Article of the Month -
February 2008
Where's the Shoreline? Sources of
Historical High Water Lines
Developed in the Context of Massachusetts Coastal Regulations
Stephen T. MAGUE and Robert W. FOSTER, United States
This article in .pdf-format.
The identification and location of natural ambulatory features have
traditionally presented unique challenges to coastal surveyors and
cartographers charged with the accurate depiction of shoreline position
on maps or plans. From a legal and regulatory perspective, time specific
comparisons of reliable shoreline position frequently form the basis for
establishing title to valuable waterfront property and defining the
geographic scope of jurisdiction of coastal regulations. As important
planning and design considerations for waterfront projects, such
comparisons are equally significant to coastal engineers and scientists
seeking to identify and restore areas of filled salt marsh; characterize
coastal processes affecting past, present, and future shoreline
movement; and determine rates of shoreline change and potential impacts
of relative sea level rise. Finally, accurate historical coastal maps
are used by coastal managers to document cultural and land use patterns
of coastal communities and by historians and archeologists concerned
with the identification and preservation of maritime-related cultural
Beginning in 2003, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone
Management (CZM) began a historical shoreline mapping project²
to facilitate determinations of state jurisdiction related to the
protection of the public’s rights in filled and flowed tidelands of the
Commonwealth. Plans and maps were identified through a rigorous research
program that included the archives of local historical societies; state
agencies, registries, and repositories; public and private cartographic
collections; and federal agencies. Based on this research, a
carto-bibliography of in excess of 2,600 plans was developed, including
digital copies of historical plans and maps produced as early as the
mid-1700s. The foundation of the project was built on mid-19th century
Topographic Sheets (T-Sheets) and Hydrographic Sheets (H-Sheets) of the
U.S. Coast Survey. This work is considered to be one of the most
reliable and reproducible sources of early waterfront conditions and
shoreline position. Recognizing the multi-disciplinary potential for
such a large cartographic dataset, this paper discusses the maps
acquired for the project; the nature of the shoreline information
depicted on them; the methodologies used in the transformation of
earlier mapping efforts to a common contemporary datum; and the results
of quantitative, period-specific assessments of spatial accuracy.
¹The views and conclusions
expressed in this paper are the authors’ and are in no way to be
considered an official position or policy of the Massachusetts Office of
Coastal Zone Management or other Commonwealth agencies.
²The Massachusetts Historical Shoreline
Mapping Project.
The accurate identification, location, and cartographic
representation of historical natural features, such as shorelines, are
subjects of much debate in current scientific journals. Varying
spatially at several time scales (e.g., daily, yearly, geologic time
scales) and subject to episodic and chronic movement in response to
waves, tides, storms, relative sea-level rise, and human alteration,
shoreline positions are valid for only discrete time periods (Donovan,
et al, 2002). Indeed, this spatial variability in three dimensions has
historically presented unique challenges to surveyors and cartographers
charged with mapping the coast.
In addition to the natural spatial variability associated with an
ambulatory feature over multiple temporal scales, the mapped position of
shorelines also relates directly to the nature of the surveying effort.
Indeed, cartographic representations of shorelines, and the spatial
accuracies associated with them, are dependent on many factors including
the purpose of the survey; the scale at which data was compiled and
depicted on the final plan; the natural variations inherent in the
mapped feature(s); the quality of instrument(s) used in measuring and
recording horizontal and vertical positional data; the surveying
principles, methods, and standards commonly practiced at the time
measurements were made; and the competence of individual surveyors.
Generally recognized as the intersection of the land with the water
surface, the positions of present and former shorelines are often
fundamental to contemporary legal, regulatory, scientific, and
engineering considerations associated with coastal development. While
over 300-years of coastal mapping efforts provide today’s historians,
scientists, engineers, and land surveyors with rich and valuable
historical (and historic) coastal and waterfront information, the use of
multiple and disparate definitions of shoreline can make historical and
contemporary comparisons of time-specific positions difficult,
frequently resulting in misleading or incorrect conclusions. For
surveyors, engineers, and scientists documenting historical shoreline
position, therefore, an understanding of the shoreline definition is
fundamental, particularly when assessments of mapping accuracy and the
reliability of plan information are necessary to support claims of
tidelands ownership and regulatory jurisdiction within the coastal zone.
