Article of the Month -
January 2010
Building the Capacity: Professionalism and Ethics
CheeHai TEO, Malaysia
This article in .pdf-format (11 pages
and 260 KB)
1) This paper has been prepared and presented as
a keynote presentation at the 7th FIG Regional Conference in Hanoi,
Vietnam, 19-22 October 2009. Handouts of the Powerpoint presentation are
available at:
“Confidence . . . thrives on honesty, on honour, on the
sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
The International Federation of Surveyors’ definition for the
“Functions of the Surveyor” (as adopted on 23 May 2004 at the
Federation’s General Assembly) begins with “A surveyor is a professional
person with the academic qualifications and technical expertise . . .”.
Then again, it is no coincidence that in 1998, FIG in its Publication
Number 17 “Statement of Ethical Principles and Model Code of
Professional Conduct” stated that –
“A professional is distinguished by certain characteristics
- mastery of a particular intellectual skill, acquired by
education and training;
- acceptance of duties to society in addition to duties to
clients and employers;
- an outlook that is essentially objective; and
- the rendering of personal service to a high standard of
conduct and performance.”
This fits into an age-old understanding that professionals are those
who are equipped with both knowledge (qualifications) and training
(expertise) thus able to discharge their professional duties,
obligations and/or responsibilities competently. Since those times and
till this day, professionals continue to be expected to assume
additional responsibilities to those held by the average population and
consequentially, are expected to conduct themselves appropriately. This,
as it is argued, is because professionals are equipped with both
additional knowledge and training as compared to the average population,
having the competence and capability to make informed decisions and
judgment. This stature, normally brings with it both authority and
standing in society, which is enjoyed, together with the accompanying
recognition and rewards! Professionals enjoy the confidence and trust of
the average population.
This confidence and trust that is enjoyed in part can be attributed
to the fact that just about every Professional subject themselves to
some form of “oath” or “code of professional conduct” that reflects the
profession’s beliefs and values on its responsibilities to the society,
the economy and of late, the environment. In many jurisdictions, this
very “code of professional conduct” forms part of the regulatory
framework governing the profession.
The surveying profession is no exception. It was recognised that
“whilst it is the responsibility of national professional bodies to set
local standards for professional conduct, FIG has sought to help its
members by preparing the following statement of ethical principles and
model code of professional conduct which identify the key issues that
need to be included in any national code.” (FIG’s Publication Number 17)
The current FIG Council (2007 – 2010) has made “Building the
Capacity” its key priority for its term of office and promoting
professionalism and good practise has been at the fore of each preceding
councils and bureau and certainly for this present Council. There is a
sense that it is again time to build upon the efforts of previous
councils and bureau and the matter of professionalism and ethics within
our surveying profession are, once again, debated, deliberated and
considered. There are indeed sufficient reasons that now is the time for
such an endeavour.
In many of FIG’s recent symposiums, conferences and working weeks, we
encounter key words such as “governance” and “capacity” and the
increasing realisation that key to it all, is “PEOPLE”, not “Programs”,
not “Processes” but PEOPLE who can and must make the difference. The 7th
FIG Regional Conference has such a focus and “Serving People” is
encapsulated within its theme. The profession must realise that it is
not systems that we serve but rather people that must be served and this
whole issue of “Do the right thing” as Keith C Bell remarked at the
presentation of the opening plenary session of the Ha Noi Regional
People living in the path of Typhoon Ketsana could not avoid its
devastating powers. Formed on 23rd September and dissipated on September
30th 2009, Typhoon Ketsana recorded winds upwards of 165 km/h, in its
seven days, killed about 500 people directly and injured, estimated,
another 600 - 700, displacing thousands, with estimated damages of about
US$700 million. Its destructive path takes it across Philippines, China,
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.
In the aftermath of the Padang Earthquake on 30th September 2009
where upward of an estimated 1,200 lives perished, causing widespread
damages and untold misery, Time Magazine (12th October 2009) reported
this natural disaster and it was written “a natural disaster is almost
always lethal and cruel. Yet it’s very randomness means, at least, that
you can have as good a chance of escaping it as not - so long as you're
lucky”. Those that perished in the recent Typhoon Ketsana and the Padang
Earthquake were the “unlucky”, according to the author of this
particular piece of reporting in the Time Magazine!
