Article of the Month -
March 2005
Who Were the First Surveyors?
Four Surveyors of the Gods: In the XVIII Dynasty of Egypt – New Kingdom c.
1400 B.C.
John BROCK, Australia
This article in .pdf-format.
1) This paper has
been prepared to the Workshop on History of Surveying to be held during the
FIG Working Week / GSDI-8 Conference in Cairo, Egypt, April 16, 2005.
I have often heard it said, and even seen it written, that no one
actually knows who the surveyors of ancient Egypt were !
This could not be more distant from the facts ! In reality, even though
the harpedonaptae (“rope stretchers”) who were the surveyor’s assistants
were not individually known, the master surveyors were not only well known
but each even had his own tomb adorned with wall paintings and hieroglyphics
of a biographical nature attesting to their achievements and status during
their lives in the service of the King.
Ironically, the four well testified Royal Surveyors, or Scribes of the
Fields, as they were officially titled, are all from the Eighteenth Dynasty
of the New Kingdom (around 1400 B.C.). This is the period of the ancient
culture most renowned for producing such notable characters as the Thutmoses
(four main ones), Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Hatshepsut, and
Horemheb, the great general.
It is not surprising that to this very active, and somewhat turbulent
era, we can attribute the four Royal Scribe Surveyors, Amenhotep-si-se,
Djeserkareseneb, Khaemhat and Menna, through whose funerary monumentation we
can take a colourful and exciting trip back nearly 3500 years to experience
Royal surveying – Egyptian style !
In the following paper you will meet these four surveyors, see and hear
about their lives and families from their biographical tomb paintings and
inscriptions, as well as finding out some more information regarding the
most colourful and legendary times in which they lived, where they were
interred and under whose Pharaohnic rule they worked and were buried.
A five year record of the exact flood heights of the Nile River are
present on the fragment of the Old Kingdom basalt stele known as the Palermo
Stone dated to about 2350 B.C., near the end of the Egyptian Fifth Dynasty.
The stone also bears a full King List from the first Pharaoh, Menes,
together with other historical details of the previous 500 years including a
reference to a “numbering of gold and lands.” Sir Henry Lyons in his 1927
article in the Royal Geographical Society Journal purports that this
“numbering” of the Royal possessions, made every two years throughout the
land by the officials of the Treasury, would have been a sort of
verificatory survey of the State property which doubtless included herds as
well as land, and this biennial census was so regular a procedure that
events in the reign of the King were dated with reference to it.
What is demonstrated on this stone is a firmly established and well
administered bureaucracy containing Treasury, Land Registration and Survey
Departments which played a major hand in the phenomenal capital works
program of the Old Kingdom (2700-2200 B.C.) during which the Great Pyramids
of Giza were so accurately set out and constructed. From a 2700 B.C. wooden
statue of the temple official, Mitry, known as the Councillor and Overseer
of Boundaries, it can be seen that even as early as the very beginnings of
the Golden Period of the great civilization itself, there was a very strong
and active administration of surveying annexed to the King’s government.
“Remove not the boundary stones of the cornland and change not
the position of the measuring tape.”
Amenhotpe, son of Kanakht,
Teachings, Chapter VI (c. 1400 B.C.)
Such was the revered authority of the surveyors and the boundary marks
placed by them in the governing religious hierarchy of ancient Egypt at the
time of Thutmose IV (or Thutmosis as the Greeks were to call him). Texts
even refer to setting boundary stelae “like the sky”, such monumentation
bearing the name of the King and the owner together with the extent of the
holding being formally sealed and registered at the Survey Department. One
such stelae, given by Thutmose IV to a priest of Amun, is now in the Cairo
Museum. Upon it the vizier Rekhmere tells of his daily duties as it is “he
it is who divides all the land into fields. When a petitioner comes and says
‘Our boundary stelae have been removed’, he must see what is recorded under
the seal of the responsible official, and so cause to be given back what has
been taken away by the committee which has had the stelae removed.” (18th
Dynasty – c. 1400-1350 B.C.)