For the case of contemporary mapping efforts seeking to establish a
“true” shoreline position, project-specific requirements typically
define the shoreline or reference feature of interest, including minimum
equipment specifications and agreement on the methodologies necessary to
achieve project accuracies. Significantly, the standards developed by
the U.S. Coast Survey for its coastal mapping work continue to yield
reliable depictions of shoreline position and represent one of the best
available sources of information for the position of historical
shorelines. With mapping begun in earnest in New England in the early
1840s, the standards associated with Topographic (T) and Hydrographic
(H) Sheets produced by this government agency, and its successors the
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, the National Ocean Survey and the National
Ocean Service, facilitate quantifiable assessments of plan reliability
necessary to evaluate 19th century shoreline positions. Prior to such
standardization of coastal mapping methodologies, procedures, and
cartographic symbologies, the mapping standards of early surveys were
often subjective with the reliability of depicted shoreline positions
related directly to the professional standards of the individual in
charge of the mapping effort (Anders and Byrnes, 1991). As a result, the
cumulative effects of natural spatial variability, surveying and mapping
accuracy, and inconsistent shoreline definition of many early surveys
can be difficult to quantify making assessments of the reliability of
early mapped shoreline position for the mapping project both an art and
a science.
³ The views and conclusions
expressed in this paper are the authors’ and are in no way to be
considered an official position or policy of the Massachusetts Office of
Coastal Zone Management or other Commonwealth agencies.
Although shorelines appear prominently on most coastal maps, not all
shorelines are created equally. Defined generally as the intersection of
the land with the water surface (NOAA, 2000), a multiplicity of
shoreline definitions are used to satisfy coastal mapping applications.
Coastal scientists and engineers investigating past, present, and
potential future shoreline movement, for example, may use a variety of
shoreline indicators or shoreline reference features (SRFs) to serve as
proxies for the “true” shoreline position. (Moore, 2000, Ruggiero et al,
2003, and O’Connell, 1999 and 2005.) Indeed, in excess of 40 shoreline
indicators relied on to portray shoreline position have been identified
(Boak and Turner, 2005).
Typically, shoreline indicators are represented by physical features
that exist consistently at all locations within the scope of the study;
that are sufficiently defined to ensure consistent interpretation by
individual mappers (i.e., repeatable); and that provide consistent
representation of shoreline position (i.e. reliable) (Pajak and
Leatherman, 2002). In addition to traditional datum-referenced
shorelines such as the mean high water (MHW), these features often
include the tops of coastal bluffs; the toes of coastal dunes; the most
seaward vegetation line; the most recent high water line (HWL); coastal
beach and berm crests; the vegetation change between Spartina patens in
the upper marsh and Spartina alterniflora in the lower marsh; the wrack
line; the wet-dry line; the algal line on rocky outcrops; and the
interface between vertical seawalls/bulkheads and open water. (Boak and
Turner, 2005, O’Connell, 2005, Thieler, et al, 2001).
From the standpoint of professionals such as coastal managers,
surveyors, and, hydrographers, who are concerned with producing nautical
charts for safe navigation and establishing legal lines of geopolitical,
private property, or regulatory boundaries, the use of a uniform and
consistent definition of shoreline and associated mapping standards is
essential. For contemporary applications, the shoreline is typically
defined to be the line of contact between the land and a selected water
elevation referenced to an accepted vertical datum (NOAA, 2000). For
marine and coastal applications, base elevations typically refer to
local tidal datums that are defined in terms of specific tidal phases
(NOAA, 2000.) Calculated as the average or mean of a specified tidal
height, tidal datums vary locally in response to local topographic and
hydrographic characteristics such as the geometry of the landmass, the
depth of nearshore waters, and the distance of a location from the open
ocean (Cole, 1997). To account for short-term meteorological effects
associated storms and long-term astronomical effects related to the
18.6-year cycle of the lunar nodes and the annual variation in solar
declination, a tidal datum is calculated by taking the average of the
height of a specific tidal phase over a 19-year period referred to as a
tidal epoch. (Marmer, 1951.) NOAA’s National Ocean Survey (NOS)
periodically adopts and publishes values for datums calculated for
specific 19-year periods, referred to as a National Tidal Datum Epoch
(NTDE). The present NTDE, published in April 2003, is for the period
1983-2001. Although significant differences can exist between published
NTDE datum values and values calculated for the most recent 19-years,
legally accepted values for most boundary determinations are those
referenced to the most current NTDE (Cole, 1997.)
Common tidal datums include mean higher high water (MHHW) – the
average of the highest high water (or single high water) of each tidal
day observed at a specific location over the NTDE; mean high water (MHW)
– the average of all high water heights observed at a specific location
over the NTDE; mean sea level (MSL) – the arithmetic mean of hourly
tidal heights for a specific location observed over the NTDE; mean tide
level (MTL) – the arithmetic mean of mean high and mean low water
calculated for a specific location; mean low water (MLW) - the average
of all low water heights observed at a specific location over the NTDE;
and mean lower low water (MLLW) – the average of the lowest low water
(or single low water) of each tidal day observed at a specific location
over the NTDE (NOAA, 2000.) Frequently, tidal datum elevations are
correlated to a fixed reference adopted as a standard geodetic datum
such as the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) or the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29.)
