Article of the Month -
January 2004
Contact a Land Surveyor
– Speech for the 75th Anniversary Function for the
Land Surveyors Association of Jamaica
Prof. Neville Ying, Professor of Business Development & Director, Labour
Studies Programme, Mona School of Business, UWI, JAMAICA
This presentation was given at the occasion of
the 75th Anniversary Function for the Land Surveyors Association of Jamaica,
Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, October 31, 2003
This article in PDF-format.
Ladies and Gentlemen it is a pleasure and honour for me to share with
you in your celebration of this important milestone in the history of your
organization – your 75th Anniversary. That your organization has survived
for so long and has continuing impact in our society is a testimony to the
resilience, purposefulness, and professional expertise of the members and
leaders of the Land Surveyors Association of Jamaica (LSAJ) over these
The members of your Association provide services for one of the most
important and sometimes contentious social and economic asset, land.
You are the ones whose measurements and objective information related to
surveying, mapping and cartography help to decide the size and configuration
of a parcel of land that is owned by an individual or group of persons, a
company, an organization or the state. Here I must pause to say that I read
with great interest your article in the Outlook Sunday Magazine of
October26, 2003 entitled, Contact a land surveyor. One item which
attracted my attention was – to avoid building on the wrong lot. A
very good friend of mine died heartbroken because someone with whom he
entrusted his life savings unintentionally built a house for him on the
wrong lot and he could not negotiate a settlement with the owner.
We live in a time when success resulting from hard work, perseverance and
excellence is becoming rare. Therefore as a nation we not only want to join
with you in your celebration but more importantly to hope that the positive
components of your formula for success during the past seventy five (75)
years be replicated in other organizations. We live in a world in which we
are searching hard for positive role models and world class best practices
and your work and worth over the years can help us in this search. It is
within this spirit that I join in congratulating you on the occasion of your
75th Anniversary.
In Jamaica and worldwide the issue of leadership dominates the
agenda of concerns about solutions to the myriad of social and economic
problems that we face. The need for transformational leadership in this
scenario is critical and the contributions of professional associations such
as yours, the LSAJ, in providing this kind of leadership is of paramount
importance to the development of our country. Let me indicate a few features
of this type of leadership and how they relate to the LSAJ.
The first important feature of transformational leadership is having a
clear strategic vision. The vision of the LSAJ which has emerged since your
inception in 1928 is summed up in the first object of your association,
indicated in the Outlook Sunday Magazine, October 26, 2003, “To support
and protect the character status and interest of the profession of the land
surveyors practising in Jamaica” (Outlook Sunday Magazine, October
26, 2003) . This vision speaks to the protection and promotion of
professional actions and behaviour by members of the association.
In an era when there are frequent reported allegations of fraud,
corruption and extortion it is important that your members keep this vision
in clear focus as a guide for their actions. They should also keep uppermost
in their minds two other important features of transformational leadership,
namely the demonstration of competence starting with personal mastery and
the practice of ethical behaviours.
Here it is important to make reference to two things. First another
object of your association which is “to promote honourable practice, to
repress malpractice …amongst land surveyors in Jamaica” reported in the
Outlook Sunday Magazine, op cit. The second is your efforts to address the
professional training and certification of your members and the promotion of
international standards. The latter point is important because all
professionals including members of the LSAJ must be painfully aware of the
fact that we live in an internationally competitive business environment so
your skills and competencies must meet world-class standards. Here we should
pause to acknowledge the role of the University of the West Indies in the
early years and the sterling contributions of the University of Technology
in the area of professional training for your members.
There is another important point about your efforts for professional
training and certification on which I wish to comment. It is this. We should
strive for increased access, and equity, increased numbers of qualified
professionals while promoting world-class standards of quality and
productivity. Hence the LSAJ should have as a primary objective a
significant change in the part of the history of your profession reported in
the Daily Gleaner of October 28, 1998, in which there was a sole examiner
and that two commissioned surveyors between them sat the examination in
excess of thirty times. The LSAJ should also seek to increase the number
qualified professionals and the number of females who are commissioned land
Jamaica needs professional associations such as the LSAJ to be exemplars
of these critical features of transformational leadership – strategic
vision, personal mastery, demonstration of competence and ethical
behaviours. The hope is that this situation in the LSAJ would be a microcosm
of what we yearn for in all aspects of life in our country.
As you look towards the future and try to create a renewed vision for
your organization I would like to implore you to ensure that your activities
reflect a consideration of the social problems in our society. In fact you
have no choice because today social problems dominate the world agenda and
hence the local agenda. This is one of the realities of globalization. To
anchor this situation firmly in your minds let me draw a picture of this
scenario internationally, regionally and locally.