Only the children of the upper class were chosen to be offered the divine
privilege of scribe training, which was a rigorous regime from the age of
twelve (12) years for some dozen or more years to learn over 700
hieroglyphic signs and other practical skills in many areas. Strict
discipline from dawn to dusk was based on the motto: “a boy’s ears are on
his back.” A Scribe of the Fields was multi-skilled in surveying,
calculation, agronomy, engineering and other associated areas, as testified
on the biographical depictions of their lives on the walls of their tombs,
just like our four Cadastre Scribes who will feature in this presentation.
The period of the great civilisation known as The New Kingdom extended
from 1550 B.C. right up to the Third Intermediate Period (1069 - 747 B.C.)
and was particularly noteworthy not only because of the multitude of
colourful characters who featured throughout it but because it is certainly
the most well known era to the modern world through Howard Carter’s
phenomenal chance discovery of the undisturbed tomb of the young Pharaoh
Tutankhamun in 1915. The Eighteenth Dynasty (1550 B.C. –1295 B.C.) of the
New Kingdom was the one which produced not only this young ruler but also
his father Akhenaten, his exceptionally beautiful stepmother Nefertiti,
Thutmose the Third, the legendary female Pharaoh Hatshepsut and the
Leader-General Horemheb.
The accession of Amenhotep IV to the throne in 1352 B.C. heralded the
commencement of 16 tumultuous years of upheaval and conflict within the
religious bureaucracy of the great civilization. Abandoning over 1700 years
of well established theological doctrine Amenhotep IV renamed himself
Akhenaten while at the same installing a single god of his own, The Aten, as
the sole deity to which the population were ordered to pay homage. He put a
ban on all other divinities to such an extent that he had a team of vandals
who went around to all recent tombs with reverence to the Amun obliterating
not only the references to this deity but also the faces of the tomb owners
to rob them of vision in the next world and the ability of the deceased to
make his journey across to this hallowed destination. Even though
Akhenaten’s actions were reviled and vilified by the subsequent Pharaoh’s,
the first being his own son Tutankhaten who changed his name to Tutankhamun
in protest at his father’s heretic and disruptive actions, he maintained a
very high respect and dependence on his Cadastre Scribes who were precise
and professional in surveying the monumentation for his new capital city of
Akhetaten and the many fine edifices which arose within it. Some fifteen of
the original “Boundary Stelae of Akhenaten” still survive today bearing
testimony to the accurate surveying skills of the Cadastre Scribes, three on
the western side of the Nile cut into limestone cliffs along the edge of the
cultivation and twelve to the east following the hills that form the desert
bay next to the river in the area now known as El-Amarna.
Events of this epoch crystallised the modern day fascination with the
ancient race and catalysed the evolution of Egyptology into a modern science
mainly through the remarkable contributions of men such as Champollion,
Flinders-Petrie, Maspero, Gardiner and the rest of the Renaissance
archaeologists who advanced the excavations of Egypt’s landscape from a
buried treasure hunt into a credible collection and collation of the history
of the ancient culture.
4.1 Location of the Tombs
Each of the four tombs of the Scribe surveyors whose stories are to be
detailed here are rock-cut tombs at Thebes in southern Egypt on the western
side of the River Nile almost adjacent to the famed Ramesseum, a grand
temple built in honour of Ramesses the Great, to the north east of the
Valley of the Queens and due south east from the Valley of the Kings. The
name of this cemetery bearing many of the nobles from the Eighteenth Dynasty
is Shaykh Abd al-Qurna which is named after the domed tomb of the local
saint, having the largest concentration of private tombs in the overall
Theban necropolis. Including other burial places named Dra Abu’l Naga,
Asasif, Al-Khoka, Qurnet Murai and Deir el-Medineh the overall Theban
necropolis contains graves of many of the craftsmen who dug and decorated
the royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings. In total there are some 414
numbered private tombs in the necropolis with 371 dating to the New Kingdom
and Late Period, 173 of which can be placed within Dynasty XVIII.
It should be carefully noted that these New Kingdom private tombs were
cut into the limestone cliffs on the western slopes of the Theban mountains
and that the actual burial chamber lays beneath the tomb chapel which is the
part most often referred to as the “tomb” and holds the majority of the
painted decoration and statuary. Most of the structures followed the typical
contemporary style of the inverted “T” shape bearing biographical images and
text laid down in a given format of splendid artwork, vivid colour and
lively animated scenes of both the mortal life and after-life.