The emerging interest in the development of marine cadastral information
systems reinforces the need to clearly define shorelines of interest so
that the complex language of coastal and marine boundary delimitation
and demarcation can be applied consistently and accurately. With most
maritime, coastal, and real property boundaries located seaward of the
coast, accurate mapping of a dynamic shoreline is often necessary to
establish the spatial extents of a range of interests – from those of
waterfront property owners and private property rights, to those of
municipal and state political and jurisdictional boundaries, to those of
national security and the determination of the extent of U.S. maritime
rights, and finally to the allocation of international rights (Fowler
and Treml, 2001). In the context of coastal and marine boundaries
several shoreline definitions, referenced to specific tidal datums, are
typically used to describe and locate boundaries. For example, in the
absence of a baseline decree by the U.S. Supreme Court, the shoreline
(or coast line) used to administer the Submerged Lands Act (Public Law
31) and to establish the limits of the Territorial Sea (or the
federal/state boundary) and other offshore or marine boundaries is
defined as a low water tidal datum, the mean lower low water line (NOAA,
By contrast, the seaward extent of private ownership in the coastal
zone is frequently limited by a high water shoreline defined as the
intersection of mean high water or mean higher high water with the land
surface. Along the waterfront, tidal datums have historically been used
to determine the location and extent of individual property lines and
the extent and nature of public rights in areas of both present and
former tidelands. Indeed, in most coastal states, the mean high water
shoreline establishes the seaward limit of private ownership.
Historically, recognizing the ambulatory nature of the mean high water
line, the horizontal position of this shoreline was frequently
approximated to depict the seaward extent of private ownership (Cole,
1997.) Increasingly, however, with the escalation of waterfront property
values juxtaposed against competing claims of public rights to vanishing
coastal resources, determining the seaward extent of private property
based on datum–referenced shorelines such as the MHW line have taken on
an added significance (Morton & Speed, 1998.) In response to this
increasing competition between public and private rights, the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts has conducted a historical shoreline
mapping project that, when completed, will provide more certainty to the
orientation of overlapping public and private interests in the coastal
The early colonization of Massachusetts began in 1620 with the
settling of what is now known as Plymouth by a group of religious
outcasts from England. Initially, under a charter from the British
Crown, the colonial government was given absolute ownership of the land
within the limits of the colony, the power to make the laws of the
colony, and full dominion over the seashore and coastal waters, to the
same extent as previously held by the King (Archer, et al, 1994.)
Under the common law of the new colony, the rights of the sovereign in
coastal waters extended landward to the high water mark, so that “[the]
shore, which is the space between [the] high-water and low-water
mark[s], belong[ed] to the sovereign” with the property of the owner of
the upland bounding on tide waters extending seaward only to the high
water mark (Storer, 1810.) Private title to land bounding on tidewaters
remained limited by the high water mark until legislation was enacted in
the 1640’s.
In 1641, the Massachusetts Bay Colony exercised its sovereignty over
the sea and adjacent tidelands by enacting an ordinance, the first
codification of the public trust doctrine in America. The purpose of the
ordinance was “to declare a great principle of public right, to abolish
the forest laws, the game laws and the laws designed to secure several
and exclusive fisheries, and to make them all free” (Alger,
1851.) With the passage of this ordinance, the colonial legislature
expressly extended this right to all tidelands. In 1647, however,
recognizing a need to stimulate commerce and a struggling maritime
economy, the colonial government amended the 1641 ordinance and extended
private ownership of property bounding on tidal waters to the low tide
line “…where the sea doth not ebb above a hundred rods (approximately
503 meters), and not more wheresoever it ebbs farther." The purpose of
this amendment was to encourage the building of wharves and docks by
private interests, something the fledgling colony could not afford to
undertake (Alger, 1851; Charlestown, 1822; Storer, 1810;
Adams, 1807.) While this amendment granted shorefront proprietors
ownership of the tidelands adjacent to their upland property, it
continued to respect the traditional nature of the public trust doctrine
and reserved the public rights of fishing, fowling, and navigation
between high and low water (Opinion, 1974.)
Although the enactment of the Colonial Ordinances of 1641-47 resulted
solely from the actions of Massachusetts Bay Colony legislature, it has
been a long and well settled principle of law that the extension of
private title to low water applies to all coastal landowners in the
Commonwealth and to those of Maine when it became a separate state in
1820 (Weston, 1851; Barker, 1832; and Alger, 1851.)