Under a headline “World's Biggest Banking Disasters”, the Evening
Standard of 24th January 2008 reported that France's second biggest
bank, Societe Generale, revealed what it described as an "exceptional"
fraud by a junior trader totaling €4.9 billion.
It added that during
2007 and the early days of 2008, a futures trader misled investors
through a "scheme of elaborate fictitious transactions". Barings Bank,
one of Britain's oldest, collapsed in 1995 after Nick Leeson, the
original rogue trader, lost £860 million while betting on the future of
the Tokyo stock market. (Evening Standard, 24th January 2008)
However, we all know that these phenomenal losses and in the case of
Barings Bank, its ultimate demise, are “man-made disasters” and losses
through fraud and rogue behavior were staggering, overshadowing losses
of many natural disasters!
The meltdown of September 2008 - as it is known in these times, the
global financial and economic crisis arising from the collapse of the US
sub-prime housing mortgage industry caused untold miseries not only in
the United States of America. Today, the United States of America is
experiencing unemployment rate topping 10%. In simple understanding, one
in ten working adult is out of work. Staggering statistics indeed! For
some people, it was reported that a lifetime of savings has evaporated!
Lehman Brothers is now history. On September 15th 2008, the firm
founded in 1850 filed for bankruptcy and at that time, the firm had some
26,000+ employees. Lehman Brothers was into investment services then,
services rendered by professionals.
Justifiably, many including the man and women in the streets, the
very people that depend on and trusted these professionals on Wall
Street, asked, “What happened?” “What on earth happened to a firm of
professionals”? “It’s the failure of financial professionals and their
regulators!” “Regulators! - aren’t regulators professionals too?” “Where
were the forces of regulations?” “Why did regulation fail on such a huge
scale?” Is the regulation flawed? Was there not “code of professional
and ethical conduct” these financial professionals subscribed to? And if
there is one, is this code flawed?
Just recently, the G20 Leaders who gathered in Pittsburg, United
States, agreed to “tough regulation” for the financial industry in the
midst of recovery!
This current global economic recession, and many has remarked as the
worse in their lifetime, has brought into sharp focus the very behavior
and conduct of professionals, especially professionals within the
banking and financial services industry. Professionals who have the
additional knowledge (qualification) and training (expertise) as
compared with the average population, who can be counted upon to make
informed decisions and judgment, who enjoyed the confidence and trusted
by the average population.
As for the current global economic recession, many are of the opinion
that we have experienced the worse and are on the road to recovery.
However, the general belief is that it will be a long hard climb! In
this tough economic climate, many a practicing professional claimed that
survival in the marketplace is crucial but does the struggle to survive
in the marketplace provides a reason to disengage standards,
professionalism and ethical conduct! Many a practicing professionals
felt that it is a tightrope one has to walk, but is this so?
Then again, was it a coincidence that the New Zealand Real Estate
Agents Act 2008 will be implemented in November 2009? A related headline
in the New Zealand Weekend Herald read, “Cowboys caught in the act - The
stakes have been raised for agents who flout the law”. We then read
“Professional real estate agents are welcoming stricter scrutiny”. The
author of this piece began with “Stories of rogue real estate agents
bulge out of newspaper library files. Some home buyers and sellers have
been taken to the cleaners over the years by the person they trusted to
handle the sale or purchase of their home or investment”.
We can readily conclude that there exists a “breakdown of trust”. It
wasn’t that there were no “code of professional conduct”, the tougher
Real Estate Agents Act 2008, which will come into force on 17th November
2009 will demand a level of professionalism to which the public
deserves, so the article proclaimed.
There is, an existing regulation that dates back to 1976 and the key
changes in the new legislation were reported to be
- A new and more onerous Code of Professional Conduct and Client
Care, which real estate agents must comply with or face disciplinary
- A Real Estate Agents Authority to oversee licensing, complaints,
disciplinary and enforcement processes and provide information to
- An increase in the compensation available to the public to
- The creation of a public register of branch managers, agents and
sales people that will record whether they have had any disciplinary
action taken against them in the previous three years;
- Membership of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ)
by agents will no longer be compulsory.
“It is clear that one of the main problems with the 1976 Act was that
consumers did not have ready access to an independent complaints and
disciplinary process. From November 17, 2009 complaints will now go to
an independent body instead of being dealt with in-house” as reported in
New Zealand’s Weekend Herald of 26th September 2009. To add insult to
injury, it was further commented that “both the public and politicians
believed the current agent’s professional body, the REINZ, which was
charged with disciplining agents, was toothless - or looked after the
boys, as some have put it.”
