rather than as a core
Solutions to the multifaceted difficulties and problems highlighted above
are evasive and require significantly planning, commitment and change of
attitude from both, experts in the developed world and in Africa. Some first
steps towards a possible improvement could be:.
10.1 Educational Data Base
A number of databases of educational institutions in Africa are in
existence, however, these are often incomplete, not current, tend to be
restricted to listing staff members and at best curricula. The establishment
of a more comprehensive, centrally administered and current educational
database for survey/Geomatics would serve to provide for
potential students |
a choice of institutions available for education |
graduates |
transfer between institutions, and contacts of
potential supervisors for post graduate research |
educators and researchers |
exchange of individuals, transfer into postgraduate
programs at other Universities, joined courses, distribution of teaching
over regions and identification of potential positions, a possibility
for joined research projects and communication on research issues |
employers |
contacts for the recruitment for professional positions
10.2 Curriculum Design and Educational Standards
Survey/Geomatics curricula in Africa vary widely and some have remained
unchanged for decades. A modern curriculum content is essential to provide
state-of-the-art expertise and make institutions compatible with the rest of
the world in the eyes of prospective students and the public. Students are
well aware of this need, as recently became obvious when students
demonstrated requesting a modernisation of the Geomatics syllabus at an
African University.
Academic freedom must be guaranteed and each department must have the
freedom to design an individual curriculum. One could, however, consider the
design of an Africa-specific ‘sample’ or ‘best-practices’ curriculum, which
could be made available throughout Africa as a guideline to assist with the
development of new courses as well as with the assessment of existing
programs and – possibly - the provision of minimum standards for Geomatics
10.3 Joint Postgraduate Programs and Short Courses
Other disciplines, such as Architecture and Planning, have introduced
post-graduate courses jointly administered and executed by a group of
Universities. This approach makes use of the specific strengths and
expertise of departments and allows students to experience different African
cultures and environments, while making potentially important contacts for
their career.
Similarly joint short courses could be designed, where instead of the
students, the teaching staff moves between Universities and provides
lectures in specific areas such as digital photogrammetry, GPS or GIS.
Students, staff and professionals alike could attend these courses.
10.4 General Networking between Educational Institutions and Joint
Research Projects
Mutual visits between educational institutions and joined research
projects are commonplace in Europe and other parts of the world, while they
remain the exception in Africa. African educators and experts can more often
be found at international conferences and research- or educational
institutions, than at corresponding events or institutions in other African
countries. Attempts should be made to establish contacts and arrange visits
in preparation of joined projects with the objective to create, within
Africa, the fertile atmosphere of close co-operation and friendly
competition as it exists in other parts of the world.
The objective of a united African Geomatics community should be the
research and development of appropriate technologies for Africa in Africa
and by African technicians, professionals, researchers and academics.
10.5 Formal Study of the African Survey/Geomatics Education Situation
This paper can only touch on the problems of survey/Geomatics education
in Africa and does not claim to have either identified all difficulties nor
does it claim to offer all the answers. A systematic study is required for
this purpose and it is suggested that a task group be formed to carry out
such a study and assessment of the situation and propose solutions and
10.6 Collaboration with other Institutions and Organisations
Geomatics departments at universities seldom work in collaboration with
other institutions. Therefore, efforts to develop collaborative work
involving African educational and development institutions, government
agencies, NGO’s and International agencies should be made.
10.7 Formation of an Association of African Survey Educators
An Association of African Survey Educators was formed in the early
eighties at a meeting in Cape Town arranged to address educational issues in
Africa. The author chaired this Association, which proved a total failure
and a perfect example of ‘how-NOT-to-do-it’. Members of the Association were
undoubtedly committed to the cause, but none of the planned activities could
be implemented nor were there any further meetings, as no funding for such
initiatives could be secured.
The author believes that it would be appropriate and prudent to now
reconsider the formation of an Association, consisting of staff members of a
representative range of educational institutions in Africa as well as a
limited number of educators and experts from the developed world. This
Association could be tasked with exploring the above listed as well as other
Geomatics related initiatives. The experience made previously clearly shows
that such an association can only function if it can be formally linked to
one or more donors and if financial backing can be mobilised.
10.8 Donor Support
Donors should be encouraged to not only support studies in the developed
world but also in Africa, to provide support for sandwich-degrees with study
years in and outside Africa and to financially assist university
departments. Further donors should be encouraged to increase the local
expertise content in development projects.
The paper has highlighted some of the threats to and opportunities of the
Geomatics profession in Africa from the point of view of an educator. It is
based on the assumption that that the profession has a significant function
in the development of sub-Saharan Africa and that survey/Geomatics education
is essential for Africa. It suggests that the profession is only sustainable
at educational institutions, if a broader view of the profession’s
activities is adopted and initiatives are taken to strengthen education in
the region. A need to protect the profession in Africa against isolation and
downgrading to purely operational levels is recognised and suggestions for
self-help development were made. The chance of success for the proposals
made here will, above all, depend on the enthusiasm of those participating
in the suggested initiatives and on the availability of funding. The
ultimate objective of any educational effort in Africa must be donor
supported self-help development towards a largely independent Geomatics
capability in the region.
The paper is subjective and entirely based on the personal views and
observations of the author, derived form extensive experience in African
Geomatics education and work with survey professionals in Africa. It is not
a scientific study of the very complex situation of Geomatics in Africa and
therefore no references are provided.
Heinz Rüther
Geomatics Division
School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics
University of Cape Town
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