4.2 Amenhotep-si-se (TT75)
Amenhotep-si-se was referred to as a “Second Prophet of the Amun” during
the rule of Thutmose IV (1400-1390 B.C.), the suffix to his name literally
meaning “the son of a man” or “the gentleman” which was a direct reflection
of his family’s wealthy status within the society.
Paintings on the left wall of the entrance show some temple craftsmen
and field surveyors at work some of whom carry the coiled measuring rope in
the cache of the Ram’s head of Amun symbol on their upper arms while on
the wall opposite the tomb owner is shown making gifts and donations of
statues, a harp and some containers. On the wall at the right of the
entrance the deceased is having a meal with the opposite wall depicting the
dead man going to his relatives with others to the Amun Temple at Karnak and
being welcomed by a priest upon arrival.
4.3 Khaemhet (TT57)
Khaemhet, who was also known as Mahu, was a royal Scribe during the rule
of Amenhotep III (1390-1352 B.C.) more officially entitled “Overseer of the
Granaries of Upper and Lower Egypt.” His tomb is one of only four private
tombs to be decorated with reliefs and is specifically dated to the 30th
year of the reign of the king i.e. 1360 B.C. Tiyi (or Teje) is named as his
wife but there is no mention of any children with only one other individual
apart from the king being referred to, the Scribe Imhotep.
George Lloyd, an amateur archaeologist discovered the tomb in 1842, but
he died shortly after when his gun accidentally discharged. The tomb has
suffered severely over the years with later occupation by hermits causing
much fire related damage. However the most inexcusable ruination of the art
came when the early explorers used a technique of extracting squeezes of the
images using water-softened newspaper pushed onto the walls. The entirety of
the coloured wall paint transferred successfully onto the newspaper but was
stripped permanently from the walls. Fortunately the reliefs underlying the
scenes still remain today to give us an animated collection of interesting
life images. The relief of Khaemhat’s profile remains with the Berlin Museum
(see photograph). The tomb design is a more intricate variant of the normal
“T” shaped tomb having the usual entrance court but with three rooms in
Steep steps take you down into the courtyard where a stela shows canopic
jars and the instruments used for the “Opening of the Mouth” ritual. Through
a short passage leads into the transverse offering hall where a replica cast
replaces the bust of Khaemhat at the Berlin Museum. To the left of this he
is seen making offerings to Amun and Re-Horakhty above offering bearers and
butchers. Amongst the agricultural activities which follow is the
measuring and recording of the crops by the survey party with the sacred
rope. There also scenes of the unloading of freight ships, produce
carried to the market and Khaemhat offering a sheaf of corn to the serpent
goddess Renenutet (Termuthis) who is suckling the infant monarch. The small
southern wall contains statues of the tomb owner and the royal scribe
Imhotep with a relief of the deceased’s wife Tiyi between them. On the back
left wall men present cattle before Amenhotep III sitting in his kiosk with
the other side showing Khaemhat and other officials receiving rewards from
the king with a text from his 30th Regnal Year. The northern wall has more
offering scenes.
Khaemhat is painted before deities in the first hall of the widened
passage through a short corridor. Left hand images are of the funeral
procession and ceremonies towards Osiris and the Western Goddess while on
the right is the Book of the Dead and the pilgrimage to Abydos where one of
the boats even contains a horse and chariot. Within the additional funeral
rites Khaemhat is portrayed in the “Fields of Iaru” which is the idyllic
Netherworld. Priests and mourning women are also present to pay respects to
the departed. The inner room next has three pairs of statues – Khaemhat and
Tiyi, then with Imhotep and finally with an unknown woman, as well as
offering texts and litanies inscribed onto the walls. Within this inner room
is a short corridor to a shallow staircase leading to a tunnel circling
clockwise down into two small rooms followed by two larger rooms, one of
these probably the burial chamber with the other to hold the funerary
equipment, but nothing was found here.