On Monday, October 5th 2009, 10 days after the series of article in
the New Zealand Weekend Herald, The Straits Times of Singapore carried
on its front page that “Property Agents are to be regulated”! The report
stated that the “Singapore Government is moving quickly on a plan to
regulate real estate agents in the wake of growing calls to improve the
standards of the industry. The plan was to set up an independent body
that will house a dispute resolution center; requiring agents to sit a
compulsory examination and that all accredited agents be monitored
through a central database run by this independent body”.
The reporter observed that in Singapore, there were two industry
bodies in existence - the Singapore Accredited Estate Agencies and the
Institute of Estate Agents - and their existing functions may become
redundant in the light of the new regulatory framework.
In one country, legislated regulation will be implemented, in
another, contemplated, to raise the ante of professionalism and ethical
conduct within an industry! Both situations point to a number of
weaknesses and perhaps, failures, including that of the professional
bodies itself and their codes of professional and ethical conduct. The
professionals and their professional bodies were perceived to lack the
ability or even the will to safeguard the interest of the average
population and their reluctance or weakness in disciplining its own
membership. We are reminded again that as Professionals, Surveyors, the
land, property and construction professionals, are equipped with both
additional knowledge and training as compared with the average
population, and can be counted upon to make informed decisions and
Professionals, the majority of whom, subject themselves to membership
of professional bodies as well as “code of professional conduct”. “Codes
of Professional Conduct” reflects the profession’s beliefs, response,
intent and values on its obligations to the economy, the society and the
environment. These “codes” are embraced by the individual professional
arising from shared intent, identity and collective responsibilities.
Many of these “code of professional conduct” form part of the
regulations governing the profession.
Then again, the average population will ask as to whether “code of
professional conduct” could prevent these spectacular man-made financial
disasters we have witnessed over the past twelve months? Where is the
trusted service and certainty of advice that professionals with their
qualification (additional knowledge) and expertise (training) are
supposed to deliver? In the space of ten days, we came across the need
for and the introduction of new legislation to regulate real estate
professionals in two different countries.
Justifiably, the average population is asking “What is happening to
professionals who are equipped with both knowledge and training, who
enjoyed authority and standing in society, who in many instances are
relatively and handsomely rewarded through their profession by the
consuming populace?”
United Nations Development Program in 1998 offered this basic
definition of capacity: “Capacity can be defined as the ability of
individuals and organizations or organizational units to perform
functions effectively, efficiently and sustainably”. In the marketplace,
“Capacity Building” is of major importance to everyone involved in the
development and promotion of trade in professional services and it
involves upgrading human resources, uplifting inter-organizational trust
and co-operation, strengthening agencies and stakeholders, and building
networks and institutions. Increasingly, one is realising that
invariably, people, is the primary focus. Specific to the ASEAN region,
The ASEAN Framework Arrangement for the Mutual Recognition of Surveying
Qualifications requires professionalism and ethical behavior from
surveying professionals so recognized under the MRA. Thus it is
imperative that professionals seeking recognition subscribed to codes of
professional and ethical conduct.
The importance to inculcate professionalism, excellence and ethics,
not only in the instruction, training and raising of the surveying
professional, particularly when upgrading human resources could not be
overstated. However, It pays to see if many of these training, learning
and capacity development program include a component on instructing,
instilling, inculcating professionalism, excellence and ethics amongst
the very people involved.
The present global economic crisis brings into sharp focus the very
professionalism, excellence and ethics of professionals the average
population depends on and trusted, not only in the commercial and
financial realm, but at all levels of the economy and society. The need
to instruct, instil and inculcate professionalism, excellence and ethics
when training professionals and building capacity may well helped to
avoid these man-made disasters of the scale we witnessed recently in the
financial services industry!
It was observed, back in 2005 that “Many on Wall Street say the vast
majority of bankers are ethical ones, but nearly all will admit they can
lose or win fees based on how far they are willing to go. Given the
million of dollars in profits that also can be personally earned from
one or two banking transactions, the pressure on behavior is sometimes
too great to bear”. (Gerald Rosenfeld, CEO Rothschild North America,
2005, Dow Jones & Company Inc.).