Terrorism, crime and violence, are international phenomena. Poverty and
unemployment are rampant especially in developing countries. Business
enterprises in both developed and developing countries are restructuring,
merging and downsizing in order to survive and be competitive and this has
contributed to less jobs.
In the publication, World Economic Indicators by the World Bank, 2002,
the following statements draw attention to social issues in the world:
At the millennium Summit in September 2000, the states of the United
Nations reaffirmed their commitment to working toward a world in which
sustaining development and eliminating poverty would have the highest
priority. The goals focus the efforts of the world community on achieving
significant, measurable improvements in people’s lives.
The millennium development goals call for reducing the proportion of
people living on less than (US) $1 a day to half the 1990 level by 2015 –
from 29% of all people in low and middle – income economies to 14.5%.
- World Development Indicators, the World Bank,
Discussions and negotiations related to trade and market access are
becoming increasingly focused on the reality that economic, social and
political issues are closely intertwined. Two sets of statements that draw
attention to this relationship are as follows:
First , Mr. Adolfo A. Franco, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Latin
America and the Caribbean, testifying October 21, 2003 before the House
Committee on International Relations told lawmakers that USAID promotes
Bush's policy objectives in the hemisphere by concentrating "on democracy
and anti-corruption initiatives, trade-led economic growth, counter
narcotics programs that provide alternatives to rural farmers and
social-sector reform to encourage governments to invest additional resources
in basic education and health." (Speech by Adolfo A. Franco,
Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean,
testifying October 21, 2003 before the House Committee on International
Relations; Distributed by the Bureau of International Information,
Programmes as State Report;
The second is from David Jessop in the Article, Clear Messages for the
Caribbean in the Sunday Observer, October, 26, 2003 in which he was
discussing fundamental problems related to trade negotiations between the US
and Central American Free trade Area and the implications for the FTAA. In
this article he made the comment that:
“Many of those involved in Agriculture in Central America are
subsistence farmers. This makes farm trade liberalization both a social and
political issue” . (Jessop, David in the Article, Clear Messages for
the Caribbean in the Sunday Observer, October 26, 2003)
In Jamaica crime and violence and unemployment are considered to be
significant problems that we face. How can we address these social problems
successfully? What is the role of private enterprises and non- government
organizations in sustaining development and eliminating poverty and other
pressing social problems in a developing country such as Jamaica? How can an
organization such as the Land Surveyors Association of Jamaica be part of
this process for dealing effectively with social development?
A significant and fundamental step in finding the answers to these
questions my friends lie in a new type partnership between the major social
partners: private sector, government trade unions and civil society. In
particular business enterprises and professional associations such as yours
need to engage in a new type of CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.
Let us therefore share a few thoughts on this new type of Corporate
Social Responsibility, (CSR). When put in this context CSR is more than
philanthropy or handing out a cheque periodically. It means human action
even when there is no publicity and especially in the absence of Public
Relations. We have to have the faith that the cumulative effect of good work
in human and social development today will eventually be the breaking news
of tomorrow. It is a sustained consideration of the TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE
APPROACH. This approach is a combined consideration of adding economic
value through productive engagement of people, protecting the human rights
of people, and creating a safe and healthy environment in which people can
work, play, prosper and enjoy life.
An article titled Developing Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK,
October 17, 2003 points to the urgency of tackling social problems and the
key role that companies can play. The article further points out that both
large and small companies are finding that there are real business benefits
from being socially responsible. (Developing Corporate Social
Responsibility in the UK: About CSR; ; October 17, 2003)
Companies which take these issues seriously not only achieve benefits to
society; they can also enhance their reputation, improve competitiveness and
strengthen their risk management. These benefits do not happen just as a
matter of course. Businesses find they need to plan, manage and measure what
they do. The very best results usually occur when the involvement has
natural links with the company’s core business. (Developing Corporate Social
Responsibility in the UK; How Businesses benefit October 17,
Two essential features of CSR are structured SOCIAL DIALOGUE and a
sustained mechanism of SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP. In Jamaica we must put these two
features at the top of our national agenda. In pursuing these two important
national agenda items we should seek to tackle all three aspects of the
triple bottom-line approach. This in national terms points to a focus on
economic and social development and the protection of individuals and the
environment in which they live and work. Within this framework national
priorities that form the agenda for Social Dialogue and National Social
Partnership should include education and training, prevention and management
of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, economic growth, job creation and employment,
productivity for competitiveness, drastic reduction of crime and violence,,
inner-city development and transformation, social protection of workers, and
a healthy workplace and general living environment in the society. (Ying,
N. (2002; ) The Role of the Private Sector in Social Development in
Developing Countries with Specific Reference to Jamaica; United Nations
Expert Group Meeting; Copenhagen, Denmark)
I have placed education and training at the top of the list because
education and training are important for maximizing the value added
contribution of our human resources to economic development and
competitiveness in small nation states like Jamaica. One important role of
education is to provide the knowledge workers, the cutting edge research and
the entrepreneurial skills that we need to survive and prosper against the
uneven spread of the benefits of globalization especially to developing
countries like Jamaica. In particular education and training are necessary
for securing jobs and maximizing the benefits to Jamaica in existing and
emerging areas such as tourism and hospitality, insurance, banking,
information and communication technologies, manufacturing, music, the visual
and performing arts and sports.