Significantly, the enactment of these ordinances, representing a marked
departure from the English common law public trust doctrine, still
serves as the point of reference for all Massachusetts’ intertidal law (Connors
and Krumholz, 1990) Under the colonial ordinances, which have been
treated as settling the common law of the Commonwealth, private
ownership was extended to the low water mark or 100 rods from the high
water mark, whichever is farther landward, subject to the public rights
of fishing, fowling and navigation (Michaelson, 1933 and Home for
Aged Women, 1909.) The waters and the land under them beyond the line of
private ownership are held by the State, both in fee and as the
sovereign. The right of the legislature regarding the area beyond
private ownership is paramount to all private rights and subject only to
the authority of the U.S. government to act in the interest of
interstate or foreign commerce. Further, as a property- or
ownership-based doctrine, based on the property law of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, the geographic scope of the public trust doctrine also
migrates in the same manner as those lines, represented by high or low
water, that define the limits of private littoral ownership (Mague,
Until the 1860’s Massachusetts courts, as the sole interpreter of the
colonial ordinances, adhered strictly to the central purpose of the
ordinances with decisions encouraging and facilitating the building of
wharves for the benefit of commerce (Archer et al, 1990.)
Infringement of public rights in tidelands escalated in the mid-1800’s
as the Massachusetts legislature enacted hundreds of special “wharfing
statutes” authorizing and encouraging private parties to construct and
maintain wharves seaward of the low water line. Following a number of
amendments to the original Act establishing a temporary Board of Harbor
Commissioners in 1837, the Massachusetts legislature created a permanent
Board in 1866. Broader in scope than its predecessor, the new Board was
charged with protecting the public interest in tidelands and with
regulating Massachusetts’ waterfront development through the
administration of a tidelands licensing program – known today as the
Chapter 91 license program (Lahey, 1985.)
In 1979, development issues concerning the public trust doctrine
re-emerged when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC)
considered a dispute involving Lewis Wharf on the Boston Harbor
waterfront and revisited “the allocation of rights among private
parties, the Commonwealth, and the public to use, own and enjoy one of
the Commonwealth’s most precious natural resources, its shore” (Boston
Waterfront Development Corp., 1979.) In BWDC, the SJC
rejected the claim that a wharfing statute had conveyed an absolute fee
simple title to property located seaward of low water, holding that
title conveyed by such a statute was subject to an “implied condition
subsequent” that the property, below low water, be used only for the
public purpose for which it was granted (BWDC, 1979.) Future uses
that did not comply with the public purpose intended by such grants,
could result in the state reclaiming the land, even if the land had been
filled by the grantee.
Because of the uncertainties arising out of the BWDC decision,
particularly as it affected the title to and the nature of public rights
in the significant filled tideland areas of Boston Harbor, new
legislation was proposed in 1981 and amendments to M.G.L. Chapter 91
were adopted by the Legislature in 1983 (and again in 1986 and 1990.)
After considerable public debate, the Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) Waterways Program promulgated new licensing regulations
in 1990 that promoted and protected the public rights inherent in both
flowed and formerly flowed (i.e., filled) tidelands.
Today, the Waterways Regulations define tidelands as “present and
former submerged lands and tidal flats lying between the present or
historic high water mark, whichever is farther landward, and the
seaward limit of state jurisdiction” (310 CMR 9.02.) Significantly, in
response to the 1979 Boston Waterfront Development Corp.
decision, both flowed tidelands, defined as present submerged
lands and tidal flats which are subject to the action of the tides, and
filled tidelands, defined as former submerged lands and tidal flats
which are no longer subject to tidal action because they have been
filled, are included within this definition. Consequently, even if tidal
flats were filled years ago, the geographic area is still impressed with
public rights (Mague, 1999.) The ability to reliably determine the
position of the historic high water mark as the landward boundary
of regulated tideland, therefore, is fundamental to the c.91 licensing
The development history of many of the Commonwealth’s urban
waterfronts and ports includes extensive filling of former tideland
areas. In the context of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s 1979
BWDC decision, therefore, the identification of reliable and
reproducible historical high water lines in filled tideland areas, in
addition to contemporary high lines in flowed tideland areas, is the
initial step for determining the geographic scope of the Chapter 91
licensing process. Defined by regulation as the mark that “existed prior
to human alteration of the shoreline by filling, dredging, excavation,
impounding, or other means”, the historic[al] high water line is
presumed to be “the farthest landward former shoreline, which can be
ascertained with reference to topographic or hydrographic surveys,
previous license plans, and other historical maps or charts, which may
be supplemented as appropriate by soil logs, photographs, and other
documents, written records, or information sources of the type on which
reasonable persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious
business affairs” (310 CMR 9.02.)
Since the beginning of tidelands licensing in 1866, the Waterways
Program has issued approximately 20,000 Chapter 91 licenses regulating
various coastal development activities. Licenses for projects located on
filled tidelands, however, were not issued until the promulgation of new
regulations in 1990 in response to the BWDC decision. Typically,
jurisdictional determinations for filled tidelands have been conducted
on a site-by-site basis, relying on a variety of historical shoreline
information submitted by license applicants (BSC Report, 2007). Further,
many of the historical plans and maps used in these determinations are
geo-referenced to local datums and, due to a lack of geographic
features, difficult to register to contemporary geodetic datums.