Menna’s horse and chariot
Photo by Jacques Livet (OsirisNet 2001)

Scribe Khaemhat
Photo from
4.4 Menna (TT69)
Without doubt Menna is the most well known of the four Cadastre Scribes
as his is the only tomb which shows the survey party holding the measuring
rope at full stretch with the knotted divisions clearly visible as well as
his tomb painting being the most complete of these category of burials.
According to Sigrid Hodel-Hoenes (in her book) Menna was “Scribe of the
fields of the Lord of the Two Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt”, saying that
he was assumed to be a surveyor or archivist responsible for land ownership
records, “that is, a ‘cadaster scribe’.” His name means “lasting” and his
wife Henut-tawy was a Chantress of Amun. From Campbell’s original tomb
report of 1910 it is stated that Menna had two sons – a Uab or web
(libation) priest called Kha, and Sa, probably a Scribe of the Fields
(described as a “Scribe of the Reckoning of Grain”) following after his
father and “at least three daughters” – Uy, Nofera and Kasi who was very
likely to have been already deceased. Hodel-Hoenes attributes only two
daughters to him being Imn-em-weskhet (or Amenemwaskhet) who was a
lady-in-waiting in the king’s court and Nehem-awayt, but there may have
actually been four of them. Both authors acknowledge that there are no
direct inscriptions to nominate the Pharaoh served by Menna but Hodel-Hoenes
declares that from the similarity of decoration to the nearby tomb of Nakht
it is more appropriate to attribute his interment to the reign of Amenhotep
III (1390-1352 B.C.) the succcessor of the usually ascribed Thutmose IV
(1400-1390 B.C.).
Even though the magnificently ornamented tomb paintings were nearly
complete, because of the upheaval caused during the reign of the subsequent
ruler Akhenaten Menna’s loyalty to the god Amun was punished by
contemporaries of the Amarna Period by removing his face and eyes from many
scenes in an effort to rob him of the enjoyment of eternal life. Typically
classical of rock tombs of the period Menna’s “T” shaped structure bore an
entrance corridor (courtyard) leading into a wide vestibule then a shorter
corridor through to a long chapel with a niche at the end.
On the left side of the tomb entry is composed a hymn to Amun-Re:
“[Hail to you, Re, at your rising!
Amun, divine power!
You Rise that you illuminate the Two Lands,
You traverse the heavens in your dawn (Mandjet)-bark for your daily
Your heart as wide as the Mandjet-bark.
You pass by the sand-bank of the Double-bladed-lake,
Your foes overthrown.]
You have appeared in the Mansion of Shu,
Having rested in the Western Horizon,
Your majesty has received veneration,
The arms of your mother behind you,
Every day, as a daily custom.
I behold you at your beautiful festival,
At your sailing to Deir el-Bahri,
When your excellence is manifest, resounding,
I worship you,
Your perfection in my face.
You let me repose in the house that I have built,
In the favour of the good god.
You let be in your entourage,
That I be content with the bread of your giving,
As is done for the just on earth.”
His daily occupation is displayed on the left wall of the outer chamber
as the superintendent of agricultural work. In the upper corner he sits on a
camp stool observing his men surveying the crops (see photograph) with the
inscription translated as:
“He delights himself with the labours of the fields – he who greatly
satisfies the Lord of the Two Lands in [his] desire … the king’s two eyes in
every place, the Overseer of the Estate, [Men]na, triumphant before the
great god.”
Menna’s figure presides over the two pairs of rows of pictures, the
second lower register containing three daughters, the first two with
splendid head-dresses playing sistrums being touched approvingly by their
father. Various individual shots show the reaping and harvesting of the
grain, two girl gleaners tearing at each other’s hair, a woman gives a man a
drink, and a man rests under a tree. In the bottom row a tired man sleeps
under a tree, a girl removes a thorn from another’s foot and the main
purpose of the grain operations – ploughing, digging and sowing is seen as
Menna is represented in his confrontation with the “Weighing of the
Heart” ordeal then, having been judged by Osiris and a panel of 42 judges as
pure he is transformed from his mummified state into the arisen form. The
remainder of the tomb shows active scenes of the deceased’s life and his
activities in the afterlife which include fishing with a spear and killing
game-birds with a throw stick in a boat among the papyrus thicket with his
family. All animal life in the thicket is terrified except for the crocodile
chewing on a fish.