In 2005, a few of the best-known names on Wall Street along with some
lawyers and academics, think it is time for these creators of mergers
and stock offerings to explore the possibility of their own code. It
would be the kind that, like the Hippocratic Oath, be taught in schools,
framed and hung in offices and called upon when arriving at life’s
ethical crossroads. One cannot help but wonder whether the financial
meltdown of 2008 would be of a lesser scale or severity if there were
such a Code!
It has been commented that Investment banking is a
troublesome area to regulate. However, it was also observed that there
were some on Wall Street who displayed an instinctive skepticism, these
bankers readily referred to the fact that individual ethics codes
already are in place inside each of the banks. A code was created and
famously ignored inside energy trader Enron Corp. prior to its collapse!
(Dow Jones & Company Inc., 2005).
(Initiative on Wall Street)
“A potential code should have basic principles with respect
to who you are accountable to, and what your priorities are
between yourself, your client and your regulators. The Code, it
was argued could include principles for handling conflicts of
interest, behavioral guidelines for dealing with clients and
competitors, and some recognition of a banker’s duty to society
at large. It is really something that has to be embedded in an
organization all the way up and down. Ultimately, it has to be
instinctive.” (Dow Jones & Company Inc., 2005) |
(FIG Publication 17)
“Professional surveyors recognize that their ethical
responsibilities extend to the public, to their clients and
employers, to their peers and to their employees. Accordingly
they acknowledge the need for integrity, independence, care and
competence, and a sense of duty. They uphold and advance these
values by:
• supporting and participating in the continuing development of
the surveying profession;
• serving with honesty and forthrightness and within areas of
their competence; and
• using their expertise for the enhancement of society and the
stewardship of resources.” |
FIG Publication Number 17 laid out four key principles:
Integrity Surveyors:
(a) maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity
towards those with whom they come into contact, either directly
or indirectly; and
(b) accurately and conscientiously measure, record and
interpret all data and offer impartial advice based thereon. |
Independence Surveyors:
(a) diligently and faithfully execute their role according to
the law; and
(b) maintain their objectivity and give their clients and
employers unbiased advice, without prejudice or favour either
towards or against other organizations or persons. |
Care and competence Surveyors:
(a) maintain their knowledge and skills, keep abreast of
developments in their fields of practice and apply their
expertise for the benefit of society;
(b) only take on work that they reasonably believe they will
be able to carry out in a professional manner; and
(c) exercise care in the performance of their duties. |
Duty Surveyors:
(a) maintain confidentiality about the affairs of their
current and former clients and employers unless required by law
to make disclosures;
(b) avoid conflicts of interest;
(c) take environmental concerns into account in their
operations and activities;
(d) recognize the interests of the public when providing
services to their clients or employers; and
(e) conduct their work to the best of their ability, giving
due consideration to the rights of all parties. |
FIG plays a key and significant role, in building the capability and
capacity to design, build and manage national surveying and land
governance systems that facilitates sustainability, security of tenure
and the land market. These systems provide the infrastructure for
implementation of polices and management strategies in support of
sustainable development and providing economic and tenure security. In
this regard, All of the stakeholders – international partner
organizations, the Government and public sector agencies, the
marketplace institutions and entities, the community and society, the
man and women in the streets – are looking for economic and tenure
security, certainty of advice, competent and trustworthy actions, moral
and ethical excellence. Within FIG, we must respond to these demands and
in these challenging economic times, play that key and significant role
in ensuring certainty, trust and ethical excellence. This role and
responsibility must be upheld, for the alternative is unacceptable, when
FIG discusses governance so extensively and its focus is on capacity, on
serving people.
A Code can, as surmised, stiffen the resolve of those who want to do
the right thing when their confronted otherwise.
Any code, though containing basic principles that are normally
timeless, need to be reviewed and updated to keep pace with the times.
It has been about twelve years since the publication of “Statement of
Ethical Principles and Model Code of Professional Conduct”. The Council
of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) has completed its work on its
common European Code of Conduct for its membership.
It is suggested that any updated code should consider sensitive word
choices. Nevertheless, it is timely for the surveying community to
review and consider an updated code in an era where the reputation and
standing of professionals has taken a severe “hit”. Society demands
certainty of advice; trustworthy actions, competent service and the
highest possible level of practice and ethical conduct.
The international surveying community can begin gathering consensus
for an updated code and what that code should enshrine not only in this
day and age but also at a point in time in the future. The community
must strive for timelessness in articulating her principles but in
reality, timelessness is but elusive. However, one can only strive and
agree that any updated principles and code be regularly reviewed to
ensure that it keep pace with the times and are current for the times.