Beginning in 2003, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone
Management (CZM) contracted with The BSC Group, Inc., a professional
land surveying firm headquartered in Boston Massachusetts, to initiate
the Massachusetts Historical Shoreline Mapping Project (the mapping
project) for the entire Massachusetts coast. Recognizing the
significance of such work to both public and littoral property owners,
the goal of this project was to develop a GIS-based mapping product
grounded in the best available historical plans and shoreline
information that would facilitate accurate depictions of historical
tidal boundaries as defined by the Waterways regulations. When
completed, the project will provide the DEP Waterways Program, the state
agency authorized by the Legislature to regulate activities on public
trust lands and waters, with a comprehensive, reliable, and searchable
digital database that identifies the best available historical shoreline
information upon which to base its jurisdictional determinations.
Fixing the horizontal location of natural features is particularly
challenging in the high energy and dynamic environment of the coast.
Recognizing that even spatial depictions of contemporary high water
shorelines are representative only for a discrete period of time,
factual determinations of historical shoreline position most often must
rely on the best evidence possible, even though fixing the
location may be arbitrary, tainted with uncertainties and inconsistent
with other evidence (CSO, 1997.) Further, what constitutes the best
evidence will vary with the topography, hydrography, and stability
of the site; the type, amount and purpose of the data and other records;
and the state of the art and science of surveying at the time the
measurement was made” (CSO, 1997.) In the case of filled tidelands,
where the high water boundary line was moved seaward, a primary source
of best evidence is typically found in the form of historical plans,
maps, and charts of coastal areas.
Plans and maps for the mapping project were identified through a
rigorous research program that included the archives of local historical
societies; state agencies, registries of deeds; public and private
cartographic collections; and federal agencies. As discussed below, the
early Topographic Sheets (T-Sheets) and Hydrographic Sheets (H-Sheets)
of the U.S. Coast Survey were confirmed to be one of the most reliable
and reproducible extant sources of early waterfront conditions in the
United States. In addition, the accuracy of this work makes it a
valuable primary source from which to establish historical shoreline
positions. Indeed, the courts have repeatedly recognized this work as
the best available evidence of the condition of the coastline a hundred
or more years ago (Shalowitz, 1964.) Further, grounded in survey
methodologies utilizing advanced principles of geodetic control to
produce solid triangulation networks that facilitate registration to
contemporary datums, these U.S. Coast Survey field sheets constitute
period-specific base maps that can be used to evaluate earlier mapping
All plans obtained during the research were evaluated against initial
screening criteria developed to identify promising sources of historical
shoreline information for georeferencing and further evaluation (BSC
Report, 2007.) Based on these criteria, the plans, where possible,
- Exhibit spatial integrity, i.e. the geographic relationship
between prominent features (man- made or natural) should
generally represent real world positions
- Reflect information acquired from actual surveys
- Depict shorelines associated period-specific tidal data
- Depict shoreline conditions prior to filling or alteration
- Reflect data acquired using state-of-the art survey methods
and equipment
- Contain sufficient detail to allow registration of plans to
a known horizontal datum
- Display standardized or recognizable cartographic symbology,
- Reflect a compilation scale that facilitates reliable
placement of lines on the ground.
Since the filling of many Massachusetts tideland in the commercial
port areas such as Boston, Salem, and Newburyport began early in 17th
century and escalated during the 18th and 19th centuries, reliable plans
from actual surveys of unaltered shoreline conditions often proved
difficult to locate. Of the surveys, maps, and charts identified during
the research, those of the Atlantic Neptune and the U.S. Coast
Survey proved to be particularly useful sources of shoreline information
for the historical analysis component of the mapping project.
The work of J.F.W. DesBarres, a British Army engineer and surveyor
whose mid- to late-18th century charts of the North American coasts were
recognized as the standard of accuracy against which all United States
mapping efforts were compared as late as the 1830s (Guthorn, 1984),
provides an excellent early record of pre-filled shoreline conditions
for many harbors along the Massachusetts coast. Produced at relatively
small scales (i.e., > 1:20,000), these early plans compiled in his
Atlantic Neptune were one of the
first efforts to employ triangulation and plane table surveying
techniques, however, the focus of his efforts appears to have been on
the location of low water for navigators and no documentation of the
actual shoreline that was mapped appears to exist. With contemporary
computer registration or geo-referencing techniques, DesBarres plans did
support useful “first-cut” evaluations of the extent of filling.
Due to a lack of funding
on the part of the Royal Navy, Desbarres paid for the publication of his
charts of the North American Atlantic Coast in a compendium entitled The
Atlantic Neptune.
In 1834, in response to the demands of a flourishing maritime
commerce, the U.S. Coast Survey began triangulation work to control the
first large-scale, comprehensive survey of the American coast for the
purpose of producing accurate nautical charts (Cajori, 1980).