One scene in this tomb which is quite rare is where one of the peasant
farmers is prostrate on the ground awaiting a beating from one of Menna’s
henchmen for non-payment of his taxes with the experience being graphically
“The snake has seized half the grain, and the hippopotami have eaten
the rest. Mice abound in the fields, the locusts descend and the herds
devour; the sparrows steal – woe to the farmers! The remains on the
threshing floor are for the thieves. The team is dead from threshing and
plowing. The scribe moors at the riverbank, and goes to record the harvest.
His guards have clubs and the Nubians accompanying him have palm branches.
They say: ‘Give the grain!’ ‘There is none!’ They beat the peasant
furiously, and bind him and throw him into the ditch. The scribe controls
everyone’s work.”

Scribe Djeserkareseneb carrying out a survey of the crops
Photo by Jacques Livet (OsirisNet 2001)

Scribe Menna looks authoritatively over his surveying party
Photo by Jacques Livet (OsirisNet 2001)
So it is clear that the Cadastre Scribe was not always a welcome sight to
those farmers whose productivity was insufficient to meet the burden of
their taxes, but it is evident from his horse and chariot (see photograph)
that Menna was a figure of status and wealth through his service to the
Temple bureaucracy.
4.5 Djerserkereseneb (TT38)
Alternatively referred to as Zerkereseneb due to the interchange of the
“dj” and “z” by various Egyptologists his burial is dated to the king
Thutmose IV (1400-1390 B.C.), his tomb being based on the customary inverted
“T” design cut into the slope of the hill to provide a vertical face and
entrance courtyard where stelae and offering tables could be set up for any
wishing to pay tribute to his memory. Such visits to this tomb were most
common at the time of the Great Festival of the Valley which is the
equivalent of the Christian All Souls’ Day. He was entitled “Grain counter
of the Amun.”
As with most tombs of this era the artwork was usually done by a group of
artists demonstrating slight nuances in the style of the established format.
Unfortunately, as was the case with Menna’s inscriptions and many others of
that brief but turbulent Amarna era, whole columns of hieroglyphs were
removed not long after the burial of the tomb owner. Nevertheless we still
are treated to many richly colourful and lively images of the deceased’s
life and his send off banquet for his new eternal life.
The first views of Djeserkereseneb on the eastern side (left) of the
northern wall show him standing over an imposing two registers in height
pouring incense over a variety of offerings, with his wife Wadjrenpet
dressed in a long white dress standing behind him at an equally impressive
height. Behind the two parents comes the eldest son Iri-nacht carrying a
large stem topped with a Lotus blossom bouquet. He was also a Scribe like
his father, and two brothers were present with him. To the right the
standard four registers show two young shaven-headed offering bearers one
shouldering two wine casks while the smaller boy carries a big two handled
amphora on his shoulder both hastening to the banquet. In the third register
there are three stylishly attired young ladies who, although unnamed, are
probably his daughters with varying hairstyles and collars, followed by
three offering bearers each holding a side of beef, the head of the beast
and a duck by the wings respectively, with two men butchering a carcass on a
papyrus mat.
On the eastern wall the tomb owner is shown in his official capacity for
the Amun Temple administration supervising the measurement of the crops and
harvesting. In the top register he holds his scribal palette in one hand and
his long staff of office in the other while wearing a long transparent kilt
and white sandals. His survey party is to the right of him measuring the
crop production, which is typically shown as a rich harvest, with a shady
sycamore covering jars of refreshment beneath it awaiting them at the end.
The middle register has the deceased standing before a tall offering table
with a chalice in each hand looking at the burning incense and many gifts
like bread, an ox head, dates, grapes, cucumbers and jars of wine. At the
rear stands the goddess of the harvest Renenutet in the form of a cobra,
described by the attached hieroglyphs as “the provider of nourishment”.
South of this wall the tomb owner observes many agricultural activities such
as ploughing, seeding and winnowing while leaning on his long staff.
The western side of the south wall is devoted to the funerary banquet
with the opposite wall mirroring this detail in true Egyptian symmetry.