It has been opined that any updated code will require careful
consideration, sensitive choice and use of words. One such statement,
for example, might say that surveyors should strive to best represent
society’s interests above their own. The code’s basic principles should
include accountability and priorities. These should take into
consideration any multi-stakeholder situation; it should be between
oneself, one’s client, one’s regulator (if any), one’s community and
one’s environment. The code’s ability to handle any conflicts of
interest is important including mechanisms for disciplinary action. The
code could also include behavioral guidelines and recognition of one’s
duty to society at large and the environment. Professionals must
remember that the average population has expectation towards his or her
conduct, action and practices.
Together with the Code, appropriate, swift, effective, independent
and just complains and disciplinary processes must be designed. As it
has been the case in one jurisdiction, when such a code and its
accompanying complains and disciplinary processes are perceived,
particularly by both the public and politicians, as toothless, or even
more damaging, regarded as that which “looked after the boys”, the code
and the profession is substantially weakened. Any complains and
disciplinary processes must provide confidence to all concerned,
including the professionals and not just the public or the politicians,
and must be just, independent, dependable and effective.
More importantly, this updated code should be taught, striving to
become instinctive, if not for the present, for the next generation of
surveyors so that each professional can summon up the courage, do the
right thing, when arriving at an ethical crossroads. The principles and
code is to be embedded all the way up and down one’s organization.
With an updated code, the profession must intentionally infuse it
into the many programs, systems and processes that are being designed
and implemented. The updated code should be instructed, instilled,
inculcated not just amongst those within our profession but also those
we associate with, we partner with and we encounter along the way that
ALL may enjoy professional, excellent and ethical behaviors, conducts,
actions and practices. Our stakeholders, particularly our partners and
the society, the public, the man and woman in the streets should also be
informed and kept abreast with its development. This is so necessary in
this day and age, that the very standing so enjoyed by the profession
can be further enhance and uplifted.
The profession’s future is not about how well we measure or how
precise our measurement is, the surveying professional will measure well
and the surveying professional will measure precisely. Rather it is
about efficiency, excellence and ethics in management and governance. In
the Regional Conference in Jakarta in October 2004, I ended my
presentation with the remark that the Profession needs to work towards
recognition and be the Profession of Choice. As a
Profession-of-our-Choice, it is important that we have the desire, we
exercise the discipline and remain determined to do the right thing even
when we are asked otherwise.
Timothy Geithner, the current US Treasury Secretary wrote this of his
colleague, Ms Christine Lagarde, the French Finance Minister –
"She has forcefully advocated for greater adherence to
international standards, ensuring a race to the top rather
than the bottom" (Times Magazine, 11 May 2009 (The Time 100 Most
Influential People))
Professional, Moral and Ethical Excellence will ensure the
Profession-of-our-Choice RACE TO THE TOP rather than the bottom!
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- “FIG Definition of the ‘Functions of the Surveyor”,
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- Southern, Daniel & Petersen, Eugene. “The Message of
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- “The Long Climb: A Special Report on the World Economy”, The
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- “The New Law: Industry Heads Give the Act A General Nod of
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- Zoher Abdoolcarim, “Briefing: The Moment – 9/30/09 Padang”, Time
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CheeHai TEO
Surveyor licensed under the Licensed Land Surveyors Act 1958
B. App. Sc. (Surv) (Aust); M. Sc. (M’sia); P.P.I.S.M.; F.I.S.M.;
F.R.I.C.S, M.A.A.L.S.; M.SSSI.(Aust)
FIG Vice-President. A Licensed/Chartered Surveyor in private practice
with key experiences in the area of planning, implementation,
supervision and management of surveying projects that encompass a
variety of inter-related activities and tasks as well as interaction and
collaboration with allied professionals. He has worked at various
localities and sites all over Malaysia and overseas. He is a Past
President of the Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM), a Past
Secretary-General of the ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and
Geomatics (AFLAG) and a Past Member of the Land Surveyors Board
TEO CheeHai
Correspondence Address:
Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia
c/o Geometra Surveys Sdn Bhd
7 Jalan Industri PBP 3, Taman Industri Pusat Bandar Puchong
Puchong 47100, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel. + 60 3 8068 6188
Fax + 60 3 8068 6199
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