Topographic (T-) and Hydrographic (H-) sheets, the original field sheet
manuscripts of plane table and soundings surveys used in the compilation
of these charts, were typically produced at scales on the order of
1:5,000 to 1:20,000. Significantly, one of the most prominent features
depicted on the T- and H-sheets, developed with an eye to the mariner
using the finished chart, were the high and low water lines. In 1840,
Ferdinand Hassler, the first Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey,
emphasizing the importance of these lines, issued the earliest known
agency instructions for the topographic work and shoreline mapping of
the Survey stating in part:
On the sea shore and the rivers subject to the tides, the high and low
water lines are to be surveyed accurately; … The survey must always be
conducted with the chain, and the "Method of intersections," and
sketching by the eye the contours of shore lines, marshes, etc. must
never be resorted to except where it is not possible to get along with
the chain, or where a large extent of straight sandy or marshy sea coast
exists and then the points fixed by intersections should not exceed 400
metres when the scale of the survey is 1/10,000, and the like ratio
inversely for all other scales… (Shalowitz, 1964.)
The work of the U.S. Coast Survey also represents the first
scientifically based effort to continuously record daily tidal
observations at various locations along the United States’ east and west
coasts for the purpose of standardizing, as close as possible, its
cartographic representation of the shoreline to reflect mean high water
(Shalowitz, 1964.) Based on this information, the nature of the
shoreline to be located was defined for the first time in the U.S. Coast
Survey instructions issued in 1898 as that resulting from the “careful
location of the mean high water line - not considering storm-high water”
(Shalowitz, 1964.) As a matter of practice, however, locating the mean
high water line precisely can only be accomplished with datum referenced
surveying techniques that could not be not justified for the compilation
of nautical charts and survey crews delineated the line more from the
physical appearance of the beach and from the markings left on the beach
by the last preceding high water, barring the drift cast up by storm
tides (Shalowitz, 1964.) Although a legally accepted definition of mean
high water did not emerge until the 1935 Borax case, Shalowitz
concludes that, based on the 1898 Instructions, the intention on all
U.S. Coast Survey topographic surveys was to delineate the line of mean
high water, as accurately as possible without recourse to levelling.
The U.S. Coast Survey
(later the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and today NOAA’s, National
Ocean Survey) was established by President Thomas Jefferson in 1807 with
the naming of Ferdinand Hassler as the first Superintendent. For various
reasons, including a lack of dedicated funding and the War of 1812,
actual survey work did not begin in earnest for several decades.
6Today, as a
result of the Supreme Court’s decision in Borax, (1935), mean high water
at any place is “defined simply as the average height of the high waters
at that place over a period of 19 years” (Marmer, 1951.)
Prepared at the relatively large scale of 1:10,000, T-sheets provide
exceptional period-specific shoreline detail for all of the
Massachusetts ocean-facing coast and most of its more inland estuaries
and fresh water tributaries. By the latter part of the 1800s, the U.S.
Coast Survey had completed mapping most of the New England coast using
sophisticated (for the period) plane table surveying techniques and
instrumentation and begun the process of updating and expanding its
plane table surveys. This process of updating and expanding ground
surveys continued through the 1920s until the emergence of aerial
photogrammetry (Collier, 2002.) Significantly, the exacting work of the
U.S. Coast Survey can be translated to a contemporary horizontal datum
with little or no reduction in accuracy, facilitating the development of
an accurate and historical base map. This base map can, in turn, be used
to register earlier non- U.S. Coast Survey plans since T-sheets depict
numerous geographic features or registration points that were mapped on
earlier plans for which little or no accurate, extant positional data
exists. Indeed, the consistency of registration results associated with
the U.S. Coast Survey’s T-sheets and the ability to conduct quantifiable
accuracy assessments contributed to the decision to develop a
project-wide mid-1800s base map (Mague, 2006.)
With few exceptions, registration of most U.S. Coast Survey T-sheets
(and H-sheets) to the project datum - North American Datum of 1983
(NAD83) - was accompanied by low residual values, indicating reliable
registration solutions. Non- U.S. Coast
Survey plans generally exhibited higher registration solutions, in part
due to the somewhat less sophisticated methods and equipment available
to 18th century surveyors. Georeferencing of project plans was achieved
using one of three types of registration points (BSC Report, 2007)
- Triangulation stations: Typically, T-sheets (and H-sheets)
depict numerous primary control stations from the original
triangulation network. NAD83 coordinate values for most of these
stations are available from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS),
facilitating the direct referencing of the sheets to the project
- Latitude/longitude graticules: Most T-sheets also depicted
graticules (latitude/longitude) based on survey datums in use during
the 19th century. Graticules for early U.S. Coast Survey datums were
translated to the NAD83 project datum using a statistical comparison
of obsolete and NAD ‘83 coordinate values to provide a registration
framework for individual T-sheets
- Physical features: Where geodetic control points or graticules
were not available, as for many early non- U.S. Coast Survey plans,
discrete physical features such as church spires, building corners,
etc. that also appeared on the historical or ortho-image base maps
were used as registration points.