Djeserkereseneb and his wife sit before their two daughters who wear long
white dresses leaving one breast exposed as a sign of mourning. Behind them
two small servant girls wearing nothing but narrow girdles attend to a guest
by fixing her hair. In the centre register there are the musicians, dancers
and chorus with all four musicians being female, the leader playing a harp.
In the background there are three “clappers” sitting cross-legged on a mat
who add rhythmic accompaniment to the music by clapping their hands. Another
rare but curious representation shows some guests exhibiting signs of nausea
as a result of the excessive consumption of alcohol at the wake ! Perhaps we
have learnt too much from our illustrious predecessors !
It is not surprising that there is such a widespread interest in the
ancient Egyptian civilisation with its spectacular structures, grandiose
burial tributes and artistic hieroglyphic language. For the more specialised
there is the thrill of discovering the origins of their own scientific or
ornate crafts such as the doctors, stonemasons, lawyers, agronomists,
engineers and for us – the surveyors !
With glowing pride we can look back through the most elegant medium of
biographical tomb art to catch snapshots of the lives of these four
surveyors with their richness of variety and multi-skilled capacities. The
highest level of regard and status was bestowed upon these Four Surveyors of
the Gods and we may also pay tribute for the most dignified way in which our
ancient predecessors so excellently established our fine Profession.
I dedicate this paper to the people of Egypt and their great surveyors
both of ancient times and the present. Surveying would not be such a
professional proud and well-administered institution without the magnificent
foundations set down by the most great ancient civilisation.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who assisted
me in the collection of material to enable me to write this paper : Suzanna
Edwards, Janet Fletcher, Prof. Naguib Kanawati, Jacques Livet, Thierry
Benderitter, Ian Brock (my brother), Books Ulster (Northern Ireland), Maat
- ARNOLD, Dieter , Building in Egypt – Pharaonic Stone Masonry (Oxford
University Press, 1991)
- ARNOLD, Dorothea , When The Pyramids Were Built – Egyptian Art of the
Old Kingdom (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rizzoli International Publishing
Inc., 1999)
- BERGER, S. “A Note on Some Scenes of Land Measurement”(JARCE V.
- BOOTH, P . A, - Images of Time in Ancient Egyptian Art
- BOYER, Carl B., revised by MERZBACH, Uta C. , A History of Mathematics
(Wiley, 1991)
- BROCK, John.F.,Pyramids to Pythagoras: Surveying From Egypt to Greece
– 3000 B.C. to 100 A.D., Proceedings of FIG Working Week (Athens, Greece,
Monday May 24, 2004)
- BROCK, John.F., Surveying For The Pharaohs – The Scribes of Ancient
Egypt, Proceedings of The Greatest Show in History: From Moses to MGM – A
Surveying Odyssey (Sydney, Monday May 19, 1997)
- CAMPBELL, Colin, Two Theban Princes – Sons of Rameses III, (Oliver and
Boyd, Edinburgh, 1910)
- COTTRELL, Leonard, The Mountains of Pharaoh – 2000 Years of Pyramid
Exploration, (Book Club Associates, London, 1975 – originally pub. 1956)
- DAVID, Rosalie, The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt – A modern
investigation of the Pharaoh’s workforce (Routledge,1996)
- De GARIS DAVIES N., The Theban Tombs Series – The Tombs of Two
Officials of Tuthmosis the Fourth (Egypt Exploration Society 1923).
- DODSON, Aidan, The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt (New Holland, 2003)
- FAULKNER, R.O.,A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (Griffith
Instn, 1996).