Education and training are also important for developing the important
building blocks of Social Capital which are essential for Social Dialogue
and Social Partnership. These include positive values and attitudes, trust,
cooperation, teamwork, respect for self and others, effective communication,
creativity and leadership. If we are frank about it many of us are sometimes
skeptical about the importance of a national drive for values and attitudes
and the key role of education and training in forming, shaping and
transforming negative behaviours to positive actions. But when we are faced
with serious issues such as crime and violence, drug abuse and HIV/AIDS then
the role of education and training in shaping values and attitudes in our
society becomes abundantly clear.
Education and Training should therefore be a key protocol in the national
social compact. The recent consensus between the government and the
opposition on education is a good start in the right direction leading to
where we must get to urgently for a national social compact on priority
items for economic growth and competitiveness and social development.
Next there should be a protocol on Crime and Violence. Here we have we
have made a good start but we need to work harder and faster on this one
because it is like a hydra headed monster seeking to devour us as a nation.
The equally difficult protocols for a national Social Compact that we
must tackle are those dealing with economic and labour market issues,
exchange rate, interest rate, job creation and employment, wages, salary and
social security benefits and productivity for competitiveness.
We almost have to be evangelical about achieving national consensus on
the solutions to social and economic problems without being fanatics. Here
the area of public or citizen education is critical. Your association, the
LSAJ, and other professional associations can and must play a vital role in
this process along with the media, the education and training institutions
and community based organizations. This type of citizen education programme
should use a methodology which has two fundamental goals.
The first goal is to make people connect personally with the issues and
be a part of the solution. The second goal is the empowerment of people to
take solution oriented actions rather than wait on others. The urgent need
for effective partnership between the community and the security forces for
tackling crime and violence; communities and individuals taking a leadership
role in the protection of important assets such our schools, and the proper
disposal of garbage; the practice of a healthy lifestyle to prevent sexually
transmitted diseases and to be more productive are examples that demonstrate
the importance of this methodology.
It is from this type of citizen education and partnership that we can
build the foundation for further citizen education and buy in for more
complex and important issues such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas
(FTAA), Caribbean Single Market & Economy (CSME) and the role of the World
Trade Organization (WTO) and the importance of a National Social Compact
which we sometimes take for granted that everyone understands and for which
they have a strong commitment. The LSAJ can start to play a key role in this
area by including this type of citizen education as part of the mission of
your Quarterly Newsletter, Misclosures.
The impending events of the FTAA and the CSME, the recent standoff
between the security forces and gunmen in CANTERBURY, St James, the protest
by residents of Flankers which disrupted our tourist capital Montego Bay,
the breakdown in the ministerial meeting of the WTO in Cancun in September,
2003 have a pervasive theme. These events are dramatic and forceful
reminders to us that social and economic problems are inextricably linked
both in their complexity and urgency and that we have little time to find
effective solutions.
Many companies in Jamaica are involved in some aspect of CSR. But we must
do more and also do some different and important things. Professional
Associations such as the LSAJ must become part of the new CSR movement. The
problems we have to tackle as a nation need urgent solutions and the
creative and sustained involvement of all of us. We must therefore be
willing to experiment rather than wait for the ideal solution. This of
course involves risks at the political, corporate and organizational levels.
But risk taking and risk management are important aspects of leadership that
seeks transformation and change. Hence one of the cardinal principles of
effective leadership is to have the moral courage to take cogent action
against all odds.
It is within this context that I invite members of the LSAJ to embrace
this new type of Corporate Social Responsibility and lead the way towards a
new type of social partnership for national development in Jamaica. Don’t
pause to ask what you can do, for while you are asking the question there is
more to be done and less persons to do what needs to be done. The moment
is now. Let us not miss what might be our last window of opportunity for
making a meaningful contribution to progress, prosperity and improved
quality of life for our people in Jamaica.
Congratulations again on the occasion of your 75th Anniversary and good
luck for the future.
Neville Ying
Professor of Business Development &
Director, Labour Studies Programme
Mona School of Business, UWI, Mona
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