The average of all
residuals for 281 U.S. Coast Survey plans was 2.77 meters (standard
deviation, 0.58 meters.)
While the registration process provides a quantitative measure of
registration accuracy, georeferencing reliability was also assessed by
comparing the coordinate values of well-defined points on registered
plans with values for the same points obtained from a source of higher
accuracy. T-Sheets evaluated under this process proved to be extremely
accurate with test
results typically in the two (2) to five (5) meter range (BSC Report,
2007.) This assessment comports well with other published results
assessing T-sheet accuracy and supports conclusions that T-sheet
accuracy is largely controlled by mapping scale and not document age or
surveying techniques (Daniels and Huxford, 2001) and that the T-sheets
of the U.S. Coast Survey typically meet the United States National Map
Accuracy Standard for 1:10,000 mapping, and, in many cases, exceed it
(Crowell, et al 1991.) Non-U.S. Coast Survey plans were similarly tested
and although the results varied, most fell within acceptable limits for
the era in which the maps were produced (BSC Report, 2007.)
In 1941, the U.S. Bureau of the Budget issued the United States National
Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS), applicable to all Federal agencies
producing maps. The standards were revised several times with the most
recent version issued in 1947. Pursuant to these standards, for maps
published at scales larger than 1:20,000, not more than 10 percent of
the well-defined points tested shall be in error by more than 1/30 inch,
measured on the publication scale; for maps on publication scales of
1:20,000 or smaller, 1/50 inch. Well-defined points are those that are
easily visible or recoverable on the ground, such as: property boundary
monuments; intersections of roads and railroads; corners of large
buildings or structures or the center points of small buildings (U.S.
Bureau of Budget, June 17, 1947) For maps such as T-sheets produced at a
scale of 1:10,000 to meet NMAS, therefore, not more than 10 percent of
the points tested shall be in error by more than 8.5 meters.
After four years of intensive of work, the Massachusetts Historical
Shoreline Mapping Project is presently undergoing final review. As a
contemporary characterization of the public/private nature of the
tidelands along the Massachusetts coast, particularly in highly
developed waterfront areas, the project methodology, developed to
contemporary standards of care for this type of mapping work, relied on
careful inquiry and professional assessment of multiple local and
regional historical plans and maps depicting historical high and low
water lines. Indeed, the searchable, digital project database includes
scans of 2,638 historical plans and maps produced as early as the late
17th century. Sources of historical plans identified during the research
phase of the project are summarized in Table-1. Of the plans included in
this database, 281 U.S. Coast Survey T- and H-sheets, and 66 Non- U.S.
Coast Survey plans, covering 75 coastal communities, were geo-referenced
to the project datum.
In addition to the digital carto-bibliography, project deliverables
will also include an interactive GIS data management querying tool,
developed for the project as an ArcGIS extension, which will allow users
to simultaneously view and compare the digitized position of the most
landward historical shorelines with multiple registered images and the
historical and ortho-image base maps used for the project (BSC Report,
2007.) Designed to integrate cartographic database records with spatial
information, when a historical shoreline segment is selected, the
querying tool will also document decisions that went into the
development of the most landward former shoreline by providing the user
with the following information:
- Shoreline vector data defining the most landward shoreline
- A database record documenting the cartographic source of the
- A listing of all registered and non-registered plans in the area
of interest along with the archived location of the scanned image
- The ability to view all images of historical maps and plans that
were registered to the project datum within an ArcGIS project in
their real world positions
- Residual values for all registered plans and maps, and
- Metadata, including the reasons for selection of a historical
plan as the best source for the most landward shoreline in a
particular area
When completed, approximately 1,244 miles (approximately 2,002 km) of
historical high water shoreline, of the approximately 4,476 miles
(approximately 7,203 km) of estuarine and ocean-facing shoreline
included within the geographic scope of the project, will have been
mapped to delineate areas of formerly flowed tidelands. Further
preliminary analysis indicates that approximately 13,601 acres
(approximately 5,504 hectares) of present-day Massachusetts coastal
upland area consists of formerly flowed tidelands. Not surprisingly,
almost 60% (3,238 hectares) of this total is located within present or
former commercial port areas of the Commonwealth, with over 2,226
hectares (40%) alone found in the city of Boston.
The historical shorelines identified by the project represent the
best compilation of former shoreline conditions that can be documented
by the extensive database developed as part of the mapping project.
While the database is extensive, it is clearly possible that additional
plans or information may be recovered that, subject to critical review
and analysis, would support modification to the most landward former
shorelines defined by project data sets. For this reason, the historical
shorelines that define state tidelands jurisdiction are presumptive and
subject to change should additional and better evidence be provided.