- GARDINER, Sir A., Egyptian Grammar (Griffith Institute, 1988)
- GRIMAL, N., A History of Ancient Egypt (1995)
- HAWASS, Zahi, The Treasures of the Pyramids, (Barnes and Noble Books,
New York, 2003)
- HODEL-HOENES, Sigrid, Life And Death In Ancient Egypt – Scenes from
Private Tombs in New Kingdom Thebes (English translation by David
Warburton), (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2000)
- ISLER, Martin, “The Gnoman in Egyptian Antiquity” (JARCE, Vol 28,
- ISLER, Martin, “An Ancient Method of Finding and Extending Direction”
(JARCE, Vol 26, 1989)
- ISLER, Martin, Sticks, Stones, & Shadows – Building the Egyptian
Pyramids (University of Oklahoma Press, 2001)
- JACKSON, Kevin and STAMP, Jonathan, Pyramid – Beyond Imagination –
Inside The Great Pyramid of Giza, (BBC, London, 2002)
- KEMP, Barry J., Ancient Egypt – Anatomy of a Civilisation (Routledge,
- KIELY, Edmond, Surveying Instruments: Their History (1947, Reprint
- LYONS, Sir H.. “Two Notes on Land Measurement in Egypt”(JARCE V. XII,
- MURNANE, W . J & VAN SIDEN III, C., The Boundary Stelae of Akhenaten
(Regan Paul International, 1993)
- ROBINS, G., Proportion and Style in Ancient Egyptian Art (Uni. of
Texas, 1991)
- SHAW, Ian, The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Oxford University
Press, 2000)
- SHAW, Ian, and Nicholson, Paul, The British Museum Dictionary of
Ancient Egypt (British Museum Press, 2002)
- SILIOTTI, Alberto, Guide To The Valley Of The Kings (Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, London, 1996)
- STRUDWICK, Nigel and Helen, Thebes In Egypt – A Guide to the Tombs and
Temples of Ancient Luxor, (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York,
Note: JARCE stands for Journal of the American Research Center in
More references:
John Brock holds a Bach of Surveying (UNSW,1978), MA Egyptology
(Mac. Uni., 2000) Registered Surveyor NSW (1981), Licensed Surveyor QLD
(1990), Rose Atkins Assoc., Blacktown (10 years), H. Ramsay & Co., Harris
Park (1 ½ years) surveying for 31 years, Fellow of ISA, former Vice
Pres., committee, convenor of PR & History Subcommittees ISNSW, papers to
Survey Congresses in Sydney ,Cairns, Perth, Newcastle, Launceston,
Queenstown, NZ, Brisbane, Little Rock, Las Vegas and Hawaii, USA, Port
Moresby, FIG Belgium, San Diego, FIG Washington, USA and Canada 2002.
Surveying History Seminars in Sydney 1991, ‘94, ’96, ’97 (paper) & 2003
(paper) Paper to the inaugural FIG Congress History Seminar Brighton
U.K.1998, ACSM Arizona, FIG Paris, RICS London, Hong Kong 2003, FIG Athens,
Jakarta, Auckland, NZ 2004 Halloran Award 1997 for contributions to
history of surveying, Professional Surveyor of the Year 2002 at ISNSW
Excellence Awards Life member Rundle Foundation for Egyptian
Archaeology, Foundation member Australian Nat. Maritime Museum,
Friends of Nat. Museum of Australia, Bradman Legacy Member National
Trust of Australia, Historic Houses Trust of Australia, Friends of Bradman
Museum, Royal Aust Historical Society, Society of Aust Genealogists,
Surveyors Historical Society of the USA, Aust Science History Club,
International Map Collectors Society.
Ancient Egyptian Dynasties*
Dynasty |
B.C |
Period |
24/25 |
747-656 |
Late Period |
21 |
1069-945 |
Third Intermediate
Period |
14-17 |
1650-1550 |
New Kingdom
Second Intermediate Period |
11 |
2055-1985 |
Middle Kingdom |
7/8 |
2181-2125 |
First Intermediate
Period |
3 |
2686-2613 |
Old Kingdom |
1 |
3100-2925 |
Early Dynastic Period |
*dates taken from Shaw, I., and Nicholson, P.,, The British Museum
Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, reprint 1995
Eighteenth Dynasty*
Ruler |
B.C. |
Period |
Amenhotep III
Thutmose IV
Amenhotep II
Thutmose III
Thutmose II
Thutmose I
Amenhotep I
Ahmose |
1550-1525 |
New Kingdom |
*dates taken from Shaw, I., and Nicholson, P., The British Museum
Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, reprint 1995)
John Francis Brock
H. Ramsay and Co. Pty. Ltd.
41 Albion Street,
Tel +61 (0)2 9635 5840
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