Notwithstanding this possibility, it is clear that this rich,
comprehensive cartographic database will prove to be a reliable source
of information to state agencies and landowners, contributing to greater
certainty and consistency in jurisdictional determinations that
profoundly impact the nature and extent of the public’s rights to and
along the waterfronts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
These ports include Boston, Salem, New Bedford, Lynn, Fall River,
Plymouth, Nantucket, Newburyport, Gloucester, Beverly, Provincetown,
Tisbury, and Barnstable.
The authors wish to acknowledge James F. O’Connell, Coastal Processes
Scientist with WHOI Sea Grant and the Barnstable County Extension, and
Alex Strysky, DEP, Waterways Program, for the considerable insight
brought to bear on discussions related to coastal processes and
shoreline mapping in the context of various regulatory frameworks.
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Sands: The Public Trust Doctrine as a Source of Authority for
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Information Systems. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.
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Program in Massachusetts. Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Coastal
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to the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).
Adams v. Frothingham, 3 Mass 353 (1807)
Barker v. Bates, 13 Pick. 255 (1832)
Borax Consolidated, Ltd. v. Los Angeles, 296 U.S. 10 (1935)
Boston Waterfront Development Corp. v. Commonwealth, 378 Mass. 629
(1979) (BWDC)
Commonwealth v. Alger, 7 Cush. 53 (1851)
Commonwealth v. Charlestown, 1 Pick. 180 (1822)
Home for Aged Women v. Commonwealth, 202 Mass. 422 (1909)
Michaelson v. Silver Beach Improvement Assoc., Inc., 342 Mass. 251
Opinion of the Justices, 365 Mass. 681 (1974)
Storer v. Freeman, 6 Mass. 435 (1810)
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Stephen T. Mague is a Project Manager for the Massachusetts
Office of Coastal Zone Management. Mr. Mague received an M.S. in
Environmental Science from the University of Massachusetts Boston and a
B.A. in Environmental Studies from Colby College in Waterville, Maine
and has over 20 years experience as a Senior Project Manager with a land
surveying and civil engineering consulting firm. Over the past 8 years,
he has served as CZM’s project manager for the Massachusetts’ Historic
Shoreline Mapping Project, the South Coastal Hazards Mapping Project,
and the 2001 Shoreline Change Mapping Project and as technical advisor
to the state’s Department of Environmental Protection concerning the
mapping of tidelands jurisdiction and the Massachusetts Highway
Department concerning alterations to the state’s seaward boundary in
Nantucket Sound. He is a member of the American Congress on Surveying
and Mapping, The Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil
Engineers, and the Canadian Institute of Geomatics. He has published
articles dealing with shoreline issues in ACSM’s Surveying and Land
Information Systems and Environment Cape Cod - a science based
management journal addressing environmental issues on Cape Cod – and
presented at conferences sponsored by the Massachusetts Historical
Society, the Massachusetts Audubon Society, the Northeast Shore and
Beach Association, and the Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors
and Civil Engineers.
Robert W. Foster is a Registered Professional Engineer and a
Registered Professional Surveyor with over 40 years experience in
private practice. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in civil
engineering from the University of Vermont in 1955. He provides
consulting services in engineering for local towns and lending
institutions and offers professional consulting services nationally in
dispute resolution and litigation involving civil engineering and
surveying issues. He is a past president of the International Federation
of Surveyors (FIG), is a past president of the American Congress on
Surveying and Mapping (ACSM), and has served on the Board of Trustees of
The Engineering Center Education Trust (Boston). He is also a member of
the Boston Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the New
England Land Title Association, the Massachusetts Association of Land
Surveyors and Civil Engineers (MALSCE), and the Massachusetts
Conveyancers Association (MCA) Dispute Resolution Register, and served
on CZM’s Peer Review Committee for the Massachusetts Historical
Shoreline Mapping Project. Mr. Foster has provided testimony in
litigation involving property disputes, appeals for permit denials,
eminent domain proceedings, and professional negligence. He has
testified before the United States Congress and the Massachusetts
Legislature on pending legislation and budgetary matters. He has
conducted numerous seminars on the subjects of planning and zoning,
professional practice issues and ethics, and professional standards. Mr.
Foster is author of The Liability Environment, a compendium of
his columns appearing in the ACSM Bulletin. He has written
several papers and articles on the global positioning system (GPS),
ethics, professional practice, public relations, mapping the wetlands of
Massachusetts, and the need for a land data system in New England, has
written for the monthly Civil Engineering News and is a Contributing
Editor for P.O.B. Magazine, a publication of Business News Publishing
Stephen T. Mague
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
251 Causeway Street
MA 02114-2136
Robert W. Foster
85 Frankland Road
MA 01748
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